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Quote:I can get a Raptor Pack at level 1 by going to Grandville or Firebase Zulu, as can any player with 10,000 influence/infamy. I don't have a 60 month veteran reward, and don't see that reward as being game breaking since I can get a renewable temporary travel power at any level.As a returning player, I am a little disappointed that these Veterans rewards are so powerful. New costume pieces, additional costume slots, respec tokens, costume change credits, additional characters slots, even rename credits are great and are great fluff items for vets. But game changing times like allowing travel skills at level 6 without the predecessor, and skills that effect combat are a little much. A player with fly is at a significant advantage over a character with just hover. Why would anyone take teleport foe/friend when they can just take teleport?
Since there is no way I will be playing this game for another 5 years, I might as well say these parts do not exist. Add this to the Bonus packs that give combat bonuses, it adds to appearance that NCSOFT is very willing to sell combat advantages.
I will enjoy this game for a month or two, might return for Going Rogue. The game has improved greatly since I left (after issue 3) but the escalating power of veteran rewards is not one of them.
IMHO, many of the veteran rewards should be rolled down in months as the come out. until they are one reward per month. for example the 66 month reward would become 64 months after a month, 62 months after 2 until it gets to be a 22 month reward (in 2 years). That way true veterans will get rewards every three months but new players will get to see and use the rewards in a reasonable time frame.
I may be a little jealous of the veterans flying at level 6, and having skills I will not be able to have for 5+ years, but that jealousy is also making me rethink if I really want to bother returning for Going Rogue.
My accounts are at 15 and 12 months and there is a good chance I will be getting Going Rogue. I'm not jealous of long-time subscribers and I don't think anyone really should be. -
Quote:Here's what I have as far as hero 50s go:lol which ones and what names? drog i donno what AT builds you can offer lol
- Radiation Emission/Ice Blast Defender (drogoh)
- Stone Melee/Stone Armor Tanker (drogoh's stoner)
- Warshade (A Kheld Named Ralph)
- Illusion Control/Storm Summoning Controller (Storm E. Mirage)
- Fire Control/Kinetics Controller x2 (Monsignor Rufus and drogoh's kineticist)
- Fire Blast/Fire Manipulation Blaster (Blazing Flamethrower)
- Plant Control/Radiation Emission Controller (Irradiated Shrub)
- Broadsword/Shield Defense Scrapper (drogoh's sword) -
When the good doctor of jello was spawned, I took my mastermind in there and plopped the Assbot down. I tried using the macro provided but Assbot didn't want to budge. I copied and pasted it, so I shouldn't have any issues, but it just doesn't work for me.
Quote:So what you're saying is that your computer can't handle the AWESOME. It's okay, we understand.So the last hami raid I was in I realized that my computer can not handle the bio nuke.
As soon as I got hit by it it was lag central until the buff wore off.
I had to actually run as far away from those bio nukes as possible. I couldn't even look at them be dropped.
Just saying is all. -
I has plenty of toons, but you know this already. I'm rather indifferent as to which one I play.
If there happens to be a spot open on one of the teams, I might be able to make it tonight. I'm not completely certain since my apartment building is still on generator power (has been that way since about Friday). Every 12 hours or so the generator runs out of diesel and it takes a while to get someone out here to get it running again. If I don't show up, that's probably what happened.
The nerfs to MA with regards to XP can be seen as heavy-handed, but I felt it needed to be done. Being as my primary (and really only) server is Freedom, I saw what MA in its original state had done to the general population. Some people did MA for the story arcs, but there were a lot more that just mindlessly farmed to get as much reward as possible.
When MA first came out, everybody huddled up in Atlas and Cap, and dropped anchor in the AE building. They farmed day and night, regardless of what went on. When the server was going down, people were broadcasting for farms. When the server came back up, they went right back to it. If there were zombies or Rikti invading, they still farmed. People power spammed in the building to the extent that the rest of the zone either lagged or crashed on quite a few occasions.
When Issue 16 was released, both Atlas and Cap became almost a ghost town *that very day*. The farmers went back to PI and Grandville but they were a bit quieter since they didn't need a team of people to increase the spawn sizes. It sucks that the only way to get people to use MA for what it was intended is to change rewards to custom mobs, but such a change was necessary and quite possibly the only way without completely alienating every player and throwing all that work out the window.
Personally, I didn't like the XP changes, but it beats the alternative of playing on a server where the only zone with any semblance of activity is filled with a majority of the server's players. That's just my 2 inf. -
Quote:WANT FIX NAO U FIX IT KTHXThat doesn't matter. The comment reflects the current status of the problem. Complaining again 3 days later seems a bit soon. lol
On a side note, I also was getting sick of running my TFs on Heroic and started bumping them up, only to have the feature not work correctly with the new system. I'm bummed about it too, and can't wait for a fix to come either (as explained in my previous post), but I don't expect it NAO!
On that note, this thread is definitely worthy of 'lol', that is all. I have nothing to contribute to this thread that hasn't already been stated. -
Yes, "bio nuke" is Biological Mutagens. It is a +regen and +dmg buff
In between mashing buttons I tried telling people where to go, but they just weren't having any of it.
I can be available for this with something.
I'll poke some eyeballs.
Quote:If only there were a facepalm emote...I know that will get glossed over and 6 months from now someone here on the forums will make a statement like "Remember back when walk was crashing the mapservers" and someone else will say "Oh yeah, I remember that" and I will drop my face into my palm and die a little bit more inside.
In previous raids, the raid leader (Tammy in this case) would call out (using macros/binds) what to do. The usual order is single target buffs (SB, Fort, AB, etc.) then AoE buffs (AM, RAs, etc.) followed up by a bio nuke, then the tanks take off running (or in the case of a stone tank, slowly walking) to their respective targets.
Good call. I blame him, too. *taps stick with a chicken head on it against the ground* Arise chicken... arise... chicken arise
I can offer up any of my 50s. Here are the powersets/AT I can offer:
Rad/Ice Defender
Stone/Stone Tanker
Fire/Kin Controller x2
Plant/Rad Controller
Illusion/Storm Controller
Fire/Fire Blaster
Broadsword/Shield Scrapper
Most of them are slotted with enhancements, though I know of 2 that aren't (I can always get some SOs) -
There were a few times I caught the bad side of some aggro because PA decided to despawn right as they taunted something. Good thing for Ice Mastery and Hibernate.
Quote:Not my fault 2 ambushes spawned right on top of me. I was mezzed before I could even do anything.Stonefyre team, not so lucky. Good run overall, however. One death. Stupid drogoh. It wasn't even an interesting death, he was drinking beer and got hit by an ambush while he was off on the side in mish 3.
Afterwards, I went ahead and got the Bad Luck badge which is my new title -
I can bring my bad luck charm, evil drogoh.
I have a level 50 Broadsword/Shield Scrapper softcapped to all 3 positions. There are few situations in which I will hold back. When I do, I feel I'm not doing what I should be doing, and that is laying waste to whatever is in my way. When I'm in scrapperlock mode, you're under no obligation to keep me alive. If I faceplant, I didn't do it bringing whatever aggro I had back to the rest of the team. I laugh and hit the hospital button.
I also have 2 level 50 Fire/Kinetics Controllers that I've played up to 50. One thing that ruins my having fun is someone demanding that I sit back and buffbot with Speed Boost and Increase Density. I'm typically too busy controlling the mobs with my primary and using those other wonderful Kinetics powers (Fulcrum Shift anybody?) to play buffbot to the point that neither of those powers are in my builds.
Lastly, since this is the Tankers forum, I will mention that I have 3 Tankers, 1 that I leveled exclusively on PuGs (Stone/Stone) and 2 that have either been soloed or played with friends/coalies (WP/SS and Ice/SS). My play style for my Tanks is to keep what I can annoyed at me so it doesn't turn my teammates into mush. I don't herd or sit around until the last minion is dead.
I've played with really good PuGs where we've done radio missions for hours on end, and really horrible PuGs where we've barely entered the door and the entire team bails for any number of excuses. I've teamed with some really great players, and really bad players. I've had the displeasure of teaming with some terrible team leaders, who happened to be playing a Tanker. They would bark orders and demand that everybody do what they say when they say how they say. He was the Tanker and we were to be grateful simply for his presence.
My point is, I have played with many different players, each with their own play style and abilities, or inabilities in some cases. I learned very quickly to deal with both the good and bad, and that egos need to be checked at the door. The only assumption I make of the players of this game is that we all pay for our subscriptions to do one thing: have fun.
If we stop having fun, it's time to move on. -
I was on a team and we were running Operative Renault Strike Force. During the last mission, I got a popup that said something to the effect of "CityOfHeroes.exe would have crashed. Do you want to send a crash report to Cryptic? If you select 'YES', the game will crash out. If you select 'NO', the game might still crash, but it might not." I was still able to play the game and finish the Strike Force, albeit without sound. When we finished, I exited the mission and clicked 'YES' in the dialog window, after which I got the standard crash dialog window.
I did notice that the message window indicated Cryptic, which would make me think that this code has been in the codebase for some time now, just not in current use. In hindsight, I should have grabbed a screenshot, but every time something weird pops up, I never remember to get one.
This doesn't seem to be /bug worthy, to me, but I am curious if this is supposed to happen or if this came about as of the latest patch. -
Hmm... I think I have a bots/dark that could work with this SF if there's room.
Will the fixes from 10/5 make it back into this build? I noticed that during the Halloween tests these fixes were missing (Shield Charge damage and Invincibility activation sound looping) and they didn't make it back in when the Halloween code went live.