1007 -
Quote:I could see changing Solar Flare to knockdown and possibly making Pulsar 100% chance for mag 3. Other than that I don't really see what changes could be made that wouldn't be overpowering.The question isn't really whether the changes improved Peacebringers, but whether it improved them (and also Warshades) in the direction they needed to go, and enough. Peacebringers were far enough off the performance scale that they really did need a significant boost (and I would argue that what we got wasn't all what was needed). There are numerous posts on this subject, so I'll let those speak for themselves.
Yea, something like that. Although the funny thing is it seems like it sometimes does it with just one keypress. Might be a missions vs outdoors thing, which would be a bug.
Also, I prefer to have Extract and Unchain on my second bar so I can how close to recharged they are when I'm in the forms. -
Quote:I don't want to do it that way, because in a big battle if anything happens after I hit Extraction and before I hit Unchain I sometimes lose the target I intended. I can just hit Extract again, but it's faster to have one button I can hammer to get the target and power I want.Just press your Dark Extraction button, it'll target a corpse automatically.. That means you can press Unchain directly after.
Also, if I ever want to use Unchain BEFORE Extract when Extract happens to be up, my bind is a better way. -
FINALLY got this to work exactly the way I wanted after many attempts:
/bind k "powexec_toggle_off black dwarf$$powexec_toggle_off dark nova$$target_custom_near enemy defeated$$powexec_name unchain essence$$goto_tray 1"
This bind makes the K key (after putting me in human form and switching power trays if necessary) target the nearest defeated enemy and immediately activate the corpse explosion power Unchain Essence. All in one keypress.
I've found that sometimes it takes a repeated keypress to get it to actually go off. Not sure what's up with that.
I am posting this because in all the threads I read, I saw many various binds that did some of this, but not one bind to do it all (in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie). -
I think we can safely call the occasional Heal from Lightform wearing off WAI.
Quote:Try adding quotes and underscores.Okay, so with the recent changes to PBs I got mine out of storage to try him out. I've found something strange though: my shapeshifting binds don't work like they should any more.
When I hit my Human-form bind, (powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova) my forms deactivate as expected, but if I start hitting it when a form power is activating, and keep hitting it (because, you know, I'm in a hurry), after I switch back to human form it'll then queue the shapeshift toggle back UP and I might change back into the form I just left. It's always the form I was in the gets queued up.
Anyone know what's going on?
/bind z "powexec_toggle_off White Dwarf$$powexec_toggle_off Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1" -
I'm just curious what it is you liked about the PB that went away with this issue?
The only thing I can think of is the puffball animation... -
I'm going to point out, cause I like doing it, that the character creation screen Still says we take "more damage from most attacks".
Also, to go against what some others have said, I have been playing my Lightly IOd (cheaply frankenslotted) lvl 50 PB (Inner Light and Lightform are NOT perma) and also a new PB that I have levelled to the mid 20s using nothing better than IOs and I can report that both toons are Much more powerful than before. So I wouldn't say that only permalight builds are improved significantly here. -
Quote:With the i21 changes, and Hover providing +def to all, and Solar Flare working with Hover, I've taken to using Hover in combat much, much more than I used to. However, some animations, esp. Incadescent Strike, don't always work when hovering. This has been the case for a long time prior to i21, but now that I hover alot more, it's more noticeable...and more irritating.
Any chance this could get looked at?
Interestingly, while I agree it is irritating, have you noticed that the Rooting time for such attacks is also not occuring?
Also, with the Light Form changes are people basically satisfied that human form now has it's mez protection? -
Quote:This sounds super awesome. Would you be willing to post the Permalightform 2 build?My first build combined IO set recharge bonus plus dual slotted hasten plus the T4 Spirutual Core paragon. Permlightform and permhasten, unforunately I noted a couple of minor drawbacks:
1. All that recharge great offset stamina recovery during intense battles also due to having weave, maneuvers and stealth running to reach the S/L def cap.
2. Lightform was reactivating well before previous activation would crash, so let's say you have it "stacked" 3 times and you see that two are going to wear off either at the same time or back to back....you will receive the crash from both, and that could be bad.
So we'll call the above, Permalightform One.
Currently I'm running permhasten, a tweaked build and CARDIAC is back in place for my alpha. Permalightform and hasten misses being perma by 5 seconds, however as long as it is retoggled, lightform remains perm and has less overlap crash problems. S/L defense cap is maintained and stamina is neutralized. This would be an Ascended Permalightform, or Permalightform 2.
Still working on Permalightform 3 (no hasten), but defense cap will be lost and I don't like that idea very much. -
Quote:How do you Usually find something of which you don't know the exact location?In the same way you toss someone in the deep end of a pool and instruct them to drown less. The instructions fail in that mission is that your objective is not nearly as explicit in telling you HOW to find the exit when the thing you thought was the exist doesn't work any more.
You look around you.
It's not like failing the mission fails the TF, or restricts the rewards you receive at the end, or that you can't repeat the mission. So complaints about how we aren't handheld through every minute of it strike me as whiny. -
Quote:You can quit a TF in the Team tab.Now the first nitpick came when I *met* Alastor. I'd read that Task/Strike forces will override all other missions, you can't do anything while you're on one. However, I didn't know you couldn't cancel out of one.
Quote:Ok so First mission, yeah, it goes smoothly up until you meet the Circle of Thorns dude you talk to and suddenly you're mobbed and have a timer and you're not really told what to do.
Quote:On the other hand, facing an elite boss with a squishy controller with no immobilize... muuuuch harder, I died nearly half a dozen times, just running in, throwing everything I could, hosp, stock up on insps and back.
Next time try dragging him into the lava. ANY map with lava on it contains an I Win button for the player. -
Quote:Yeah, this was pretty aggravating to me. In the first mission I beat the bad guys, then the clock started, and I Ninja Ran back to the front door and got stuck. No idea what to do from there. Failed.
Second mission I'm told, "Oh, do something with rocks." Except I'm having some funky problem with my UI, so the mission instructions in the compass map are missing every third letter so I can't read them. No idea what to do. Failed.
Last mission, I power up and fight and finish. Yay, I won, right? Nope, here comes ambushes by characters I do not know from Adam, whom I'd love to read more about but I can't read their backstories and save my life at the same time, so now I'm frustrated by the content I'm missing. And so I beat them up (largely thanks to the veteran power Return to Battle, gee, glad I'm not a n00b having to rely on the standard powersets)...and it's over.
So my first impression is, "Wow, that was aggravating and not fun at all," which is my impression of pretty much all the new content I've come across in CoH Freedom so far, which includes the new tutorial, all the Atlas Park content, and the first two Twinshot training arcs. I have yet to come across one new story arc where I've finished it and thought, "Wow, I look forward to doing that again!" I hope the rest of this SSA is better than this first installment, and that it doesn't continue to rely on ambushes, short-fuse timers, and quirky tricks to make it "exciting." I'm more interested in story than gimmicks.
I can only guess that you don't read Anything the game puts in front of you, since All of the new Freedom content has tons of documentation right there on the screen, and in the case of the tutorial there's actually a voiceover too.
Basic competence is something the devs SHOULD assume we have. If you Don't have basic competence, I'm sorry but I don't think the devs need to redesign things with you in mind. -
Quote:So try thinking and looking around next time.This sums up my view after having that exact same rushed panicking annoying experience.
Adding to the aggravation is that there's a little half-coridoor off the second room, leading to a cave-in. I thought that the 'new' exit would be here, so ninja ran back there - only to be swarmed by igneous on my A/TA defender and killed.
EDIT: After playing the first mission of the trumpeted ultra-special signature arc part 1, I was booted out of the map whilst grinding my teeth, and then I stared at my toon, faceplanted outside the door, and said 'Well that ^^%$@ing blew!' and logged out to go play Driver: SF instead
Not the reaction the writer wanted, I'll wager.
Is this how you always handle unfamiliar surroundings?
Shopping malls must be hell... -
I completely agree that it should be heavily tied into lore.
I Also agree that it is fine to have it available after making it to 20 goldside. I'm not sure if that has any bearing on how well it should be tied into lore. -
Hopefully the devs are Already working on this. But anyway...
anyone have any cool ideas for a potential Praetorian EAT (unlocked by getting a Praetorian to 20, and only startable in Praetoria)?
My idea is a Hamidon/DE based EAT....but I don't really have any ideas yet for how to make that an interesting and unique AT...
anybody? -
In IP right above the helicopter next to Admiral Sutter are POWER LINES. Doesn't seem like there ought to be power lines above a helicopter.
Quote:Arachnos with similarly IOd builds are godmode. I don't see the problem.Changing toggle shields from resist to defense would be a little overpowered, don't you think? Imagine a perma eclipsed human form warshade with softcapped s/l/e/n defense (and spots for lotg 7.5% recharge IO's in those shields on top of it.) It would be god mode.
I would like to see in the Paragon Market in i21 or later and item that allows one character to do the following:
*Change your Primary and Secondary powerset (one or both), but not change your Archetype
*Change your Origin (if so desired)
*Revert to Level 1
*Retain Name, Supergroup, All Badges, Prestige, Inventory Slots, Items, etc.
Such an item would allow for the much asked for Powerset respec for toons that were originally made before the release of more recent powersets without allowing people to skip the lower levels on those powersets. -
Quote:this hasn't even reached the bulk of the player-base yet. We've already witnessed the sheer negative reaction from players on the forum. What's going to happen when the bulk of the game gets a load of the proposed designs?
Probably nothing. In my experience almost every (not all, but close) freakout subject on the boards has been met with general apathy ingame. Most of the playerbase is not so nitpicky as the forum population.
I think the costumes look good but ought to have slightly more connection to the previous versions. -
My one lasting complaint about the costume creator has been the lack of Asymmetrical costume options.
Now I'm sure they will get around to introducing some as they go along, but I had this idea.
Might it be possible to implement a method by which the Chest Symbol costume piece could be MOVED to be off center? Maybe have right, left and center as options?
That could, conceivably, introduce a large number of new looks without much (if any) actual new art. -
do we have ANY idea what this set is going to be able to do that makes it significantly distinct from Broadsword? Hopefully at the Very least some Two Handed animations.
Presumably Titan Weapons and Shield Defense will be mutually exclusive. -
I thought it was quite obvious that Marvel made its entire reputation on heroes that weren't traditionally heroic:
Spiderman is full of doubts and lacks severely for experience.
The X-Men are freaks of nature hated and feared by most of the world.
The Fantastic Four are a dysfunctional family.
The Punisher is a homicidal vigilante.
The Hulk is an out of control maniac, the living embodiment of the abandonment of intellect.
Iron Man is an alchoholic, jingoist, warhawk, womanizer.
Captain America was 4F.
This was the defining quality of Marvel Comics for most of the Silver Age, they created unlikely heroes and antiheroes. -