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you've picked a really nice combination (as you said, tar patch/rain of fire).
From fire, avoid flares the rest are free game. From Dark you could put darkest night off (its good but end troubles to beging with and its quite heavy). Fearsoem stare is an excelent power and I advise taking it as soon as you can (20/22 depending on stamina). It'll probably be the best thing you've got to open on a group. Fear -> Darkest night -> Tar patch etc.
Sicne you're goign to be an agro magnet definatly get shadow fall quite earlie and maybe consider the leaping pool for the extra defense in combat jumping (and later maybe acro).
Only took mine to 30 odd but definatly really fun to play and great at both nuking and surviving. I found Rain of fire and fire ball wasn't enough aoe so I ended up takign fire breath too which is a good power (just roots you :/).
Definatly avoid flares and maybe black hole. The res is optional but since its a mass res it could be handy and its a auto hit disorient. The sniper attack you could avoid if you need space (with allt he aoe you'll only be needing weak attacks to finish things off). -
And never skip the 3 ranged shooters (Ice Bolt, Ice Blast, Bitter Ice Blast) because you will be spamming them continously...
[/ QUOTE ]
I would (and have) drop the middle blast in favour of mesmerize. You can't drop the first and bitter ice blast is very nice (to hit debuff also) but the second you can easily get rid of. Mezmerize for the extra control when needed and variety of damage (psi). I went a long time without mesmerize and I soarly wish I;d had it fromt he beggining. Slot it as an attack thgouh, it can't be enchanced for recharge but with all the other attacks to fit in thats really not a problem. Its duration is also really long anyway.
It can be used in the same way as levitate (to temporarily take soemhtign out the battle while confuse recharges).
definatly power boost and mu mastery, really wasn't sure about power boost to begin with but I use it so much now. Power boost and power sink will easily drain all the endurance from a group (depending how far apart they are). -
fire is quite nice but does alot of its damage as dots. If your hitting things untill they die then a nice chunk of your damage will likely be wasted. As long as you keep this in mind fire is really nice. Most of the attacks are fast firing and the flames everywhere looks quite cool too.
You shoild ideally never kill anyhtign with your attacks, when somehting gets low switch targets to somehting else. With your dots, lighting field and fire sword circle theyir gonna die soon after and you won't be wasting damage.
Getting a nice flowing attack chain is kind of awkward, everyhitng seems to knock out of sink eventually but since you'll be target switchign alot it don't matter.
Greater fire sword and incinerate sort of have the same recharge so its often a good idea to swap to a fresh target, fire sword+incinerate(dot) then leave it burn to death while you attack somehting else.
Just switch targets alot and it'll work fine. -
hmm yeah :/ will be getting tornado too (in fact the whole storm set if I can). Perhaps I'll take both Flash and thunder clap so I can actually see for myself and respec later if needs be. The long recharge on Flash is putting me off atm.
My next power pick is one of my not sure powers (everyhting else has been ooh I need this asap). Its currently a choice of mainly thunder clap/flash/o2 boost (maybe) or hover just to help my traveling (SS only..).
I'm used to playing a mind dom so when I play my controller I don't hold anyhting (unless Ir eally need to/dying/containment), I just keep everyhitng confused. So to I don't actually want Flash *gasp*. Looking at the duration/recharge on thunder clap and I could keep things "perma" stunned with 2 rech/2 dur (needs 2 acc too). Which is same slottign as I;d planned for flash really just hell of alot better on recharge. What puts me off now is the stun is only mag 2. I guess thats just enough to stun minions?
Chances are I'll take both powers really but can anyone with experience on both of these tell me if my idea (thunder clap instead of flash) is viable? All I know about thunder clap is it has a good animation :P. -
someone in my group last night said "I know a certain brute that desperatly needs stamina" (me, only lvl 9 atm). Then I said I was trying not to have stamina and explained what I was gonna do instead. Then he made the very excelent point that I'm still having to use 3 powers to keep my end going. Although I'm quite happy with that and now the only powers I won't have from the primary or secondary is taunt.
I do like shadow maul, I shall leave my judgment for when I join a big team with lots of mobs then.
oh I wouldn't miss out on fear, its my favourate status effect second only to confuse :P. Just checked energy aura and wow they are quite similar. I see the two end drain/reduction powers are the opposite way round thoguh. Think I;d prefer a drain first.
cool thanks, I;ve currently planned lighting field for just after conserve power, see how my end is later and I might take it earlier.
right I get your point on smite now, its ncie when I get it to hit 2 or 3 but I do see rage dropping a bit. Tempted to get air superiorit instead now, could SS/Fly then without losing any other powers.
reading the description (on Mids heroe designer) it heals back 10% of your health I suppose 3 SO's and thats 20% so not to bad on paper. I guess your not noticing much of a difference now because of your TOs/DOs? and the fact you don't have much life atm.
I currently have a similar power on electric, jacobs ladder think its called and it has a small cone. I don't mind it and I do liek the shadow maul animation.
With no stamina in my build though I have power picks to spare so I will take it but I think I'll take the other two first then. -
the worst thing in the world, stamina! I;ve never seen dark consumption before but reading the other thread (dark/dark) I checked out Dark consumption. Wow, an end replacement you get really early.
So now I am considering deleting my electric/electic (though I like it) and making a dark/elec. So is Dark consumption/conserve power enough to go stamina free? I would really love to finally have a character that doesn't have stamina.
With 3 recharge, hasten and lightning reflexes from /elec that dark consumptions is gonna be up quite often (70ish seconds).
And while we're at it any tip[s on dark melee, I tried it a long time ago and can't really remember much.
edit: ooh I see power sink too, forgot about that. This looks really tempting now :P. -
I;ve read Jack has a nasty habbit of standing back throwing ice, one suggestion was to get tp friend and teleport him into the mobs so he'll actually start meleeing things and his chilling embrace to slow them.
I suppose walking past would work ok too. -
I have to use a screenshot unfortunately, as Mids' planner seems to crash whenever I try to import.
[/ QUOTE ]
perhaps a silly questions but did you mean export or are you indeed trying to click import? Certainly sounds like your trying the import option (as it WILL crash if you don't have a build in your click board.
Try the export option next time, since thats what you want to do after all :P. -
all the mind stuff looks pretty good, don't have a clue about the sonic. Telekenesis can be a really good power but tis very situational. Imo you should swap it around for hasten which will be of great use with total domination/mass confusion cycling. I would also get confuse earlier too, will help out quite a bit early on if your soloing.
if you do want to free up some slots then 1/2 is fine in telekenesis (expecially when you get 40+ IO's) and also I think end red in sleep is a bit wasted (sicne you can't improve the recharge of sleep). Same witht he end red in terrify, you could get rid of that since you'll only be using it every 30 secodns anyway. Would try to keep 5 slots and go for glimpse of the abyss set eventually (4 slots +9% acc, 5 +6.25 global recharge).
maybe stick on of the slots into confuse (to make 5) for malaise illusions set (5, 6.25 global recharge). -
SS/Hover is a fairly nice combination for a travel power, not reliant on sithen speed to get around but can use it for your verticle movement and in missions hover is nice as it slows you down :P. Got psuedo kb protection without having to use a power on acro and the stealth of SS is nice.
As for ID I think what your team member says makes sense and perhaps that is why. The mez resist does stack thought so if stacking it is providing enough mez resist to over coem the ruin mages thing then I guess its not knock down after all. Definatly not weorht using as a shield unless your up against a tough group or one you know will hold/kb etc. 60 sec duration is juat a night mare for keeping the buff on in a larger group /. -
thats a really good idea, might just do that
grrr what you say that for, I was all decided then :P. I'm looking at the stealth IO things but the price of the thing to go in them is nasty :/.
If I stick the stealth thing in sprit will it be on when ever sprint is on? or just for 2 mins after activatign sprit? It is a good idea btw, I like it.
How good is the stealth? like the regular one from concelment, I assume it has no defence thing. I was hoping to get the teleport one but then that would definatly mean me having to TP every so fiten to keep it on. -
right I am now convinced. I shall drop telekenesis from my build in favour of power boost
eek, when I said levitate what I ment was telekenesis . I;ve edited the original post. Please reread it and it might make more sense :P.
I'm still not all that convinced :/. Hmm might drop telekenesis for it :/. I'm needing to make slots for power boost now htoguh, With what you said about filling ym bar up with power boost+power sink, does that include end mod in power sink? -
oh explain, I can totally drain someone with that combo or?
What would you suggest I drop? -
I'm going to respec today hopefully and although I have tried power boost on test and didn't really like it (I'd prefer other things really) I am considering taking it for maybe pvp purposes.
I must admit I enjoyed slamming mobs in to the ceiling with levitate + power boost but apart from that I didn't think much of it, thought everyone goes on about ice and energy as they have a power boost so, must be soemthing good about it right?
So my question, does it boost the magnitude of my effects or just like duration/kb distance etc?
if I do decide to take it then I'm gonna have to unfortunatly drop somehting :/. All I can begrudgingly drop is stealth or telekenesis , I love stealth, having super speed too its great for ghosting missions and I want 2 red fortune in it for the +immob protection set bonus. So not to keen on dropping that.
telekenesis is very situation based and I don't use it all that frequently but when I do use it effectivly it can be amazing. I'm happy to leave this out from a pve point of view but I'm thinking pvp.
So my telekenesis quetion, its a hold so if I use this then hit my single target hold will they stack and hopefully break someones mez protection? I have tried it in pvp (quite amuzing) but the single target hold then didn't break through (was a scrapper iirc although the push back was handy).
if it will help (maybe soemhtign else worth dropping) my powers are (or will be)
Total Domination
Mass Confusion
Ice Bolt
Ice Sword
Greater Ice Sword
Bitter Ice Blast
I also have (for 49) planned Chilling embrace. I could happily drop this but then I'm still waiting an age for power boost and I would like it immediatly if I take it (41 atm)
Teleport foe/Teleport (I won't drop these)
Hasten/Super Speed (I wont drop these)
Mu Mastery
Power Sink
Charged Armour (eventually)
Summon Mu Guardian (eventually) -
well Kinetic heals is (as I'm sure your aware) is aoe around the target so keeping at range isn't always a good idea. Not sure what he ment by style but staying close is usually a good idea. I'm ice myself so I usually use my hold and that allows me to run in close and heal/transferance. I suppose with bean bag you could do somehting similar (or get repel and smah them against walls to heal, thats fun :P).
Nothing wrong with sticking an enhancment in rest but I really wouldn't slot it. I mean you've got a heal, the only problem to begin with would be your endurance. I don't think you'll be using rest really (and it'll charge fairly fast with siphen speed too).
Running away is definatly somehting you should use to your advantage thoguh :P.
I've got this from the character planner thing. It says running capped at 135.67 feet/sec 92.50 miles/hour. Thats with 2 SO's in super speed. You'll probably have one anyway SO in it anyway (better that using end red in it) and you'll probably cap it with just one siphen speed (haven't tested but roughly I'd say 1 siphen speed is about half my superspeed). -
Stamina doesn't "need" slots to be effective but if your gonna be getting it ("wasting" two powers) then you'll definatly want three slots in it (inclusive of the original one). Thats pretty much the "cap" when you start slotting with SO's as adding anymore will give so little gain that its just not worth the slot.
I've only looked briefly at IO's on lower characters but I came to the conclusion that that their not worth fillign every slot with untill maybe lvl 37. When you first get DO/SO they are better than IO's but obviously as you level the IO's may get the lead. I'd stick with DO's untill you can get SO's and then think about replacing some DOs with SOs and some with IO's. If your 3 slotting things (3 enhancments of the same type) then I suggest using SOs, if your only having 1 or 2 in a power then maybe use the IO's (since the difference between 3 SOs and 3 IOs of the same type is negligable thanks to diminishing returns).
For a kinetic you will (imo) need both end reducers and stamina (at least early on anyway). I don't have any numbers here but stamina is gonna give a fixed amount of end per tick but since all your attacks will be getting faster (siphen speed) your end usage per time will be increasing. By using end reducers you reduce that usage per time. I guess my point is, stamina is fixed but end reduction will scale with your recharge rate.
lvl 39 atm and with end reduction in all my attacks, 3 slotted stammina I'm still usually waiting around for transference (slotted for acc/recharge/end mod) to recharge so my toggles don't drop :P. Depending on what toggles you'll be running at 35+ you can probably get away without stamina then.
For now I suggest 3 slotted stamina, and at least 1 end reduction in all your attacks (got hasten too?).
As far as super speed/siphen speed goes, yes they do stack but there is a cap at how fast you can run which you'll probably hit after super speed + 1 siphen speed. You'll notice turning on super speed while running with siphen speed but I dout you'll notice siphen speed while running with super speed (expecially since supression slows you first). -