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If it helps, you could imagine they're on the phone/and earpiece/telepathic conversation.
ha, I see what you mean, but I also have to remind you that Disney own Marvel now. Even without their legion upon legion of lawyers to cover Marvel's back, they could just turn around and say "well, know what, that looks a lot like Tron".
Ok, I just realised I have a bunch of merits. Lots of Astral, not so many Emp. I'll be buying the Incarnate slot unlocks for a couple of characters, but what are the Aura and Cape unlock vouchers for?
Are they similar in manner to the unlocks on the Market that give you access to normal capes and auras at lvl1 instead of having to get to lvl 20 and 30 respectively, and do the missions? If so, these are quite redundant for me, but if they unlock specific other capes and auras that I maybe don't already have, then that's kinda cool.
TLDR: I bought the Cape and Aura unlocks from the Market, are the Cape and Aura unlocks from Incarnate vendors now a waste of my merits? -
it can be hard on redside. Join the channels, like everyone else has said, and also, definitely more important, is to use them! If you're on a lvl 20 toon and wanting to run some arcs or do a TF/SF give a holler. I think most of us in Union have a couple of 50s, but there are a lot like me who also have a million or so lowbie alts that can do with levelling or getting badges. Heck sometimes it's just fun to say "oh yeah, I remember this toon, hey, these powers are quite fun!"
if I've got no team, and can't think of anything else to do, I'll often pop into Oro and do some badge missions. Never had a problem getting the badges for Flashback stuff. And yeah, I think the ones with the stars are the ones you've completed.
so...new patch? anyone else's billing get cancelled, then have to reactivate it and the forums still don't understand that I am a VIP?
With the Doctor's Ally badge, I have considered making a Fiery redhead in a short skirt, or...if only we could unlock the ITF/Roman gear for new characters, The Last Centurion.
Just made Statesmane, Claws/Invul Brute from Animal Earth. He's a lionhearted hero. Grrr.
it is a nice costume. Statesmace isn't a terrible name. I can't think of a better one, that's for sure, and it does everything it says on the tin, so go for it.
Quote:I'm semi-casual. I've been taking a lot of breaks lately, but tend to come back for a week or two every month or two. Over my years (3-4) playing the game, I've gotten fairly good at aspects of the game, I have a few 50s, but loads of low level characters, and it was over a year before my main hit 50.This is worth (me) spotlighting for a moment. My concerns go beyond the solo experience of the game, because after all I can always ignore repeated runs of things if I just solo the way I like. But I must point out that the one aspect of COH that fills my heart with great love is the openness towards teaming (and the ease with which COH's QoL features make it trivial to do so). No other MMORPG can even come close, IMO (though I confess I have not tried them all).
So, you can imagine how important it is for me to understand how team dynamics and expectations have evolved during my three year hiatus. Rather than the invention system remaining a dubiously conceived sideshow (my personal feelings of it when it first arrived), it felt upon my return as though it had become the very foundation of standard end game builds and had become the primary focus of end game play activity. I mean, surely all the Tips teams and AE teams that I see broadcasting LFM every day aren't running the same content over and over again for their health (or even the fun of the content itself).
I think that my exposure to the invention system may end up being mostly, if not soley, focused on filling up Incarnate slots rather than IOs. The Incarnate slots feel more like adding new powers to my character than IOs which just give me better enhancements, which is to my mind how they give us new powers (and even combat level bumps) to attain without raising the actual level cap (something which I presume would involve too many ugly and potentially disastrous code changes to the engine to ever consider implementing).
I'd played Another Popular MMO Game before, but been very turned off by the grind for gear and the way that the majority of the game seemed to be dependent on min/maxing numbers and basically being an accountant more than a gamer. I was worried when I started looking into the Enhancement thing on this one, but I got some okay recipes drop, I started frankenslotting (love that term, btw) and discovered that they helped a bit, but not super hugely. Normal ones will get you through, but, playing a TA/Archery Defender, I have noticed a big improvement after getting a bunch of sets slotted together, and nabbing even just some of the lowest Incarnate powers. Accolades and temp powers (and Vet Reward powers) can add a lot as well.
I'd recommend giving the inventions thing a chance. -
Quote:ha, I tried it solo on my all arrows Defender. and tried it again. and again. and again, possibly, before I cried for help!So here's a recent example:
Is Mender Ramiel's arc for unlocking the initial Alpha Incarnate slot supposed to be a team only mission? I just tried to solo it with my L50 DM/SR Scrapper that is outfitted with all 50+ (or 51) SOs--usually in an Acc,Acc,Rend,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg configuration for attacks--and I simply could not overcome Trapdoor's regen rate (and he was "only" an Elite Boss to me). I had to basically leave the mission out of pure futility.
Now either this is intended for teams, or for solo characters with the kind of DPS generated by IOs, and probably continuous consumption of big reds at the same time. Either that or I simply don't know how to solo a L50 Scrapper. -
What with there now being 10 possible costume slots, does this mean that VEATs can unlock the 4 normal ones for levelling and now edit the extra one for turning in Halloween salvage? And what happens if you then unlock the 5 buyable slots?
Quote:sorry, man, I too was logged out for most of the week, and was too busy complaining about something somewhere on some other thread, probably, to read the whole thing.Aww, c'mon...
What, am I on all your ignore lists or somethin'?
In other words...
bravo! -
Remember Me hardly works on any forums for me. Except one, in which I have never had to log back in again ever. Eeeeeeeeeever. I Heart IP Board.
Quote:Cobra-lalalalalalalala!My Stalker is part of a sentient lizard-like race of small numbers; they lived in communion with an unspecified Earth entity before being displaced by profit-hungry humans aided by Longbow. After being removed from his land, Slenszic found his link to the Entity had become stronger, allowing him to use its energy to protect himself from attacks and even blend in and hide amongst materials extracted from the ground.
By accessing his Incarnate abilities, Slenszic has found he is now able to channel the consciousness of the Entity which provides his defenses, being able to hear its will and, on rare occasions, even converse with it in vague terms.
It is still unclear what the ultimate purpose of this Entity is or what it intends to do to achieve its goals. -
I suppose being a Trick Arrow/Archery character, my main, and only toon I've bothered to Incarnate, is and incarnate of Apollo. However, I seem him more along the lines of historical archers, like the samurai or Robin Hood, or even William Tell. Archery is one of the most basic uses of "technology" to do violence. It's a step up from smacking someone with a club or even a sword, as you've got range, there's more risk of missing, but there's more tactics involved. (Theoretically, anyway) But it's not as "evolved" as a gun. More primal a weapon. More honourable.
That's the way the character sees it anyway, and why he shooted sharpened sticks at people instead of just busting a cap in they bootay. -
Quote:magic? he got bitten by a radioactive magic well, right?How about Statesmanc, a hero from the city of Manchester?
Edit: He'd probably better off as a villain actually.
Second Edit: What origin are Statesman's powers? Would he be mutation?
I could be persuaded to join this.
a few more names:
Statesmandy, from Cheerleader Earth
Statesmandingo, from Earth 69
Statesmacarena, from Fleeting Dance-craze Earth
Check-Matesman, from Chess Earth
Empirestatesman, from Tall Building Earth
Grrrrreatsman, from Cereal-Selling-Tiger Earth
Statesmon, from Rasta Earth -
in response to the Thread Title, the answer is: Steve Martin.