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  1. Hi Guys,

    just a heads up that after a 503Mb download we are in and enjoying the new stuff

    Have fun and come and join us.

  2. Hi,

    many thanks for the above

    1300 (and a chunk more!) club here I come

    Now I just got to curb my impatience...arghhhhh

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    The only new costume set it might be for the Paragon Market today would be the Imperial Chinese one.
    Was that the one you were talking about?
    Hi Lothic

    Yes indeed ( I just forgot the set name in my post)

  4. Hi,

    there was a bit of chat ingame just before the announcement about the new costume set being available, but that some bits were missing and the gloves had no textures, so along with the other market problems this may be what these hotfixes are about.

    But just speculating here when it comes down to it.

  5. Hello Guys,

    oops and sorry

    I meant to talk about "Self Destruction" which I must have purchased with paragon points when the power became available as a stand alone purchase in Issue 21.

    And I am confusing two different powers that have the same icon designs as in Blazing Aura and Self Destruction with just different colour centres.

    I apologise, I need to take another tablet

    Maybe I need to go check out those alternative Icon packs as I obviously need all the help I can get. Cheers
  6. Hi Guys,

    another little but niggling problem, seem to have a few of these lately, must be a carry over from my xbox360 Skyrim playtime

    My vet award power "Self Destruct" is showing normal on some alts ie with the orange centre and on others it is just plain old grey!

    Any clues on how I get them back to the normal version?


    Edit: Typo's
  7. Hi Guys,

    thank you all for above

    My twin Sands alt is a pure red blood never switched Villian but I may just have a weird bug there.

    Support answered that you have to actually claim the first two power picks before the third one appears in the listings.

    Also gave the same command option as Hyperstrike has posted above to check each alt.

    That sorts out my problems as in my OP. Thanks again I would not have got this fixed/cleared up on my own.

  8. First update:

    Petitioned ingame, very fast response from GM. He tried a few things and had me log in and out each time. (Would'nt say what he was trying)

    Nothing resolved so he escalated to a Senior. Am now waiting for an e-mail response.

    I did notice that on some of my broken alts I can see the Sands of Mu power twice in the power listings. Once in Temp Powers and again in Inherents!

    He seemed interested in that.

    Watch this space.
  9. Hi,

    thanks Texas, am on it and will let you know what occurs.
  10. Hello,

    am not sure if I have a problem what with all the changes to the awards system hence this query!

    Under the old system of 3 monthly awards I could have a choice of Sands of Mu or Ghost slaying axe.

    Then a few periods later I could have a choice of Nemi Staff or Blackwand.

    Then a few periods after that I could have the other one of those two.

    This meant I could have 3 of the 4 temp powers on each alt.

    Under the new system those choices now appear under the 3rd and 5th and 6th tiers.

    I am VIP and have everything including tier nine filled up.

    Ingame I have a number of alts that have either all three picks, or have two with the option to claim the third in the account based awards listing.

    However about a fortnight ago I rolled a new alt and it only had the first two picks showing in the listing. I also have older alts that did not claim all three awards and now they too have not got the third pick showing in the lists.

    Did something change in a recent patch/anything? Do any of you have a new alt with all three picks showing? Am trying to work out if this is a global change or if my account stuff is borked!

    Thanks and sorry for being a bit wordy with this.
  11. Hi Dechs,

    muchly thanks

    I have been keeping away from this Beta just so I can enjoy the new stuff on live so this is now something to look forward too.

    Hope it is cool stuff.

    Thanks again
  12. Hi Guys,

    noob question alert!

    When I check out the slotting options on my Thugs Bruiser I see in the "Sets" section - Damage and Pet damage and Mastermind Archetype Sets.

    What does the last one refer to please?

    I have checked out the Wiki with no success.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Correct, except the badge is called "Promethean" not "Prometheus".
    lol oops

    03.00 hrs typographical misadventure!

  14. Hi,

    as far as I can remember you run the Mortimer Kal arc.

    You get a temp power "Flames of Prometheus".

    You trade that temp power in for one "Notice" and it is removed.

    Somewhere in that whole procedure you also get the SF badge "Prometheus".

    You keep that.

    Hope this helps and apologies if I have got it wrong
  15. Hi Guys,

    well as it is now 4 and a half months since I was due my anniversary badge and my dates are still all over the place I thought I would go and check out my account and see what has been credited and when.

    Surprise surprise (irony!) the account site is down for maintenance, with no timescales for return!

    VIP RIP!

  16. Hi Guys,

    trouble is, that there may now be a sizable number of our newer players who have only ever run it as it is now being done, and so don't think of it as a "Slam", but more as just as their normal "Lam".

  17. Welcome to "Necropost City"!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    This is just my wild *** guess, but here goes.

    Level 10: A TO that doesn't decay
    Level 15: An DO that doesn't decay
    Level 25: An SO that doesn't decay
    And I think you get the box of cookies because that sounds exactly on the money. It makes for a proper rational behind those levels and now I understand that I will be perfectly content when I run it in the future.

    Many thanks
  19. Hello,

    been rolling a few new alts lately and so in turn running the University tutorial.

    It seems that every time I do so and get to the stage where you select which IO to craft I am just in the wrong level for the optimum choice, arghhh.

    The level choices for each of the three types of IO are 10 and 15 and then 25!

    With the new sewers and Atlas arcs I seem to level a bit quicker.

    Does anybody know why the levels are not 10 and 15 and 20?

    That last 10 level jump seems a bit odd to me and 25 a bit high to be of any use as we are all on SO's by then.

    This does not stop the sun rising or the world spinning, but I am just curious about the uneven spacing. Silly little thing but it bugs me each time I get to that point.


    Edit to add: Maybe a way to remove the automatic contact would let me skip it altogether. That would be nice after dozens of runs.
  20. Hi,

    I think, but not positive, that they all get locked and you get to choose which to unlock.

    Hope it works out well for you
  21. jacktar

    Map Updating?

    Hi Guys,

    couple of points:

    First the link takes me to the main map page and not to the download section which is where you need to be.

    Secondly you also need to have registered and be logged into the Badgehunters site before you can download any map overlays.

    That takes a few seconds and no cash so don't worry about any nonsense by registering.

    If you have already actually registered check if you need to sign in cause I get logged out at randon times just like this forum!

    When you do get into the download page click on the title of whatever you want to download, not the blue dot. That click will then take you to the actual download page for that data, in this case the Map overlay pack.

    Hope you get sorted soon, enjoy
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    I think I may have gotten that token at the same time as well. Not sure though.

    I do know that it's now the first and still no Paragon Points, despite my billing date being the first.

    I personally do not hold any illusions that this will ever be fixed or at the very least consistent. I asked Ghost Falcon in another thread about it and this was his response (dated: 12/13/11):
    "Awarding of Paragon Points and Tokens : Lineage II just went Free to Play...(so our Billing Team may have been distracted)."

    And an answer that does nothing to explain the screwed up awarding of annual Vet badges bug that arose at the same time as the new system was implimented! It is now 3 months since I sent in my first report about that and still no resolution! Wonder what he will use as an excuse for that delay?

    Edit to add: sorry forgot to be relevent so I have just received my December points and transfer (due on the 1st of December) on the 28th of December with none of the date movements towards the actual dates that we were told was happening. My due date and actual awarding dates have not moved at all since the system went live. Still nearly one month behind. VIP service, I think not.