291 -
Haha on the Anonymous.
But no. Let's do all we can legally to get the word out there, to maybe find a pro publisher to rescue this game if at all possible.
But Penny Arcade is a great idea! -
CoH is a turn-based Massively Multiplayer game with separate, distinct servers. its server structure is completely different than GW2's, so much so that I doubt it is even possible to transition CoH's servers into something GW2 could even use. Not to mention that CoH's servers are what, 8 1/2 years old now (or were they changed at one point then re-named the same things)?
I love CoH to death, but haven't you ever noticed how even within turn-based MMORPGs, the older ones have much slower combat than the newer ones do? This is because of hardware differences, and game engine differences because of at-the-time-of-launch hardware restrictions. Aion has much faster turn-based combat than CoH or WoW; it's much newer, with newer hardware to run on. But CoH and WoW have faster combat than Dark Age of Camelot, which is about to turn 11 years old, does. And even if they moved DAoC to a newer server, its whole engine was created back with those older technology limitations in place, so that mega-slow combat speed is all that's all it's capable of (And DAoC is one of my fav MMOs of all time, so that's not a dig.)
GW2 is a real-time multiplayer game with one overarching server and many channels of that one server, despite what they try and make it look like in the "server" list. GW1 had a zillion different channels, too. When you get a name for your character in GW2, it becomes "taken" on every "server," which alone is a dead giveaway. They can call channel 1 "Yak's Bend" instead of "channel 1," and channel 2 "Ferguson's Crossing" instead of "channel 2," etc., but that doesn't change a thing.
And each of these channels' zones have WAY lower population caps than real massively multiplayer servers like CoH's do. I played the early start and frequently got dumped into some "overflow area" as it was called on-screen.
ArenaNet is desperately trying to make this single server look like a bunch of them to justify their exorbitant cash shop prices. "Well, we're an MMO but we don't have a monthly fee...." No, in fact you are NOT an MMO, lol.
My post about GW2 here has nothing whatsoever to do with CoH shutting down. I felt this way on August 25th, right when the purported "servers" first came up and I saw what was really going on, and what they were trying to charge for this nonsense despite what was really going on.
So...You pay 60 bucks for FIVE character slots in an EIGHT CLASS game. This made me mad. Sorry, ArenaNet fanbois if you're out there reading this. Then character slots are freaking ten dollars each on top of that! So you're up to 90 bucks just to play this...wannabe massively multiplayer game coming out of the gate, storage restrictions and blah blah extras aside.
Okay, it's real-time combat like the first one, which is nigh-on impossible to do with full-fledged massively multiplayer servers because none out there can track thousands of players in real-time combat simultaneously like that. I get it. This is why games like CoH, and WoW, and EQ2, and Dark Age of Camelot, with full-fledged, massively multiplayer servers are turn-based to begin with.
So ArenaNet can't do this the same way with real-time combat. So they make channels. Even Tera (real-time combat) does this, just to a lesser degree than GW2. FPSs have always been set up with a lobby players meet up in, then it's instanced outside the lobby for this same reason. And GW2 is not *as* totally instanced as GW1 or FPSs are. Within each channel of each zone in GW2, a few teams and some soloers are intermingling. But massively multiplayer it is not. Separate servers it is not. So something equal to MMO fees every month it should not have. It should not cost you as much or more average per month to play something that is not an MMORPG.
Your mileage may vary, and all the more power to you, but this whole CoH shutdown/NCSoft announcement handled so poorly AFTER GW2 has launched is just icing on the cake in my "Avoid NCSoft at all costs in the future" book. -
That was actually a good idea to PM John Smedley. Even though the rumor was proved false (unless the dude who claims he PM'd him is trolling/lying for some reason), I still hope a seasoned publisher buys out CoH and fast.
And I'm still going to play my toons exactly as I would have, a little of this, a little of that, bringing on whomever I please, right until the final hour.
And I still want to follow Paragon Studios and see where they wind up if CoH really does go down. You know, there's one thing we haven't thought of: If they can approach a publisher as a team and get the green light for a new MMO project, just think of what they could accomplish with all this experience under their belts!
I doubt NCSoft would allow CoH2, but hey, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning by Big Huge Games wasn't originally Amalur at all when they were owned by THQ. It was only revamped to reflect that world and lore once 38 Studios rescued them from bankruptcy and closure. I know 38 went bust, that isn't my point; my thought is that whatever technology Paragon was working on for CoH2 (if they were actually working on a sequel to CoH), well, maybe they could revamp those ideas into another world altogether and go from there.
I'll bet they always had dreams of things they couldn't do with CoH due to engine and lore limitations, etc. Maybe they could do those things now, with proper backing.
And I still think pitching to Valve, and writing to other publishers (with links to this forum and the petitions) can't hurt. Don't give up until the fat lady sings as they say! -
It's at 10,441 right now.
I have been spreading the word on other gaming forums, and more importantly, adding that link. If nothing else, it shows Paragon Studios how much gamers at large care (if they are told!), and it also shows potential professional MMO publishers that this is a game worth trying to buy!
If anyone else plays other games, please take a few minutes to spread the word on their forums as well. The news outlet idea is an awesome one, too! And be sure to include that link. Every little signature helps. -
Quote:Don't you think that a pro company who has been running MMORPGs for years would do a far better job than a poor, rag-tag team of newbies with good intentions but little else? I'm sorry, but anyone with millions of dollars to back an MMO is going to be far more likely to put that money into a corporation instead. I doubt *anyone* with huge dollars would ever bother with private server fodder when there are heavy rumors that not one but two MMORPG corporations interested in buying CoH. Not to mention that having Paragon Studios at the helm completely blows out of the water anyone else who could ever dream of programming/continuing CoH. There is no comparison in the world....If there are shareholders watching TonyV to see how/whether he pulls things together, folks richer than us who would consider backing him, then we should let go of the hope that *someone* will buy CoH and actively support TonyV. ...
Do you really believe total amateurs with a pipe dream could ever even remotely match Paragon? Don't you care about Paragon Studios, without whom there wouldn't have even been a CoH to shut down?
The question isn't who to "support" and who to drop support for: The question is, will NCSoft sell to either one of the professional, interested parties, or sit on the dead IP forever instead? Private servers are something you do when all of your legitimate options have dried up and the game is long since dead. They're definitely not something you'd want in place of pro servers, a pro publisher and pro developers like Paragon Studios. Anything else is a messy pipe dream at best. Sorry. -
Quote:With 95% of NCSoft's income coming from the Asian market, where CoH failed to make any kind of impact, I don't really think that that'd be an excuse that they could use.
Quote:I suppose that's possible, though I'm sure by now they probably realize a significant portion of this player base-- perhaps even the majority-- is not going to touch a NcSoft Game again. (Though selling the game might be a way to get some goodwill.)
The fact that they have apparently never sold an IP once they decided to close it doesn't bode well for the chances of COH living on, I have to admit. 8-(
But until they say they will not accept ANY offer there's always a chance.
But this time a much longer-running, better-known game is at stake. I'm holding onto the hope that with bigger companies like SOE (and, who knows, maybe PWI) upping the ante, CoH might too have a chance to be sold. -
Quote:Haha, well, there *is* that mystical, magical, super-secret project they were working on....Well, that's good news.
It makes me feel a little more hopeful. Maybe someone would buy the game and give us a shiny new engine that could do more things.
Nah, j/k though. I don't imagine CoH would port in any form into CoH2. But I'm most hopeful that if SOE or somebody else buys CoH that they would buy the engine rights too, and pull back as much of the staff as wanted to come back to run it.
Bases, and even an extended beta period trying to get everything on track (and even a back-burner scenario for I24 while they adjust the game over to publisher X) wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
Even losing my toons forever wouldn't stop me from coming back. Hey, they could just run a lot of double XP weekends. :P I think we'd have to go in with a forgiving attitude based on the mountain-moving that it would take at this point to bring the game and Paragon back at all. -
Quote:I don't see the end of a sub option. SOE has sub, multi-month sub, and All-Access options for their games. Why would CoH be any different?Hmm, whatever goes (if it goes), I forsee the end of VIP.
I mean, if the game does keep going and VIP subscriptions continue I'll remain VIP but...I'm not feeling the need to feel privileged at the moment. Just make the game F2P but all the costume pieces, all the costume slots, inventory increases, dual inspirations/boosts, respec tokens, renames, transfers, character slots, etc...those can be what we buy but might as well just give everybody all the content. Let freems play SSA, incarnate and alignment...I think the meat of what players spend their $$$ on is powersets anyway...and I'd drop a good dime on new ATs, pools, APPs and PPPs without thought.
And if they had packs for custom animations? blech, I'd be broke... -
Quote:Haha, yeah! I've been All-Access station since the day Everquest 2 launched (started on Lavastorm server), but this would really clinch my forever-Sony-Girl mindset. They'd have me hook, line and sinker forevermore with CoH under their banner, too.And if they are, I'd also sub to DCUO as sign of gratitude, even if I'd never play it.
Pssst: Hey Sony, I already spend hundreds a year on you, including many fluff items from the cash shop. Imagine how happy you'd be to get my hundreds a year from CoH, too!Tier 9 maxxed vet here-- $ $ $ Go go go!
It's already at 10,050!
And many other game forums like Blizzard's official Diablo III and World of Warcraft boards, Guild Wars 2 Guru, and Aion's official forums are all expressing their disgust at NCSoft and this whole CoH closure.
And has anyone seen massively.com? The front page keeps getting dotted with CoH announcements and memoirs, and those threads are long and unified as well!
Looks like it's NCSoft against the western world here. -
You know, you all bring up excellent points about CoH2. The super-secret new project that we all kinda more than suspect is CoH2 would definitely fit right in with SOE's longstanding commitment to multiple versions of its franchised games. And heck, even Praetoria and the revamped newbie zones, never mind the newer power sets and their awesome animations, show a little bit more of what the devs are capable of nowadays.
Even if this doesn't happen because NCSoft/Nexon won't sell it off, I'm glad to hear that SOE is on the ball and trying here, and I'm also glad because it shows that multiple publishers are smart enough to know what NCSoft is not. At least the devs can feel a little more appreciated and respected for all those years they've invested in CoH-- even just looking at the constantly-climbing petition amongst the few of us who ever visit forums compared to the gamers at large can show them that.
But I do SO hope SOE can pull this off! -
Quote:You do realize that both Vox and Bazaar, EQ2's Station Exchange servers, were shut down permanently last year when their Livegamer contracts finally expired, right? (And Vanguard's Livegamer servers were closed down at that same time, too.) And you do realize that SOE was trying to offer a legal way for illegal RMT-minded players who would otherwise compromise their accounts and bork game worlds' economies to buy gold and items that they would otherwise buy through gold farming hacker sites anyway, right? I wasn't a fan, and believe me, the EQ2 player base at large hated Livegamer players with what could only be described as feelings bordering on fanatical hatred, lol, but I am adult enough to see both sides of this issue.Lack of imagination on your part. I can think of dozens of nightmare scenarios. That doesn't mean they're likely to happen, but there are worse things than no longer being alive.
Anyway, for the sake of the fans, it'd be good if anyone rescued the franchise, but in my eyes, SOE is evil - not for anything to do with SWG, but because of Station Exchange.
Edit: Those are some good "bad" scenarios, Leo.
And to this day, EQ2's cash shop remains devoid of game-breaking Pay-to-Win items. 40% of the transactions there are purely for their mounts (tons more of which are available via questing in-game), and many players (at least on Freeport server, where I copied my mains to during its F2P Alpha before all servers went F2P last November and never looked back) have their awesome cash-shop houses (there are tons of homes available in-game too) and yet other players sport their station cash capes and vanity pets. They have a lot of transmorg-type items for pet classes' pets, too; my Necro's skeleton can become a cute cow, a genie, and all kinds of other cool stuff-- a lot of which is also available in-game.
I like vanity items, and supporting my fav devs. I've bought every power set in CoH, am a maxxed-out tier 9 vet, and get plenty of vanity pets and items here, too.
If you don't like that stuff, that's fine. But what my toons wear and the vanity pets they run around with aren't hurting your game any. So I really don't see that as a problem.
And also, regarding the now-dead Livegamer: I'd glad SOE corralled those peeps onto their own PvP (Vox) and PvE (Bazaar) server than deal with all the RMT-buying, hacker-encouraging, lazy-arsed kiddies who otherwise infest every MMO out there and are the real reason devs and gamers deal with a perpetual onslaught of gold farmers and hackers every day. -
Quote:That's ridiculous. SOE prides themselves on a whole stable of games, many of which are similar. Never has Vanguard been shoe-horned into Norrath, never has EQ1 even been shoe-horned into EQ2.Hmmm:
-They could retcon a lot of the Lore so that Paragon City is some sort of suburb of another big city...basically try and shoehorn Paragon into their DC universe. And hey, they already removed Statesman...now just copy/paste Superman in there...
-They could get rid of the Rogue Isles...Oh I'd HHAAAAAAATEEEE that...but if red-side (and gold-side) is viewed as dead weight because few players play it?...
-They could meld RI and PC so that they aren't separate games and induct world PvP into the City...oh so many of you would hate that...I wouldn't particularly mind but it's definitely not a good thing.
-Another round of nerfs because our heroes are just too damned good
Please make sense if you're going to project end-of-the-world type scenarios. -
Quote:I understand (especially if you played SWG) how you would dislike them. But they obviously aren't adverse to small-community games because they are still running little guys like Pirates of the Burning Sea, and of course Vanguard, which not only had some patches and an extension to its team recently but was converted to F2P and "re-launched."IF this rumor is true, I really hope it's not SOE. If it is, I swear, I'll throw up a little in my mouth. Sony has screwed me so many times over the years that I've permanently sworn them off. IF SOE acquired the game, I think it would be a short-term reprieve at best, as I honestly think they are incapable of managing a game like City of Heroes or a studio like Paragon Studios without screwing it up--and screwing us players over in the process.
IF it is SOE, I honestly can't help but think that they would be buying the IP rights and/or assets for the sole purpose of ensuring that no one else gets it, so that they can be 100% sure that City of Heroes is permanently dead and can NEVER be competition for any of their other MMORPGs.
I'm begging everyone here, please be careful what you wish for. We do not want this game in the hands of Sony. It pains me to say this, but I hope that NCsoft would just shutter the thing before selling to Sony, because if they shutter the thing, it doesn't preclude someone else getting it and opening it back up later.
IF there is meat behind this rumor and there are other interested parties, I really hope that a smaller publisher/studio acquires the rights. I want a company that isn't a behemoth in the industry. Such a company wouldn't look at the income that Paragon Studios generates as small potatoes. Such a company would treat it with the value and worth that it deserves.
To make an analogy, if you make $800 per month in income and someone gives you a $100 bill, that can actually be life-changing. At the very least, you will appreciate the hell out of it and remember that gift forever. If you make $8,000 per month in income and someone gives you a $100 bill, you'd probably say, "Yeah, thanks..." and forget about it in a few days. I want Paragon Studios and City of Heroes in the hands of a company that really appreciates it for what it's worth, someone who doesn't shut it down because it's not making enough money.
SOE are not the ones who shut down SWG, that was LucasArts, who refused to renew their SW license because TOR was coming out. And they were not the ones who messed up Vanguard. Microsoft, the original publisher, dropped Vanguard pre-launch because the original developers had made a mess of it; it was SOE who rescued it, made some nice improvements and fixed it up. And even when it didn't perform as they'd hoped, they still kept it running on two servers and like I said, even now they are working on it again.
I have been playing Everquest 2 since launch day. I have been through three server mergers, many changes (most good, a few bad) and I have also played games from other publishers including EA, Blizzard and NSleazeSoft. Believe me, practically anything would be an improvement over NCSoft, and SOE is one of the better of the bunch as far as actually listening to their player base (although Trion with Rift is probably my top pick in this regard).
Try not to hammer SOE into the ground here, until you see what happens. I'd most certainly rather play SOE's CoH, professionally maintained, with the bulk of the Paragon Studios crew still in-tact, over any rag-tag, hacked, messy, private server version of CoH, I can tell you that. I hope you aren't partially angry at the thought of SOE sweeping in at the eleventh hour to save CoH and continue it (Issue 24 on the vow, cash shop powersets, extra goodies and all) because you've been trying so hard and expending so much energy in a kickstarter/private server uphill battle and now you don't want to see it all for naught, even though SOE would be a much better way all around.
I'm sorry to be so blunt, and my own daughter (who is going to be a computer science major in college) wants to help get CoH running again if that's what it takes. And I'm all for it-- IF that is absolutely the ONLY WAY that CoH will ever see the light of day again. I definitely would greatly prefer any and all serious, professional offers from longstanding MMO community publishers to be completely exhausted first, though, and to be quite frank, I'm sure Paragon Studios would as well!
The terrific thing about this forum has always been its honest, devoted community. I hope you understand that I am only being fully open and honest with you, TonyV, because I do respect all that you are trying to do. -
Quote:Haha, yeah, no kidding! I'm sorry, but NCSoft in general makes SOE look like the Angel Gabriel!Dignity isn't really the word I'd associate with the current handling of the game by NCSoft.
Jeez, at least (barring license terminations by IP holders like Star Wars, etc.) SOE keeps their darned games running! I'll bet they'd be thrilled to take CoH under their wing, what with a built-in paying player base and all!
NCSoft are Korean. They don't give a good tinker's about the US or Europe for that matter. We're just pin dots on the map for them, more trouble than we're worth. But SOE is American. Their games do best here, that's their core audience anyway.
Even if this doesn't pan out, thank you, OP, for giving us all a tiny bit of hope. Hey, maybe Paragon Studios are even the tiniest bit hopeful right now. -
Quote:You're completely right, they don't mind that at all. They've always given the impression (especially with the All-Access station pass to all their games) that they would rather have wanderers leave one of their games for another of their games than lose them altogether. It's actually quite a smart idea.They have three fantasy MMOs, and another two in development. SOE doesn't mind competing with itself.
I hope their offer is indeed fair, and that Nexon pushes NCSoft to sell if they don't want to, or that NCSoft is so hard up for cash (after that most recent report of all their new losses) that they sell.
*crosses fingers* -
Quote:I'm glad you had good times in SWG. Granted, the revamp was terribad, but SOE did learn from that mistake, and it wasn't SOE who pulled the plug on it, it was LucasArts. (They refused to renew the Star Wars license because of TOR's impending launch.)If it ended up that nobody but SOE made a serious offer, I'd rather they got it than nobody. But I too still remember SWG... I try REALLY hard to remember the good times from that.
Overall, Everquest 2 is one of my other favorite MMORPGs that I've been playing for 7 1/2 years since launch.
And when MS dropped Vanguard, SOE actually made some good improvements to it. And when it wasn't doing as well as they'd hoped, they still didn't cancel it but rather squashed it down onto two servers and have kept it going to this day. In fact it recently transitioned to F2P and is seeing a bit of a resurgence.
I would be excited to learn that SOE was taking over CoH to publish it. I imagine they would pull together as many from the Paragon crew as they could. And this would be VERY smart for SOE, because then they would have the superhero MMO market all tied up! They'd have DCUO for the console peeps (doesn't do too well on PC from what I hear) and they would of course have CoH for the PC players!
Wow, that is the best news I have heard about this whole debacle. NC sucks anyway. If this turned into a last-minute save, it would be the best thing ever to happen to Paragon Studios.
Now let's hope the friggen bastiges NCSoft/Nexon, the....oh, I will go into a rage if I continue describing them....but let's freaking hope they sell it to SOE!
Hey NCSoft, you're desperate for cash with all of your huge losses from Aion! Take the offer! Sell! Sell! Sell! -
Remember that first Rikti invasion with the giant eyeballs that could two-shot you even if they were grey? The hot new meeting place became the hospital.
And I also remember Steel Canyon when they first tried adding crazy whirlwind powers to the bosses there.....
Yeah, I'm staying right til the end, too. -
Thank you, Positron and Paragon!
I really hope the lot of you can somehow stay together. If your super-secret project was CoH 2, then NCSoft isn't going to allow that, but if it wasn't, then maybe what you were working on could somehow be revamped into a kickstarter project or an MMORPG for another publisher.
Please, I hope all those at Paragon leave their Twitter addresses (maybe sticked in one thread at the top?) so we can all follow you to wherever you might land.
Thanks again for having given us all the chance to soar across the horizons while avoiding that daily grind we call real life.
Best of luck to all of you.
PS/ If you wind up making another game, put in an Easter egg villain name with the letters of ncsoft scrambled to make that villain's name, hehe. We'll all know who you really mean. :P -
Yes, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if the forums closed long before November 30th. That would save hardware and personnel costs. I mean, NCSoft isn't exactly going to come here through Google Translate and answer all our questions or give us their opinions or reasoning-- and if they did, they'd get pelted with verbal tomatoes and rightly so.
And with the way people are plastering these boards with private server ideas, offers and requests, I'm surprised they haven't shut them down already, lol. Not that I'm complaining or I disagree in theory with the sentiment behind it, mind you....
Quote:Titan, although full of heart, doesn't seem to have much else. And I doubt NCSoft would ever sell their code/IP to some other pro dev team even though they're just going to sit on it until the end of time anyway. But even if they did, do you know how bloody hard it is for other seasoned professionals to pick up someone else's code? It's about the hardest thing to do in that industry even for professionals, never mind for good-hearted, well-meaning amateurs with no financial backing to speak of. No offense, but I don't see anything even remotely like the CoH we have now coming of any of that.If you want to save the City, join the Titan team.
What we really need, and the only thing that will really help here, is a rez for Paragon Studios ASAP (so sign the petition please!). Unfortunately, the only holy trinity NCSoft cares about is the billion dollar, trillion dollar, quadrillion dollar one so it will never happen. Our million dollar party member wasn't even of any interest to them. -
Quote:They treat their North American and EU player base so badly! They sold off Aion to GameForge overseas, and they've made a total mess of it. So most of the Europeans are jammed onto the four tiny NA servers along with all of NA and Brazil. Only Asia isn't on board because they are IP blocked for contractual reasons.Aion players better be nervous. Aion seems to be in the spotlight as an underperformer. I doubt NC will tolerate too many quarters not meeting expectations.
The cash shop prices are so insane (and they actually doubled them recently regardless!) that no one buys anything. And they just cut the fight and crafting XP in half on every server to make it take twice as long to level in NA, and then jacked up XP pot prices in the cash shop the same day. Subsequently they've been forced to institute a volunteer player mod program. What a surprise.
Aion is so laggy (which never happened when it was Pay-to-Play) that I've given up on it, but I feel sorry for those peeps. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're next on the chopping block.
If NCSoft had listened to that player base during beta let alone for the 2 1/2 years after launch concerning the horridly low drop rate, insane crafting/socketing failure rate and the never-ending wall o' grind, they never would have had to go F2P. And they still aren't listening now. The cash shop prices are obviously the reason for Aion's low microtransactional rate (someone quoted NC's charts in that CoH thread), and you watch: Instead of seeing the forest for the trees, NCSoft will close down the NA servers there too. -
Quote:Okay, spill the beans! What have you got to lose at this point?It has been a pleasure!
Maybe I should...
Some secrets better left untold.
Thanking you for all hard work.
Thanks to all of you for the alternate dimension that kept us all sane for the past 8 1/2 years. And if a last-minute miracle save doesn't happen, please do tell us where you wind up so we can follow along! I hope at least some or most of you can stay together. The world will be a better place for it. -
Thank you, Sean, and thanks to all at Paragon Studios for giving us a second home away from that grind we call real life.
Keep us posted on where all of you wind up! We want to follow along!