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  1. catsi563


    the blond and the asian sound like 2 of the warriors three, only missing volstag.
  2. I agree you'd honestly think Cap would be more against the treatment of Bradley Manning the whistle blower in question. Especially since he too is a former soldier and was under the UCMJ.
  3. Quote:
    But on the other hand, you both would probably know how hot dogs are made, and some things are best left unknown.
    true but then I could also make a better hotdog =^_^=
  4. Superhuman intellect.

    Imagaine being able to see things and understand them on a level that makes reed richards and doctor doom look like utter morons.

    The capacity to think of ideas that could help humanity is boundless.
  5. "All life is transitory, a dream. We all come together in the same place, at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you in a little while, in a place where no shadows fall."

    Deleen ~ Confessions and Lamentations
  6. They finally added my two favorites together with Hawkeye and Mockingbird,
  7. Tonights episode Clark returns to the mirror world and Ultraman to the prime world.

    And next weeks episode promises to be pure comedic "Gold"
  8. RIP queen of the nile.
  9. Hell I didnt care about the casting of Air Bender either, while steeped in Asian mythology it wasnt distinctly Asian. The characters had as many generic caucasian traits as they did asian so that was never an issue to me.

    Heck Uncle Iroh could have been played by a black man as long as they retianed the flavor and feel of the character.

    Air Bender was done in not by the so called white wash of it cast but because the cast members chosen and the director butchered what should have been a relkatively simplistic conversion from animated ot live action.

    And this will be the same. as long as the director and actors capture the flavor and feel of the characters and the movie, It will be fine. If they butcher the scenes and direction with exess this or that, itll be atrocious and rightly deserve whatever scorn it gets.
  10. catsi563

    Smallville 3/4

    Nearly blew my mind when i heard him call himself Connor. And when he revealed the Black shirt with the Superman logo was very exited.

    Might even get a Young Justice spin off out of this if they work it right.
  11. yeah the mega damage rules made things kinda funky especially if you didnt have any protection that was mega damage itself.

    Still the Palladium system can be fun in the right settings, Ninjas and Super spys, TMNT, robotech, even palladium fantasy if you fix the magic issue can work. i actually enjoyed Nightbane as well.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Symar View Post
    Open your eyes, look up to the sky and seeeeeee
  13. I state what ive stated elsewhere.

    Kevin Costner playing a down to earth farm guy???

    Whoda thunk it?
  14. Would probably be shorter to tell which games I havent played.

    I too started on the red box (in this case the Marvel TSR version) but also did D&D every version except 4th.

    Ive done Starwars d6 and d20 and had a blast at both. multiple versions of various Palladium games in fact ive pretty well played every single palladium game in one form or another.

    Ive played all WOD games 2nd edition. Vampire, Werwolf, Changling, Mummy, Mage, Wraith. All fun and all sorts of mischief and adventure.

    Abberant and Trinity, TW 2000, Champions.

    Mutants and Masterminds 2nd ed and loads of fun doing it. In Nomine was also loads of fun as playing an angel and demon can be a real trick.

    No current game due to having moved clear cross country and not having any real time to do so. but hope one day to run or play something again.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
    Was it the black, or the sass?!
  16. catsi563

    Chuck 2/21/11

    Chuck vrs the Masquerade

    THe first 5 minutes of this are perhaps the funniest 5 minutes this show has had in tis run.
  17. catsi563

    Watson wins!

    Just to clarify for those who didnt catch it. Watson was not connected to the internet at all for the matches. So his answers were compeltely self generated.
  18. catsi563

    Watson wins!

    I LOLd at Ken jennings written comment on the last final Jeopardy.

    The whole thing was intriguing to me. I really hoped to hear about Watsons betting logic, and why it chose what categories it chose. The betting was in odd numbers, and if watson had a betting strategy at all. Thats what makes the daily doubles so exiting because sometimes the player will only vote a little, and sometimes theyll roll the dice and make it a true daily double.
  19. There's also how they plan to deal with the Amazonian and Greek mythos to deal with since she is the product of Greek gods and a princess.

    Add in that ;arge coporations are not in favor among the viewing public for obvious reasons and you have the potential for a disasterous premise for the series, and a character that wont resonate well with viewers.
  20. I alos agree with those who called it cyclical. Space style Sci-Fi like other genres also has a habit of being influenced by world events. prior to Star Trek and Star Wars sci-fi was actually not as well recieved. But then we had the launch into space and the hope and inspiration that came with it and suddenly we had a slew of people inspired by the space race.

    Right now the inspiration doesnt seem to be there for that next great space opera. But some invention or event could come along that influences an author to make just that.
  21. Hmm interesting thoughts.

    Bale Fire would probably be Teresa Palmer from the sorcerers apprentice. Youd have to dye her hair bright flaming red but shes got the looks to pull off my teenager from another dimension whos a master of all fire powers (and with 4 50s all fire power related I can really say that). For an animated version Colleen Shaugnasey (Ino from naruto, and Jazz from Danny phantom would be a great choice)

    Panda Id go with Scarlet Johansson or Jessica Alba, Scarlet really pulled off the red head look in Iron man 2 and was able to do the physical stuff shed be perfect for my bouncing red headed best Darned DarkDarkDark Defender on champion.

    So Would Alba who would look sizzling as an auburn red head and has the phsycial background thanks to her Darkangel role. Alba would also be great for the voice actress role were panda animated.

    White Lotus my ninja stalker/mastermind/brute etc would probably be best done by Devon Aoki, Animated would be grey delise channeling her Azula role.

    Stars Fire my Peacebringer would be Ryan Reynolds hes just the right amount of physical and looks and smart alec to pull off the character, for an animated version Will Friedel (Batman Beyond and others) would be a great choice. For the Kheldian inside him Id love to use Kevin Conroys voice as the ancient alien trying to share mental space with the young cocky human.

    Midnights Fire my warshade and Stars Fires love interest would probably be ebst doen by Margerite Moreau (of mighty ducks fame) shes grown up nicely and would look gorgeous in cgid purple, and has the right look and attitude.

    Animated version would be a great Kate Higgins. for both Mary Elizabeth Mcglinn would be the voice of the warshade in side her offering advice.
  22. catsi563

    Chuck 1-31-2011

    Had that same thought and the trick was pulled off nicely.
  23. tylenol

    Dominoes or Little Ceasars
  24. =^_^= HAPPY BIRFDAY!! *birfday pouncey huggles*