If Eochai and Jack and Irons start fighting will one eventually win?




I just lured Jack over too the big Eochai and am watching them fight, but not much progress going on the health bars. Will they just fight forever, or will one actually win. Probably just fight for a while then lose interest like I will soon.


Just curious, thanks for you time....

Triceth LVL 50 Ice/Storm Controller
Ghost Scrapper LVL 50 MA/reflexes Scrapper
Gespin LVL 44 Spine/Regen Scrapper
Treal LVL 41 Emp Defender
Radill LVL 41 Ill/Rad Troller



I think they're too evenly matched - like they both regen too fast and hit too weakly to do each other any serious damage.

@Golden Girl

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That is what it seems like, Oh well, was funny to see all the little enemies around them die while the big guys went at it, I think I am gonna jump in and say I took them both on(but I will leave out the part where I last 10 seconds)

Triceth LVL 50 Ice/Storm Controller
Ghost Scrapper LVL 50 MA/reflexes Scrapper
Gespin LVL 44 Spine/Regen Scrapper
Treal LVL 41 Emp Defender
Radill LVL 41 Ill/Rad Troller



At one point, quite a few issues ago, one or the other could win. But once the GM regen rate was raised, they became evenly matched.

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My impression though has been that if they go at it long enough, you won't get a badge for killing Eochai because Jack will have out-damaged you. But usually you can still get the badge for Jack. At least, in my experience.

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Originally Posted by Organica View Post
My impression though has been that if they go at it long enough, you won't get a badge for killing Eochai because Jack will have out-damaged you. But usually you can still get the badge for Jack. At least, in my experience.
My team had the same experience. Defeated them both after they had been fighting. Got the Giant Killer Badge but didn't get the Pumpkin King Badge :[ we were very sad.

Check out this warning for a little explanation on how it works.



Can people still solo GMs these days? I once caught a youtube video of someone soloing Krakken on their Ill/Rad Troller, didn't see how old it was though. It only took about 10min, but they had /Rad after all.



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
Can people still solo GMs these days?
Most certainly. It's even easier these days with IO sets. Myself, I used a shivan and warburg nukes with my Rad/Sonic defender to defeat a few. I know a duo who defeated Lusca without inspirations or temp powers.

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Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
Most certainly. It's even easier these days with IO sets. Myself, I used a shivan and warburg nukes with my Rad/Sonic defender to defeat a few. I know a duo who defeated Lusca without inspirations or temp powers.
I was beginning to work toward a build that could solo one, cause it's on the list of stuff I haven't done yet, just wondering if it was still doable. I did duo Scrappy on my Nin/Nin stalker wth the help of a DS/DM MM before. Well that's good to know sounds like /RAD is needed for the -regen factor though.



If you want help soloing GMs, just ask Silverado. I think he's the most succesful GM soloer lurking on the boards.

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Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
If you want help soloing GMs, just ask Silverado. I think he's the most succesful GM soloer lurking on the boards.
thank you!



Personally I've wiped out Jurassik and Adamastor on an MA/Will scrapper with shivans and nukes. I've taken out Eochai with a Claws/SR scrapper, and my Grav/Storm controller has managed to best Adamastor.

So yes, it can be done. Shivans, nukes, and a whole lot of recharge buffs (for two or three Shivans at once!) make it much easier. Warwolves are also worth collecting via flashback for a bit more kick.