Question - Why can't we have our pets in one cast ? Upgrades too !
"Oh no, they killed my Protector Bots, time to resummon."
"Crap, they killed my Assbot and now I have to wait for the power to recharge since I already summoned once in the past few minutes."
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
"Oh no, they killed my Protector Bots, time to resummon."
... "Crap, they killed my Assbot and now I have to wait for the power to recharge since I already summoned once in the past few minutes." |
I use the last of my end with the summon!
I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac
"Oh no, they killed my Protector Bots, time to resummon."
... "Crap, they killed my Assbot and now I have to wait for the power to recharge since I already summoned once in the past few minutes." |
Someone care to enlighten me.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
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4. Rule of Five:
I think Dechs means that, if pets were all in one power, then having a few killed would be even more dilapidating than the current setup.
Honestly, I'd really rather have my old power up powers back. Yes, the ST ones that you had to apply manually.
And I shall explain why.
1) They were ST and as such cos a LOT less end, and recharged faster. Losing 1-2 pets was no issue, because it was easy to resummon and upgrade, whereas now it's a trade off between having most of your primary back OR losing 3/4 of your end bar.
2) Besides the start of missions, they really did not take that long. In fact, it was nearly as fast on Alpha, my Bots/Traps MM, because I could stack the two upgrades on a pet at the same time, effectively making the cast time of one apply two upgrades, meaning, once I'd cycled through my pets, I was done. I don't know wether that was unique to Bots or not, however.
3) Possible tactical use. Ok, yes, this one is a little sketchy, because I never used it before. But I could see use in, say, Lambda where I might want to buff my Assault and P-bots, but couldnt be bothered with the ever-dead Drones. Being able to pick who to buff and when means I get to keep more of my end bar.
So, eh, might just be me. But I'm still hating the cost of using, y'know, the main freaking tool of my primary.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
You know those missions where you occasionally fight yourself? Like a Nemesis clone or something? You notice the pets are summoned pre-enhanced? I'd be fine with that. Honestly replacing lost minions in battle isn't a huge deal for me, its going through the hassle of re-enhancing them -- thats annoying and unfairly end-expensive -- it seems most of us agree that its the enhancing thats the unfair part.
Why not just have the pet enhancements a passive ability that just makes your pets summon equipped -- like NPC MM's do. MM primaries are too end-heavy in general anyway.
Bah I knew I should have hit preview.. But I didn't
I went back to re-read what I posted and I deleted a few sentences in which I wanted to state that It would be nice if we had the option to summon the pets all at once buffed and ready to go for 1/2 half our endurance..
What I also wanted to state and didn't get in ( which really makes me wonder where my head is at when I was posting ). Was it would be nice to be able to get back into the fight real fast when the opportunity arises.
I didn't want to change the way we summon but have another option to be able to summon and buff in one fell swoop.
Again not change but just an addition to.
I don't know if that makes a difference but I wanted to clarify that point which I failed to bring up in my original post.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
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4. Rule of Five:
In the progression of how masterminds summon, you used to summon 3 sets of pets and equip/upgrade, 2 actions for each pet. The second upgrade used to be on a PAINFULLY long recharge. Also when masterminds launched, your pets did NOT zone with the mastermind. These are what we call the BAD OLD DAYS.
Now we have 3 pet casts and 2 equip/upgrade casts. If you don't want a certain set to get a buff, you can move the pet set away from the AoE, it isn't that big. They did indeed change the endurance costs and recharge time per cast, but don't make me ever go back to square one.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
At least its much more improved than it used to be, I remember when you had to upgrade each and every pet individually, its much better now
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
In the progression of how masterminds summon, you used to summon 3 sets of pets and equip/upgrade, 2 actions for each pet. The second upgrade used to be on a PAINFULLY long recharge. Also when masterminds launched, your pets did NOT zone with the mastermind. These are what we call the BAD OLD DAYS.
Now we have 3 pet casts and 2 equip/upgrade casts. If you don't want a certain set to get a buff, you can move the pet set away from the AoE, it isn't that big. They did indeed change the endurance costs and recharge time per cast, but don't make me ever go back to square one. |
But at least it is nice to know that no one else understands why they do some of the things they do as well. As time goes by more and more it just does not make sense to me about all this summoning and buffing as well.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:

Seriously though, the pet upgrade process is just lame in general.
The code already exists so id be sweet if they just came to their senses and has it work like npcs.
You know those missions where you occasionally fight yourself? Like a Nemesis clone or something? You notice the pets are summoned pre-enhanced? I'd be fine with that. Honestly replacing lost minions in battle isn't a huge deal for me, its going through the hassle of re-enhancing them -- thats annoying and unfairly end-expensive -- it seems most of us agree that its the enhancing thats the unfair part.
Why not just have the pet enhancements a passive ability that just makes your pets summon equipped -- like NPC MM's do. MM primaries are too end-heavy in general anyway. |
Thats odd, each time I fight myself, he never has time to summon because the dark prince had already locked him down and the ice minion had frozen him. my doppelganger is dead in less then a min.
The Point
Your head
Thats odd, each time I fight myself, he never has time to summon because the dark prince had already locked him down and the ice minion had frozen him. my doppelganger is dead in less then a min.
So... why not just skip the whole stupid buffing thing entirely anyway.
Only problem with my first Dopple fight was my /x8 setting. Needless to say I didn't stand much of a chance.
What if the lvl6 and lvl32 buff powers became toggles?
I don't know if the toggle codes work like this, but I think it would be good if having your lvl6 and 32 toggled increased the end cost of summons, but allowed them to be summoned with the upgrades that are toggled on.
I also wouldn't mind going back to ST buffs: now that pets follow us through zones, you only have to upgrade one pet and when you zone all your pets will be upgraded.
Making the upgrades auto is a better solution. Make them work the old way in PvP I suppose, except with all this Incarnate crap MMs are hurt big time in PvP.
Just trying to figure out what great advantage would a Mastermind have if we were able to summon all the pets at level 50 with full upgrades in one simple cast. Assuming it was your choice for 1/2 of your endurance bar..
I'm thinking over the different Arch Types and I know some have big nukes that have a crash and a long recharge, like Nova Blast. Then you have those crashless nukes like Full Auto. But Masterminds do not have any nukes persay. Yes a Alpha from a Robot MM might get you that AOE patch along with other attacks. But I just don't know if I can compare that to a Full Auto which I can have slotted to be ready every 15 seconds or the ability to fire off the nuke when I want and not when the pet decides.
I am just starting to feel or notice that we are at a disadvantage when we loose all our pets during a mission or even on a incarnate mission where every point of DPS matters if your going to try to get a decent drop like a rare at least.
So with this in mind I wanted to brain storm some reason why or what great advantage we would have if we could just summon all the pets with all the upgrades in one fell swoop.
I just can't think of a moment in which if my pets died I would be in a good position in which resummoning this way would put me over the top on someone or something. I would imagine if my pets are dead I already lost some great advantages they offered like the bodyguard mode. So I don't see where me loosing my pets I would be in a good place if you get what I mean. I mean something bad had to happen for me to loose my pets. Even if I voluntarily dismissed them for some reason I still am not gaining some benefit to being able to resummon them all in one shot.
The only scenario I can think of is PvP. Assuming full endurance
I get attacked, all my pets are dead and I am barely alive. I eat a bunch of greens and purples and resummon my pets back for half my endurance. So now I am at 50% endurance with all my pets again. The player moves off out of range and then comes back in and hits me with 2 large aoe attacks again. Thus killing or almost killing all my pets. I am damaged either way in the inter rum another shot will kill off my last pet maybe. Even if for some reason the summon was just about up and I was at 60% endurance and I lost another 50%, leaving me at 10% endurance. I am still hurt lower in inspirations then I was. Basically I am delaying the inevitable.
I bring up this scenario because I had something like that happen to me with my Robot FF in PvP a long time ago. Basically I was hit with a fireball which left all my pets dead except for the last one which had a sliver of life left. I got hit with another AOE promptly killing that off and forcing me to use PPF to run off in my little hamster ball. There Wasn't much I could do. I couldn't resummon the pets. I was barely alive, bodyguard did its job. But I was less then 1/4 health. Again not much I could do in that situation.
PvE wise I cant' figure out whats the big deal. Again I might be missing the big picture. Maybe someone has a clue or remembers why it was set up this way. I could think maybe back then with SOs we might have had some big advantage.
But I think today with all the invention sets and so many builds pushing the envelope of defense caps, recharge rates and damage increases I can't think of a reason. On top since pets do not benefit from IO bonuses beyond the pet ones, I again do not see where we would be making out by having a way to use one cast to summon them all with the upgrades.
So if someone knows I would like to hear it. I might not agree with it. But either way I would like to know why. I know it would be old info so I would go with anything, speculation, rumor, guess. As long as it makes some sense.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five: