Hey Infinity, drop by and say goodbye before you leave...
I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I was trying to figure it out earlier with a thread in the City General forum, but that section is moving so fast, it was quickly buried to the third page.
I'm having difficulties deciding the best way to spend the remaining moments in-game. If any moments should be spent in game, that is. I was one week away from my VIP lapsing and me taking another break, but now that I know we're on a limited timeframe, a break seems irresponsible.
But... I played the game for the leveling, the loot, the XPzzzz... A lot of the players I really enjoyed teaming with regularly have moved on. I don't know what my motivation would be to continue logging on nigh-daily.
I've logged on a number of times today. I did an ITF, but other than that, I've just been taking screenshots of my characters. I don't know what else to do.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Back in 2004, a friend of mine showed me this game on her computer and let me create a character of my own and fool around. I'd never been interested in MMOs before and I'd always been more of a fantasy nerd than a superhero fan, but City was too much fun. It took me a couple of years before I could get a computer that was capable of running the game well, but as soon as I did I got a subscription of my own.
My friend had stopped playing, but Infinity was the server she'd spent the most time on before she'd stopped. Nothing really came to mind for a character concept, so I fooled around with the character creator until I came up with a costume that looked cool and had enough of my favorite color. Since I'd taken fire powers, I figured a phoenix-themed character would be appropriate. And with her requisite amount of blue, I picked the second blue gemstone that came to mind (since I figured - rightly - that sapphire was taken). Thus Iolite Phoenix was born.
Like GATE-Keeper, I'm a pretty shy person. I didn't often form teams but I joined them when I had the chance. I somehow found my way into a relatively active and friendly SG, the Dragonians. I joined every STF I was able to and tried to get involved as best I could. I was the very first Ms. Infinity Paragon City. I was there for the first successful Hami raid after whatever issue (i9?) it was that they changed it up. Back then I was able to make more time for raids and TFs moreso than I am now.
I had to take a break for a couple years due to various circumstances, and returned right as Freedom was taking off. This game was a great help to me during a dark point in my life, for which I'm grateful. Admittedly I wasn't around this server as much when I returned, as my SG had moved servers and the Infinity seemed to be a lot less active than I remembered. Infinity server has always been my home, so I couldn't truly stay away. Even post-Freedom, I had the best experiences on this server. I'd been hoping to finally have a day free where I could tag along for the weekly TF or iTrial but never seemed to manage it. I'm not sure I'll be able to before the game closes. Tonight's been... I can't say great, because of the news, but the impromptu mothership raid was fun and a nice distraction from all the sadness.
Thank you, Infinity, for all the great memories. I may not know a lot of you anymore but it's been a pleasure playing with you. Best wishes to all of you in the future.
I'm really, really going to miss you and the rest of the Tuesday night team (AB, Saint Jon, Ellllls, Angelica, and the regular substitutes). I don't know wht I will do Tuesday evenings without y'all. I am also going to miss the Satruday crew - IB, Rasset, Gata, various Taxis, especially Johnny even though he left us some time ago.
I came to this game a bit unwillingly. My husband had just been burned with Earth & Beyond shutting down (I never really understood why he was so upset until yesterday). We had teased other friends about playing Ultima all night - they must be really lonely guys to "waste" all that time.
But my husband knew I had been missing a PnP campaign we used to be part of, that had disintegrated after the death of a very dear friend who had been the center of the campaign. He had heard of a Superheroes MMO, and signed up for the trial in September 2004. After making his first character, and learning the controls, etc., he sat me down at his computer and showed me the character he had made to try to recreate my lost superhero - and so Maurya was born.
The first couple of months, we shared his account, but soon (November) I had to have my own. I had to recreate the few characters I had made on his account, but a couple of them still survive, and Maurya was my first 50, after only 4 and a half years!
This community gave me outside contact while I was job hunting for 2 long years. They offered a shoulder to cry on following the sudden shocking deaths of my brother-in-law and then my baby brother last year. I can never thank you all enough.
Can't type thru the tears right now, maybe later
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
WTF!!!!!!!! I just logged on and saw this thread. Then I looked on coh.com and saw the news. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!!
I've been playing this game since 2006, and I've played with you Gate-Keeper many times. I happen to be an LSH fan and know exactly who inspired your character. Anyway I feel like a close friend has just announced they have terminal cancer and there is no hope for a recovery.
I also can't believe after all the time and money I've spent on this game and all of my alts, it's just going to go away.
I'm devastated. :-(
Wow. . . .
I just started up again recently, was hoping to run into some old chums. I am heartbroken by this news.
I"ve been playing here, on Infinity, almost from the very beginning. This was my very first MMO. Why did I pick it up off the store shelf and actually buy it? No idea. I had been looking for something to play, considering trying a MMO, and something about CoH just felt okay. Went home, install went perfect, which almost never happens for me since I m not technically savvy, and here I am, at the end, saddened to see it over. I still play the character I rolled that first day. It's Ravlin, my main girl, my badger for a time, my incarnate, my girl who has seen it all and done most of it.
Obviously I don't post much on the forums, but I've been here since the beginning too. I recognize all your names and personalities, here on the forums and in my global channels. I've teamed with so many of you throughout the years, on Rav and on my alts. I recognize all the old time SG's as well as the newer ones. I've seen this game evolve into something totally different than the game I bought all those years ago, and even though that frustrated me at times, I always stayed. Because of you. The people on Infinity are the best!!!
I know we've all been setting up alternate ways to stay in touch, and I really hope it works. I can't imagine life without checking in to see how my friends in game are doing, I met some of you during some of the very worst times of my life, times that I would never have made it through without you. When I was battling breast cancer and the chemo had me housebound puking my guts out, my friends in PCSAR, INTENSE, and Infinity One saved me from giving up. It was around this time that I met my boyfriend Ruhe in game. He and I started duoing a lot and ended up talking forever on Skype while playing. Here we are 6 years later with him having moved to MI from CA to be with me. I found my soul mate on a video game. Cheesy maybe but totally true. I have best friends that I know I will have forever because of this game. My life is richer because of City of Heroes.
Those who know me, know that Ravvy rambles when on migraine meds and when she's upset, so I'm sorry if this is a TL; DR post, but I felt like there were things this forum lurker actually wanted to post.
I love you, people of Infinity. Hope to spend a little more time with you before they shut things down but if I don't get there, please, take care of yourselves, and maybe we'll see each other in another universe!
Paragon City Search and Rescue
What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
Gate, it was a real pleasure teaming with you over the years. I was hopping alts a lot of the time, but we teamed a lot. The first time I teamed with you was on that MoKhan right after I15 went live. I was on the Saturday Taxi Tfs starting as Escapee No. 13, then many other toons including Superhobo. I also ran the Tuesday TFs with you from the start until my work schedule interfered.
I started out in CoH in April 2004 when my brother got me into the beta. I ran from that day until late 2008 on Liberty. It was Johnny and the Saturday TFs that made me decide to switch over to Infinity as my new home, and I never left.
I really enjoyed running with you, and if we ever cross paths out in the world, we'll have a drink and laugh about these days.
Behind The Veiled Mask
Arc# 526759
I started playing on Infinity because another player had a great idea to form a coaltion with each supergroup dedicated to an villain AT. This was issue 7. We started off with 5, and eventually expanded to 8 (core villain 5, epic villain, heroes, reserves) but still called ourselves the Pentacle Coalition. Because of that I've been playing on Infinity ever since. And tho' we may not have made an impact on the top 100 registrar, we remained a strong group of players, wreaking havok every Sunday and often had impromptu smash sessions during the week.
I have never been outspoken in the Infinity community, but Infinity has almost as many toons as Justice for me. Justice is as close to a main server I have, but I play on many so I never ascribed one server as my 'main.' My badge villain is here and honestly I will miss playing him the most. This server has been awesome to me.
sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA
Currently most active:
Shining Finger: 40 Elec/Titan][Summer's Son: 38 Fire/Fire/Pyre
Hyperion Tekk][Dark-stream
City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.
Save our game Master post.
Identity Crisis brought me here.

And when I say "here" I mean here, the forums, not the game.
I stopped reading comics for the most part 20 years ago (I could no longer stand how Crisis on Infinite Earths and John Byrne's Superman retcons were affecting my favorite title, the Legion of Super-Heroes). Since then I've mainly kept up with what's been happening comics-wise by surfing the net. And in the summer of 2004, while Identity Crisis was raging, I followed a series of links to the Comics and Hero/Villain Culture forum. And routinely dropped by to follow the threads discussing Identity Crisis, and then everything else.
I lurked on the forums for about two years before I actually started playing. The idea of paying a recurring $15 a month to play a game just didn't appeal to me at first. But then in June of 2006, my wife passed away and, boy, did I need to escape real life for a while. I picked Infinity because the word had a special meaning between me and her.
You may not have noticed me when I first began. I'm very much an introvert and did not actively seek out teams and usually said "no" if invited. Plus, this was my first (and so far only) mmo, so I preferred to figure everything out on my own. Not to mention, for those of you who may have noticed that my main's costume bears an slight resemblance to a certain LSH'er ... well, when I first began, the resemblance was a lot closer, so I tried to stay away from crowds so as not to get generic'd.
I still remember my first actual team. Just a duo, I had just progressed to Striga and got an invite from a toon named Miss Midnite. Don't remember her AT, but s/he and I spent the next few months or so with him/her stealthing to the end of a mish then s/he would TP me and we would bash in heads together. Good times.
I first began teaming on a regular basis with the regular Saturday afternoon TF crowd on Infinity. Thanks to Johnny Taxibot for beginning these (at least I think he did, apologies for the slight if it was anyone else) and thanks to MsCats and then Ironblade for continuing them.
Somehow I got the nerve to start up a complementary TF series on Tuesday nights. You just don't know how very unlike me it is to do something like that!
Some of you have already decided to move on, some of you have decided to stay for the duration, some of you don't know yet.
I don't think I'm quite ready to leave yet, but for those of you who are, thank you for being such a great part of the Infinity community. And for everyone else, if I don't get a chance to say goodbye in game, ditto.
I'm very glad that I chose Infinity as my home away from home in Paragon!
And a very special and heartfelt thank you, goodbye, best wishes and kind regards to: Doc, Angelica, AdAstra, IB, AB and St Jon, Ells, Belle and Tony, Gata, Ceph, Herc, Tiny and Errant, Herc and all the other great people I've teamed with on a regular basis!
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy