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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    NCSoft has already confirmed that they are shutting CoH down come November 30th, period.

    I doubt a game programmed for massively multiplayer servers could ever "come back" as a single player game hosted entirely on an end-user's machine, though. If anything, our slim hopes depend upon another MMO publisher picking it up.
    So... you're sayin' there's a chance? YES!


    Ok, Dumb and Dumber quotes aside (and no, I've not seen the entire movie... I just... can't. Ugh. I'm one of 'those', sorry. But I do appreciate some of the lines.)


    Ok, D&D... oh, hey... look at that... no, no, must stay on target - Porkins... STOP IT.

    Sheesh. Startin' to act like Gir here...


    I too find the amount of... stuff... that you'd have to do to make it standalone, while not impossible, certainly improbable. There's the contact system, the mission system, and the system for just the random NPC people walking around... although that could be removed, but I bet it's integrated pretty well.

    In other words, you'd have to buy... well, several servers to just host yourself somehow, as well as the code to run it. I kind of doubt you could have a good running game with all those servers in one box...

    Not that it's impossible, but highly improbable and possibly insurmountable in any good time frame... and costly as hell, because *someone's* going to have to code it.

    The other is to have online servers you can run to make the game work... but then, you might as well do it right and run the whole thing in the first place.

    Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't think so. No, the way to go is save it as it is somehow.

  2. Shadow, that was a fun read. I LOL'd at Oldest Blade's... challenges. That's awesome your family played together like that.


    Oh, there's quite a few memories... Hm.

    I simply don't have the ability to go with just one. I can't. Top three then:

    1) The first few weeks of CoH. The wonder, the excitement, the figuring it out... all that newness. I still remember it, and it makes me smile.

    2) Nuclear Tigress on Pinnacle winning 1M Inf. Back in the day, that was some *cash* for a Level 8. I was just so proud of her...

    3) Brawling Humiliator. Either you know why or you don't. Go. Search. Find info.

  3. No, that's cheating to a more extreme extent than I wanna do.

    Never been a Post *****, but I'm so close, I wanna get there. But I do have my standards, and I won't stoop to total ballot stuffing, just... a little more active here and there.

    Although... I could play a few games there and get a couple posts that way, I guess.

    In another forum, they don't count in those areas. Because of the people who *did* be Post *****s.

    And with this, it's 49 to go. *kicks it into overdrive*

  4. I have finally gotten a small album of some of my best screenshots, and I figured maybe y'all would like to look at them. I put them in an Imgur album, it seemed rather easy, and works pretty well, I think.



  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    I will NOT miss having to wait 30 seconds to log out to switch characters. I hate that. Every time. I wish it wasn't a thing.
    My understanding of the reason for this is that it's intended to prevent people from using a deliberate logout to avoid defeat/death. At least that's the reason in WoW. "Sure, you can log out, but your character will stay behind for a bit." But WoW at least made an exception for logging out in a "safe" location, i.e. an inn or other "safe zone". It would be cool if the same applied in CoH, like logging out in a train station, a store, the University (basically, any Day Job location).
    Yeppers, I knew why it was there.. Buncha cheaters would use it for nefarious things. I really like the idea of the safe logout areas, that'd be nice. Ah well.

    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    Thread-based Incarnate "content".

    If running something every once-in-awhile is fun running something each and every day over and over for a few months must be super duper fun, right? *twitch*
    Of course it is. I would run BAFs and LAMs all day long if it would get me to Omega.

    Now... where's that "rolleyes" smiley...


    /I run BAFs for the cutscene, actually.
  6. Me again.

    So, I was in Croatoa with Insane Chopper, my Paul Teutel Sr. type character ("GET IT DONE!") on Champion.

    It was *completely* quiet. No music, no anything. I was, for some reason at the University there, as a Level 7... odd.

    I was going to move him to a retirement position in Kings Row as befitting his current leve, and to do that, was going to run back along the field on the south side of the city, as there aren't many critters to deal with on this lowby character.

    So I start movin... and got under a tree. Whereupon I hear.. rustling.


    Yes, rustling. And only that. Apparently, I've been playing this game for 7 years and *never heard the leaves in the trees rustling in the wind.* There's even a little creaking as the tree sways... I stood there... listening to it... enthralled it was there at all.

    That. Is. Awesome!

    A little sad I never noticed it, but there it is, I've noticed it. Thanks, devs, for that little bit of an 'OOH!' moment I just had. Just another reason this game is a work of art, IMO.


    So... anyone else with such a moment?

  7. I finally came up with something I *won't* miss. Because, honestly, everything else, I didn't mind or will actually miss. Well, ok, gold spammers, but I haven't seen one in literally months, if not years, now.

    Besides them...

    I will NOT miss having to wait 30 seconds to log out to switch characters. I hate that. Every time. I wish it wasn't a thing.

    The only time I actually am ok with this delay is I'm logging out for reals, and want to see the channels after I've said 'bye!' to people, just in case I miss a retaliatory "Finally, he's leaving.". Or "Bye.", which is the majority of what people say, to be honest.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    Grayson Drake is a MUCH better name than Dick Tim.

    Ok, I LOLd at this. So wrong, Flea... So very wrong...

    Gratz on your upcoming new addition, and add me to the list of people thinking the name is awesome!
  9. I, too, was underwhelmed, like Bill. These reasons were already pointed out as the possibles. Mind isn't blown. Disappointing, as I'd duct-taped my head just in case. Now I'm gonna be hurtin' taking it off, and for that? Thanks. Thanks a lot.

  10. If I may coin a word... even if it's just plain silly.

    I am in the process of documenting all my characters I've got. Pics, bio copies to the document I'm making, gettin' their hours on patrol, that sort of thing. Then parking them in a place that makes sense for them. And also getting a couple that, thanks to the extra slots and other servers and such, I've recreated. Such as my first character ever, Crimson Nomad, who used to reside on Pinnacle, and was about a 27 Claws/Regen Scrapper (the typical Wolverine type first character people seemed to favor back then..)

    Before we had more slots per server, and could get/buy more, before we had transfers... I had to make a choice and... well... he was the choice, as I had Plans(tm) to have a 50 of every archetype.

    Then they kept making more archetypes... and then there are some archetypes I'm... not fond of, or just can't wrap my head around, playing, but appreciate those who can. Widows, SoAs, Khelds and MMs. Although the MMs I can do, it's just... man. issa lot. Long story short, that plan is way gone, but not before I deleted him.

    But now he's back and on Guardian, where the name was available. Yay and such, he's playin' with the catgirls. Although he's only a level 1 right now, the look is... well, mostly right. Can't remember his face, as I was following him so much more than leading... Ah well, it's a good look now. May be on him a few more times, who knows?


    The other nostalgicarama thing was this.

    I re-ran across the Hollows, from Wescott, down to the Gulch, then back up and out, and then up the mountain to the highest point. Without a scratch. On a level 1.

    I re-discovered Mindrunner on Protector. Had a cool costume, bit evil lookin' for a heroine, but hey. Mind/Fire Dom Heroine. I'm.. guessing I made her just for this purpose, given the 'runner' part of her name, to show off my skillz. If only to myself.

    But while I did that... I got to Grendel's Gulch... and stopped. Turned everything in graphics to 11, and took a panoramic picture of the place from that low point in the zone.

    I look at it.. and I see... glorious art. The picture of the ground having been caved in... It's really quite beautiful. Even if it's a destructive thing that happened there, the result itself is... pretty.

    I'm glad I rediscovered Mindrunner, because I might not have revisited the Hollows and just... stared.

    I hope I can come back sometime in 2013, if I wanted... All I got are pics. Doesn't really work as well without being able to move around the eyes and position.

    I then completed the run back up and out, to the transmitters, then went back down and parker her right on the marker to Grendel's Gulch, faced her East (as it's the best looking view of things from there) and logged out, still the Level 1.

    Just wanted to tell story on that.


    /There's what appears to be a face... rather demonlike... on the wall NE of the Grendel's Gulch marker, in case y'all didn't know that.
  11. I agree. I have it myself, may use it later...

    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    There's no cow post.
    There IS a cow... you just can't see it in that pic:


    Bye cow!

  12. After this post, it'll be 59 more until the "Achievement Unlocked!" (assuming I'm remembering things correctly) happens, and that will be nifty. I will 'em dance5' when it happens in RL, because, well, I'm Gir-ish. Then there will be waffles. And tacos.

    As such, y'all will excuse me if I power level a little here and there.

    Oh, I'll be relevant in the replies I do, true... to a certain extent... but... there may be more original items as I think of things to populate the forums with posts to get mah badge of win.

    Tryin' to get it done before the forums shut down... if they do, that is... and we don't know the cutoff if it is to be... all those semi-philosophical issues with these here things... So yeah, I might be a teensy more annoying than my usual.

    In case anyone would wonder about any uptick in inanity I might produce... there's the 'why'.


    /I loveded you piggy! I loveded yooou!
  13. houtex

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    With each post of yours I read... the voice in my head is ever so slowly turning into Gir's.
    I'm ok with this!

    And... I was the turkey they whole time!


  14. houtex

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Funny story there... First time I watched that with my wife, we were about 1/4 through it before I realized she wasn't laughing. I asked her why and her response was, "This isn't a comedy. It's prophecy."
    Imma watch it and see if I get that same reaction or not.

  15. ^ That.

    Bonus for some who'd come on over to the Austin area... We have awesome roads over there too. And plenty to see and do.


    /Kerrville/Comfort/Fredricksburg/Medina/Leakey, et al, is a particularly awesome area for motorcyclin' about...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    /salute zwillinger
    Well yeah, of course, but I'm going with this instead, if that's ok:

    /em praise

    Fare thee well, Andy. Thanks for being the good egg you are, and all the best luck to you in your future endeavors!

  17. By not buying their product. They'll shut down the other games, but then you won't have them doing it any more, because they'll be closed down, never to hurt another player again.

    Not that I recommend that as a general course of action, mind. Just being pragmatic about the 'how'.



    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Dungeon Runners, maybe?
    Yes, that one. Thanks Tenzhi.

  18. One does not simply walk into Eland Cables for 1000 meters of 1000 pair cable, Hyperstrike.

    Also, it's about a week away... still kinda long, but then... I'm sure they just have this stuff lyin' about... Right..

    I'm going to guess that these idiots get away with this because

    1) They weren't seen carting **FREAKING 1000 METERS OF 1000 PAIR CABLE ABOUT**...?

    2) They smelt the cable somehow into some sort of pawnable sphere/cube/D12 solid or such, and that is just basic copper, and can't be traced.

    Sad, really.

    No really. Sad that 1) wasn't possible.

    I cannot figure out how that could be... except at night. And... well... Aliens. Yeah.


    /Humanity in general is saddening sometimes.
    //also havin' a tough time finding, quickly, 1000 pair cable pictures. 100 pair, sure, 250 pair, yeah... no 1000 pair...
    ///But just imagine this x3.3335, and you got an idea of what that problem is in size and repair funtimes: http://www.computercablestore.com/10...C_PID9739.aspx
    ////"Splice THIS." - Trinity (I think. Not terribly sure I got that right..)
  19. That's about Warp 4.1. According to this chart that's made up but hey... why not?


    And before anyone says it, I'll say it myself... in regards to anything about Star Trek (for the most part... hyposprays and crude tricorders aside)...

    Stuff ain't real.


    What the articles aren't covering is this: HOW MUCH fuel/propellant/? is needed to achieve the trip? All I've seen is how much is needed to make the field work start. Same article:

    "Instead of a Jupiter-sized ball of exotic matter, you will only need 500 kilograms to 'send a 10-meter bubble (32.8 feet) at an effective velocity of 10c.'"
    What that says is that you can use 500kg of stuff (whatever it is) to get a 10 meter bubble to move at 10x the speed of light. Not how long. Not how far. Just it's moving.

    Of course, if you then can coast and not use *any* fuel... except maybe some at the other end of the journey... well... that's cool. SAY THAT, you eggheads.

    Still... that's 1.05 years to get to Proxima Centarui. Doable. That's a 2+ year trip there and back to say "Interstellar travels? Yes, we CAN haz!"

    But it's a 10 meter bubble... that's... well, Jodie Foster in Contact, yeah? 30 foot wide bubble.

    So... Contact... **CONTACT WAS TEH REALZ!!**

    No, really, that's exactly what they're sayin'. The little bubble was about 30 feet. And since there was no inertia (in the movie version, not the book, mind) (unless you were attached to the interior wall, that is), then this whole theory was exposed in the movie Contact.

    Sweet. Hollywood beat science to the punch. Nifty.


    Still doesn't cover how far with how much fuel. If the bubble is *started moving* at 10c... then the field collapses... that... is going to be... well, I'm not sure what's gonna happen to poor Jodie-in-the-bubble.... hm...

    I expect a very rapid 'bug splat' of the body to the 'front' of the bubble a mere yoctosecond (or fraction thereof) before the bubble's 'rear is slammed into the 'front' of the bubble as the leading edge is slowed down by the pure physics of the leading warp edge 'expanding' back, causing a 30 foot wide, .00000000000000000000000000000000000001 nanometer thick disc to wink into existence, followed in a very short order of a very very few percentage points of a yoctosectond a near-to-the-speed-of-light black hole that is now moving at almost, but not quite, the speed of light, in the direction of Proxima Centarui. This will wind up getting close enough to PC that the star will start moving towards the Hole, and disrupt any planetary orbits and such as well. The Hole winds up eating a portion of Proxima Centarui... or if we're really lucky, will punch right the heck into the core of the star, causing it to be part of the black hole outright.

    We are star killers. Yay us. Of coure, we'd have to wait about 8 years or so to see that awesome display from here. Can't wait.

    But thinkin' about things, it could be that instead of the above bug-splat-into-a-near-infinite-thinness-30-foot-disc-turns-into-black-hole scenario, that the deceleration and consequences of that doesn't just wind up causing a thermonuclear type explosion of the occupant and sphere anyway, as all that matter will be slamming into each other at *serious* speeds. There will be chain reactions. Oh yes. It will be glorious.


    Another thought? Perhaps this toying with nature, and subsequent space-time-continuum-inertial violent stoppage of said 30 foot vessel with occupant is just *that weird* it causes a multiverse-scale black hole, sucking everything within our current universe into this Hole, and the subsequent shockwave bouncing off at higher-than-relativistic speeds causes the reboot of the universe... aka, another Big Bang.

    I actually like this one. Which was expounded upon by the movie Supernova. Bad plot. Fun robot. And... well...*waggles eyebrows*. You know.


    Then again, there is this 'vacuum' from the trailing edge warp expansion, so the bubble may just violently stop moving at 10c (because, you know, nothing can move past 1c in normal space-time) and move at something like .999999c and coast. There'd be enough energy in the action. Not terribly sure the occupant won't bug-splat... if not punch a hole right through the shell, causing a thermonuclear explosion of win... or a black hole... or just slow down violently, but with relativity to the bubble, therefore experiencing only disappointment the trip is now going to be 3.5 years to get there.


    But then again, the expansion of the leading edge and the contraction of the trailing edge would... well, be semi-disappointing because there would not be a Big Kaboom or Thinning of Amazingness or Deadly High Velocity Black Hole of Doom or such... the sphere would just... stop. Right there... or maybe a few feet from 'there'. Because the two forces, expansion/contraction, of the field would just mean... you stop moving.

    Boy... that would suck a LOT for Jodie-in-the-bubble...


    Yep. I'm excited about this whole thing. Lots of fun potentials I can see. Can't Wait!

  20. houtex

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    It's like reminding everyone that, yes, we will all actually die someday. We all know that.

    Well, you people can go off and do that, I'm not havin' any part of it. Nosir or Noma'am, as the case may be. Not happenin' here. I have spoken, so there.


    /I wonder if it's just that easy? Like falling at the ground and missing when you want to fly?
    //Although, so far, I ain't been flyin'. I keeps not missing the ground... Meh, I'll miss one day, then you'll ALL see...
  21. Pinnacle Represent!-ed!

    We had four teams at one point. Which I think was pretty good.

    Mine was a 7-person, then a 4-person set for Posi 1 and then 2. I had the star, so I called them TF houtex, and that's that. I don't care what the game said.

    The second was a hoot. The four of us were a blaster, two corruptors, and me, the defender. We had an almost-team wipe in the dam (one of my iced victims ran into another pack, and brought them back... oops.) 3 of us 4 had small dirt naps. But then we had a *rousing comeback* as we rezzed, buffed and proceeded to beat the snot outta everything else, including Dr. Vaz at the end.

    Which was really nifty, for me, as the other three were all the offense we had. My character was Total Dependent, rad/ICE Defender, and... well, she doesn't do offense, per se. She buffs and debuffs. But we did it, and my teammates on both TFs were awesome. Thanks to you all for lettin' me play wif ToDep. She's now a 43! <em dance5>

  22. Tabula Rasa, Exteel, Auto Assault and... oh, I'm not remembering the other one... aren't there either. They are PROMOTING their current stuff, and not showing Co* is just... well, it's a business thing.

    You don't remind people of a no-longer-being-run-by-us title. You focus on the current lineup.

    Unless you're running a commercial that's being nostalgic... like a Ford commercial might do in reminding the current crowd "Hey, we made the EDSEL! And the PINTO!"

    Er... on second thought, perhaps those wouldn't be a good thing to do after all for Ford... Hm. I'll have to come up with a Better Idea.


    /And hell no, I'm not comparing Co* to those cars. Please homies, issa joke.
  23. I also will reiterate: It ain't over until it's over. And it ain't over. Keep up the squawkin', but do NOT give up yet.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Unpacking my boxes in my office.
    Oh, that would be *fantastic*. Seriously.


    /skipped the thread from here to just reply to that.
    //Assumption: the office is the one at Paragon Studios in the first place.
    ///For all I know, it could be a new job elsewhere... lil' sad for that, but hey, you gotta work, so it's still fairly fantastic, I'd say.
    ////Goodness, now I just don't know if I've saved this post or not.... You all probably know what I mean... I guess... I'm just gonna exit stage right now...