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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Herzog View Post
    Are you kidding me? Is this what I have to look forward too after YEARS of being loyal to you?
    This would appear to be the direction that NCSoft's marketing want to take the game in, so yes, this is likely what players have to look forward to.
  2. $7.50... and that's the ON SALE PRICE????

    I. Don't. Think. So.
  3. je_saist

    GPU Usage

    Originally Posted by Addicted View Post
    I took your suggestion. GPUZ gives the same % for usage, but as you say the other has been known to cause problems.
    What is causing my GPU usage to be low in the 40's and is this ever normal or common ?
    If anyone can, please try and explain gpu-useage in general w/ this game. Is 99% ideal in CoX ? Is a dip in the 40's ever normal? Does this always mean a bottleneck?
    Thanks so very much.
    Okay, now that we've eliminated Evga Precision as a potential problem, onto what could be going on.

    What it sounds like is a Pipeline stall: //

    Now given that you have an Nvidia graphics card my gut reaction would be that the card is overheating and is dropping clocks and/or stalling instructions to take a moment and cool off, so we'll start with a potential problem with overheating.

    Download and run the The Unigine Heaven 2.5 benchmark using the OpenGl API.

    This will tell us if the problem you are experiencing is game-specific, or if it is API / Driver specific.

    If you get the same halts while running Heaven 2.5 in OpenGL mode, then we'll know that the problem is not with City of Heroes, but with either the Nvidia driver in use, or a generalized OpenGL rendering issue.

    If you do not get the same halts while running Heaven 2.5 in OpenGL mode then we'll know that the issue is related to the City of Heroes client.

    * * *

    Oh, and just so I'm not dodging your specific question:

    Overheating Nvidia graphics cards is fairly common. I'm not going to go into the whole thing again since I've done beat that horse into the ground.

    As far as I am aware to your specific issue of the game halting and the GPU stalling, there are no outstanding issues that I'm aware of in either the game client or the Nvidia drivers that would cause this stalling to occur.

    * * *

    As to your last question about what is a good GPU load... that's a really hard question to answer as the answer itself depends on a knowledge of how chips are physically built.

    All processors, be they central processing units (CPU's), graphics accelerators (GA's), graphics processing unit's (GPU's), network processing units (NPU), sound / audio processing units (SPU / APU), and even Physics Processing Units (PPU's), all have defined maximum clock-speeds. Outside of direct user-intervention, such as increasing the voltage to the processor, or increasing elements of the processor's timing mechanisms, this means there is a hard-cap to the amount of work that any individual processor can accomplish.

    All consumer processors are sold by maximum enabled clockspeed. You buy an AMD processor at 2.8ghz, you expect it to run at 2.8ghz. You buy an Intel processor at 2.8ghh, you expect it to run at 2.8ghz. You buy a RadeonHD 5850 at 850mhz, you expect it to run at 850mhz. You buy a GTX 480 at 700mhz, you expect it to run at 700mhz.

    The maximum clockspeed also means there is a hard-limit to how many instructions a chip can possibly compute at one time, also known as instructions per clock, or I.P.C. The hard limit of any chip's I.P.C. means there is a hard-limit to the amount of work a processor can accomplish.
    With the chip's physical boundaries laid out we then get into actually feeding instructions to the chip. This is where the driver-developers get to have their fun.

    One of the job's driver developer's have basically consists of optimizing the compiler to send as many instructions as possible and get as close to the physical cap limits as possible.

    If your software product generates a low amount of data that requires rendering instructions, it's very easy for the driver-compiler to get all of the instructions into the processor without having to run at full clock speed.

    This is why many modern graphics cards have a 2D rendering mode and a 3D rendering mode. There's no point to the graphics card running at full clocks if all of the functions can be met within the basic clock-speeds.

    This is also why GPU-load indicators may or may not be accurate. A GPU-load indicator, in most cases, can only tell you that the processor is active. There is no real way for a Load-indicator to measure how much data is actually being processed.

    For example: if you are sitting still and staring at a wall, the texture for the wall, the shaders for any shadows, and the lighting calculations have already been accomplished. All the GPU has to do is just update the frame-buffer with the image of the wall. A GPU-load indicator could indicate that the GPU is very busy as it refreshes the frame-rate as fast as it can... or it could indicate that the GPU is doing nothing at all since no new information is being fed into the GPU and all the GPU is doing is just updating what it has already processed.
  4. je_saist

    GPU Usage

    Originally Posted by Addicted View Post
    EVGA Precision
    thought so:

    Evga Precision tool is known to cause errors with the game.

    Turn it off.

    If you want to monitor your GPU usage please use GPUZ:
  5. je_saist

    GPU Usage

    Originally Posted by Addicted View Post
    Hello Community,
    I'm trying to understand game performance and gpu usage in general and in particular with this game.
    I currently have a gtx 580 coupled with an i5 cpu overclocked to 4.0ghz and notice that I lag considerably when gpu usage dips from the high 90%'s to 40's-50's.
    Does the usage only dip when theres a bottleneck present ? What could be causing this ?
    Question: what utility are you using to view your GPU load?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
    This is an exceptionally well-crafted pun. I applaud you.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    What file would I need to make a copy of (Just going to email myself, don't have a flash disk) to preserve my settings?

    um... you Format the DISK drive, also commonly called a HARD DRIVE

    I seriously doubt you'd want to try and re-write the micro-code stored on the CPU.

    City of Heroes does not save any information to your computer except costumes, AE missions, and the order of your login screen characters.

    If you want to preserve these particular items the location will change depending on your operating system and installation method:

    C:\Program Files\CoH\
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CoH\

    C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\
    C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\

    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\CoH\
    C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\CoH\

    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\
    C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\

    The folders in these locations won't change. Just grab
    • costumes
    • Custom-Critter
    • CustomVillainGroup
    • Missions
    • PowerCust
    • screenshots
    • and any folders with your login name that you want to keep.
  8. je_saist


    There are a couple of known issues with the AMD driver set introduced in the 11.5 driver.

    Drop back to the 11.4 driver and things should work fine.
  9. je_saist

    I feel...cheated

    Originally Posted by Devlin_Quaid View Post
    I went into the store to buy the Cyborg pack. As everyone knows, it doesn't say what exactly is part of the bundle, so I assumed it was the same as the Super boooster, excluding the powers.

    I was wrong.

    Turns out, after buying the cyborg bundle for 400 points, turns out I don't get the auras with it! What the crap?

    Am I wrong? I this a bug, or bait and switch?
    bait and switch.

    The original booster packs are no more.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captiosus View Post
    Fully agreed. Between the pricing being all over the map and the reliance on "global" as a catch phrase, I can't see any way the market will be profitable over the long term. There's little nickle-and-diming in Paragon's plan, which is the bread and butter of a microtransaction model. There's just "pay a higher amount now, and it's yours on that account forever".

    That WILL eventually reach a plateau and new revenue will fall right off a cliff.
    They're counting on a fresh flow of "new" content to keep from hitting that plateau... but the current prices simply show that NCSoft still hasn't learned how MICROtransactions work.

    I honestly feel bad for Paragon Studios. They've put out one of their best updates ever, but the actions of their owners over them are just going to sink the population base.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Operational word "was".

    Look at Incarnate powers. You don't have access to them until 50. But you can still customize 'em.

    The stumbling block now? It's called "I don't wanna do it."
    I'm going with... that's not what Tunnel Rat said:

    Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
    This is what really gets me. I'm obviously not a programmer, nor do I actually know the amount of effort a change like this would take, but it SEEMS like this would be an easy fix. I know I'm necro'ing this thread, but my Elec/SR scrapper is having to take Leadership powers and a few other things, because A) there is no electric APP for scrappers and B) the red Mu lightning does NOT work with his powers.

    I know I could suck it up and just use the Mu lightning as-is, but it doesn't fit his character at all thematically...
    check out posts by Tunnel Rat:

    She has her own thread about FX improvements for the game:

    Here are some of the things she has said in that thread:

    I’ve seen a metric ton of requests for pool/epic/ancillary powers customization. (And no, asking for it is not breaking the rules at all.) I’m a long way from promises on that one, but all I can say right now is that your requests have been noted, underlined, and bolded, as have qualms with the default travel power effects.

    (And while I can't comment on specifics for new systems like dual-auras/ dual-color auras, and a way to turn off certain power effects, I want to at least acknowledge that I've seen them and know you want them. Generally, they'd require a significant chunk of programming time, and our programmers are absolutely swamped for the time being. We won't forget about these requests, though.)


    Another factor is that FX time is shared by a lot of other tasks besides auras. We are constantly working on effects for new powers, villain groups, zones, cutscenes, storyarcs, etc. An issue full of new powers and content, like I20, doesn't always leave a lot of time to devote to auras. Still, we realize how important character customization is to our players, and we do schedule time for that. We just can't focus all our time on auras and nothing else!

    Italics represent my clarification, Zyphoid. Hope you don't mind. I’m seeing a lot of requests that would tie into Pools Customization, so let me elaborate a little on what’s involved here.

    Most importantly, this isn’t a task that requires only FX time. To implement these options into the powers customization screen, we need UI and code time. It’s true that we’ve already added an additional heading to this screen for Incarnate powers, but that was just one heading. We will need to add several headings to the powers customization screen to implement pool powers customization. And by several, I mean more than the screen can currently support. We also need code to help us address the question of whether all of the possible ancillary, patron and regular pools are visible in the screen at character creation, or whether they are added later in the game as you choose your powers. The first option will require code time, and the second option will require more code time. Then we'll need a UI artist to revise the powers screen and make sure it's as readable and attractive as possible.

    I know some of you are really dying for an update on the state of pool powers customization. Being one of many people necessary for this feature, I'm not the best person to share this information. When and if there is solid information, we'll make an announcement.
    I think Tunnel rat explains why power customization is not an easy fix, as well as addressing all other pertinent questions that have been raised in this thread
  12. Something that might be partially relevant to the discussion over "Are or Are They Not Evil"

  13. apparently the hint wasn't gotten from the thread in the beta forums.

    These prices are simply too high.

    I'm not paying $10 for a new power-set.

    I'm not paying $7.50 for a (admittedly cool looking) travel power.

    I'm not paying near the cost of a completely new game just to get more costume slots.

    I'm not paying near the cost of a completely new game just to get more enhancement storage slots.

    I'm not going to buy enhancement boosters. I don't need them.

    I'm not going to buy IO sets. I don't need them.

    Everything that I would have bought is simply priced too high for me to choke down buying. Everything that is priced... you know... in the MICROtransaction price bracket is stuff I don't need or can do without.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Everbolt View Post
    Is it possible to use the morality system (to switch villains to heroes) without having a copy of Going Rogue? Some friends of mine are trying to get back into the game and were wondering.
    no. It is not possible.

    Going Rogue is a requirement for participating in the morality system.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Talking of that, on one of the UStream broadcasts a while back, John "Protean" Hegner claimed that quite a few of the NPCs that we interacted with in the 1-20 GR content were actually Protean in disguise - but it was hard to tell is he was just joking or beingh serious about it
    You forgot option 3:

    If it wasn't true before, it will be as soon as he gets a hold of a text editor.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    One-dimensional thinking and black-and-white morality are certainly easier for some to grasp.
    By this logic gravity doesn't exist, the sun doesn't emit electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, and space is filled with oxygen at breathable concentration levels.

    There right and there wrong. What Cole is doing to for the so called greater good is wrong. How is this so hard for some to grasp?
    Want to build on this some more.

    Like it or not, there are some absolutes in life. (that's as far as I'm linking) actually has a couple of good stories about why the ends do not justify the means. A particularly good one starts around strip 712.

    Real life also has examples of when the ends do not always justify the means. In the US armed services soldiers who commit acts of terrorism or torture are as culpable for their actions as the officer who gave those orders. Following orders that result in illegal actions, even if it has a net positive outcome, does not dismiss the fact that illegal actions were taken.

    Now, in all fairness, this particular argument does get turned on its head. I'm hesitant to really go into current depth on this because of the forum rules here. So I'll go back into history. The German and Japanese Armies in WWII played by a completely different rulebook than opposing forces, most notably the violations of the Geneva Conventions:

    How exactly does one fight an opposing force that doesn't value life? How does one fight an opposing force that believes it an inherently superior race with no restrictions? How does one counter a force that will use every underhanded trick in the book?

    When various leaders over the years have faced such situations, successful leaders have universally tried to implement a strategy with the least amount of collateral damage.

    That still doesn't change the fact that some of those strategies were, and are, WRONG.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound_Too View Post
    I really don't want to get TOO excited over this, it could still be a long way off and we don't know what, if any, changes will be made... but still, Grav/Dark here I come!

    not really a slip-up:

    Actually Synapse and I have been puzzling over the dark sets. Just for fun, I'll shed some light on the subject.

    So, lets start this with a riddle, since the explanation is just as incomprehensible. Why does Dark Miasma overlapping Dark Control powers make a straight port of Dark Manipulation problematic?

    The explanation is, there are a couple powersets that would be sharing an interesting combination of powers. For example, Controllers want Dark Control and Dark Miasma, except Dark Miasma is already a very control heavy set which would supply a lot of Dark Controls powers. Combining Dark/Dark this way could lead to a lot of overalap.

    Dominators would want Dark Control and Dark Assault, so Dark Assault would have to be careful not to include control powers from Dark Blast or Dark melee.

    Blasters are easier, however the powers that go to blasters would likely be included in Dark Assault, which goes opposite dark control.

    Then there are the general AT wide no-no's. Such as: giving armor powers to non-armored classes, or overlapping powers alread in patron pools.

    So in the end, it's not designing one powerset. It's designing 3 different powersets:

    Dark Control/Dark Miasma for Controllers
    Dark Control/Dark Assault for Dominators
    Dark Blast/Dark Manipulation for Blasters

    Well, that's enough "dark" for several posts. And no, nothing is in the works yet.
    As soon as they announced Dark Blast / Dark Manip for blasters, that meant they had also solved the dark sets for Controllers and Dominators.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    They were, but a revisitation seemed inevitable once we were "shown" Cole doing something that has a hint of goodness and honor (viewed in a vacuum, at least).
    Yep. Some people just can't accept that evil is evil.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
    Couldn't they just replace parry with another ability if that's the only problem?

    Edit: I apologize if this is 'necromancing' a thread, I was searching through the forums for Broadsword as a tanker powerset, and came across this.
    Yes, it is a necromancy, and yes, the mods do frown on thread necromancy.

    Goodbye dear thread, we missed you.

    Anyways, David's statements were made a little clearer later this year with two words:

    Titan. Melee.
  20. Oh yeah, something else just popped into my mind when writing that Tyrant had pulled the punch.. There was a question or so about how Duray wasn't dusted by the impact.

    Colonel Duray: You can't win. The procedure benefited greatly from my men's sacrifices.
    Colonel Duray: Allow me to show you.
    Colonel Duray: Imagine it, an entire army of these super soldiers!
    and there is also this tidbit:

    Composed entirely of soldiers from the TRB, the 2n Battalion is arguably just a rename of Duray's former with one exceptional difference. Every soldier in the battalion has been genetically reengineered by Praetor Berry.
    This indicates that Col. Duray has been genetically enhanced, which I believe classifies him as a Science based superpower.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    He just needs to ask any of the soldiers who Tyrant carefully made sure were there to witness what happened
    "Sir, he punched you in the face."


    "Yes Sir, in the face."


    "Yes Sir, that crater in the back wall that you have to fill in, that's where you hit."


    "Yes Sir, he did pull the punch. We could still identify you with dental records"
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Does last friday, IIRC, count?
    We'll make that the benchmark.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by __Naq View Post
    Has anyone asked the rednames at a gathering or whatever, whether there'll be *any* future *individual* character development arcs (ex. Ramiel, clone) post-50? My love of the game is a mighty thing, but it looks more and more like we're sacrificing individual development for a purely "big story" group game.

    If you are asking for a solo path consider this post by Positron:

    To those who think the Signature Story rewards are the promised "Solo Path" to Incarnate:

    It isn't.

    Was never intended to be.

    It's simply a bonus being given to players who play the Sig Stories.

    The solo path Incarnate stuff is later. By the time you guys really pushed to having us include it, 21 was already locked down, content-wise.

    Also note: Solo Path does not equal "at the same rate as those who do Trials". Those players will ALWAYS advance through the system faster. Otherwise the Trails will shrivel up and die, and those people who (gasp) like them will never get a chance to run them.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
    Battalion = soldiers of rularuu?

    Or at least... I don't think so.

    Rularuu is an entity unto itself:

    Rularuu the Ravager menaced Paragon City back in the roaring '60s. Luckily, before his interdimensional plundering could properly commence, Rularuu was defeated by a group of superheroes. In an ironic coup de grace, the Midnight Squad trapped Rularuu in an otherworldly prison called the Shadow Shard, where he’s been stewing ever since. There is some rumor that the Dream Doctor and Rularuu are connected somehow.
    Rularuu's conflict with the Midnight Squad post-dates the encounter the Rikti Lineage of War had with the Battalion:

    The Battalion is an alien force the Rikti Lineage of War battled about 100 years ago. They were mentioned in The Hro'Dtohz file, a clue received in part four of Dreams of Peace and Acts of War arc from Serpent Drummer.
    What we don't know yet is if the Battalion that is on it's way to Earth "now" through the Shivan's is the same Battalion that the Rikti faced off against, or if the Battalion that is on it's way to earth is the Primal Version of the Battalion that the Rikti fought, and we'll eventually ALSO face the Rikti-dimensions Battalion as well.

    Either way, there seems to be no link between the Battalion and Rularuu.