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Alright, we've got several of you in game now, but meeting you all could be harder. To help with that, and just so we can all hang out, I've created an open channel, United Statesmen. Join it, and I'll check the channel whenever I'm on and we can get you in that way. Also feel free to use it to meet other friends and stuff. Open channel means just that. Just don't behave like jerks is all I ask.
Just bumping to say that the SG is now created on Exalted. Look for me as @catwho (I may be on other toons in other servers at time) or pm me here to set up a time to meet in game.
It is easier with a friend or two though. If you're on Freedom, pm me and I'll take you through the arc.
United States Men is now formed. Find me in game if you want to join. @catwho is my global and I'm on most evenings. PM me if you want to arrange for a specific time.
I did this for one toon and was able to run all of the arcs for his chosen side. It's a great tool if you want to do something like that.
I'd love to run it too. Unfortunately the few people still running trials in the D are grind loving BAF nuts. I'll probably have to wait to play it later.
Plenty of other stuff to play with though. -
I honestly can't see how you get that. The necro villain running the group is purposely throwing to contest to make you lose and humiliate you and you manage to best him each and every time. How is that humiliation. You're the one doing the humiliating!
I think it's a great arc. Terrifically fun. -
Just to give you an idea, but first and most powerful toon is a blaster. A few weeks back, I helped a guy out with the Alpha unlock arc. At one points, you have to face down 2 AVs at the same time. They aren't as tough as other AVs, but still. My Incarnate blaster successfully tanks both of them and a huge mob of Rikti while barely taking any damage.
How did I achieve this? Tons of purples and the top Incarnate powers of everything right? Not even close.
He's IO'd out, but not one of those sets is purple. It took me a year to get them, gradually, but simply crafting recipes I got from normal game play, selling them, then turning around and buying sets I could afford. No farming was required or necessary.
At the time he had uncommons of all Incarnate stuff but alpha, which he had very rare. I admit I did more trials at first than I normally would--3 or 4 a week on that toon and 1 or so a week after that, but while you must repeat trials to some extent, you needn't do it too often.
I should also point out that I was leveling and outfitting a dozen or so other characters at the same time I was outfitting this one. So yeah, you can still play casually. -
There is no content in the game, save the two incarnate tfs, that require you to have any purples of Incarnate powers at all, and the requirement for those two can be gotten in a single TF if you are lucky enough. Both are helpful, especially the Incarnate powers, and you will need them to do MOs fo the trials, but you can get along just as well without.
I am going to found one based on http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=270917
It will be based on alternate/pun based versions of Statesman. Plenty of ideas in that thread you can appropriate, if they aren't already taken. As soon as Unites States Man reach level 10, I will have it started up. -
Not yet, but I'll make my character and, if no one else beats me to it, I'll make the SG shortly.
I'm taking tomorrow off to be more free to play with the new toys. Sorry all. See you next week.
The reason why they changds the clickable area, is that someone discovered that they could grief people going on the STF by putting one down over the sub entrance, making it nearly impossible to run the TF's missions. Trying to click on the sub took you to Oro instead. For a while, there were people keeping oro portals above that mission entrance nearly all the time. You could sometimes manage to click around it, but it wasn't easy to do.
Now that doesn't work anymore. -
Alright, I'll plan on starting this up sometime this week. It will be the United Statesmen led by United Statesman, a militant violent soldier type, AR/nrg blaster I think.
Heh, I would definitely be down for a supergroup. Too many silly possibilities. This would be great for the Exalted server.
I agree that an open lfg channel should be added and made usable by free players. They are just going to use the help channel for that otherwise.
Looked up and found the information on Jim Butcher playing Dresden in game. In the second link he actually says that he frequently gets genericed and has to petition to get his name restored, but he seems to take it in stride. That's probably partly because he's pretty adamant that no one else be allowed to use the character in game.
http://www.tor.com/blogs/2010/10/qmo...l-at-nycc?vm=r -
I had something like #1 happen the other day. I quite the BAF I was in when I saw a Lam forming. We weren't quite ready to go, I would be easy to replace, and the League leader said he didn't mind. So I join this Lam and am chatting with friends on another channel which I see the enter trial button pop up--only it's for BAF, not the Lam we were promised. Apparently, the leader gave up and brought the entire league over to a forming BAF. So I quite and started my own, only some bug left me unble to start or join any trials since the game somehow thought I was still waiting for teamates to start the BAF and it wouldn't let me quit it.
Sigh. Not a good night for me. -
Since joining the game, I have had the pleasure of being involved with a great group of players. They group is smaller now, although quite a few may come back for Freedom. I am looking, however, to expand the group of people I regularly play with. To that end I have created the Storm Callers channel and a SG to go with it. The SG is just there for people who need one, I just want to try to get a group of people who play together when not doing anything else but are still free to do their own things as well.
The channel is closed for now, but let me know either on the forums, or in game @catwho if you're interested. -
Sounds like an interesting evening.
I should point out that he will still be able to use Electric Control, because Free players can play Doms.
Also he doesn't have to buy the game at all for his son, because once Freedom comes out anyone can download and play the basic client. That being said, purchasing the game will give him a bunch of goodies. -
As you said it is the weekend. I know technical support is very prompt and helpful, so I'm sure they will get back to you early on Monday.
Yeah, it's paper only, as far as I know, so you'll have to either hunt down the issue or just take our word on it.
That's a distinction I hadn't thought of. I'll change it next time I edit my first post.
The devs in this game do listen to their players. There are more requests for things than they can possibly fulfill, however, so don't expect all suggestions, even good ones, to get done anytime soon. Update, do, however, regularly include things first suggested, or often suggested by the players. Even the recently announced new powersets are all, with the possible suggestion of Titan weapons, all things that have been often suggested for quite a long time.