Penny Arcade




I forwarded some links and Xenophage's cool Save our Ciry banner to the fellows at Penny Arcade. What the hell, can't hurt. Will update if I get a response. Maybe Gabe will go on one of his rants...

If that doesn't work maybe an e-mail to Anonymous.

Just sayin'.



Haha on the Anonymous. But no. Let's do all we can legally to get the word out there, to maybe find a pro publisher to rescue this game if at all possible.

But Penny Arcade is a great idea!



I've already sent some details over to Penny Arcade as well. I'm a little more reluctant to go for the "spam the hell out of them" approach that we are with Valve, but certainly a few extra emails wouldn't hurt.

"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch