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  1. Yes, the error message still appears, it just isn't by default in a tab you are likely to have up. Simply kick the offending person and you are good to go.
  2. I'm am not so nutso for them, but would like to pick them up if I can, so I'll come along if there's room left and if you don't mind.
  3. catwhowalksbyhimself

    LFG Broken?

    I usually do that as well, but not for the hardest trials. The problem is the delay to start if your league isn't full is annoying and it's sometimes worth filling just to avoid it, although at least it's not as bad as it was.
  4. Eh, I'll come along for once. Haven't been at one of your attempts in a while.
  5. I recently got a SJ/EA Scrapper to 50 and it's great fun!

    My advice is to stick it out a bit. EA takes a while to get into its own. Once it does though, look out! SJ, however, is fun from the beginning.

    EA's energy drain is a really important source of defence. My fifty can softcap defence with all SOs by using Energy Drain carefully. Six slot that thing with recharge and defence, and you'll be pretty hard to hit.

    I've found that it's tough enough to tank for a team quite successfully and even solo full 8 man spawns without too much trouble, even +2 spawns. And this is with SOs and no Incarnate powers.
  6. I have a ele/ele/mu brute with agility alpha, Ion Judgement, and Pre-emptive Interface built specifically to be a sapper. If you like that sort of thing, it can be fun. Hitting End Drain will drain most mobs end down to zero and the other powers will keep it there for the short life they have left. This means mobs can essential do no damage at all to you or your team, and that's good. In addition, I have successfully drained EBs and some AVs down to zero end. It takes a while, but is doable, especially if you have some other sappers on the team.

    So yes, I think this is a fine idea, if that is where you would like to do with this character.
  7. I have a SJ/EA scrapper, and while it's a bit of an end hog and takes a while before it comes into its own, once you get to level 30 or so, it's VERY durable, being able to take the alpha or even outright tank in most case, plus put out a tremendous amount of damage. Even in 8 man teams, it can take down entire mobs at +1x5 by itself with no real difficulty and often before the other 7 toons are done with their mob.

    So yeah, I'd highly recommend /EA.
  8. Yeah, I've lead many leagues and at times, you get overwhelmed with tells. I've missed some more than once. I try not to, but when you are getting hit with a dozen tells in the course of one or two seconds, with more poring in while your trying ot issue invites tot he first few--yeah, it happens.

    My advice is to wait a second and send another tell. If you are sending tells right after they announce a trial, it's not hard for you to get lost in the flood. If you are waiting a few seconds, you may be getting through after it is already full and there are often too many of those coming in at once to try sending tells back explaining that. Either way be patient, keep trying, and you will get an invite eventually.
  9. The main important thing to notice is that there will be warning. We may not know the exact day it is coming, but we will know when the change will be eminent, which means you can wait and accumulate your normal subscription tokens, then when the change is about to happen, but the remaining tokens you need then. This should save you some cast.
  10. catwhowalksbyhimself

    New Powersets

    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    That would be kinda....opposite the concept of a berserker. Berserkers don't get better at defense the more damage they take, they get better at dishing out punishment.
    No it's not. Real life Berserker warriors were so drugged up that they were able to ignore pain. The idea here would be to encourage a playstyle where taking damage, not healing it, and charging suidically against the enemy is actually encouraged, which if very much a berserker.

    Also note that this one was not my idea. There's a thread around somewhere by the original author.

    I should also add here that I believe the devs have stated that it takes almost as much work to make alternate animations as it does to make a full new powerset, hence we won't be getting much of the former.
  11. catwhowalksbyhimself

    New Powersets

    Some of these are my ideas, others I've seen suggested before

    Leadership--A defence set focused on the ability to lead others into battle and discourage the enemy
    Luck Manipulation--another defence set altering luck to help you and hurt your enemies
    Luck Aura--Armor set. You're so lucky attacks just seem to miss you or do less damage.
    Berserker--Armor set that gets better the more damage you take.
    Throwing--Blast set for throwing knives/shuriken
    Bombs--AoE focused blast set using bombs/grenades/potions
    Whip Manipulation/Domination
    Riot Control--AR based control set
  12. Sorry I missed it. REALLY sorry, 'cause I may never get that badge now, but a good deed is a good deed. Definitely plan on being in on that Keyes, baring anything else unexpected happening.
  13. Bad news, one of my workers has a sick and possibly dying mother. As result I will be switching shifts with him tomorrow so he can spend as much of the weekend with her as possible, which means I will not be able to come along. Best of luck.
  14. catwhowalksbyhimself


    I failed TPN the first 6 times I tried it. I now believe while leading at least I can complete it successful at least 9 times out of ten, even with new players present. My last 3 have been easy successes.

    So in summary, no, TPN really isn't that hard, it just has a learning curb. Once you figure out the strategy and have a leader who knows how to lead simply without using the wall of text thing, it's quite easy to win.
  15. Reconstituted Man will be returning. As before, I can work either inside or outside as you need.

    If we do Keyes though I may switch to a different toon as I don't think I'll need the +3 for that.
  16. To back up what some others were saying, you get the "cannot invite enemies" any time a redside team is trying to invite someone in a blueside zone or vice versa. It also happens when you are in a coops zone and trying to invite someone from a blue or red zone when your team has at least one member from the other side in it.

    If you have a rogue, going to a blue zone will fix that.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
    Right now I'm curious as to why did Tyrant invade Primal earth in the first place?
    That's pretty much been answered. Tyrant's truce depends on him keeping everyone in perfect control. If he doesn't, his whole world is exterminated. Now you have another world full of goody two shoes who see him as evil and keep invading to try to set his people free. Plus if Hami finds out he'll want to do the same to that other world that he did to this one. Easiest way to solve both problems--invade the other world and take it over too.
  18. I shall be there possibly with my shiney new all VR lineup, possible with a different toon. Haven't decided, but probably the former. It was tons of fun and that was my first successful MoM, so I was quite happy with how it turned out, even with the 3 second loss.
  19. I wouldn't mind tagging along. My blaster can easily help with the techs. When I lead these things, I fly around the room, making sure they are being taken out and doing so if they are not.

    Also, healing HD is completely unnecessary if you pull everyone to the center near him and then taken his aggressors out. On the last run I lead, he never went below 80, and usually not below 90 without anyone having to even pay any attention to him at all.

    4 tanks outside is a different tactic. Any reason not to just use damage dealers and maybe one buffer? I've been on 4 man group like that and they totally rock that part. As long as you kill the teeps fast enough their nasty specially abilities are practically useless. I could actually fill that role too, if required.
  20. catwhowalksbyhimself

    Spoilers dammit!

    On that same note, the Reapers exterminate sentient life in order to reproduce.

    As for others

    YOU are Darth Revan
    Your adoptive father killed the rest of your people
    You are a demi-god son of Baal
    The fantasy world you've been playing in, full of dragons and fairies and such--is a spaceship
    Energy X is alive
  21. This is the second time recently I've seen somebody complain about the devs not fixing or adding something even though in both cases they had already announced those things are coming. Gravity Control revamp is the other one, in case anyone is curious.

    The lesson here is please do research before you rant folks. You look more intelligent that way.
  22. catwhowalksbyhimself

    Winter Event

    Actually in a deleted scene the human Doctor was given a TARDIS seed and instructions on how to rapidly grow a new TARDIS from it, so he does have one. Also the TARDIS has its own phone anyway. And answering machine.
  23. Someone did post information on the wiki after the leak, but the rest of the wiki users shut it down right away and removed it. We don't allow unofficial information up there.
  24. catwhowalksbyhimself

    Incarnate Info

    Actually the latest update fixed a problem with people having too many Incarnate powers of a given type (Alpha, Lore, etc) so you now indeed can have every single one. The fact that they went out of there way to allow this shows that they have not issues with it. You can still only have one slotted at a time, so there's no reason not to allow it.

    As for me personally, I prefer to use the shard based stuff with alphas. I'm going to do many of those high level tfs anyway, so it's really not too hard to do at all. I may vary that tactic as needed, and once I unlock all the Astral costume goodies (I only have two or three left) I will be more likely to convert them to shards and threads.
  25. I honestly stopped coming, because nobody showed up for several weeks in a row. I would LOVE to start it back up again, though.