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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    As for effort, you're the one who DID bother to color code
    Dropdown menus are hard yo!

    And y u still mad bro?
  2. lol. I could reply in some coherent fashion but obviously you've put a lot more time and effort into this than I ever would be concerned to.

    So I will simply reply with: u mad bro? y u so mad?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    Though I am tickled I'm always on your mind.

    Nah. Not so much that as wanting everyone in Iso's to feel useful and appreciated. I figured that taking names at the door would serve that purpose as far as you were concerned and yet wouldn't tax you too much.

    However, since you brought up the notion of someone being on someone else's mind. I have a feeling it may have been a form of projection.

    Check me on this but I seem to recall an elec/time controller being involved in Iso's Wednesday night. They appeared to have some commitment issues as they weren't in the VG. Dunno.

    Anyway...What was the name of that toon?....Hmm? Oh yeah. Something along the lines of Chronol Flux. You wouldn't happen to know the name of the global for that toon, would you @VoodooCompany? I will allow our gentle readers to make of that what they will.
  4. I find it reprehensible that The List™ has been allowed to fall into such a state of disrepair.

    I will do my part and add that Bug was on a cold/dark defender and that Peppercat was on a thugs MM.

    I dunno. At this point we may have to rely on Voodoo for list making as MG is really not holding up his end.
  5. _Flux_

    GM Math

    Wow. Looks like. Based on them throwing the rule book in your face.

    Still. How cool is it that the market can randomly throw stuff in your cart that you get to pay for and can't return?....
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    *Except some that should be kicked instantly
    *Except some that are only barely tolerated

    6 years strong and just as open as always?
    I'm still not sure which exception you fall under, Voo...

    However, I'm sure whatever monetary payment or ,ahem, *service* you performed was adequate to maintain your place in the group.

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    6 years strong and just as open as always?
    I was under the impression that Iso's was closer to 7 years old? When did Iso's 1 begin? IIRC Iso's 2 started end of 8/06.
  7. Bwahahahahahaha!!!!

    In the spirit of going red side, I made a grav/storm controller.

    May whatever deity you hold dear have mercy on your souls.
  8. _Flux_

    New Contest

    OK. Now that you've had a couple days to mull over your purchases (leaving any fanboi affiliations at the door), do those that have invested in the super packs feel that your investment was worthwhile? I'd like to know if they are worth the trouble.

    Honestly, my only interest is in the ATO's. As many of you can attest, I'm not much for costume design and reward merits I can get easily enough. I have no real interest in spending any more money on the game than my $15/month and I really would like an additional enh. tray. I've been saving my points since a few initial purchases to that end. However, the ATO's look interesting.

    Anyway. Opinions?
  9. I'll probably end up making a controller or a blaster for this iteration. A beam something blaster if it's a blaster and dunno what if it's a troller. Maybe grav. Haven't tried grav since a failed i3 experiment. Really wish that dark control was already out...
  10. _Flux_

    New Contest

    Ah. OK. Thanks guys. I read a little about them when the hate was still flowing freshly but haven't paid any attention since.
  11. _Flux_

    New Contest

    Since there has been surprisingly little fanfare about the release of the super packs yet, what is the deal with them?

    Last I heard the costume pieces don't drop in-game but ATOs do. What else is included in the packs and do they drop in-game?
  12. _Flux_

    New Contest

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    A Purple to whoever guesses how much cash Mental Giant will have to blow on Super Packs to unlock the whole Elemental Order set.
    Heh. Unless the drop numbers have changed since I last wandered into the beta forums, more than you want to think about.

    However, you can't think about it that way. Just imagine the rush of anticipation you will experience each and every time you purchase a pack and open it. The joy you will experience on those rare occasions that you actually get something that you want/need!

    And don't worry dude. Every time I pass you as you are panhandling on the front steps of Wentworths, I'll be sure to toss you a couple inf. on my way in the place.
  13. It's always cute when someone logs Voo into the forums and allows him to pound on the keyboard for a bit. Unfortunately, this is what happens when that occurs...

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    white noise/zero content

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    As to your debate, I already made my decision. I'm just waiting on the rest of you to pick the correct answer.
    What's going on? Are you living in Hamster's basement now? I'm going to take that statement as that you've already moved that controller over to the red side and that is your vote unless you explicitly say otherwise.
  14. Le sigh.

    As Hamster is playing the coquette and won't get off the running wheel.

    Here goes nothing.

    Next Wednesday (2/15) will be a free play night. If people want to get together and run TF's or whatever, have at it. Just be aware that if you are going to show up late, you may be on the outside looking in...

    MG or John- Both of you have operator status in Victory Forum. If one of you would put a PSA in the VF MOTD that reads, "Next session of Isolators starting 2/22/12 @ 8:00 pm EST. See (insert this forum thread link) for details", that would be great.

    As to the red or blue side debate, everyone gets to cast a vote in this thread. Either is not a vote. Neither is "I don't care". Stand up and make a decision. Votes will be counted Thursday and that will be settled.

    I'm voting blue side.

    *Waits patiently for Hamster to come in and spread pellets all over this post....*
  15. My 2 inf.

    I'm kinda meh about red side. In all honesty, I haven't run a red side toon up outside of Iso's in maybe two years. Maybe longer. Not sure about that. I just lost interest. But it's not a show stopper.

    First Ward on the other hand, I don't care for that place. Particularly on teams. It's pita to keep sync'd, I tend to lag a bit (I know, noone's problem but mine. However, it does greatly reduce my desire to be there.), and it's not like the missions are going to change for red side.

    Regardless. If this week is going to be the last week for this session, I would propose we take next week off to determine what we are going to choose. It would give people time to decide what they are going to make (I know I have no idea at this point) and a chance for us to advertise to get some new victims,... errr people!

    If we decide to not skip a week, we need to make a decision pronto and start advertising now. Red side is somewhat of a harder sell than blue on this server. (Well, most of the servers...)
  16. _Flux_

    Who Will Die?


    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Also, given how Statesman left (and some of his comments since then about CoH), he should have died in a worse way. Like straining on a bowel movement.
    But considering how Cryptic has been passed around like a drunk cheerleader at a frat party the last few years, I highly doubt he has to strain....
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    People who's family's don't want to spend time with them:

    See! Now you are just being mean, Ham. Maybe Voodoo and Mental *are* family....
  18. A sad day indeed.

    I won't say I know DC well but I have known him a long time. For a time I teamed with him regularly in Isolators and a couple of other weekly SGs. We clashed a few times over the years but it was more this grumpy old man wishing the grumpy old man hiding out in the kids body would lighten up. He always impressed me with his knowledge of the game and his willingness to share that knowledge ( In 2 or 3 chat channels while he was playing - dunno how he managed that..).

    Then there were the endless Borea missions he would run during double xp weekends and his drive to get the last influence badge before the dev's changed the requirements to a lesser value. He is the only person outside of Satanic Hamster that actually seems to like the shard.. Crazy, but that is DC and his addiction to badging.

    Having lost my father to lymphoma just over a year ago, I have some small inkling of what DC has gone through and I definitely know what his family has dealt with. He and his loved ones have my sympathies and I wish them the best in these trying times.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Actually GP, prices won't go up. Low purple prices will, or more likely all those purples that have been sitting on the market not getting bought will be gone by tonight.

    However, once everyone converts all their sleeps and confuses to damage types the market on those purples will most certainly fall.

    Simple supply and demand. We will be taking spam and through the magic of IO conversion turning it into Kobe beef.

    So cheer up!
    Unlikely. It might be the case if people only had a few 50's. However, that is not the case. What this will do is put a lot of pressure on the less desirable purple sets and the price for those will go up as people will be converting them instead of putting them on the market.

    It may have some effect on the PvP io market as there seem to be sets that aren't used much by either PvP'ers or PvE'ers. But considering the drop rate outside of farming, that too is unlikely.

    As I see it, the only way the prices will drop on either purples or pvp ios is if those that have large numbers of them stored up, convert them and then dump them on the market. As your previous post suggests (buying 200), that is probably not what you are planning on doing. Nor do I see anyone else in a similar position doing that either.

    Also, the period that would have any effect would be brief. It would be akin to pouring a glass of water into a desert and expecting a 7 year flood.

    Demand far exceeds supply. The only way prices will go down is if the drop rate were to increase.

    Remember, a little more than a year ago people also believed that the price on purples would go down due to more players running their 50's for the incarnate salvage. That hasn't been the case. If anything, the costs have gone up.

    The only time I've seen prices for top tier gear in this game decrease over time is when it is superseded by something more rare and desirable. (i.e. What happened to rares when very rares were introduced)
  20. Yes. Having issues as well. On Time Warner and am experiencing pretty much what you have described. Game starts up, I log in but the game freezes once I pick Victory. It eventually times out and I get "unable to connect to dbserver" as an error message.

    Tried multiple servers and a couple of times was able to get to the character screen before the client froze. Got a "mapserver unavailable" error message on those ones.
  21. _Flux_


    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    And now the customary "whoops" patch for last week:
    True. But rarely have I seen so many obvious things broken by one patch (non-issue) in this game. (lets face it, even though billed as 21.5, this was mostly a few additions/modifications plus bug fixes.)

    Also. Now that we've seen what has been featured by the paragon market the last few weeks, is it surprising that noone has ever heard of this game? Cosmetics will always be a big part of the game, but wouldn't it have made more sense to push the transformation powers and Halloween pieces in the weeks preceding Halloween rather than the weeks after?

    Dunno. I guess the guy that stands outside the Paragon Studios building holding the advertising placard for CoX also doubles as the in-game advertising strategist.
  22. Ahhh. It warms the cockles of my dark little heart to see that so many have embraced advanced XP gathering. To know that I have been the light and the way to so many makes it all worthwhile.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I'm not a hardcore Gleek... in fact, I'm thinking about giving up on the show. The major plotlines usually make no sense, and the musical numbers have dropped significantly in quality from the first two seasons.

    I... really don't know what to say about this....Other than: What have you done with the real MG??????!!!!!

    Voo- It's good to see that there is still a glimmering of the old Voodoo left in you. Still, this new Voodoo Lite truly is an inferior product when compared to the old Voodoo.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Now that they rolled back the most egregious changes, I can get my clothes back and retire to my sumptuous villa in Fanboiville™.

    Catch you on the flip side, Flux!
    Eh. We can't say that this wasn't expected given your track record. However, have no fear!. Toril is going to stay at your place till you come back. Oh, yes. You'll be back....

    Welcome to Doomopolis™. We hope you enjoy your stay.

    ***Note - You may want to replace the furniture when you get back, given Toril's current state...
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toril View Post
    Walks in and sits down naked in Doomopolis™. I will await a donation of clothing! In the meantime I will waive my naughty bits around and generally make a nuisance of myself.

    lol. That's ok man. Let it never be said that Doomopolis™ doesn't do it''s part in helping the less fortunate. There's a new "Greek" style bath house opening up and they need towel boys. I believe given the circumstances you outlined above, you'll be getting more tips than you ever thought possible and will probably be able to afford clothes in no time.

    Welcome to Doomopolis™. We hope you enjoy your stay.

    **Sadly, the only other positions we currently have available are in the gardens, tending the rose bushes.