128 -
I don't remember that sorry, if you died near me as a scrappy its sometimes because you shared cones and aoes but we haven't played together that much. I really don't remember sorry. You hardly died afaik.
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Awww.... No worries, t'was a looooong time ago... about the time the STF was new... You, Nano-byte, me, and a couple of other I don't remember... I scranked GW off you and lived! -
You've played alongside me, Shannon, you know how much of a game that can turn in to... I seem to remember 'See How Long It Is Until Eve Gets Herself Killed Again' was always popular
Did big red letter come up on the screen saying "STOP"?
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Sadly not... just the usual LCMS blurb and then a visit to the title screen. I'd be very impressed if it did though. -
Ok, first things first. I'm not a farmer, I just can't bear to try levelling my warshade to a point where it might be interesting.
Keeping this in mind...
I've just announced on broadcast in atlas that I'm looking for a quick xp farm to get a few levels without the agony of spending the next 14 levels as some mutant squid covered in evil candyfloss.
No sooner had I announced this, I got the old Lost Connection to Mapserver message.
Could this be the harsh way Posi is going to deal with farmers? -
Zombie invasion code + sprawling interior mall zone = utterly awesome idea!
Having rolled a warshade I've been reminded just why I've taken Teleport only once in 5 years, and respec'd it out asap.
The whole hovering immobile for a few seconds is a boon at a 100ft above the asphalt, but it's a royal pain closer to the floor. It would be much better if the hovering effect was only active until you pressed a movement key, at which point it cancelled. I know it's only a couple of seconds to line up your next teleport but it does rather break the flow of racing to a mission to have to wait 20ft above the door until you can move again. -
Personaly I think that if the devs fix the MA in a smart way, the game will flourish.
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I hope they don't do that until I get my villain and WS to a level where they might actually be fun!
*awaits the tide of scorn* -
Welcome back Mac... Glad to hear you're doing better
The game hasn't fallen apart yet, just some nameless individuals having a bloody good moan and flounce (guilty as charged, m'lud*).
*incidently, for all my moaning and flouncing I've found a new love for the game -
Thanks GG, Xemulas and Shock.
I'll likely drop the Echelon a line over the weekend, see if they can't convince me that villains is a good place to play -
Thank you, both.
I'll have to admit I'm not online anywhere near enough to meet your prestige requirements, Tufty, a bit of a shame because your organisation looks most impressive!
Larac, thanks for the alternative. I'll probably give you a shout in the next couple of days -
I've come back to the game after a bit of an absence. Seems as like everyone I knew before is gone now, so I'm looking to be adopted by a fun supergroup with room for a serial altoholic. -
I've come back to the game after a bit of an absence. Seems as like everyone I knew before is gone now, so I'm looking to be adopted by a fun villain group with room for a serial altoholic. -
As a non pvper I have to say I actually like this idea and would most likely join in.
Get your organising hat on, Greenflash. -
This is a great idea... It'd get me back into the arena to have a look see!
Given the fantastic amounts of lovely knockback available to us, I'd like to venture a King of the Hill event added to your list. -
They never had rollercoasters when I was in nursery... all we had was a rail of old clothes, one of those red and yellow cars and a plastic He-Man sword.
Ooooooh right.
Just because i happen to fail my attack against Positron, you think u suddenly own Paragon? Just wait, untill all my evil Masterminds are fully trained, lets see who's living room it will be then
Noted: I'm a Necro MM villain, my zombies cant hear that very well with their halfrotten ears.. so i shout.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've brought zombies into MY living room?! Can I have a go with them? -
Nicely put, Enforcer.
Sure I've had my moan, and I've had my time away and my time to come back. I reckon so long as the powers that be keep putting out issues that are vaguely interesting I'll keep being a vaguely interested superhero.
Yesterday was disappointing. Today has been ten fold with all the venom and anger and flouncing going on. I've been really quite upset by some of the posts, both hostile and not so. This game has seen me up the highest I've ever been, and it's seen me the lowest I hope I'll ever be, and whether it's through friends who have left, or simply beating the snot out of a bunch of Freakshow, this game has been there for me. When I've needed to escape, I've always been able to come to Paragon City and forget about things.
That's why I want this game to succeed. Not because I like where things are going. Not because I'm some mouth breathing, basement dwelling troll. Not because I've nothing better to be doing, but Because Paragon City is home. I love it here. Sure, it's a bit lonely at the moment while I try to find my feet again and establish new friends and alliances, but it's home none-the-less.
I guess what I'm saying, is to both moaners and anti-moaners is this,
We're superheroes (or villains) people! Stop it with the shouting at one another, the bickering, the arguing. We're better than this. Stop with all the fighting because Paragon City is my home, and right now you're all yelling in my living room -
I currently have over three years of gameplay under my belt, yet I still to this day have only one lvl 50.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, so I'm not alone then5 years, on 50... what a slacker I am
Dear Paragon City,
I loved this city once. From the very first time I stepped off the tram and saw Atlas Plaza in the distance I knew this was where I would call home.
I've been around since the arena was a building site, and I know how things once were. I've earned my right to moan with all the scorches and zombie sick on my spandex. I helped protect this city while it was growing up, and I've seen it change, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the worse. I've seen my friends come and I've seen them go again leaving me to keep watch.
You're my city, Paragon. You and I, we're inseperable. I might not always be around, but I'll always be close.
Y'ain't getting rid of me yet.
<Evie is an altoholic who's looking to be adopted by a friendly supergroup both blueside and redside to show her again why she keeps coming back> -
Well.. Just remember to log your chars out in appropriate day job locations.
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Y'know... that never even crossed my mind... I'll do that before my sub runs out. -
...By the time we have your cape pressed and ironed and hanging in the hall of retirement you'll be asking for it back! - see you soonish!
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Thanks Mom... If you manage to get the zombie sick stains out let me know how you did it... I've been trying for years. -
Well I guess it's time for me to say goodbye to Paragon City, it's shiny heroes and scumbag villains and the lovely people behind the scenes.
It's been a really great 4 years or so but for now my superheroing days are over. Seems like all the people I started out with are long gone and I'm only hanging around in case they come back.
So, with no further ado, Farewell heroes, villains, you've made for a memorable few years. I'll probably wander back about the time that the mission designer is released so you can't have my stuff.
Thank you, all of you... even you Sorudo -
27 Months: Anime-style tech armor
To be frank compare it to real Anime-style tech armor and you get nothing like it. It is just too boring and not unique enough.
Idea: Buttoned Shirts. Allow each button on the shirt to be cuztomizable to everyones taste. Also allow different types of buttoned shirts.
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Shirts as well perhaps... Leave my lovely 'anime' armour alone. If you ask me it's the best looking armour set there is!