Invention tutorial IO query





been rolling a few new alts lately and so in turn running the University tutorial.

It seems that every time I do so and get to the stage where you select which IO to craft I am just in the wrong level for the optimum choice, arghhh.

The level choices for each of the three types of IO are 10 and 15 and then 25!

With the new sewers and Atlas arcs I seem to level a bit quicker.

Does anybody know why the levels are not 10 and 15 and 20?

That last 10 level jump seems a bit odd to me and 25 a bit high to be of any use as we are all on SO's by then.

This does not stop the sun rising or the world spinning, but I am just curious about the uneven spacing. Silly little thing but it bugs me each time I get to that point.


Edit to add: Maybe a way to remove the automatic contact would let me skip it altogether. That would be nice after dozens of runs.

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



No idea why the level range jump.

I just ignore the contact most times rather than doing the invention. Just because the contact is there doesn't mean you have to do it. It will eventually go to the bottom of the list.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I don't know why they skip level 20 either, but on the characters I do bother to run the arc with, i always wait until I qualify for the lvl 25 anyway. It's just more useful than the 10 or 15.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



You don't need to craft the recipie given to you to complete the turtorial. If you take one with some high priced salvage in it you can then craft another one and go sell the salvage and make up the price of having to buy the recipie easily or just use a recipie that drops to do it.

That said I do think you need to craft one of the recipies from the list and that just any old recipie won't work but there 4-5 options there if I recall correctly.



You can also auto complete the mission to actually craft the IO, which means you don't have to buy anything or craft anything. Not really what autocomplete is meant for but

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by jacktar View Post

been rolling a few new alts lately and so in turn running the University tutorial.

It seems that every time I do so and get to the stage where you select which IO to craft I am just in the wrong level for the optimum choice, arghhh.

The level choices for each of the three types of IO are 10 and 15 and then 25!

With the new sewers and Atlas arcs I seem to level a bit quicker.

Does anybody know why the levels are not 10 and 15 and 20?

That last 10 level jump seems a bit odd to me and 25 a bit high to be of any use as we are all on SO's by then.

This does not stop the sun rising or the world spinning, but I am just curious about the uneven spacing. Silly little thing but it bugs me each time I get to that point.


Edit to add: Maybe a way to remove the automatic contact would let me skip it altogether. That would be nice after dozens of runs.

This is just my wild *** guess, but here goes.

Level 10: A TO that doesn't decay
Level 15: An DO that doesn't decay
Level 25: An SO that doesn't decay

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
This is just my wild *** guess, but here goes.

Level 10: A TO that doesn't decay
Level 15: An DO that doesn't decay
Level 25: An SO that doesn't decay
And I think you get the box of cookies because that sounds exactly on the money. It makes for a proper rational behind those levels and now I understand that I will be perfectly content when I run it in the future.

Many thanks

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Originally Posted by jacktar View Post
And I think you get the box of cookies because that sounds exactly on the money. It makes for a proper rational behind those levels and now I understand that I will be perfectly content when I run it in the future.

Many thanks
Ooh! Girl Scout Thin Mints?

Thought I'd escaped the irresistible pull when I joined the Army and went over to Korea.

Sure enough, I come out of the PX after payday with a wad in my wallet.
What do I see? Girl Scout cookies for sale.

There went my meager private's pay!

My uncle's youngest daughter was finally out of Girl Scouts this year and I thought I was good. Especially since I don't see them a lot.


One of my other cousins' girl joined this year and is actually allowing people to sign up for them on a website! AUUUGH!

I'm doomed! Doomed I tell you!

But at least I'll have cookies...

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
This is just my wild *** guess, but here goes.

Level 10: A TO that doesn't decay
Level 15: An DO that doesn't decay
Level 25: An SO that doesn't decay
That would take a 35 to make a SO that doesn't decay.

Personally, I assume they skip 20, as that is the only level before 40 that you can get an IO that is superior to the normal TO/DO/SO available at that level. They wouldn't want to give you anything that was too good.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
That would take a 35 to make a SO that doesn't decay.
A level 25 IO is 1.33% off of a white SO (32% vs 33.3%), and is better than a -1 to -3 SO, so it's close enough for gubmint work.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.