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  1. Why?
    Curious as to your reasoning for this suggestion.
  2. Its not *that* bad on a stalker...between tinting and the overall look stalkers have, you can hardly see it. :P
  3. I'm not aware of any lists, but I would guess that most are related to newer content. You could always flip through the recent Issues and what was in them, or just ask each time. At least the channels I'm on, its rare for someone to get blasted for asking a question like that. I will say that thinking about for a moment, there are a bunch of newer ones used regularly. :P
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    I'm a victim!!!

  5. Every time I make a new corruptor, I ask myself the same question. I have a Fire/Dark, Fire/Cold, Fire/Time....but a Rad/Kin. :P
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    To play with some friends, usually not enough to get a TF or trial going.

    BUt usually enough to get farmed.

    I said COOP Zones, like Crim and RWZ.

    redside is fine post 35, ITF's lauch about every 3 minutes on freedom and about ever 5 on virtue, the problems are gone at that point.

    But whatever someone logic is to play redside, teaming needs to be improved redside.
    I usually don't have issues redside, but I also don't mind solo work either. Maybe you just have to step up your team building. Start seeking people out for a team you're forming and what not. I won't lie that redside has a much lower population overall though. Honestly, I don't think it will ever change either.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    If its like first ward, people will gather there for the first month, decide chaining Dfb's and posi's blueside is faster and go back to that.

    I hate hate hate the redside story arcs, they are in general positivly punishing for a solo player who isnt a brute, scrapper or stalker.
    This right here is where your issue is. What other reason would you play redside then? I'm curious as to the logic here.
  8. I've been leveling a Stj/Ice that has been pretty great together...he's 36 now I believe. With some playing around with tints, the ice shields aren't too horrible.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    Strangely enough another super MMO has had staff fighting since its launch without all this kind of nonsense.
    All I hear is whatever song comes on Pandora.
  10. You are absolutely right! This is a super power we are talking about here! These lions should, at the very least, have laser cannons that pop out of their backs, and be able to fly!!

  11. I'm not your a$$hat, bro!
  12. I'm not your dog, kemo sabe!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    I'll third Pinn being awesome. Triumph was my first server and will always be "home", even though the people there can be kind of crazy / cliquish / drama queens sometimes. Pinn is my next biggest and definitely my favorite. Everyone is so easygoing it's just a pleasure whenever I team there.
    Triumph has been my mainstay for over 6 years as well.
  14. I have no issues with my dark/dark dom...I play with the sound off normally, so the howling has never been an issue. I like the combo's ability to play at range and melee, it gives you choices....which a lot of combos don't.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    They'll take you with open arms, man. Regardless of my current opinion of the devs, the folks on Pinn are a good buncha drunks. Even the sober ones.
    Sweet! I enjoy some small server fun!
  16. I've thought about only one other server besides the one I play on...and that's because I hear they like drunks like me. :P
  17. Staff fighting was an early April Fool's joke....there are no plans for it to go Live.
  18. No kidding!

    This totally cuts into my prime shopping time.
  19. What, more vanity pets?!?! Nuuuuuuuuuuuu

    I want more costumes pieces.....oh 'em

    I want more powersets....oh 'em

    I want more end game content for my 50s.....oh it

    I want more early game content.....oh it

    I want more mid game content....oh it

  20. dougnukem

    Star Wars Kinect

    Well, I played the link for my 6 year old daughter and 10 year old son, both of them love the Just Dance games and enjoy Star Wars also. They thought it was pretty great, so I say Lucas has succeeded in reaching the audience he is trying for. Heck, my daughter wants to see the 3D releases in the theater.
  21. I've popped a dozen or so Lucks on top of a soft capped S/L against Arachnos, to only be in the negative defense within 5 seconds on more than one occasion. I've come to the conclusion that going with a full out offense seems to work better than trying to stay alive against their insane amount of defense debuffs. YMMV
  22. Grease goes against my concept. :P
  23. Is the t-shirt at least pre-shrunk?