504 -
I could use a Lot 35: Full set Defender's Bastion, @liz
What are you kidding me? If negotiations are going well I'm gonna have a ton of new 50s to incarnate out, plus new toons from power sets I don't have (yet) and old not-as-fun toons to get to 50. And that's just me.
-My design was chosen for the game's 5th Anniversary t-shirt (this was an AMAZING win for me)
-My card was chosen for the send War Witch a Valentine contest (another holycrapwin!)
-2nd place in the Billboard contest: City of Gyros, try our Task Force GRINDER
I know this was mentioned because many asked for it, but I was the one to finally get Synapse's attention regarding Dual Pistols. I brought the issue up to him on a coffee talk cast, made my case and he said he'd look into it. I followed up a few times via PM, finding he had looked into the issue, and that changes were in the pipeline but there was no definite date for it yet. So, the changes to DP in i24 were because I finally got thru to the right developer at the right time.
I PM'd Castle when I found out that TPing into the cutscene with Rommy and the Nictus on the ITF would cause 'cut scene Rommy' to stick around as a non-fighting bag of XP. Really, I just TP'd in there for fun, to set off some emotes while in the cut scene. Castle's response to my PM was basically, o_O.
At Hero Con '09 I spoke with Hero One about the woes of trying to get a regular group of players on a story arc. Simul-completion had long been a feature, but what happens when a contact offers 3 of your people the arc, 4 of them different random door missions and one 'go talk to security chief/zone hunt'? It gets fairly frustrating. I asked if he could add some kind of option where the contact would always offer the arc as choice one, and choice two could be ye random mission. So as a team you could jump right into the arc and not play the random mission shuffle. Soon after we got Abandon mission.
During one of the betas there was a thread where one of the devs asked which badges did we loathe the most and why, plus how could they be improved? I know I specifically brought up the signature heroes (100) VS signature villains (25) defeat badge (for mayhems/safeguards), why did we need 25 bombs but only 10 U'kons on RWZ raids, why did the Family badges have to be for different Family, and the effin' Illusionist badge, which lead to all pets counting and a lowered overall count. I know I brought up others but those stick in my mind as the most important. -
I'd have to agree with the Hive; Justice has always Hami raided with style.
That'll prolly get de-capped. I'm totally psyched for these runs, Dark-stream will be there! -
I should be able to make it.
My secondary badger on Justice is a Brute, I would like the badges on him.
However, having been thru some successful RHW runs I know what 'bring some effin' -res and debuff' means so I can switch to a Fire/Rad Corr instead. -
[QUOTE=EepEep;4386192]IIRC, here is the list of Devs that played on Justice.
Alpha Wolf
Back Alley Brawler
Ghost Falcon
Positron (<--I believe this is where he played his Fire Dom).
I believe a couple of the Arbiters also played on Justice as well (Arbiter Oates).
How do I know all this?
Hihi Ghost Falcon, it's good to hear from you. I don't know if you'll remember, but I had a blast talking with you at HeroCon '09 with a most memorable story of hanging out above the hospital in Bloody Bay and gleefully sniping Heroes. -
I'm still pretty gobsmacked over the whole daily deviation thing. I have SO MANY MESSAGES to go thru. It's pretty damn amazing. I've hardly had time to make a dent in them.
Thanks to everyone who voted, and to all the artists who participated.
Thanks again to DeeDee for being our host.
I hope our efforts to save the game bare fruit; all the folks getting the word out and the Titan Network spearheading the drive deserve a huge shout out. It's quite awe inspiring. -
Quote:*gobsmacked*Just wanted to give a shout out to SyrusB for this month's art. I suspect they will get the recognition here with a win... But they already received a big recognition on Deviant Art with a Daily Deviation for the piece. Congratulations! http://fav.me/d5cww20
Oh I just remembered a good one.
This was back before i7, and I was teaming with a two friends doing, I believe Basse Croupier's missions, where you have to punish some Family embezzlers. Anyhow, we're level 35/36 and not fighting on any special difficulty, being very casual when we hit the key spawn which contained two Consiglieres.
Imagine our surprise when within moments we were dealt horrible, crushing defeats. Really, shortly after engaging the group we were all in some state of slowed, held, being tossed up and down, and dead.
The Consiglieres had each spawned a level 42 Singularity. Resetting the mission didn't help; there was something about those bosses that reliably spawned overpowered Singies. So we held onto that mission for a while. -
These are ones I know of, and I'll see if I can get others to supply costumes and/or demorecords as I do not have any.
1) @Lyme, of Virtue and Infinity (Lyme, Bloody Roger, Rory the Roman), died of a seizure earlier this year
2) Sentai Kickblast, of Triumph; many Triumph folks can speak well of this young man.
3) Richard, @James Crey, Victory, Chibi Hell-OOO Nurse, lost to liver cancer
4) CC, Testy Chick of Protector; I never knew her real name but her group took me in when I started playing.
5) I don't know his name, but he was the father of @Space Nut; played on Triumph -
Quote:I had a TPN or something crash my newspaper mission in St. Martial. I was just running thru on a Sonic/Traps Corrupter and suddenly, +1 players EVERYWHERE. They completely obliterated my mission while I watched, shocked.Another inside scoop. I was the one that figured out why this happened. Was a 3am epiphany and once I had it I couldnt wait to get to work and get it tested.
One of my fav bugs was TPing into the Romulus and the Nictus cutscene at the end of the ITF. If you had enough range you could TP right in there beside him, AND done right, it would leave the cut-scene copy of Rommy in play to fight. He didn't attack or react while you pounded his face, so you essentially got a second AV of rewards free. I did report that, I think to Castle and Synapse, but no Bug Hunter. Shucks. ;]
One evening on Virtue I was leading my SG thru a Sutter. We got into the last mission,
triggered the cutscene and when it was over... there was a level 50+1 Tank (the Gazebo) on the map with us. He wasn't on our team, and we all just stared at him (he back) in shock for a moment. He had been on a BAF that apparently crashed and how he ended up on our map... who knows.
He was real cool about it too; he taunted Jane and Fusion, made some witty remarks, and then headed off to find his trial. (The enemies truly feared THE GAZEBO that day!)
On a chibi run on Victory we hit some Arachnos map with a bugged hospital. The map was supposed to have one but it didn't work, and we were being slaughtered left and right by ambushes or something. So hit hosp and... rez in place. Get a few hits in before you die, repeat. That was a rough mish, but we spent about half of it laughing and crying. -
Wow, that is incredibly cool behind the scenes stuff, Dr. Aeon. Thank you for sharing!
I'm going to try to bring some attention to this thread so we can get a few more votes in before the end.
My votes don't count, so I want to say to Leaf-nin and Tartyrsauce, thanks for sticking it thru to the end of the competition.
Dee-Dee, thank you for hosting this year. I know you worked your hiney off to get attention, prizes and submissions, and what was delivered to you was less than fair. But you still worked your hiney off, and I appreciate that.
To those that started but dropped out, I was sorry to see you go, as competition lacks without your presence. The more the merrier, as we all feed off each other in drive and spirit. For whatever reason you had to go, I know it happens. Who knows if we would have had another year of this, I guess we'll never know. But if you were there for some of it I thank you.
In regard to this month:
Tartyr: great job composing panels for your piece and capturing a comic book spirit. I especially like how you drew your lady's face in panel 2, and that you included a Wailer in there. Wailers! Who pays attention to those guys (besides Johnny Sonata)?
Leaf-nin: The gown design on your Fall lady is especially fantastic, and I would have loved to see that in game. -
I still hope to get the 3 pvp badges I need (100 rep, 400 rep, LB gladiator), Eye of the Storm and Master of Minds of Mayhem, and will have to work on the damage taken badges.
I will be also playing my Staff/Fire Brute to 50, and I may go ahead and pick up Water Blast and take that to 50.
That's mostly it for Justice. I play on other servers too, so I'll be working on projects and whatnot elsewhere. But whenever I can if I see the right action happening on Justice, you bet I'll be there. To get badges, to help others, whatever I can do. -
I started playing on Infinity because another player had a great idea to form a coaltion with each supergroup dedicated to an villain AT. This was issue 7. We started off with 5, and eventually expanded to 8 (core villain 5, epic villain, heroes, reserves) but still called ourselves the Pentacle Coalition. Because of that I've been playing on Infinity ever since. And tho' we may not have made an impact on the top 100 registrar, we remained a strong group of players, wreaking havok every Sunday and often had impromptu smash sessions during the week.
I have never been outspoken in the Infinity community, but Infinity has almost as many toons as Justice for me. Justice is as close to a main server I have, but I play on many so I never ascribed one server as my 'main.' My badge villain is here and honestly I will miss playing him the most. This server has been awesome to me. -
Thank you, McSean. ;] I enjoyed the hell outta newDA, and having you on the coffee talks. Best of luck to you in the future.
I was on the road Fri/Sat and was able to hold it together then, but after arriving home this morning I've pretty much been a wreck all day.
Hey TJ, I was glad to meet you at HeroCon 09 and sorry I couldn't make it to either of the pummits as I was looking forward to meeting and chatting again.
You may be the grumpy old man but I didn't mind. It was great to see you joined the experts global channel. Keep in touch. I follow you on twitter, don't forget to post there. -
Quote:Aye he is, and should recommend me often! ;]I would suggest going to Deviant Art and poking through the City of Heroes gallery. We've had a lot of professional and semi-pro artists play the game....
Also, find TA on DA and see the stuff he's bought. He's the king of commissions. -
I've always been quiet, posting wise, but this is the only forum on the boards I've kept up with regularly.
This whole mess is a real kick in the gut, and I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes dry. I haven't regretted playing this game or posting on the boards. I hope the forums remain online for the duration of the game.
I'm pretty easy to find. I'll see y'all around dA. -
I can't make it through the replies right now; it's just too much. Hopefully I can get thru the bulk of posts before the boards go away.
Thank you, Matt. I have enjoyed every minute of my ride on City of Heroes, starting back in 2005. There are things that happened, directions the game took that I didn't like, but you can't have it all your way. There were so many wonderful twists, surprises, updates and happenings that far outshine the negative. That you and your team have been so communicative to us over the years is simply amazing. There are times I was directly responsible for a game changing decision because you listened to what I had to say. That you would host fantastic world events on holidays and what not always made me smile.
I was planning on sending my final Fan Art Battle pieces up to Paragon, because I felt you guys deserved to have them. I guess I will frame them instead, now, unless someone of the Paragon team is really enamored by them. (see my signature for the pictures)
I follow you on Twitter, and look forward to seeing what you do next. -
Go go Tartyr! *cheers on!* !!