90 -
Quote:My team had the same experience. Defeated them both after they had been fighting. Got the Giant Killer Badge but didn't get the Pumpkin King Badge :[ we were very sad.My impression though has been that if they go at it long enough, you won't get a badge for killing Eochai because Jack will have out-damaged you. But usually you can still get the badge for Jack. At least, in my experience.
Check out this warning for a little explanation on how it works. -
Speaking of missions designed to send you to the hospital, the first time I did Darrin Wade's arc I got completely pwned by all that living armor in the midnighter's club that gets mad at you (I think it's the last mission for him).
I was playing a mastermind, I can't remember for sure but I don't think I even had any pets out lol. -
Is there a place, red side, that is easy for lowbies to get to and high-level players also hang out, costume contests, etc.?
It seems like Cap au Diable is pretty active for a wide level range, but I would guess it's for the convenience of the the market/university/vault/vanguard quadfecta and therefore more comparable to Steel Canyon in that regard.
Although I've been playing this game since the beginning, I've never spent much time on the villain side. I just recently upgraded my computer and I've found that part of the reason I must have avoided it was because of all the geometry and the low frame rate on my old box.
I'm finding it a lot of fun discovering all these "new" (5-year-old) zones, but the player dynamic is quite different from what I can tell. Very kind and helpful like blue side, just different. -
Option 1 all the way
If you can replace an old piece with something extremely similar but with crisper textures, updated shaders, etc. I really don't see why the old piece would need to exist. And I don't want to have to look at them on other characters -
Oh hehe, I get it. In other words, you had never tried a Ninja MM, and then once you did, you enjoyed it enough to take him all the way through Praetoria. Nice.
Quote:Yeah Train Ninjas does not affect the appearance of the Genins. It is supposed to add a wrist crossbow and a second sword to the Jounin though (see link).1. Is there supposed to be a costume change when Train Ninja is applied?
Because neither the Genin or Jounin change at all. EDIT: The jounin has a wristbow appear but thats it. Is this WAI or Bugged?
Quote:As an aside. I rolled up my 1st Ninja MM to explore Praetoria and he quickly became my 1st Rift rider...
And thanks for the replies -
Am I crazy or did they switch the animation for the dismissal of genins from disappearing in a cloud of smoke to just keeling over dead?
I thought sure it used to look like the smoke bomb costume change emote. Now they just collapse like defeated enemies, rag-doll style.
If this change did happen, does anyone know why? -
I just wanted to chime in and say that I love the idea of the new color-coded system, but as a colorblind individual I find it incredibly hard to use
I was wondering if there's a way to download the game client on one machine in order to install the game on another machine.
The reason I ask is that I have a new computer arriving on Monday and I would like to download it now to save a little time.
It appears as though downloading it only downloads an executable that then downloads/installs it on the machine that has that executable. I guess I could just put that executable on the new machine but that doesn't save me much time with the actual download process.
I hope that makes sense, and please let me know if this should go in the technical forum instead. Thank you in advance for your assistance. -
Thank you so much!
I was playing around with creating my own custom groups and this guide is so helpful and answers a lot of questions I was having. -
Hi, this may be a silly request but I was wondering if someone would mind running my very short mission and giving me a rating so that I can get the Recognized Badge.
Arc ID: 437922
Author: @Humble
Thank you in advance -
Thanks Gavin and Dechs.
Speaking of Vanguard Merit, do you know if a character will receive bonus merits for defeating Rikti on top of the mothership if that character has the Vanguard Recruit Badge or does that only affect mission completion merit? -
Quote:Good question. The first one I got was the Martial Arts Pack because I freakin love Ninjas and basically find a way to incorporate a ninja backstory into almost any archetype I play hehe.Well i got the architect edition so i picked cyborg as my free booster.
I was wondering if they have any bundles of boosters packs that are cheaper because they have more than one booster in the bundle?
last time i tried loading the ncsoft store it would not load for me, this is one reason im asking.
also what booster packs or extra things from the ncsoft store do you guys think is the bees knees or just plane sweet?
I looked a long time at the link that Aggelakis posted before I decided on my second booster pack, which was magic. I did it primarily for the costume pieces.
Now I'm really torn on which one to buy next. I like the cyborg stuff, especially some of the emotes/costume changes.
I'm really considering buying the Science booster, but primarily for the tailor power and maybe the different face mask options.
But then again the mutant one looks pretty cool. Again, the main reason I would buy this one personally is the power and the sweet emotes. I can only think of one or two characters I have that I'd use much of the costume pieces on.
Anyway, that's all just my humble opinion. -
I've got a blaster that I've been playing pretty consistently and really enjoying. I'm wanting to participate in Mothership Raids once he's "old enough" to get into the club (earn Vanguard Merit).
He's a Dual Wield/Mental Manipulation blaster FYI.
I've only done a couple raids as a controller, and I felt pretty useful.
I was just looking for advice about what my role would be as a blaster during the raid.
As a blaster, what should I focus on? For instance, should I slot Drain Psyche for accuracy and recharge or will I die in a couple seconds if I get in range to use it? Should I try to take out as many minions and Lieutenants as possible or focus on elite bosses and U'Kon Gr'ai and let my AoE splash damage take care of the littler guys?
I might set up my second build for this if I need to.
Thanks for your advice and help. -
Wow this brings back memories, especially since I actually posted in this thread six years ago. Man how things have changed in the game, and for the better
I would also suggest a blaster as a first character. I was basically in the same boat as you when I first started back in '04; I had done the melee/tank type of character on every previous MMO I had played and was looking for something different.
A blaster is a lot of fun early and gets a little hard to solo later (but not impossible by any means). The problem with the very solo-friendly scrapper as a first character is that going from a scrapper to tank later will make you feel like you're not doing much damage, and going from a scrapper to a blaster will make you feel like you can't take a hit at all.
Just my two cents. -
Here is an idea for at least four unique eye beam powers:
Quote:Um, that was just a mistake on my part. So are you recommending that I switch it back to the DDR3-1600? I do appologize, but what do you mean by the ""1600MHx setting is unlocked"?...No idea why you downgraded the RAM from DDR3-1600 to DDR3-1333. It's not the default speed of the memory controller in the i7-870 but the 1600MHz setting is unlocked...
Quote:But either of the GTX 460 cards is faster than an HD 5770 (and the GTX 275) and their performance improvement (at least in other games) generally exceed the relative increase in price from the HD 5770 (% increase in performance > % increase in cost). Also the price delta between the these cards at CyberPower are at least on par with those at NewEgg (meaning CyberPower isn't stealing you blind).
Quote:And I just noticed no OS installed. Got a student or corporate discount somewhere?
Quote:Okay, what might help is an actual budget. How much are you trying to spend? How much CAN you spend if a little extra will get you a system that's a major step up in performance?
I would really like to spend under $1200, but I'm a little flexible of course. I definitely can't (or don't want to) go over $1400. -
Okay, after taking all of these things into consideration, and reading a LOT of this thread I've decided to try again.
Here is the system I'm considering now:
my question now is, am I making a mistake getting the 5770 instead of the 5850?
I know Positron said that the 5770 is working well, but... I don't know, is it going to last me? I mean, the 5770 isn't a "low end" card is it?
Keep in mind I play very few games on my pc. I miiiight try SW:TOR, but I'm mostly buying the GPU for CoX (and Going Rouge of course). -
Thank you very much for your replies. I'm rethinking the raid setup, but I'm sold on at least one SSD for the OS and CoX if nothing else. I tried out a friend of mine's and it was a beautiful thing.
I'm also leaning towards the HD 5850 after reading some more of your stuff Je, thank you. I have no particular allegiance to nVidia, I had just heard that the 460 was a good buy. It doesn't sit well with me that that seems to be the only card of their's that people like right now though.
So Father X, you think the i7 is overkill? Can you explain? But I'm not that knowledgeable (obviously) so please use small words hehe. -
Did I say something wrong? I can't believe nobody has any opinions
I'm in the market to buy a new compie.
This is what I'm seriously considering:
I've heard that the GTX 460 is a good bang-for-your-buck card.
Would I be better off picking up the Radeon HD 5850 and not worrying about raiding my solid states right now (in other words, just getting one)?
Also, I don't want to pay for it right now, but should I go ahead and spend the extra $51 to get a motherboard that will support SLI? I really like the idea of it, especially if it's going to help CoX/GR in the future.
Thanks a lot for any and all help and suggestions (even telling me to start over if necessary).