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  1. chawk

    What do i do?

    Something new just happened. I can now get on and play CoH beta but can't do the same with CoH and CoH Test.

    Keep getting this message for CoH, and CoH test

    "Download Failed! Error-File doesn't exist (null)"

    "Downloading File cider-COHR-Updater-006998.tgz"

    I can still run/play beta if I ignore 'do you want to update' window

    What gives.
  2. something new just happened. I can now get on and play CoH beta but can't do the same with CoH and CoH Test.

    Keep getting this message for CoH, and CoH test

    "Download Failed! Error-File doesn't exist (null)"

    "Downloading File cider-COHR-Updater-006998.tgz"

    I can still run/play beta if I ignore 'do you want to update' window

    What gives.
  3. Right now I'm trying to find a copy of the old launcher to re-install it
  4. Is anyone important wise reading this or have they just gone home now?
  5. chawk

    What do i do?

    same thing happened to me. Now I have a NCI launcher that autoquits evertime I try to launch it
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DvandomZ View Post
    Yeah, the fix for your last problem is to delete the Beta Preferences folder.

    Or in my case just delete the "user.reg" file in the Beta Preferences folder.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StreetSaint View Post

    So does this mean that Mac users will be able to access the Paragon Market? I know there was some trouble with that in beta.

    If not, this very happy news would become very frustrating news...

    ...but I have faith in the devs!
    They can BUT with some trouble (see CoH Player Help forum/Mac Users Sub-Forum/ Important Things To Know About I21 Release Day Thread) for details. But yeah going by the beta (at this point) yes.
  8. Thanks for the info. Spent some time this morn helping a mac friend get CoH beta up and running on his machine. And will use this to make sure CoH is up and running on mine.
  9. (ok this is gonna sound kinda rambling so work with me here)

    As a mac user I sorta look at Head Start with mixed feelings. Namely I'm finially glad that it's finally coming out. But with a somewhat sour taste in my mouth of sorts.

    First of all the good things.

    Mac uses CAN play the game. I've been playing the Beta now for weeks on my mac and game-wise I've had little problems in both solo and team play. So actually running and playing the game as is should not be a problem here.

    That is until the store comes up.

    Us mac folks had to sit around watching the PC folks buy things from the store that we couldn't touch for a few weeks. The current fix, while somewhat crappy, isn't perfect, and still needs work can (with some 'trouble') be used by us mac folks. It may not be perfect but that (and future efforts on dealing with it) does show that CoX isn't just going do 'dump' us.

    However this stuff does (for now) point out that we are a bit lower on the totum pole per say. Which will cause some sore feelings among some in the CoH mac crowd. After all no-one likes to feel 'second' rated. But as of now I think it shows were we mac folks stand.

    So maybe it's time to show some consideration and efforts to 'nip' those feelings in the bud to CoH's mac folks when Head Start drops (with hopes for a fully functional mac store in the near future).

    As for me. I like CoH warts and all. So I'm just gonna deal/cope with the problems, and keep on playing.

    (though now dreading going thru the multiple toon 'resprec' dance again)
  10. chawk

    New Patch (9/8)

    Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    I get "The game client was unable to connect to the login server" on both Test and Beta, although I'm able to get into Live.
    Same here (infact I'm on live now). But it just hangs on Beta w/no message. Think this might be the transfer of I21 to test (thus they have to re-synic the databases)?
  11. chawk

    New Patch (9/8)

    Originally Posted by Lords_of_Acid View Post
    Same here. Freedom login screen, same database error message and contact support. Anyone actually contact support yet?
    Glad to know I'm not the only one who got that message.
  12. Yes here.

    Usually it's a walk around the block (really) to stretch, get some air (and step away from the game. Plus I have a rather large kneaded erasure which I also use to keep the CT or carpal-tunnel away from my hands and wrists.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    The engineers are following this thread. They've been looking into what you guys are reporting and relaying information through me.

    As soon as I've got more information I'll pass it along.

    Thank you for testing!


    Thanks for reading and responding
  14. Ok. Another update. Z's fix works but I now find myself having to use it EVERYTIME I want to start CoH beta now. Weird.
  15. Nevermind. Did as Z instructed and everything came on as normal.

    Note; You also may have to reset you graphic preferences too (i did).
  16. Ok. Now the launcher quits when I try to launch CoH beta. What gives?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Coyote is present in the new tutorial.
    Thank you
  18. No. You're not the only one. The new ones may be 'sharper' but have a 'sameless about them that the old ones (which have more of a 'identity' to each of them) don't. Still, the new ones are beginning to grow on me.
  19. A big yes for me.

    Going thru the various mish along the way helps 'firm-up' the toon (and it's background). And thus keeps you playing. And gives you ideals on how to slot/lvl it.
  20. Hey I pay that extra 5 bucks a month for that jet pack and I dont regret it one bit. After all it's available for all my newbies (which makes traveling around a lot easier for lower lvls). And it gives my higher lvl's without flight something to have when they need it.
  21. 1. Yup (Goes without saying)
    2. Yup (otherwise you'll soon fine yourself with nothing but leftovers-if that)
    3. Yup (check you language folks unless you're sure it's safe)
    4. Yup (nothing here to comment on)
    5. Yup (And should be law-As a DPS this means check targets and safety's before unleashing hell. Sometimes not doing so saves lives-like yours)
    6. Yup (or in otherwords run in the direction OPPOSITE of the group if you are in this 'cinch. Many folks will be happy at you for doing so-even if they might have trouble finding you later).
    7. Yup ('nuff said).
    8. Yup (again 'nuff said)
    9. Yup (again 'nuff said)
    10. Yup (again 'nuff said and is one of the few things I wish I can go DP nuke on)
  22. I must be have the only CoX toon that doesn't have SB.

    THIS (and the fact most folks w/SB use it so damn willy-nilly) is the reason why
  23. chawk

    Thugs MM Guide

    While I strongly disagree with you on the pistols (however I took the first 2 as I found the Empty Clips one counterproductive, really IMO if there is one pistol attack NOT to take it's that one). Everything else about this guild is extremely spot on. Much thanks
  24. he's what I did (well 2 of 'em anyway)

    Libertire's Shield - Concept was a invulnerble martial artist. Started out as a MA/Invul scrapper before GR. Re-purposed her as a Invul/Kinetic Melee Brute afterward. KM being treated as a rare Chi-based martial art form she uses in combat.

    Ms GravKin (soon Ms PsiKin-or something like that) - Original concept was a mutant Grav/Kin controler before GR. Re-purposed as a Grav/Energy Manip Dominator afterwards (with a change in BG to that of a ex-Seer). both Grav & EM represenint mental powers (hince the possible name change).
  25. I guess folks do the obvious (i.e. wait until we can log on) then.