Formating CPU... Question about COH settings file?

Father Xmas



What file would I need to make a copy of (Just going to email myself, don't have a flash disk) to preserve my settings?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
What file would I need to make a copy of (Just going to email myself, don't have a flash disk) to preserve my settings?

um... you Format the DISK drive, also commonly called a HARD DRIVE

I seriously doubt you'd want to try and re-write the micro-code stored on the CPU.

City of Heroes does not save any information to your computer except costumes, AE missions, and the order of your login screen characters.

If you want to preserve these particular items the location will change depending on your operating system and installation method:

C:\Program Files\CoH\
C:\Program Files (x86)\CoH\

C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\
C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\

C:\Program Files\NCSoft\CoH\
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\CoH\

C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\

The folders in these locations won't change. Just grab
  • costumes
  • Custom-Critter
  • CustomVillainGroup
  • Missions
  • PowerCust
  • screenshots
  • and any folders with your login name that you want to keep.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

um... you Format the DISK drive, also commonly called a HARD DRIVE

I seriously doubt you'd want to try and re-write the micro-code stored on the CPU.

City of Heroes does not save any information to your computer except costumes, AE missions, and the order of your login screen characters.

If you want to preserve these particular items the location will change depending on your operating system and installation method:

C:\Program Files\CoH\
C:\Program Files (x86)\CoH\

C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\
C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\

C:\Program Files\NCSoft\CoH\
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\CoH\

C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\

The folders in these locations won't change. Just grab
  • costumes
  • Custom-Critter
  • CustomVillainGroup
  • Missions
  • PowerCust
  • screenshots
  • and any folders with your login name that you want to keep.
It has to save your graphics settings. Thats what I am looking to preserve.



Few other things:
playernotes.txt (will be under your player folder, as I recall)
wdw.txt (window placement)
If you have any binds that are saved in the COH folder, those. (I tend to rename the file and put it in its own binds directory.)
options.txt (export options to file, reload afterward)
PlayerCreatedSouvenierClues, if you care about the AE clues.
\Logs if you want to save chat logs.

Graphics settings I *believe* are in the registry keys, as opposed to a file in the COH folder.



So there is no way to copy the graphic settings? I suppose I will have to write them down by hand...



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
So there is no way to copy the graphic settings? I suppose I will have to write them down by hand...
Open 'regedit' (Start -> Run 'regedit' -> OK), navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic, right click the 'Coh' folder, and 'export' and save it somewhere.

That file you can then double click on the other computer and merge with the registry, and it'll load all your graphics settings (along with a couple other things, like last logged in account and installation path... the latter of which could potentially be an issue).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
What file would I need to make a copy of (Just going to email myself, don't have a flash disk) to preserve my settings?
Sorry Ultimus but your title reminds me of back in the day when some people thought the monitor was the computer.

I blame the Apple iMac (IT HAS NO FLOPPY DISK!!) for that perception.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I blame the Apple iMac (IT HAS NO FLOPPY DISK!!) for that perception.
Pfft. It was just as bad before that.

"Oh, you mean the modem?"

... eventually you just give up and call it the modem, or the 'box,' or whatever they've decided to dub the thing this time.