Assault/Kinetics, Endurance/Speed questions
Stamina doesn't "need" slots to be effective but if your gonna be getting it ("wasting" two powers) then you'll definatly want three slots in it (inclusive of the original one). Thats pretty much the "cap" when you start slotting with SO's as adding anymore will give so little gain that its just not worth the slot.
I've only looked briefly at IO's on lower characters but I came to the conclusion that that their not worth fillign every slot with untill maybe lvl 37. When you first get DO/SO they are better than IO's but obviously as you level the IO's may get the lead. I'd stick with DO's untill you can get SO's and then think about replacing some DOs with SOs and some with IO's. If your 3 slotting things (3 enhancments of the same type) then I suggest using SOs, if your only having 1 or 2 in a power then maybe use the IO's (since the difference between 3 SOs and 3 IOs of the same type is negligable thanks to diminishing returns).
For a kinetic you will (imo) need both end reducers and stamina (at least early on anyway). I don't have any numbers here but stamina is gonna give a fixed amount of end per tick but since all your attacks will be getting faster (siphen speed) your end usage per time will be increasing. By using end reducers you reduce that usage per time. I guess my point is, stamina is fixed but end reduction will scale with your recharge rate.
lvl 39 atm and with end reduction in all my attacks, 3 slotted stammina I'm still usually waiting around for transference (slotted for acc/recharge/end mod) to recharge so my toggles don't drop :P. Depending on what toggles you'll be running at 35+ you can probably get away without stamina then.
For now I suggest 3 slotted stamina, and at least 1 end reduction in all your attacks (got hasten too?).
As far as super speed/siphen speed goes, yes they do stack but there is a cap at how fast you can run which you'll probably hit after super speed + 1 siphen speed. You'll notice turning on super speed while running with siphen speed but I dout you'll notice siphen speed while running with super speed (expecially since supression slows you first).
Thanks for the input. It's good to know that my speed will also increase my endurance usage (via recharge I mean). Also knowing that Stamina kind of maxes out after 3 slots is good to know. I was afraid you'd have to super-slot it or something.
Another friend in chat asked me what my "style" for the build was, and I was thinking literally of a "run and gun" type character that would focus on the long range advantage that Assault Rifle has. I.e. Running the hell out of enemy range while still blasting away while I could.
The thing my mate suggested: Slot the inherent ability "Rest" with a couple of recharges and an endurance modification. Since I'll be faster than any enemy I run across, escaping momentarily to a safe place to recharge for about ten seconds struck us as a possible alternative.
That said, I've NEVER heard of anyone slotting Rest. It just feels like a bad idea.
PS: Is there anywhere to see what the speed cap is?
Edit: I found the FaQ on travel powers/speeds and the only bit of information NOT mentioned is Siphon Speed. Go figure.
well Kinetic heals is (as I'm sure your aware) is aoe around the target so keeping at range isn't always a good idea. Not sure what he ment by style but staying close is usually a good idea. I'm ice myself so I usually use my hold and that allows me to run in close and heal/transferance. I suppose with bean bag you could do somehting similar (or get repel and smah them against walls to heal, thats fun :P).
Nothing wrong with sticking an enhancment in rest but I really wouldn't slot it. I mean you've got a heal, the only problem to begin with would be your endurance. I don't think you'll be using rest really (and it'll charge fairly fast with siphen speed too).
Running away is definatly somehting you should use to your advantage thoguh :P.
I've got this from the character planner thing. It says running capped at 135.67 feet/sec 92.50 miles/hour. Thats with 2 SO's in super speed. You'll probably have one anyway SO in it anyway (better that using end red in it) and you'll probably cap it with just one siphen speed (haven't tested but roughly I'd say 1 siphen speed is about half my superspeed).
Siphon speed is just under the unslotted SS speed. So you wont notice much difference with both on
I have an AR/dark, so endurance use can be pretty high. I actually Slot flamethrower 1 acc, 3 dam & 2 range. Only one accuracy because flamethrower has an inherent accuracy bonus, the range means you can hit a lot more people more easily with the flamethrower cone (the more people hit, the more endurance efficient the attack).
CoH: Moondog (WS); V-Rock (Tnk, semi-retired); Pole-Star (Bla); Demon Dog (Scr).
CoV: Midnight Gunner (Corr); Operative John Doe (Ban); Day-Star (Dom); Commissar Jaeger (MM).
Kinetics is very expensive. AR isn't cheap. You will be low on End until you get Transfusion at 35.
I recommend BOTH Stamina and endredux slotting.
Thanks for the help guys. Right now I've got Endurance reducers all over the place, plus I've avoided taking some of the scarier attacks until I can afford them endurance-wise. (I'm not picking up flamethrower until after Stamina). It's weird, but more of my builds are leaning towards fitness...not just because of stamina but because getting all those cool powers so early means I use them and end up standing the endurance-free fairly often.
Back to the other topic: So siphon speed doesn't stack with the speed boost of Super Speed? Or, if it does, it hits the speed cap pretty quickly so that I won't notice a big difference?
Siphon Speed does stack with Superspeed. Superspeed with one run speed SO (or IO) is not too far away from the cap and a single application of Siphon Speed on top of that will easily get you there. But if you use Siphon Speed every time it is up (with three recharge SOs) speed cap will feel like "normal", so Superspeed at the speed cap might be nothing to be too excited about... although my kinetic archer is a superspeeder and he loves running in circles around whole city zones just for the fun of it.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
The advanatage of Siphon Speed is it doesn't supress when you atatck.
Personally I wouldn't take SS as my main travel power with Syphon Speed, I would take something with a vertical component instead.
I really should do something about this signature.
Thanks for the advice guys. Right now Prof. Lazarus is using a combination of Siphon Speed, Combat Jumping, and Hurdle to get around. The only times I wish I had SuperSpeed is when I'm either travelling through an enemy-free void or when I'm travelling in a zone with enemies that'll eat my face the moment I try to siphon speed from them.
By the way, can anyone tell me how "Increase Density" works on a practical level? I've found it great for freeing immobilized/held/stunned allies, but using it as a shield buff left me....wanting. I think first impressions were just negative. Check this out.
I snagged Increased Density in my RP group because we kept getting knocked around by Ruin Mages left and right. I was planning on taking it anyway, but a little team pressure gave it an earlier priority (they're friends so its cool). I spend a moment buffing everyone with it. Just as we're about to charge, a ruin mage justs over a fence and knocks every single one of us down. It was....embarrassing as I'd just said how this should help us out. I did find that by double-buffing someone in the "knockdown zone" of the Mage seemed to make them kind of immune to the quakes, but....
I'm not sure how this works exactly. Or how to use it best. Right now I'm using it not as a shield to keep up but as something to throw on the team the moment immobilizations/holds/knockdowns start happening. The text also says that they stack, but do I really have to double or triple stack Increased Density to keep people from being knocked around?
(Btw one team member said that Ruin Mages do Knockdown while Increased Density only protects from Knockback and Knockup (as in thrown in the air, not pregnancy). I'm thinking they might be right but if that's the case, I'm not sure why Increased Density seemed to help after double-stacking it.)
SS/Hover is a fairly nice combination for a travel power, not reliant on sithen speed to get around but can use it for your verticle movement and in missions hover is nice as it slows you down :P. Got psuedo kb protection without having to use a power on acro and the stealth of SS is nice.
As for ID I think what your team member says makes sense and perhaps that is why. The mez resist does stack thought so if stacking it is providing enough mez resist to over coem the ruin mages thing then I guess its not knock down after all. Definatly not weorht using as a shield unless your up against a tough group or one you know will hold/kb etc. 60 sec duration is juat a night mare for keeping the buff on in a larger group /.
ID works against ruin mages, i've used it several times. i've only used it to stop squishies from being bounced all over the place or as something to take mmez of squishies. As has been said, the duration is way too short to make it something you want to be dishing out on a regular basis. i wish they'd add sleep to the list of things it gets rid of though!
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Well there's the problem. I assumed it lasted 190 seconds (or a lot of shield buffs) and instead it only lasts for 60. SO by the time I was done buffing all the Henchman and the team, I'm sure it was already starting to wear off. 30 seconds later when we got jumped...yeah that explains a LOT about why the Ruin Mage totally knocked us around like ping pong balls.
Cool. Now I know its for quick use and not for regular buffing. That definitely works for me.
With IR the speed debuff does not stack, the mez resist does and I believe the dam res does not. Its a fast recharge so you can buff the whole team but they'd better not be wanting SB as well or you'll be doing nothing else other than applying those two buffs. With no recharge in it or hasten it can be stacked 12 high on a single target but its a short duration buff so keeping it at that level is a full time job and not really worth it - if you need that much mez resist you're fighting someone like Ghost Widow and it won't get near her mez mag anyway, although it will break them. I guess it may be of use vs Tsoo Inkmen in large mobs though as these can regularly mez granites without being able to stack all that high over the mag.
Personally I find I rarely need to use it on my defender but it is very useful when it is needed and most others don't realize what it does anyway. I'll pick it up on my corrupter once I can find room for it but I am finding other powers are of a higher priority atm
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
My RP SG needed someone who could heal (having an SG filled with nothing but Brutes and Dominators is fun, but with no buffers just didn't seem right) so last weekend I threw together an Assault Rifle/Kinetic character. I've got him to level 10 but something came up when I checked the endurance costs for my upcoming "doom" attacks (Sniper Rifle/Flamethrower). They're expensive!
So here's my question, though I suppose it doesn't have to be solely related to corrupters:
Does slotting with Endurance Reducers make more sense than getting Stamina? Is it even comparable?
If I do go with Endurance Reduction, would Invention Enhancements be a better idea than DO's? If I do get stamina, how many slots does it need to be effective? I'm terrible at game-math but I'd prefer to get the powers I'd want...but not if it means I'm going to have to worry about endurance constantly until I reach level 35. Because that's no fun.
By the by, if Stamina needs a decent amount of slots to do its job, then maybe I should go the endurance reduction route until I earn that level 24 respec and re-adjust myself with Stamina. But I really don't know what's best.
"who confesses he couldn't resist and made another character against his better judgement"
Edit: Secondary Question, because a friend suggested it:
Does Siphon Speed stack with the travel power Super Speed? Is there a speed cap somewhere that would make this a stupid idea? I mean, do the two literally combine to give you a run speed increase of about 650%?
Curious minds want to know.