522 -
Nothing needs to be pre-planed, especially when it comes to fixing back end parts of the game. You can't expect that things will break, which I'm sure they do everyday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Catastrophic faults will always happen and we accept that completely. However, if as a consequense of that fault further downtime is required, then that by definition will be pre-planned, albeit with differing implimention time scales.
They, the Dev's/techs et cetera knew they were taking the system down and so could and should always tell us, even if just by way of an ingame countdown and better still backed up by a notification on these forums. Must be all of two mins work and worth every second in customer relations!
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
well, for whatever reasons the servers are down this time, that makes three straight days we have been affected by maint/other server activity.
Yes, yesterday must have been an unexpected emergency but is it too much to expect some mild apology to their customers for the denial of services caused by it along with a brief notice of intentions about todays downtime! This event must be pre-planned. Communications both ways please!
Edit: two mins after this post servers now back up. -
Hi Guys,
just got booted from Virtue and see a bunch of the others are down? -
Hi Guys,
just ran an AE mish.
Team chat was about how we had mixed feelings about how it had affected the game.
One member says they thought it had screwed up Ww's.
Another team member, a level 44 controller asks "Ww's?"
Everybody else replies "Wentworths".
Then silence.
Something is not right if you can get to high levels with that amount of non knowledge!
Have fun, cheers. -
Hi Guys,
okay, for 24 months I have regularly used my favourite emote "alakazamreact" (yes I already know how sad that is!) and especially during the halloween events it is actually relevent.
Now following issue 15 going live the pumpkin has gone, to be replaced by a random selection of fairly tacky furniture items.
Does anybody know what the rational or need was to cause this change?
Was it being farmed or used in some unfathonable exploit?
There is so much more stuff in the game at present that is actually broken what was so important that made this an issue requireing Dev time to alter?
I lost 78 AE badges and now an old friend in the shape of a pumpkin, enough I cry and bring it back.
Cheers -
Aw and I thought the OP was refering to your avatar
Boy am I red faced! (Couldn't resist it!) -
no warning, just a Mapserver disconnect message.
I was about two generals from completing Mercedes mish but at least I was not one of the many doing the new TF. I bet they are jolly cross
Ah well suck it up and start again! -
Hi Guys,
just tried to log in and had two patches to download and apply and now the server is closed for internal testing!
Is this Issue 15 going live?
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
so does the news now mean that I can roll a "Michael Jackson" toon without getting wacked?
Cheers -
Hey, I got a better idea, how about giving us a damn option to turn off all incoming emails for each of our characters.
[/ QUOTE ]
This - twice! -
On test server, the removed badges blink on and off repeatedly. It's quite strange. lol
[/ QUOTE ]
Hehe yep I noticed that as well. I put it down to even the system not agreeing that what it was being required to do was right!
Cheers -
Well, all is right with the world eh!
So I log into the Forum only to read the "Dessimation of MA badges" message which means that I will lose approx 83 badges earned the hard way over the last weeks with no valid rational for the decision and despite that then go to log into game only to find the Servers down yet again.
This is the fourth day this week and yes that sucks!
Does it make me feel that we are valued by the suits at CoX? No.
If the servers at Ncsoft need to go down then why not syncronise the game server maintenance for the odd occasions it happens?
Can we not have some good old fashioned "Joined up thinking" from the corporate planning end of this service.
Cheers. -
Hi Guys,
"Currently, some badges are being modified, and some may be removed from the game entirely. The list of changes being made to the MA badge system is not final yet, but you will be made aware when we have a concrete plan." - Positron's statement yesterday.
So we might lose some of our already earned badges!
Any clues as to which and more to the point why are we losing them?
Modify them yes, but to remove badges whilst leaving for example that stupid two minutes in The Shards badge is at the least a bit of a mystery.
And if he removes any badges what impact would it have on say, the 100 Earned AE badge? I only need one more badge to get it and have worked long and hard to get there!
Why are we not stamping our feet and asking for more detailed info on this proposal (Arbitory imposition).
To make the statement, he must have at least some of the badges in question already identified. Let us know so we can discuss this before the event, not after when it will be too late!
Do we not deserve at least that amount of courtesy in the part of the game that we participate in the most. Or are we just another tiresome interference that they could do without?
Discuss. Cheers -
Hi Guys,
and I wonder if we will see a dancing Miss Liberty in Atlas again? -
Hi Guys,
exactly the same with Practised Brawler on the scrappie. Real annoying when in long battles!
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
we were just chatting about these HoF mishs ingame (still zero posted as at!) and we all seemed to agree that the HoF mishs should be saved and locked into a "Play Only" mode and kept as an ever growing resource of quality product.
Much as a library or archive and that would also suit the concept of a Hall of Fame being a record for posterity.
Perhaps have the Dev's do a last quality check before locking it in.
Our only problem seemed to be that if in the future the Dev's nerfed/altered/debuffed or something then that may make the locked in missions invalid or need re- editing. As in when they removed the Snake eggs for instance.
We all agreed that the lack of HoF mishs is a killer for the badges and nobody was expecting to get them in the foreseeable future. Sad really! -
OK, not even going to read all the other replys. Simply going to join the whining that it isn't fair that the Apple people get exclusive costumes. Not fair to those of us who have been supporting the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hi shining one,
The costumes and powers that are included in the Mac version are special items just like what was included in the PC Good vs. Evil version.
And, like the Good vs. Evil edition they will be available for all current subscribers who are interested in them to optionally purchase them. We'll have more details, including screenshots, pricing and availability, out in the near future.
Thanks for your support!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hi Lighthouse,
so are you assuring us that, after the initial launch, both versions of the game will be treated exactly the same regarding variety of stuff, date of release and cost of package in any future "Pay to wear/play" type promotions and expansion packs. In other words there will be no "Arms Race" or favouring of one game version over the other even for short time periods.
Simultaneous and equitable marketing strategies for whatever platforms is going to be the rule, yes or no?
Cheers -
have been trying to keep up but at 31 pages and counting I may have missed this so sorry in advance if this has been covered.
Please do not allow paid respecs on the Test server during normal times.
Doing so would only encourage those that use it as a regular play server to claim it as their own even more than they do now.
If you want to test then copy over a respec holding toon and do it as often as you need to complete your testing then apply it to live.
In fact I would go as far as suggesting no respecs of any kind on test unless copied over.
However when in Closed Beta the "Buy a Respec" system could be opened up for the testers without charge so a much more comprehensive test could be carried out as fast as possible. This would allow quick easy comparisons especially when powers have been changed or added.
So paid on live and none on test unless in Closed Beta.
Cheers -
my post was specifically about no shutdown notification whilst "Ingame" and carrying out a respec, where the text box that shows that message is unavailable. I apologise if I was not clear about that and I have posted further about this problem in the suggestion forum.
I do read these forums regularly but not avidly and certainly not every day. This shutdown was an unregular occurence and so should have been highlighted ingame.
The server shutdown notification system needs an overhaul so every player ingame, whatever they are doing, will be made aware of such a significant event. -
so I got forcefully disconnected because of no warning about server downtime, three quarters of the way through my respec, just for a non update/patch! Must have been a biggie game stopper or at least I hope so to warrant this occurence!