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  1. The most anticipated movies of 2012? Really? Sorry I'm not looking forward to Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2, but am for Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers and the Hobbit. I will just might be interested in the Snow White movie too.

    just my two cents...
  2. Some of these titles should have been inducted years ago, guess it's better late than never. And I see a lot of good movies here.

    “Allures” (1961), directed by Jordan Belson
    “Bambi” (1942), directed by David D. Hand
    “The Big Heat” (1953), directed by Fritz Lang
    “A Computer Animated Hand” (1973), directed by Ed Catmull
    “Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment” (1963), directed by Robert Drew
    “The Cry of the Children” (1912), directed by George Nichols
    “A Cure for Pokeritis” (1912), directed by Laurence Trimble
    “El Mariachi” (1992), directed by Robert Rodriguez
    “Faces” (1968), directed by John Cassavetes
    “Fake Fruit Factory” (1986), directed by Chick Strand
    “Forrest Gump” (1994), directed by Robert Zemeckis
    “Growing Up Female” (1971), directed by Julia Reichert and Jim Klein
    “Hester Street” (1975), directed by Joan Micklin Silver
    “I, An Actress” (1977), directed by George Kuchar
    “The Iron Horse” (1924), directed by John Ford
    “The Kid” (1921), directed by Charles Chaplin
    “The Lost Weekend” (1945), directed by Billy Wilder
    “The Negro Soldier” (1944), directed by Stuart Heisler
    “Nicholas Brothers Family Home Movies” (1930s-40s)
    “Norma Rae” (1979), directed by Martin Ritt
    “Porgy and Bess” (1959), directed by Otto Preminger
    “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991), directed by Jonathan Demme
    “Stand and Deliver” (1988), directed by Ramon Menendez
    “Twentieth Century” (1934), directed by Howard Hawks
    “The War of the Worlds” (1953), directed by Byron Haskin
    Here is the full article...

    I just think titles like "The Kid", "The War of the Worlds", The Iron Horse", "Twentieth Century", "The Lost Weekend" and several other should have been put on this registry decades ago. But that's only my opinion which may not count in the film industry.
  3. Johnny Blaze is back...does look nice. Now maybe I don't remember correctly but in the first film wouldn't he lose his Ghost Rider powers in daylight? Guess maybe God is giving him the ability to use these powers in daylight to help the boy. I think I might like to see this movie.

  4. They Live
    Night of the Comet
    Escape from New York
  5. I think this will be the worst movie ever made in the history of movies...think 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' would be better. Don't get me wrong I love the Stooges, Curly's always been my favorite, but this looks awful. Just another bad comedy movie.

  6. Harry Morgan, better know as Col. Sherman Potter passed away today at 96.
    Thank you for all the laughs, and R.I.P. Col you've earned it.
  7. More pics have been released on SuperHeroHype this morning, and they do look interesting.

    for more pics and interview with Christian Bale just go here .....
  8. Yes the pic of Bane is now revealed...It is on a magazine by the name of Empire. Interesting look Just thought everyone would be interested. Enjoy...
  9. Yes that crotchety old coot from '60 Minutes' has passed away at 92 yrs old.

    Andy you will be missed....Rest In Peace.
  10. Came across this video and thought others would enjoy it. It is so cool, it's a light show done to LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem.

  11. I like to look very much. Am looking forward to a new Godzilla movie. And if they do release a kit of this design then I will save my pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters for it. This now makes me want to find my model of the original Godzilla I got 30yrs ago, packed it when I moved yrs ago and never brought it back out. Yep definitely time to find it.
  12. Interesting to see...does look like it's taking place right after the Dark Knight...I do want to see this movie when it comes out...
    Thought everyone would be interested in these videos.
  13. These are the first pics that I've seen of Ann Hathaway as Catwoman...I like the head piece it makes sense to have it that way (it's one whole piece, ears and mask. You can tell in one of the pics)

    There are also pics of Christian Bale's new costume for Batman. I kinda like it yet kinda don't.

    There are more pics as well....

  14. myskatz

    R.I.P. Uncle Ben

    Yes 88 yr old Cliff Robertson has pasted away. I am so bummed now. I remember watching him in "P.T. 109" were he played John F. Kennedy.

    Rest in Peace Cliff you have earned it and will be missed.
  15. Yes the powers that be are working on a Die Hard 5

    The film, drafted by Skip Woods (The A-Team, X-Men Origins: Wolverine) is said to bring John McClane and his son to Russia. Bruce Willis is certain to return to his iconic role with no word yet on the casting of his son.
    I am having a problem on how it could take place in Russia, I know John McClane is a 1 man army like Rambo, but how will he get past Russian security with his guns? Now if they have a good script it just might work.

    just my two cents...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
    ??????? I don't know what UTC/GMT is. I know it is time, but, that is all I know about it..and I sure don't know how to translate UTC/GMT into Central time...hmm...could you explain it to me and others here on the forums who probably don't know either? If it is easy to understand, this might be a great idea

    How you convert GMT to say CST would be nice to know.

    The idea of having notice of server downtime is great. It would be very beneficial for everyone, specially when I21 launches. New players would then get a heads up without having to dig through the forums.

    just my two cents...
  17. Interesting, you get to see Loki in a couple of the videos. I am looking forward to seeing this film. Just hope they do a great job like was done with Captain America.
    WEWS5 reports that filming for Marvel's The Avengers continued in Cleveland last night with scenes that involved Tom Hiddleston's Loki. Filming will continue through Wednesday at the location.

    Spoilers and videos (including four from fans) ahead...

    just my two cents....
  18. It's telling me I'm not a VIP player and has locked all my characters out. I was able to get on last night now NADA. I have all the switches clicked correctly, even have the check to link accounts marked. So what gives? or am I missing something?

    Thanks for your time...
  19. myskatz

    Spirit Tree

    I find your suggestion quite intriguing. I think it would be very beneficial to a team and could even be more so with Poison as the secondary. The reason I say I think it could be beneficial is cause I currently have a Plant/Emp troller, 2 actually and I only have the Spirit Tree on 1 of them to help a friend who constantly runs into the fray. I also only have it 1 slotted at this time. I never took Spirit Tree cause of the immobility but with a buff like that I would definitely reconsider this power on the other 1.

    Just my two cents...
  20. Was given this by a friend on fb it's a way to contact someone at SyFy to let them know your displeasure...

    just my two cents...
  21. myskatz

    Eureka no more

    A friend gave me this... so if you want to let them know how you feel about this cancellation just contact this person...

    just my two cents....
  22. this actually came across my fb page and I thought others would be interested in it. It is a Batman and Bane fight scene in Pittsburgh. enjoy...

    just my two cents...
  23. Robert Rodriguez has secured the right to Heavy Metal, It's not a remake but a totally new story. That would be much more interesting than a rehash of the original.
    So what I'm doing with this website is having you submit ideas for stories, characters, or worlds that we can use in these projects or in the animated film

    just my two cents...
  24. WOW I'm surprised this thread is still going then again I'm not that surprised. I too am looking forward to this film.

    I just got this on my facebook so I wanted to share it with everyone here. I like when I can hear about some of the concept behind the movie, sometimes, it will get me intrigued even more by what is said. That's just me.

  25. SuperHeroHype has gotten some pics from the set of Dark Knight Rises Looks nice would like to see more though

    Wollaton Hall is being used in the film as the rebuilt Wayne Manor and it looks like Warner Bros. Pictures has reconstructed the graveyard set seen briefly in Batman Begins as well.