Add alignment to the search window
I added a bolded and italicized word to your statement.
If you don't have space, replace the origin column with alignment. I doubt anyone uses origin YET to determine who to invite to their teams, but alignment could be important.
As is, right now, there are missions in Going Rogue that give extra story options to players with various origins. It may be a while before we see this tech fully developed into the game, but the way things are going, having a certain origin on will mod future missions.
Second: what you want is already in the game:
From the Developer working on it by way of BAB: The color scheme came about along with other behind-the-scenes work to make searching more useful in Going Rogue. It used to be that heroes could see heroes and villains could see villains and that was that. With vigilantes going villainside and so on, we needed a more sophisticated approach. Now the people you see are people you could team with, and who are in the same part of the game world as you (eg. people in the Rogue Isles can't see people in Paragon City and vice versa, regardless of their alignment). While I was implementing that I added the coloring. The new color scheme works like this: Jade green: Same team as you Red: They have 'not looking for group' set Yellow: They can't be invited to team with you because they're on a mission map or in an arena match Orange: They're the opposite faction to you and not on a mixed team, so you have to go to their map to team with them Violet: They're the leader of a team with less than 8 people on it Pale blue: They're not on a team and you can invite them Green/grey: They're on a team but not the leader, so you can't invite them and they can't invite you |
I know about the color scheme. It is hard to see the difference between orange and yellow for the color-impaired like myself.
I know about the color scheme. It is hard to see the difference between orange and yellow for the color-impaired like myself.
Well. That does kind of change things quite a bit. The developers demonstrated in the past that they were willing to make changes for players who are color blind. Maybe you might get more attention on your specific needs if you made it clear in your opening post that you do have a color impairment and the current color-coded system won't work for you.
Posted to Technical Issues and Bugs:
I just wanted to chime in and say that I love the idea of the new color-coded system, but as a colorblind individual I find it incredibly hard to use
One would think that since the issue of color blindness has come up in the past that the Devs would have avoided a new GUI scheme that would rely on more colors in the first place. *shrugs*
Hmm. Well. That does kind of change things quite a bit. The developers demonstrated in the past that they were willing to make changes for players who are color blind. Maybe you might get more attention on your specific needs if you made it clear in your opening post that you do have a color impairment and the current color-coded system won't work for you. Posted to Technical Issues and Bugs: |
I'm not color blind but I find the new color coding annoying from a "can't quite remember what all the colors stand for" point of view. I know that eventually I'll have it memorized, but it's kind of cumbersome to have to deal with all the new rainbow-colored categories.
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Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
If you don't have space, replace the origin column with alignment. I doubt anyone uses origin to determine who to invite to their teams, but alignment could be important.