983 -
In tough decisions like this, keep the one with the most knockback.
The difference between a respite and a "healer" is one gets experience, and the other gets replaced.
Quote:This thread is full of that, isn't it.Not to put too fine a point on it, but those empaths you mention that skip Adrenaline Boost?
They're idiots.
I can't ascertain if some people just are lacking in comprehension, or playing dumb to pull a fast one on the devs.
Probably a little bit of both, really. -
Quote:That is beyond unspoken. As I said, if you want that behavior, then you need to state it in that particular mission. That is the exception, not the rule.There are missions that award the clicker temp powers and inf. only the clicker. Dont click the glowies without at least some permission. Wait to click till all are in the mission. I have kicked people from teams because of this. One guy runs across 2 zones to go to the contact and some jerk doesnt even let him get in the mission before clicking.
Enough with the semantics. You guys all know what he's talking about.
That said, to the OP, they've given you a very good reason why they are against this. -
Quote:I'm almost positive it would be. Probably not by a ton, but I see it coming.I really do hope this feature turns out to be so awesome recalculation is justified.
I'll gladly take the trade off, personally. And if they want to buy some low level contacts some cell phone time I'll take that trade off, too! -
Quote:That's good to hear, and means so much to a new player. Sure, there are ways to make money early on, but a sense of hopelessness can set in on a player new to a game when they see what appears to be unreachable goals.A friend started playing COH this past Friday, the first day of Double XP weekend. A brand new account. She was gifted every time she went to Miss Liberty to level up.
Whenever I team with someone with only one or now vet badges I give them money. I have plenty and they're just starting. Encouraging new players is the way to keep the game healthy.
Even what seems like an inconsequential sum to a high level player can generate an enormous amount of hope in a new player.
I'm glad to see this thread and all of the examples pop up. It's good for the game. -
Quote:While that's true enough, you could just exclude them from being effected by Recharge Inspirations and preserve the balance on those kinds of powers.
You would have to do that with so many powers, and as we've seen with any of the new things the devs have done recently, they're not the quickest at preventing player exploits.
Even when they think they're preventing the exploits. That's why in these kinds of threads you desperately need someone to take the unpopular side to weed out the problems.
Have you ever played with a Plant troller? Its comically easy because seeds is always up. The only time it isn't comically easy is when you're fighting something like nemesis or when you aggro too much.
Now imagine every troller like that.
That was nerfed once for a reason. The only real limiter from it happening now is the price of recharge based IOs and sets, and that price is so high because recharge is such a vital aspect. Why have any other attack when all you need is Headsplitter! That's why recharge is already gamebreaking. The problem is really that so many people don't know what gamebreaking even is! +4/8 on many teams isn't the challenge setting, it is the norm!
We're past gamebreaking, and this adds just another level onto that.
Not to mention the fact this idea doesn't get you back that power you need, necessarily. The drag and drop idea someone proposed might do that, but not necessarily a global recharge buff.
Unless you choose to exploit it, that is, and the people in this game have proven themselves time and time again that they will exploit such things.
In this thread, people have made the comparison to other insps, and all I got to say is that they do not understand how this game works. If you're building a toon, you don't go for the +Dam IOs, you go for the +recharge IOs (which is why those sets are so much more expensive than anything similar). Recharge is more valuable than +Dam, globally, because of the disparity in the power of the attacks. Archery and Fire blasters are two more great examples of this where they add enough +recharge to get down to just Blazing/Blaze as their attack chain. In those two examples, that power is already at about twice the strength as the next most powerful ST attack. That disparity is what makes +recharge so good.
We could go on and on finding problems like this if we chose to do so, and I'm actually rather shocked more people aren't looking at this from both sides. +Recharge is a nice aspect but one needs to realize the reason why it is highly in demand is because it has such an enormous impact on the game as a whole. +Dam is limited by how much the original power did. +Recovery can't get you those big powers back, and relatively few sets run into endurance problems post 22, unless recharge is also highly boosted. +ACC hits a limiting factor rather quickly. +Recharge, however, turns complete powersets into isolated powers and has a cascading impact on the game as a whole. That's why people want it so much.
If I always had every power I ever needed, what is the balance metric in this game? How would I ever die? The game is fundamentally balanced on resource limitation (Do I have the power recharged and do I have the endurance to use it). -
Quote:You bet I can include it. They have access to it, so I can add it. A lot do take it, particularly with the popularity of "pure healers" out there. My blasters get it from high level emps all of the time. My observation there aside, the fact they have access to it obviously means they have access to it, and therefore is includable in my statement.Except you can't lump Empaths in to the +recharge group.
Empaths have one high tier power that has +recharge, that few actually even take, and it takes too long to recharge so they can't put it on the whole team.
Who do you think you are telling me what I can't do or not do? When they name you forum dictator, I'll give you the memo. Until then, save your pointless rhetoric and try to examine this issue with a clear head.
First, try to think of why an effect everyone wants so much isn't an inspiration yet, when the other primary balance metrics are, and have long been, inspirations. You've already admitted a bias, try to at least overcome that for a moment and think of reasons why this isn't a good idea (I've presented one). Nobody takes suggestions in this board seriously if it is all greedy persons who want it because it is good, without serious discussion.
That's why 99.99999999% of this board is total crap. Most of it is just ill thought of greed. -
Better run those TFs and arcs for merits now, before another recalculation.
On a macro scale, this game is easier than it has ever been. Debt is almost literally gone. I don't know if you can get into "perma debt" these days if you tried between the reductions themselves and things like Patrol XP. Leveling is extremely fast with several changes to that structure, particularly to the sub 20 game that used to be so annoying. Perma Hasten got "nerfed" into people running around with 180% plus recharge. ED got "nerfed" into players running around with huge set bonuses rather than enhancing that specific power attribute. Once you hit the 30s, a slow team means I got 3 powers off the round. A "weak" toon is now one that either can't solo an AV or can't take on full team sized mobs. We have tanks that now do great damage and soft capped blasters.
On a micro scale, for individual powers, some things have indeed changed. The fairly recent pet recharge issue is one of them. No real way around that with things like slotting options. At least not yet......
Frankly, it sounds like some just don't like playing the game without an "I Win" button. I find this game to be rather dull anymore because it is too easy, and apparently the devs think the say way. Promise of new challenging end game content is coming with the new expansion and I can't wait to see some teamwipes again. -
Quote:As I said in another thread, any disparity adjustment would need to come from bringing controllers down, not Defenders up. I've never seen anything to suggest Defender primary effects were anything but on the very high side as it is.I admit I haven't read word for word the posts in this thread, but what I would propose as a 'buff' to defenders is not a straight damage boost, but a boost in the secondary effects of the defender blasts and the primaries to a degree to set them apart from controllers. I know that already many effects can cap stacking defenders, but it would certainly help single and duo defenders on solo or on a team.
Quote:They do not fly in every direction, they fly in exactly one direction.........away from the caster.
My corruptor will not be taking Explosive Blast or Nova. If I cant gurantee theyll all die, Im definitely not going to send them flying in every direction.
Nova flies them in every direction, if you are in the center of them...........which you don't necessarily need them to be. Then again, that power is designed to be a killing blow, and you simply need to learn to time that right.
Statements like these are why KB is hated...........you don't understand it. Most persecution works that way.
Comical thread is comical. -
Quote:Same here.In over two years, I remember only maybe 3 times when a team mentioned not liking KB as anything other than a passing remark... and in those situation, twice the person left/was kicked and in the other was the leader's friend and continued to complain the rest of the mission.
It is that last part of the quote that gets me confused... I just simply have not seen much hate for ANY particular aspect of the game turn up in real gameplay. Whether that be KB, rocking auras, etc. And I PUG almost exclusively.
But on this board, it gets brought up a ton, often hiding whine threads as 'suggestions'. I play not only almost exclusively PUGs, but usually the toons often cited as knockback aggressors. It doesn't come up in gameplay as long as the team even mildly works together on the issue.
These kinds of stealth whine threads are just comical at this point. -
KB IOs aren't that expensive.
Hover is fine for those that want to stay at range, but I'd much rather take CJ, throw a KB IO in that, and pound some nemesis! -
I disagree.
Notice how the newer Tier 9's are becoming immune to buffs and enhancements? Recharge speed can make certain toons nearly godly. If I had recharge inspirations, I'd run around never leaving Force of Nature on a Blaster. I don't know about you, but I consider that kind of thing as affecting balance adversely.
There are certain powers that are balanced in part around never becoming perma, even with Recharge IOs.
There is a reason that things Kins and recharge based IOs are at the top of the heap in this game. Recharge is gamebreaking and the players know it.
It is easy to get recharge in this game. Just team. Any full team these days seems to have an Emp, Kin or Rad on it.
That's not a coincidence. -
Quote:If you're in this to "own" me, then you need to find something more productive to do.Habits are far easier to form than they are to break.
*And my wall of text owned you. I already covered this. :P
You're still assuming those habits were indeed formed in another game. Logic is currently owning you.
Took a few toons I may or may not keep into their 20s (I love DXP for testing) and gained a bankload of prestige with my 50s.
Made several new global friends too, which is always great. I met some AE babies for the first time (I missed the entire AE 'event'). Hopefully I helped those people out a bit.
The teaming went the full gamut from those I couldn't stand to those that I played hours and hours with.
I love the new SSK system, particularly on these types of occassions. It is especially great for those that like to exemplar, like myself. Just join any team you want with any character you want and have fun. -
Quote:Imo, you should almost always take hurdle over swift, as hurdle is simply the far superior of the two.If you take SS, then you should take hurdle instead of swift.
If you take SL, then you can pick either tho swift is usually better.
If you take FLY, then you should take swift.
The biggest reason to ever take swift is it can affect flight speed.
Quote:As of late, CJ+Hurdle has become my ghetto travel power. It leaves me with an extra power choice at the cost of a single slot, can quite easily reach level 50 flight base speed, adds a small amount of defense that is incredibly useful when I start slotting IOs, gives me immobilize protection, and it doesn't suppress, which means, on a Blaster, I can jump, fire off a melee attack in mid-air, and be halfway across the room by the time the animation is finished.
Highly recommend this on Blasters. Active mitigation is the order of the day for Blasters and nothing moves around the battle better than CJ+Hurdle.
As for a travel power, I know many that have gone this "ghetto" route. It is still fairly slow, but not unbearable if you're willing to bunny hop. With a good SG base, Ouroborous, maybe the mission teleporter and a WW teleporter........it is more than doable. -
I've seen it several times. My first toon got a gift like that. I've always remembered that, and if I'm through Atlas or Galaxy and I see someone with no vet badges and a character they're obviously taking seriously then I try to do the same for them.
No, but it does imply that they haven't learned how this game operates yet, which one assumes veterans of this game would do as well as they did those other games.
Of course, there are also those that just primarily play this game and still do such things. The reason I don't buy the idea that it is simply brought from other games is that it implies they are capable of learning a behavior from one game but not learning a new behavior from a similar game.