593 -
Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons.
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Zorro, Golden era Sandman, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, The Phantom, Thor, The Shadow, Snake-Eyes...
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I think you'll find he means lethal weapons. WWs lassoo and Daredevils billy club dont quite fit the bill.
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Batman used to shoot those cowardly and superstitious punks. I've no problem with some heroes using weapons. -
.The 2nd one would be there Secret Identity, and would be limited
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That put me off instantly
The idea of contacts being unlocked through secret IDs i admit, is novel, and actually kinda neat...but once you start getting into time travelling/dimension hopping/huge Nemesis plots..how much is Mr.Pencil Pusher really going to offer you, beyond a tip that Barbra down in accounting is dating a hellion?
/unsigned, save it for CoX2
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that's kind of the point. the way I suggest it would be totally optional, there'd be nothing major you'd miss out on other than some nice story arcs, and maybe a badge or 2. -
By the way, BAB says Shields will be treated like weapons when it comes to customization, and you'll be able to put your SG logo on them too.
Plus, Positron says that player created missions will be able to become "Dev Choices", and be added to the game with normal mission rewards, without any of the limits that will be on most player created missions.
So the very best missions the players create will in fact become officially part of the game universe and lore.
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there is no bad in this post
edit:the cyborg pack sounds good, I'll wait to see it first before saying a definite yes, but I reckon it'll be good. Sounds like the first of a planned line, seeing as how the wedding pack was successful, what with it being called Super Booster 1.
not interested in a £2.99 increase in my subscription charge for a jetpack though. -
Okay, Positrons post (about i13, on the main page of the site) mentions that Day Jobs started out as a Secret Identity system of sorts. Id always assumed that as these heroes registered with the City Officials that they didnt have secret IDs in the traditional sense. However, this post seems to indicate otherwise, so heres the Secret Identity system idea that I came up with.
Secret Identities (or Do I know you from somewhere?)
Id have each toon get 2 costume slots to start with. 1 their normal costume, exactly how it is now, the full cossie creator, no restrictions. The 2nd one would be there Secret Identity, and would be limited, like the VEATs Arachnos costume creator, except it would have a bunch of civilian looking costumes, taken from whats available in-game already, but limiting the choice somewhat. No spiky shoulder pads or flaming skull heads, that sort of thing. Im thinking about toons that are in some way totally physically different from humans, like guys with cyborg arms or lizard-people, but I suppose the old holographic disguise excuse could come in here.
I dont know how easy it would be for the game to change the name you have displayed, but if it was possible, then, at creation youd pick a characters Secret ID name as well. Id make this able to be changed easily though, by visiting Icon to change the clothing or something, as some characters might have multiple identities or even personalities. Id not charge for changing civilian clothes, or at least charge very little in comparison to how much major costume alterations cost normally.
Using the Day Jobs idea, a character could go to a work place and get a job there. Id make it so that yes, you could change your job, but that you didnt have to. Youd have a contact at each workplace where youd apply to the help wanted sign theyd all have up, and youd be hired. Only one job at a time, but you could change if you wanted at any time. If you log out somewhere else youd not lose your existing job, but maybe youd not get any rewards for it (calling in sick).
Each workplace would open up a new contact or 2, whod only know you in your secret ID. There could be 3 or 4 variation on the story arc structure theyd give out, but mostly itd go along the lines of, someone they know (or they themselves) is doing bad stuff/getting mixed up in the wrong crowd/acting suspicious, that sort of thing. Youd find out that this character is involved with one of the enemy groups in some way or another (maybe tailor the type of group to the job you have-shop workers get Skulls or Freaks or something, office workers get Council or Family, etc) and youd end up having to either save them or fight them. Along the way your workmate contact would likely be kidnapped and youd have to rescue them. There could even be an instanced mission in the workplace where the enemies attack, and you start as your secret ID and have to find a hidden place to change costumes.
Theres obviously a bunch of different scenarios that could be done, and with different jobs there opens up more possibilities. Someone working at a hospital might notice a lot of Superadine junkies coming in, or someone being treated for some particularly gruesome injuries might lead to a Vahzilok workshop. Mechanics might notice parts going missing, and find a bunch of Clockwork stealing them. So on and so on.
It could even be possible for villains to visit Paragon City by taking off their masks and blending in with the crowd, but I dont know how well that would work, unless it led to them doing instanced missions around the city after hearing about items/people of value from their co-workers. Unless the discover a heros identity, but Im leaving that idea for later. Maybe the initial secret ID arc could be restricted to quite early levels, with the contacts then being inactive for a while, but occasionally giving out missions like the radio, and then going active again later on for some kind of ID revelation arc (gee, Ive never seen those 2 in the same place before, but they have the same kind of chin?!) which could also include a villain, either NPC or someone from the Rogue Isles, if you know each other as civilians.
Thoughts? -
How about making the Map marker a darker or lighter shade to reflect the Z axis? i.e. a dim marker would mean that the location is underground, and a pale one would mean that it is high up.
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this'd be good for some areas, instead of running about lost for 5mins until one of the team finds it and you all hope they have Recall Friend. -
I too, hadn't considered that some countries don't see the ads, or will possibly in the future see different ads. Shame, as I'd have liked some of the Day Jobs places to have been real world advertisers, like making the cinemas Odeon or some of the shops Spar or Tesco or whatever. But yeah, it'd be a bit unfair for those who have Badge-related OCD.
i13 looks like yet more goodness!
Mission Creator-oh melonfarming yes! Ever since this was rumoured I've imagined so much cool stuff. There's the option to be funny, dramatic, just downright nasty and more. I might have to figure out how to get on the test server so I can give plenty of feedback and get started on this thing as soon as possible.
Day Jobs-I'd always figured since heroes in COH registered that they didn't have secret identities or day jobs, but it appears so. Queue me posting something in the Suggestions forum. As for this idea, I thought it was a bit strange just assigning a character the job for where ever they log out, but now that I think about it, and the fact that each different one can earn badges...I'm all for it. Going to mean a lot of trips around before logging though.
New Powersets-Pain Domination might be good, but I don't play the villains I already have enough to go making a new one, least not til I can get a spider.
Shields will please a lot of people, and yes, I'll probably try it out if I can think of a good concept that doesn't rip off a well known American Captain too much.
New Cimerora Missions-can't complain, I like the place, having more to do there will be nice.
Merit Rewards System-I don't really understand what this will be. Are they getting rid of the current rewards system for TFs and the like, or is this going to be in addition to the existing process? Whatever it is, hopefully it won't be as time-consuming as getting the Vanguard merits.
new costumes, Patron Power respecs and Zone refinements all sound swell. I'm thinking the improvements to the Zones could include more real world advertising slots, and possibly be linked to the Day Jobs system. I'd love to leave some of my characters working at Burger King or something. -
I've had some lag, and am on Virgin Media. A bit of rubberbanding around Atlas, really bad lag there from time to time too. WW is super slow first time I access it too, sometimes not even bringing up details of anything I have stored on there or am bidding on. Might be unrelated coincidences. Or it might be a Nemesis plot. Also, really really long load times to get into SG base.
I'm just at lvl 39 with my TA/A Def. buhbuhbuhbuba I'm lovin' it.
Depending on size and relative strength of the mob (and what they're armed with and who I'm teaming with) I'll fire off a couple of debuffs. Generally start with Glue or Flash arrows. Freak them out a bit. If there's a significant threat there, I'll pop em with an Acid or Ice, or hell, usually both.
Lower level mobs sometimes get an Explosive arrow straight off, to toss them up in the air and let some serious damage dealers get a few shots in. Was doing this today and didn't get much of a chance to do any more debuffs before everyone was dead. On their side, not my team.
Obviously the Oil Slick/Fire/Rain of Arrows is great, but if the battle's a bit hectic it can be difficult to fire off (as I found out a few hours ago with a bunch of WS pets getting in my way as I tried to aim) so sometimes it's just worth it to fire off as many of the less fun things as possible.
Poison Gas is the only one I have any real issues with, but that's mainly from the anchor dying all the time. If there's a boss or something in the group I'll usually try and get them with Gas early, but often, because I'm freezing or acid'ing them, they die quicker.
EMP arrow is good on occasion, but no match for the AOE trio above. I use it against robots, or when there's nothing else charged.
The sight of a bunch of enemies falling on their [censored], then getting set on fire and finally getting a huge load of arrows dropping on them is great. The reverse waterfall of numbers is hilarious and throw in a few more flaming arrows or that multi-shot one and it's going to take out a few. fire a glue afterwards and you can keep the survivors stuck, long enough to charge up some of the secondary attacks again and finish them off.
Alternatively, if you're soloing, Glue and Ice arrows are very much your friends.As are quick reflexes to help with the frequent tactical withdrawals. -
it is hard to lvl a villain, got my main (Thugs/FF MM) to 24 or so but that was mostly soloing. I don't see the point playing an MMO on my own. Every now and again is fine, but even starting my own teams, which I'm not scared to do, it's still bloody hard to get folks to join, even when they're the same levels. I think I've had maybe 4 or 5 good teams in my time red side, and only 2 or 3 bad ones. Same amount of bad teams as a hero, but most days I'm on in Paragon City I get at least one good team, and usually stick with it for the length on my session. I don't have any regular team-mates, just do PUGs, but really, most of the time COV is hopeless for this.
I had to go Thugs for my MM because of the dual pistols, but I'd have much rather had mercs as henchmen. Took Forcefields as secondary to better fit my concept, but I must say, Personal FF is bloody useless unless you've lost all your pets and need to get the f out of dodge.
more Family enemies in zones being reconstructed?
more Devouring Earth in destroyed zones and when the zones are operating as normal there'd be no change in enemies.
something like that? -
being able to search for players on the other side is something that really should be added, since there's all these co-op zones now. even if we can only search for them when we are in the co-op zones, it'd still be good.
also second the idea of having mission markers at the entrance to tunnels and the like, as in some zones it is near impossible to find the entrance if it's tucked away underground. i want my teams to get angry cause i play bad, not cause i can't find a mish. -
i don't want to hit teammates, but the option of possibly accidentally on purpose hitting civilians? nice.
thanks for the update GhostRaptor. I don't have a DR account, so can't spam their forums, but it's nice to know that something is being done about this. Although I'll admit that strangely it's been a bit better over the past few days than it has in months.
make flying down fast, close to falling speed.
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Or you could just, you know, turn off fly!
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or, you know, improve fly so you don't have to, lowering the chance of dieing because of fall dmg.
improve the animation of archery, it just doesn't use any force on the string.
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Which would make the animation time longer. I don't think so.
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close minded maybe, never watched any movie or anime?
just look at LOTR and you see that shooting with some power behind it has nothing to do with how fast you shoot.
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I wouldn't be against the idea of Legolas-speed arrow-firing, but I'm relatively happy with the animation as is. It does take ages, and a speed up would be good, but I don't need it to look that realistic, especially as that would probably conflict with the quickness idea. -
don't mind the concept of the ads, and yes, this is the sort of thing I'd rather see than, say, washing up powder or whatever, but I really wish the adverts were more tailored to the gameworld.
Maybe for movies we can get the posters up outside the cinemas too?
If we get adverts for other products (like the new Gilette Nuclear-powered 42-bladed shaver)can we get COH characters advertising them please? C'mon, someone's got to give Statesman an endorsement contract! -
i'd like to be able to arrest baddies, or at least leave them hanging up on a lamppost in cuffs.
oh, and I like this idea a little, but agree that it would probably be the first enemy hit who took most of the damage, making it less desirable than the current way it works. -
at wentworths and black market I've noticed that I can sell multiple versions of the same salvage item in one slot, but if I have multiple versions of the same enhancement I have to put each on in individually. this can be annoying if I'm crafting stuff.
would it be possible to make enhancements stackable like salvage is, at least on the auction houses.
also, any possibility of being able to store recipes or enhancements at the vault as well as just salvage?
i think those are QOL things, like the recent changes to contacts listings. -
I'd like the idea of it happening in hazard zones that are at present barely used. during the reconstruction time it could have friendly workmen and scaffold all over the place, which any invading villains, if the idea was implemented, could smash.
if heroes succeeded in driving away the attackers the construction could be completed ok, and the zone would go kinda shiny and new and clean. full facilities like everywhere else. if the bad guys win, the zone is trashed, like boomtown is now, with enemies all over and no shops or anything. any leveling contacts could be placed near the entrance and warn anyone entering that there is a high risk of attack in the area. something like that. not sure how easy this would be to implement, but it'd be a cool idea for at least one zone.
enemies could be actual player controlled villains or some outside threat like the rikti/5th column/COT or whatever. if this was the case it could be made a co-op zone, with the idea that arachnos wants something in the zone, and cannot have too many heroes drawn there by the other enemy group causing trouble.
or it could be some kind of giant monster, and the bad guys could be there for a bounty that recluse has put out on it? thinking boomtown with a giant reptile or alien thing causing mass carnage and collateral damage. "cloverzilla"? -
yeah, i go back, i reload. but having to do that again and again, and it not even working all the time is a joke. why have forums if they don't work properly?
example. I been trying since you posted to reply -
please fix the forum, this happens too much, making it difficult to carry on a conversation with other players.
I like the idea, but I've yet to make it to RV so I didn't even know that was the case there. Its not something I'd like to see in every zone, but maybe doing it in another one or 2 could be interesting. Boomtown isn't really used for much is it?
wooden masks (like wrestler Kamala wore somtimes) or opera comedy/tragedy masks? that'd be cool