593 -
thanks, I will try that. Zord knows there have been enough crashes lately that it could just be something a bit wonky.
in the new Mercy City, whenever I click on an icon on my map to go someplace (and all the icons show up right) the navigation thing all points me to the same place, a little Arachnos building that I've had to go to for some of the missions, I think it's also a Day Job spot. Just around the corner from the Arbiter in the main square.
I /bug'ed it in-game, but this is the first time I've gotten on to the forums since, and have noticed that it is more than just the one or two places I'd found it happening with before. -
yeah. seen it on my own and other players DP characters
that would be 19years olds who've never played a video game or watched the news before?
I haven't checked, but I imagine they'll be static. The prices of booster packs and other stuff never changed depending on the market.
got my main from Union's name reserved. Monarcher. Haven't bothered getting it on other servers as I don't play on them, and if I do, I can always come up with new toons. Missed out on a couple I was after; Blackbird, to be a Batman type with a more avian costume and Bullet Time, which, honest, I didn't think I'd get, but Quick Shot works just fine for me for my Time/Pistols guy.
new mercy seems cool. only done a couple of non-sewer trial things, but one of them was a mission where the team snuck into a longbow base, and killed some guys and stole their clothes. nice!
dvd edition arachnos cape seems to have vanished except for on the high collar cape.
Rolled a Time/Pistols Defender, and am loving it. Have only really run a couple of missions and multiple Sewer Trials so far, but with the heal, slows and debuffs I think this could be a Defender that can solo some stuff.
hehe, clever thinking. game just died for me, but before that I'd been able to try out a Time Manipulator. Thought I'd go Def so I could try out Dual Pistols as well, since I'd only got to level 5 or something with the DP Praet I made. I'm liking the results.
Oh, and I went villain, on Exalted. Sadly the name Bullet Time was taken, but I did nab Quick Shot. -
I also have to say a big huge thanks for Zwill and everyone who popped by on the UStream broadcast yesterday (and this morning) for entertaining us, keeping us informed and giving us some insight as well.
i might roll a new one, or temporarily move a toon or two over, but Union is my home, man!
Quote:Quite true indeed. I was on an ITF last night after hearing from another group how lagless it was. It maybe isn't smoother than James Bond in a blender, but for possibly the first time, I actually knew what was going on there and (as Tank) was able to taunt guys as they were coming down the hill to us, not 5minutes after they'd killed everyone. Amazing!Apparently the transfer even beat up Lag Hill; SG friends said they ran into no lag where theres usually loads.
However, I wasnt there, so I cant attest wether it was true or not. May run an ITF to double check. Sceptical, but if it were true it'd be awesome.
now, if only they could use some half-decent software for the forums so that it logged me in, and kept me logged in for more than 2minutes when I tick the Remember Me box. -
i see no reason to change my global if we move to the american servers or they merge the lists, whatever. more hypothetical players could be good, but i only have my EU account so it wouldn't affect me tremendously.
edit: looks like it's done! -
I'll let others mention any other instances of us getting shafted, but to continue on about the boxed version of the game...yeah, I could pay twice. I could download the game overnight. If I lived in the US or played on the US servers I wouldn't have to though. So much for "all men are created equal"
well, for starters, I'd guess we're currently moaning about the fact that North America gets boxed copies of the games on shelves in actual shops.
edit: even as an EU based player, by playing on the US servers, you could theoretically buy physical copies of the games online and have them delivered to you and be able to use them. No such luck for anyone playing on one of the 4 EU servers -
I sometimes wonder if NCSoft know they have EU servers.
since NC's recent handling of the EU customer-base has me kinda feeling like I can't sit down properly, and the news of no GR box has poured a little salt into the bleeding orifice that resulted from said shafting, I might have to try out some other COmputer game, or wait for DCUO, Marvel Online or SW:TOR for my MMO fix. Sad, because I've found the community of players in COH much friendlier than any other game. I'd wager at least half of us are able to act like humans, which feels like a 86%increase from some other games I've tried to play online. Shame the people taking our money aren't anywhere near as caring or considerate.
edit: I'm not going to play on the US servers. If there was a server list merge, but EU players were treated equally compared to US ones, I'd be one of the first to welcome such a thing. I will not continue to pay NC money if they continue to ignore non-US customers though. -
personal experience tends to disagree GG, but I'm willing to accept that you might be perfect. wouldn't be the first girl I'd met who was.
if violets are blue, why is the colour violet kinda purple?
get rid of the Monkey Cage for a time, and swap it with GW/WW/Ms Lib/etc mud-wrestling.
Side-switching will be fun. I've only one or two toons who'd go completely opposite their current morality, but I'll probably be making a couple with this in mind, and a few more who'll be a bit more morally grey or who might go undercover in their enemies area.
Preatoria, as a new starting zone will be a nice change. Hopefully there'll be a bunch of stuff to do there in later levels as well. More content in general will be very welcome. I'm nowhere near being able to say I've done everything currently in-game, but more is.
Speaking of more, the new powerset(s) is what I'm looking forward to most. Had a couple of dual pistols concepts since before starting this game that it'll be nice to finally bring into play. Demon summoning not something I'd been looking for, but I'll probably check it out.
I'm not, however, looking forward to spending more money on more slots and more time alting, but that's not really anyone's fault but my own. -