333 -
At least its much more improved than it used to be, I remember when you had to upgrade each and every pet individually, its much better now
yup, although I think the older Everett had the best line in the episode, I don't think you will see me again, but you will be seeing me
Quote:In the Library episodes, she makes a mention that the previous meeting, the Doctor seemed to know their time together was close to ending in retrospect, So that meeting hasn't occured yet, so yes I think there will be a meeting where they will both know each other. And as noted, she isn't dead, dead, she still exists in the Library, so it is possible for the Doctor to visit her, or maybe even bring her back to life, also as a side note, if it ever came time for them to end the series, they could always have the Doctor park the Tardis in the Library, and have him enter the Library MatrixConceivably, the Doctor could return at a later time to the Library planet where River's uploaded consciousness resides in its central computer after the events of The Forest of the Dead, but that would, I suspect, miss out on the tragedy that's gathering momentum this season.
As River puts it:
Moffat is clearly playing for high stakes for this season as River gets less secure in her "spoilers" advantage over the Doctor and he begins to show the strains of keeping his knowledge her death a secret from her. -
Overall I enjoyed the episode, my only big gripe is the guy they cast as Tricky Dicky really didn't look like him too much, unlike the fellow they cast as Winston Churchill. Whatever fake American accents weren't too bad( unlike the Daleks in Manhatten), glad they haven't tried fake Southern Accents yet( they guy who plays Bill in trueblood, has a really bad one).
Quote:And didn't they also increase the number of regens he gets( hoping it's due to something that happens or happened to him, rather than always being the case, since if it was always the case, it would require a significant retconing of the Masters motivations)This is true however, that would suggest there will never be any further regenerations. Also, despite holding the reigns to the franchise, I doubt the BBC would agree that Moff could permanently kill him off with no way out.
So like Kiken, I'm less moved by what they did and more caught in the Grand Moff's trap of 'how are they going to get out of this one?' (I will add, willingly and quite happy to be so.)
Quote:The Doctor has been dead before( note season finale of season 5), but got better. Here's a few thoughts here,One of the interviews with Moffat somewhere said that this season was going to look at the impact of messing with the timeline, so I'm going to guess that this will head off whatever series of events that led to the Doctor's death. Also, this episode was aired with "limited commercial interuptions", so there will be bits missing the next time it's on BBC.
I do like the new FBI guy. "This man walked into the oval office with a big blue box. That's the man he walked past. Which one do you want to listen to?"
-the child of Amy and Rory = River
-River was the person in the space suite, and that event is what she was talking about when she says she killed a very good man( although I don't think the older doctor is dead dead), it was actually staged
-that the season finale will reference back to this episode -
the question does beg itself, Why become the head of SyFy, if you hate sci-fi. Its a bit like become the head of Apple and being a total ludite. There have been a number of niche channels that were successful as niche channels, but ended up dying a painful death when new management came in and fiddled with the format. Does anyone remember Tech TV for instance?
I still believe the only reason Flytraps AI got fixed, was because it got exported to Controllers for its full uselessness to become obvious w/o question. Dominators as a rule, are much less dependent on damage from their pets than Controllers are. I can only imagine slugging it out to 32 on a controller, to find flytrap before they improved it
Quote:I love Creepers! because of that creep factor, it really makes my Red Side Plant/Thorn fill really evil, very satisfyingI like throwing in the -res proc and getting that yummy 6.25 recharge but you could do without him if you reallllyyy want to. He is a bit vapid but at times he saves my butt be it taking a bite out of an enemy, casting roots on a mob or dieing for me while I haul booty out of a stressful situation.
Fly trap freaks you out more than carrion creepers? Carrion creepers use to give me the...well creeps. That awesome sound they make, the suggestive hentai appearance lol. -
Yes in WoT terms, it would be a bit like not seeing Trollics or the Forsaken until book 5 or 6. You know their looming out there. You get the idea that there will be a conflict involving hordes of them coming south, and that the various political games going on are just a distraction of the larger threat they pose, but as of book four, you really don't know too much more than you did in book 1 about them.
Quote:I don't blame them on the opening part, lets be honest here, after four books, you really don't know much about the walkers, other than that their looming out there somewhereI liked it, I didnt love it.
I enjoyed the books tremendously and never noted any "...and this is what they ate" passage that wasnt for a purpose. Now Wheel of Time on the other hand....ye gads!.
So anyhow, I enjoyed the casting decisions....
Jamie, Tyrion, Rob, Jon, Theon, Arya, Dany, Drogo all seem pretty spot on
Cersei could be prettier (but I like the actresses work so Im not complaining)....
Tyrion isnt ugly enough according to my wife
Robert isnt large enough. Sean Bean towers over him.
But all in all everyone pretty much looks the part....now can they sound the part...the furthest afield is Eddard but he's the name in this so I wont complain.
I wanted flashbacks dammit. One of the series main plot mysteries is only told of in flashbacks and hasnt truly been resolved....In the book Ned has flashbacks during Roberts talking of Lyanna but they just cut that out. I was hoping for clues.
Really liked the White Walkers. Tis a pity though....
"The things I do for love" is a terrific line and a terrific point to end the first show.
I dont know if it did a good enough job at hooking people. The opening vignette is going to hook the wrong kind of people for the show or turn off the right kind. It was always my initial complaint about the novels. I dont want to spoil details so Ill leave it at that.
--Frog -
fairly faithful to the books from what I recall so far They aged some of the Starks, but that was more common sense than anything else. Good casting, for the most part.
for a long time, Flytrap was basically worthless and had the title of Worst Pet Ever. It was not unknown for your flytrap to watch you get your but handded to you, w/o lifting a .....well not finger, maybe a vine. When they improved its AI, <sigh>, So what am I saying here? Dom's are not Controllers, while the pets are nice and do help, with the possible exception of Gravity, all of the other flavors of Dom's can manage without pets just fine.
My fire/energy Dom, the fire imps balance out Energy Assault's lack of AE, it may mean killing hordes slower, but I can manage just fine
my plant/thorn, my orginal redside toon, I leveled him up just fine when Flytrap was useless,
My stone/earth dom, I might miss rocky, but that combo hits hard and has a lot of control even without rocky
my elect/psi dom, the pets are nice, but I can function just fine w/o them
Its only my Grav/elect where I'd say it might be tough w/o Singy -
I'd have to agree with the critics,
I saw this, and hated it
the action scenes were pleasent as was the casting,
Then again, I didn't like Brazil either( a very similar movie)
The problem was, it was pretty obvious exactly how it was going to end, and I found the overlayed realities annoying -
Imagine's the CoX Universe's version of GRR Martin,
-the Crey Corperation purchases Martin's publisher
-CC places a shock collar on Martin, to force him into writing -
Quote:I would also recommend:So awesome. For those who haven't read this series yet: don't start, because the wait for new books is physically painful because they're so awesome. Wait until the series ends, then enjoy them.
the Wheel of Time - Sanderson will have the last book out next year, and he has done a nice job of wrapping up the series, and there are currently 13 books( and all of them very decent in size), warning books 6-11 things will be a bit slow
only Frank Herbert's orginal 6 books, Brian Herbert/ Kevin Anderson's books are basically are hack jobs, for really interesting reading find a copy of the Dune Encyclopedia if you can, -
Feast of Crows came out in 2005
Since then
Brandon Sanderson
three books of his Mistborn series
two books of the WoT series
his Way of Kings book
8 books total
David Weber
2 Honor Harrington Books
3 Honor Harrington related books
4 Safehold Books
4 other books
co-wrote 4 books
including just the books he went solo on thats 15 books since 2005
Eric Flint
8 1632 books, granted some of these he co-wrote with, but with him its hard to seperate
Time Spike
Mankind Witch
2 River of Time Books
total 12 books since 2005
SM Stirling
Emberverse Books 6
Taint of Blood
7 books total
To be fair to GRR Martin, he has contributed and edited 4 Wild Card books since 2005
By comparing his output to the rest, even if you assumed he wrote those 4 Wild Card books solo, is pretty low to compariable writers since 2005( really hoping he picks up a decent co-writer to help him finish the series in a decent pace) -
Quote:I don't begrudge him not devoting 100% of his time in the last 6 years on it, but it would've been nice if he had at least dedicated a little more of his time in it than he has even if its only 20% of his time. Or at least to have found a co-writer to work with on itThe delay seems to have been caused by:
1. The story getting bigger in the telling. Specifically, his original plan was to skip the story forward after A Storm of Swords about five years. As he started that book, he realized that he was telling too much stuff in flashback, and decided to simply tell the story of those five years. A Feast For Crows was simply what he got done first.
2. Figuring out to get characters from one place to another. Related to #1, he didn't have to actually plan out how characters got from one place to another in those five years. Once he decided that he would actually tell the story, the logistics of actually moving the characters in place in relation to the timeline became problematic.
3. Other projects. Can't blame the guy for not necessarily wanting to work on the same thing 100% of the time when he has other things he likes to do, like writing other things and editing.
4. The upcoming Game of Thrones TV series. He approved each of the main castings, wrote one of the episodes, and has been involved in the publicity.
5. Getting married.
6. Going to conventions/watching football/having a life.
I don't begrudge him any of the above, just glad the book has a real release date. -
Quote:With regards to Jordan, whatever the reasons, after book 5, he seemed to have lost focus on the series, Sanderson has done an excellent job so far in finishing the series, and contrasts that with the Dune series where Herbert's son and his co-author have murdered the franchise.I do wonder how much it was his health issues, and how much it was his lack of self-editing. His books picked up too many characters and too many sub-plots right around the time he had enough of them out (and successful enough) that a publisher probably wouldn't tell him to trim some things out. Sad to say it, but many publishers are in it for the cash. They won't turn an eye to many fine writers out there, but once one is successful, it's hard for them to not want to try and milk their cash cow.
I think JK Rowling was on the path of not being sharply edited enough, but really did a good job with her sixth and seventh books, either because of her own impetus, or an editor that was willing to work on it with her.
It's kind of a pity, because I would more strenuously argue for WoT being one of the best fantasy series if it had kept with the approach it had in the first five books. I like the characters and overall storyline after, but overall movement in the storyline slowed down a lot after that point.
Sorry to derail in a Martin thread like that.Overdoing it with a multiple book series seems common, though. Jordan did it, Orson Scott Card did it with the Ender books, and there are plenty of other authors out there doing it as well. Hopefully Martin got things to where the series needed to go, rather than padding things out.
Martin's delay hasn't been health related so far( although he is reaching that age where it is a possibility), I'm not sure if its him getting writers block, becoming disinterested in the series or whatever. He has been busy on other projects, but the annoying part is, after 6 years it seems almost like he has deliberately not been working on the series. I do hope Martin, his family, and his publisher have made arrangements for completing the series if he is unable to, maybe to the next Brandon Sanderson. -
the biggest problems are 1) low if any DDR, 2) are primarily ST oriented, 3) their ranged attacks are weaksauce, if you try to make a Bane with only the mace ranged attacks, you'll find them a little underwealming
The Crab is a rather unique critter, he's more of a team friendly Ranged AE specialist, however the crab melee is a bit weak, and until the pets or really IOed out, can have problems with hard targets
A Huntsman is rather a nice compromise between the two, and is generally good for both solo and team play, a good comparison is to a corrupter but better. Also with it being more ranged oriented than a bane, the lack of DDR is a little less of an issue. Another point in the huntsman's favor, if you have a more commando oriented concept, a huntsman fits better as a nick fury/ punisher/ rambo/etc type than would AR/ Device or AR/ Traps. -
I would compare Plant with Earth and maybe Electric control, in terms of having a number of nice control options
Quote:Not really Carrion Creepers has to be one of my favorite powers in the game, its a great power, and FX wise, its one that really makes me feel evil on my Dom.I took a Plant/Ice Dom from 1 - 30 over the weekend. I was very pleased with my overall performance; I spent more time solo than grouped but I felt I had good things to offer in both settings.
My previous Dom experience s with a Mind Dom, from CoV launch to roughly I10 or I11. On that toon I made frequent use of all my primary powers. They all brought good stuff to the table.
But on my Plant Dom, I found myself really only using my single target hold and Seeds of Confusion with any regularity. I made slotting investments in my AoE hold and the Slow/Immob quasi-pet, but given how seldom they're up, they don't seem terribly effective. Am I missing something or is Plant really that much of a one-trick pony?
The Immobilizes are more or less standard, the AE immobilize has nice synergy with seeds, in keeping the mobs nice and clumped together for your AE's
The AE Hold is pretty standard, but useful as any other AE Hold
The AE Sleep is there of course, but except for the Electric Sleep power, I'm not aa fan of AE sleep powers as rule, except as a home for a fairly affordable purple set
On most Doms, you tend to use your primary soft control with the same frequency as Seeds, Flashfire for instance, so you do have options other than seeds
If you really want a one trick point pony look at Gravity, its more so than Plant is, with Fire running in second place -
One alternative that might even be adapted for other AT's, is an alternative Tier 9 power for your primary.
For example, your an energy/x blaster, you can take either Nova or some sort of alternative power as your tier 9 if you don't like Nukes, but not both, it'd fuction like a mini-branching system sort of used with VEAT's. In this example, it could be some sort of powerful PBAE Energy mini-nuke, maybe a rain like enrgy attack, or even maybe some sort of pet or buff power.