So, a bit of nostalgic-ness-icity-ation.




If I may coin a word... even if it's just plain silly.

I am in the process of documenting all my characters I've got. Pics, bio copies to the document I'm making, gettin' their hours on patrol, that sort of thing. Then parking them in a place that makes sense for them. And also getting a couple that, thanks to the extra slots and other servers and such, I've recreated. Such as my first character ever, Crimson Nomad, who used to reside on Pinnacle, and was about a 27 Claws/Regen Scrapper (the typical Wolverine type first character people seemed to favor back then..)

Before we had more slots per server, and could get/buy more, before we had transfers... I had to make a choice and... well... he was the choice, as I had Plans(tm) to have a 50 of every archetype.

Then they kept making more archetypes... and then there are some archetypes I'm... not fond of, or just can't wrap my head around, playing, but appreciate those who can. Widows, SoAs, Khelds and MMs. Although the MMs I can do, it's just... man. issa lot. Long story short, that plan is way gone, but not before I deleted him.

But now he's back and on Guardian, where the name was available. Yay and such, he's playin' with the catgirls. Although he's only a level 1 right now, the look is... well, mostly right. Can't remember his face, as I was following him so much more than leading... Ah well, it's a good look now. May be on him a few more times, who knows?


The other nostalgicarama thing was this.

I re-ran across the Hollows, from Wescott, down to the Gulch, then back up and out, and then up the mountain to the highest point. Without a scratch. On a level 1.

I re-discovered Mindrunner on Protector. Had a cool costume, bit evil lookin' for a heroine, but hey. Mind/Fire Dom Heroine. I'm.. guessing I made her just for this purpose, given the 'runner' part of her name, to show off my skillz. If only to myself.

But while I did that... I got to Grendel's Gulch... and stopped. Turned everything in graphics to 11, and took a panoramic picture of the place from that low point in the zone.

I look at it.. and I see... glorious art. The picture of the ground having been caved in... It's really quite beautiful. Even if it's a destructive thing that happened there, the result itself is... pretty.

I'm glad I rediscovered Mindrunner, because I might not have revisited the Hollows and just... stared.

I hope I can come back sometime in 2013, if I wanted... All I got are pics. Doesn't really work as well without being able to move around the eyes and position.

I then completed the run back up and out, to the transmitters, then went back down and parker her right on the marker to Grendel's Gulch, faced her East (as it's the best looking view of things from there) and logged out, still the Level 1.

Just wanted to tell story on that.


/There's what appears to be a face... rather demonlike... on the wall NE of the Grendel's Gulch marker, in case y'all didn't know that.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012