New crash handling code?




I was on a team and we were running Operative Renault Strike Force. During the last mission, I got a popup that said something to the effect of "CityOfHeroes.exe would have crashed. Do you want to send a crash report to Cryptic? If you select 'YES', the game will crash out. If you select 'NO', the game might still crash, but it might not." I was still able to play the game and finish the Strike Force, albeit without sound. When we finished, I exited the mission and clicked 'YES' in the dialog window, after which I got the standard crash dialog window.

I did notice that the message window indicated Cryptic, which would make me think that this code has been in the codebase for some time now, just not in current use. In hindsight, I should have grabbed a screenshot, but every time something weird pops up, I never remember to get one.

This doesn't seem to be /bug worthy, to me, but I am curious if this is supposed to happen or if this came about as of the latest patch.