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  1. Embrace the knockback........

    Two Storms! Your choice of pets.
    Two users that can utilize Hurricane to move the pieces around to stacked freezing rains are both incredibly offensive and incredibly defensive at the same time. Throw in LS and Tornado as you see fit and watch the havoc commence.
  2. brophog02

    Soloing set fo 8

    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post

    I mean, yeah, Plant is broken in that, when it was made (for villains), it wasn't balanced around the user having Containment. When it was ported over, it made for a damn good set, everything a controller set should be.
    I wouldn't say containment is it. One could say it is just as 'broken' for Doms.

    And Enantiodromos has called the set nerf worthy nearly every day since the day he discovered it. The set does one thing really well, and that is AOE damage, but really lacks in other areas. It has one of the worst pets, nearly no single target damage, Spore Burst is at best a purple mule, and Spirit Tree's stationary nature makes it highly situational.

    Plant isn't that great of a set for all secondaries. To really utilize the AOE killing nature, you have to pair it with the right secondaries. Put an /Empathy or /Thermal with the set and it is just an OK damage set with some good lockdown. It's nothing special with those sets. Put it with something that also aids damage, and that's when it is able to fully leverage its spawn killing capabilities.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    In a somewhat simiilar manner, I use Super Speed to run around the edges, pushing foes back towards the center. The extra advantage I found with Super Speed is that combined with Steamy Mist, it gives full invisibility in PvE, allowing me to skip both Superior Invis and Group Invis. I like getting 2 for 1.
    I do both. On Masterminds, it is the teleport method and everything else it is the Superspeed method.

    GREAT on Rikti invasions. I cast all of the debuffs in the center with my LS above, and run around the edge knocking everything back into the debuff field. No more annoying mentalists standing on the outside irritating everyone!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
    Nin/Storm is also chaotic. But definitely not for everyone. Especially if you like your pets alive.
    You play a Ninja/Storm in a chaotic fashion and you'll have a lot of dead pets. They just can't go toe to toe with much of anything that isn't debuffed.

    Chaos is NOT how one plays Storm. Almost every power is either an AOE or benefits from packed spawns. Chaos moves enemies out of freezing rain, away from the snow storm anchor, loses benefit of Tornado and LS being mini-AOE's, away from a potential Thunderclap or Gale, and away from the debuffs of Hurricane.

    Illusion/Storm is chaotic at times mostly because of the pets that you can't control. Ninjas you can control. Illusions pets are going to torrent where they feel like and in the direction that they feel like.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
    Yet, the aura rocker is generally lothed and hated, where as an out of control stormer is geneal met with a bit more compasion, i've found.

    There is only a "suggestion" to eliminate knockback in the Suggestions forum monthly around here, much of which is directed at storm users.

    Stormies get anything but compassion. It is a set that can be played 1000 times well, and be hated for the one time something screws up.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by trendee View Post
    Has anyone successfully used fire as a blapping secondary? I realize it doesn't have many melee attacks, but as a secondary, it does seem to have a lot of pbaoe type of attacks/toggles. It seems designed for players to jump in the middle of the fray, and may work with a control heavy set like ice or maybe psychic? Any suggestions?
    Electricity or Rad paired with /Fire are good PBAOE suicide candidates.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
    I enjoy the time pressure of both Mayhem and Safeguard missions, including the side missions.
    What time pressure does a Safeguard have? Run in, slaughter the hero, and do whatever.

    It is very hard to screw up a Safeguard unless you have a team that can't follow the simple instruction of "Go to Bank".
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
    IMO, i think they need to amp up the def's primary mags, to get them to shine clearly over the controllers in that dept.
    Actually, if a differentiation were to occur, it would probably be to bring controllers secondaries down.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I am not sure I like the idea of critical chances, I would hate to have to bubble everyone 10 times until the critical bubble stuck.

    I semi like the endurance discount from using the 2ndry set idea, and it is better than currently but I don't really think an endurance discount is here nor there and would prefer something more useful.
    I understand where you're coming from, and in some sense IOs have made endurance no longer a huge balance metric. But then again, that's with taking stamina.......which at this point is almost automatic for most people.

    With that idea though, you wouldn't necessarily have to do so. That may not seem like much, but imagine the possibilities of having potentially 3 power slots back. To fit in Stamina, Defenders generally have to forego either Leadership powers or powers from their secondary. Many don't mind this because too many have taken their role as buffbots and treat any damage as a bonus.

    I'm not sure how 'domination' idea would work considering defender primaries are already borderline overpowered (with knowledgeable players and not buffbots one could say they are indeed overpowered at this point). Dominators function off of the idea that they start out with weaker primaries with low durations, and domination kicks everything up a notch. I'm not real sure Defender primary values can be moved up any.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    I have also suggested a stacking endurance savings generated by the blast powers much like blasters get a damage boost that stacks. This would encourage defenders to actually use both their powersets, even on teams.
    Great Idea. A very logical change that would provide a great help. It solves what many see as multiple problems with the AT all at one time. It also eliminates the "bad logic" that inherents like the original Defiance and Vigilance represent.

    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    Bingo. I've been advocating for this a long time.

    The term "Vigilance" is kind of silly for an AT that is constantly held and stunned.
    I don't like this idea. Everyone wants mez protection, because it is the only thing in the game that really provides any sort of challenge. If the players had their way, a substantial portion would just get rid of the idea of mez altogether. And that, imo, is what is rather silly.

    I also don't see it happening. The Blasters didn't get mez protection, but they did get an ability to use their weakest attacks while mezzed. The Khelds didn't get mez protection either, but they did get the opportunity to drop into Dwarf form (again denying them of what is usually their best attacks). If Defender inherent were changed at all to provide any sort of mez related assistance, it would likely be at a similar cost of functionality.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenBone View Post
    I second the Plant/Storm Controller (Eerie Gator). My most fun 1-50 character to date, with fantastic AOE lock-down and DOT, with bursts from multiple lightning clouds. Great fun.

    I'll throw in another. It was a thrill ride from start to finish and continues well past 50. The only problem is that on teams you'll kill so fast you won't get to use all of your cool powers.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
    When you get on teams with tanks that can effectively hold the agro and you can blast with abandon, that is perhaps the most uber any toon feels at any time in the game.
    Buy them flowers and candy. A good tank is not only a rarity (the AT is one of the hardest to play well) but makes life 1000% better for a blaster. Thank your tanks and add them to your friends list and it will dramatically improve your blasting experience.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Aftermath View Post
    Bots/Traps > All The Rest
    Which is why I don't play it. It's boring. Very little challenges Bots/Traps, and what little does you have to go out of your way to find.

    I deleted a Fire/Dark Corrupter for the same reason. The combo is doused in Awesomesauce and I gagged on it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anshar Seraphim View Post
    I'll play devil's advocate here since I already have a 50 Bots/Traps who's build is completely finished (to the tune of 7 billion inf).

    Remember that Force Field is a lot more than just bubbling. Read the Force Field Bible in the Defender Forums if you're wondering why or don't know how to use the other powers.

    Force Field sacrifices some damage output to increase the survivability of an entire team and the Mastermind. It has anti-scatter powers which are a godsend when paired with Bots, who throw mobs everywhere. Until you get an AoE Immob, Traps can be a very frustrating set to play with Bots.

    In many ways, comparing Traps to Force Fields can be the same as comparing apples to oranges. They're both good for different things and for different reasons.
    I was hoping someone would bring that up. The problem here is now, anywhere the knockback is useful Storm is now more useful than FF. In the situations that resist the debuff of Storm, knockback is usually resisted as well. Now we're back to just defense where things like IOs cut into FF's territory, and those situations are usually ones in which a FF user doesn't have the damage to move beyond a stalemate.

    FF is a one trick pony. It does that trick VERY WELL (and I happen to enjoy that trick) but it isn't the toolbox that the other sets are. There are a few situations where I'd still rather have FF than anything else (Raid type situations, for instance) but for the most part a set like Traps, Storm, or Dark can do what it can and a lot more. That's why those sets are more popular than FF.

    The problem with FF's is that it is no longer a game where the cost of giving up offense is worth the massive defensive benefit. It is far easier to get defense through other means than more offense. With a set like Traps, everyone can turn themselves into defensive juggernauts AND have great offense whereas you can't add offense to a set that doesn't really have any. But you sure can add defense to a set that doesn't have any, and that's what really harms FF.

    The knockback is very handy, and this is coming from a guy that flocks towards the knockback sets like candy, but if I want knockback I'd rather use Storm and get a lot of offense to go with it. If I were fixing FF, I'd continue what they started to do and that is add more offense. That helped a little when Repulsion Bomb got some added damage, but it is not enough. A small team damage buff would help enormously.

    FF is the only Mastermind secondary that doesn't either include a damage buff or resistance debuff and the benefit of defense (either passive or active) is not enough with the way the game is now structured.
  15. brophog02


    Originally Posted by Reptlbrain View Post

    They do take a bite. I had hoped that bodyguard tanking for the "team" (with the high def) would help the need for resummons, but I have no idea how well this will play in the higher, more dangerous levels.

    With a Ninja/ least in my isn't so much bodyguard or not, it is Hurricane or not. The difference between the tohit debuff and no tohit debuff on the survival of the pets is absolutely enormous.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HexGirl View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but my Defenders get way more invites to teams than my Controllers (yes, late game included).
    Defenders always get more invites, because the community sees them as buffbots. They also get a lot more tells concerning their powersets, for the same reason.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post

    Frankly, the OP, IMO, came off sounding a tad elitest. The team gave her undiserved prase? The other 6, or however many, seemed to be satisifed with her. The OP discribes her as being shower in prasie... maybe... this defender... was better then the OP give her creidit?
    I've seen empaths who didn't hit a button all night get praise on a team, just because no one on the team died.

    The reason Luminara is making this assumption is this stuff happens all of the time in this game.
  18. brophog02


    Originally Posted by Reptlbrain View Post

    *I was actually on a team two days ago where the team leader said, "Wait for the hurricane" when I afk'd for a moment.
    Communication, not knockback itself, is usually the problem with teams.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

    What does FF have that traps doesn't?
    That's essentially why Traps is more popular than FF.

    A few of the Defenders are even finding this out. There are some amazing Traps builds already appearing. It's only a matter of time before it becomes a popular AV soloer as well.

    FF, like Blaster devices, is a set that didn't translate post IOs well. Too much of what FF does is now done through IOs.

    I loved Forcefields when I started, and it felt needed back then. The game is just too easy now for FF. Even if you do happen to die there is now no punishment. Debt is almost non-existent, and inspiration matching has made the hospital almost rhetorical for teams.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tatmia View Post
    Agreed. Not whining, but I just can't get into doms like I used to. I might be imagining it, but the dom boards seem to have slowed down quite a bit post-buff too.
    You're probably not imagining it. Most of the AT boards have exhibited slower behavior in recent months.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    hero side, what's the point? Safeguards are dud content, the second I get my temp power I'm outta there.

    villain side, heck yes I do the side missions! They punctuate my rampage of destruction through Paragon City quite nicely.
    Agreed completely.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    Regardless of your comment Elec still does more damage than Energy which is what I said in the first place. Doesn't matter if you include the power or not and it doesn't matter if its marginal or not.
    I never denied that the sum total of Electric did more damage........I was very specific in what I said.

    If you are going to quote someone and disagree with them, then you have to actually take into account what they said. Otherwise, there is no use because you're not really disagreeing with them, but with something else entirely. It's confusing for everyone and has taken me several posts to unnecessarily clarify because you're making a different statement, entirely.
  23. If we get near a full team, we'll be to 20 in good time, even starting at 10 (I know I'm gonna try to stock up on lowbie IOs this week to keep pace with leveling). Right now we're all pretty lacking in buffs/debuffs, but by 16 we'll have some good ones for many of our sets that should really increase our kill rate on a 2XP weekend.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    I'm not leaving out Power Thrust because most of the people that take Energy do not use that power for damage reasons where as all the people that slot the melee attacks of Elec do use them for straight damage.

    When you try to disclaim what I said, you certainly are........since I am counting all of the melee attacks together. If you are going to disagree with that statement, then you have to actually consider the statement you are disagreeing with. Otherwise, there is no point referencing it.

    Originally Posted by Novella View Post

    If someone slotted SG from Elec for its secondary function the damage is still 50% greater than Power Thrust.
    The sum total of TF+PT would still be similar in that event to the total of TS+SG, provided neither SG nor PT is slotted for damage.

    The other two attacks in each set are a wash, as they are essentially the same attacks.

    This is how the sets are balanced. They are made to be similar sets, from a total damage standpoint. TF is higher than TS, but PT is lower than SG.

    I posted why I like /Elec over /Energy, based on how the damage of the four attacks is distributed. The flipside of that is some people may not like SG being a DOT due to the possibility of "wasted" damage. There are a lot of factors to consider in how this plays out. That shouldn't change the actual numbers, though.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    Elec for sure no questions asked, but they do not combine for the same amount of energy.

    Even leaving out Thunderstrike and Total Focus, you still get more damage out of Shocking Grasp, Charged Brawl, and Havoc Punch when compared to Energy Punch and Bone Smasher.

    Elec flat out does more damage than Energy althought Energy does have the benefit of having attacks that are primarily energy based over smashing based.
    You're leaving out power thrust, which is what makes up the difference. Elec's 4 attacks beats out Energy's 4 attacks by a very narrow margin........which makes sense, considering two of the attacks in each set are essentially identical.

    Now, if you want to count in things like lightning field, then that's a different story.