Anyone Prefer The Old Loading Screans?
Yep, I already miss the old ones. Something I would LOVE to see is the really old origin graphics they use to have as part of the character screen that went bye bye as part of CoV.
I Really Don't Have Any Idea Why You Would Have A Problem With The New Loading Screens.
Personally, I like 'em.
I'm also not sure why I despise your method of typing so.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
What's a "screan?" Is that some kind of slang for a scream through a window?

And now, the Gettysburg Address in title capitalization:
Four Score And Seven Years Ago Our Fathers Brought Forth On This Continent, A New Nation, Conceived In Liberty, And Dedicated To The Proposition That All Men Are Created Equal.
Now We Are Engaged In A Great Civil War, Testing Whether That Nation, Or Any Nation So Conceived And So Dedicated, Can Long Endure. We Are Met On A Great Battle-Field Of That War. We Have Come To Dedicate A Portion Of That Field, As A Final Resting Place For Those Who Here Gave Their Lives That That Nation Might Live. It Is Altogether Fitting And Proper That We Should Do This.
But, In A Larger Sense, We Can Not Dedicate -- We Can Not Consecrate -- We Can Not Hallow -- This Ground. The Brave Men, Living And Dead, Who Struggled Here, Have Consecrated It, Far Above Our Poor Power To Add Or Detract. The World Will Little Note, Nor Long Remember What We Say Here, But It Can Never Forget What They Did Here. It Is For Us The Living, Rather, To Be Dedicated Here To The Unfinished Work Which They Who Fought Here Have Thus Far So Nobly Advanced. It Is Rather For Us To Be Here Dedicated To The Great Task Remaining Before Us -- That From These Honored Dead We Take Increased Devotion To That Cause For Which They Gave The Last Full Measure Of Devotion -- That We Here Highly Resolve That These Dead Shall Not Have Died In Vain -- That This Nation, Under God, Shall Have A New Birth Of Freedom -- And That Government Of The People, By The People, For The People, Shall Not Perish From The Earth.
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I haven't seen all the newest loading screens for the zones but some of the ones I have seen are...bland (not all of them).
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
I love the new ones. Finally!
Something new and fresh to look out in CoH in a long while...
I wish they create a new login loading screen, the current blue is so... old.
I wish I could always have the GR one but now seems not possible with the new launcher?
Did they finally do something about Statesman's lazy eye?
I love the new ones. Finally!
Something new and fresh to look out in CoH in a long while... I wish they create a new login loading screen, the current blue is so... old. I wish I could always have the GR one but now seems not possible with the new launcher? |
Right-click City of Heroes
Select properties
In "Extra Command Line Parameters" enter the following:
-uiskin 2
Click "OK"
Now you will always have the GR login screen.
Hey, cut the OP some slack. Apparently he's been eaten by a Stalker and it's probably hard to compose posts while dodging the gastric juices. Imagine the greater difficulty of finding the configuration settings to turn off random capitalization and dadaist autocomplete as well.
i'm sure it's not easy.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I screan. You screan. We all screan for I screan!
Blue for the regular city zones is ok. I'm not thrilled with the two I've seen, but they're all right.
Blue frame for Oroboros though? Bleh. I don't like it.
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The new "screans" are clearly better than the old ones, even if I feel like the game is listing and taking on water every time I zone. The screenshots are better and reflect the game as it is now, not as it was ten years ago.
That said, they're still low-res. Maybe it's just me having an unnecessarily large 1920x1080 monitor (not my choice, by the way), but the loading screens still show nasty jpg artefacts - that fuzz around colour boundaries and the weird rainbow artefacts - so in effect, it's still kind of... Ugly. Less ugly than before, though, which I can appreciate.
Now, I don't expect the developers to suddenly change their minds and swap to all 16x9 loading screens, but I'd still like to see them use larger pics, at least 1200 pixels vertically. These seem to have been locked on the same 1024x768 resolution as the old ones. Why? Higher-rez loading screens shouldn't have much of an opportunity cost or a performance hit. Did everyone submit low-res entries in the competition or something?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Its weird but the screens from the competition were better. They used just some from the competition.
Some zones screens looks like they are all the same, with the statues and some buildings and thats it.
The loading screen for FF is nice, and the one for Croatoa is the best I seen so far.
I prefer the old ones.
I think I get where they were going with the idea. I somewhat like the uniformed look, but they are completely devoid of personality.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I thought the new screens looked fine.
This May Just Be Me, But I HATE The New Loading Screans. There Just So......Bland. Anyone Else Like The Old Loading Screans More Then The New One's?
"It's All A Nemesis Plot!" Coming At Some Point