FPS-style Arena games




Inspired by another recent suggestion similar to this, I'm creating a suggestion about FPS-style Arena games. (even though I've left the game, as you might know.)


Similar to Halo's "Grifball", Statesball is a game where a member of 2 seperate teams fight for a ball and try to place the ball in the other team's goal. Think of it as a in-game rugby match.

-A match consists of five rounds. The team with at least 3 points at the end of the five rounds wins the match.
-Scoring a goal earns a point.
-Once a point has been scored, the round ends.
-Damage is doubled and the player's HP is 1. This means if any damage is caused a person will die. Endurance is not affected, neither any Inherent powers.

Capture The Flag

A traditional FPS Capture the Flag game. There are 2 teams. Both of the teams needs to take the other's flag and take it back to the location of their flag.

-This does seem similar to Statesball, but there are no effects on the player.


Similar to Halo 3's "Infection". One player is the Vazhilok and the others are themselves. The object of the game for the non-Vazhilok is to not allow the Vazhilok to defeat the non-Vazhilok. The object of the game for the Vazhilok is to defeat all the non-Vazhilok. When a Vazhilok defeats a non-Vazhilok, that non-Vazhilok becomes a Vazhilok.

-The Vazhilok are much faster than the non-Vazhilok.

That's it. I may add a few more over time.



Sounds interesting.
Looks like we got ourselves a Halo fan Infection ftw lol



This is a great idea... It'd get me back into the arena to have a look see!

Given the fantastic amounts of lovely knockback available to us, I'd like to venture a King of the Hill event added to your list.