Can people.....




send you stuff on your wish list? its kinda confusing on how the wish-list works?



Sadly no.

The wish list is merely a tool for you to keep track of things you want to buy but would rather wait for;
The funds to purchase it
A sale
Doing more research

So you see something you want, but can't afford it until payday. You can add it to the Wishlist and that way you won't forget what it was and you won't have to go searching again.

At this time, we can't even gift points to others.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Sadly no.

The wish list is merely a tool for you to keep track of things you want to buy but would rather wait for;
The funds to purchase it
A sale
Doing more research

So you see something you want, but can't afford it until payday. You can add it to the Wishlist and that way you won't forget what it was and you won't have to go searching again.

At this time, we can't even gift points to others.
Thats lame the title is miss-leading I think otheres should send u stuff on ur wish list.



What's lame is that Amazon (and others) have managed to change the meaning of a straightforward phrase so that people think that it's misleading when used properly.

The main use of the wish list is to tell the marketing people what people want to buy but are not quite willing to at the current price/time. I can't imagine that they're not data mining wish lists to drive special offers but if they're not then they should be.

In Paragon City since June 2005.



Originally Posted by Feefa J View Post
What's lame is that Amazon (and others) have managed to change the meaning of a straightforward phrase so that people think that it's misleading when used properly.

The main use of the wish list is to tell the marketing people what people want to buy but are not quite willing to at the current price/time. I can't imagine that they're not data mining wish lists to drive special offers but if they're not then they should be.
Maybe there is more than one type of wish list?



I too blame Amazon. Traditionally what Amazon calls a Wishlist is normally called a Registry, a list of items you would want others to buy for you as well as to coordinate purchases so you won't get three of the same thing when you only asked for one.

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All I meant was that a wish list (or wishlist) used to mean simply a list of things someone wanted.
Now that Amazon have loaded the phrase with the expectation that it will be backed by a particular service it's difficult to think of an alternative that would describe the CoH version. Shortlist (or short list) perhaps?

In Paragon City since June 2005.



like on the sims website you have a wish list and others can send U items on your wish lisist and sometimes they even do the sims people send you stuff.

Like coh should do the same.



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
Shopping list?
Oh yeah. Why couldn't I think of that?

Originally Posted by Mastermiine View Post
like on the sims website you have a wish list and others can send U items on your wish lisist and sometimes they even do the sims people send you stuff.

Like coh should do the same.
I agree. It would probably lead to sales that would not otherwise be made too so, unless there's some huge potential for exploitation that I'm missing, I can only think that the reason we don't have it yet is that they've not gotten around to it yet.

In Paragon City since June 2005.



And when they do, it would be cool if you could have the option of making your wishlist public, and then tying it in to your forum handle and global email. So for example, if you win a costume contest, then a potential prize would be to have the contest sponsor look on your wishlist and buy something up to whatever # of points they wanted. Or everyone who likes Samuraiko's videos could chip in and buy her things from her wishlist.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
And when they do, it would be cool if you could have the option of making your wishlist public, and then tying it in to your forum handle and global email. So for example, if you win a costume contest, then a potential prize would be to have the contest sponsor look on your wishlist and buy something up to whatever # of points they wanted. Or everyone who likes Samuraiko's videos could chip in and buy her things from her wishlist.
*looks at that post, opens her mouth, then closes it again and just smiles and shakes her head*

Thanks, man.


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"Want List!"

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



As much as I'd like the idea of being able to buy a few things for in game friends, I think this won't happen because of the fear of people charging, in a sense, real money for stuff.

Example: I give you a billion inf, and you give me 800 points worth of x or y.

Or, I pl you to 50 and you give me x or y IO sets of this type or that.

Myself, I'd like to be able to give a few points for team inspirations so I don't have to carry them all myself.

But, those lowly RMTers and the like have ruined it for the rest of us.

I would like to be wrong about it, though.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
