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  1. I don't think it's bad at all. I would definitely agree that it's average. I tend to prefer high end powersets, and I would like it if my wants for style and concept could fit better with my wants for power and destruction. Er, balance. Yeah.

    ES and HoB are subpar, sure, but *most* power-sets have a couple of abilities nobody takes, so this isn't a really big deal to me. I didn't really care for ES's animation anyway, and while I did like HoB animation (break gun dancing ftw yo), I have a tendency to ignore my nuke even when I take it so it's not a big deal to me.

    I think the first cone power is a bit too short as well. I'll probably shove some range enhancements in it if possible. Craziness, I know.

    I rather like Bullet Rain, Suppressive Fire, and Piercing Round. I keep saying how I'm going to make a macro that turns off my ammo before using Piercing Round, but I never do. The fact that I can have a hold on a Blaster makes me giggle excitedly whenever I use SF. I look forward to combining it with an epic hold and being the super cool blastroller. BR is just a good power.

    I wasn't really fond of Chemical Rounds at first, but I've found they make pretty good damage mitigation as far as secondary effects on blast sets go. I don't really find Cryo Ammo very good unless you've got some other slow to pair it with, and Incendiary Ammo is great except that it looks green to me. I would really like to be able to customize the ammo color, and am a little surprised I can't. Also shooting the fire off of burning buildings is pretty awesome.

    I would like it if the animations were sped up so that it would mesh better with Defender and Corrupter abilities, do better average damage, and be more receiving of IO's.
  2. When Mayhem Missions were first introduced, they came with a bug that prevented the environmental objects from leveling up with you. At one point the Dev's were going to fix it, but found it was way more fun to tear through everything around you. As I tend to agree, I'm glad they left it as is.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dot_Communist View Post
    Except that in the specific case of Touch of Fear the unslotted To-Hit debuff is twice what you get from any other power in the set (plus it stacks with the smaller debuffs you're piling up from your attacks); slotted for it, ToF puts out three times the debuff your other powers do. An extra 16% -TH is not to be sneered at in most cases.
    I'll just briefly re-list why I don't like it, since I had more reasons than just that (albeit, scattered through 3 different posts, so I'm not blaming you for thinking my argument is simple or anything.) and I'd hate to have my opinion misinterpreted.

    -I don't really like fear. I'll admit it isn't useless, but it's not useful enough to me.
    -I would rather be attacking than using fear, causing damage, and approaching the biggest mitigating status effect: Dead.
    -To To-Hit penalties in the rest of your abilities are "good enough" for me, on my builds, in my specific case.
    -Siphon Life is the only other real mitigation I need (from my primary, at any rate), and it has the benefit of doing damage, so I don't feel like I'm wasting time or anything.
    -Mag 3 means it only affects things I'm not worried about when solo without taking something else to stack it, and on a team fear becomes less useful, so I stress to find a situation where I would be getting much benefit from it.

    For these reasons I find it bad.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
    Mostly a good list, Warkupo, although I disagree with some of it. One thing i do want to point out is that you seem to think that Group Teleport is a "group come to me" power. Lots of people think that, and it would be a decent power if that were the case, both for those of us without the veteran Assemble the team and for times when AtT is down.

    The sad reality is that Group Teleport is not a "team come to me" power. It is a "teammates near me go over THERE" power. Yes, Team Teleport takes team members who are already near you and moves the bunch of you over THERE. So it isn't the group version of Recall Friend. It is the group version of Teleport.

    I've seen some uses for it. Masterminds, for example, can get good use out of it for gathering your forces and moving them en masse into an enemy group. And Smurphy uses it a lot on his "challenge" teams in an attempt to push the envelope and see how many teammates he can kill, Fallout, and rez. Other than that, it is pretty useless.

    It's better than Group Fly, at least.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    This isn't entirely accurate. Granted Fear is the second weakest status effect, but it doesn't permabreak like sleep does when hit once. If I may quote from the wiki:

    If you fear a spawn, none of them can move or attack. If they are hit with one AoE, they can all then attack ONCE, OR move. After they attack once, they have to wait until hit again. It doesn't just take one hit, then fear goes away (like sleep). So if the fear lasts for 30s, they have to be attacked once EVERY time they have an attack queued. Even against groups who are being attacked repeatedly there will be gaps where the enemy would have otherwise attacked but can't, which slows down their retaliation. It can be especially good for units who want to move into melee, because they'd have to be attacked twice to move, THEN attack. And if you're running around you can seriously waste their time.

    Fear's not as potent as hold, stun, or confuse, but it WILL lessen enemy attacks and ISN'T pointless on a group of foes even if all enemies are being attacked by AoEs. It's kind of like -RECH in that it won't show its usefulness right away, but over the course of the fight will help weaken the incoming damage.
    Fair enough. I simply think there are better powers you could be using than trying to be scary. At this point, however, all I have left are personal opinions and experience, and such things are impossible to debate (because it's like, my opinion).
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CryoTech View Post
    Nobody saying [Resilience] form /Regen? pretty useless if you ask me. The only thing nice about it is the stun protection so if you didnt take ressurect than you dont have to use a Break Free whenever you use an awaken
    Resilience is a good place to stick the Steadfast Global Defense IO if you aren't taking Tough. If you are taking Tough, it stacks well with the S/L resistance to make more noticeable.

    Beyond that, Resilience is a good pick for when you need to focus your slots on other powers. It's usually better to focus on making a power good rather than having a bunch of powers that aren't very effective because they aren't slotted effectively yet. By taking Resilience strategically you can focus on making a power better, while simultaneously gaining some S/L resistance.

    Sure, it's not a power you write home about, but neither does it have any detriments. Picking Resilience can only be a good thing (unless your picking it over something you *needed*, of course.)

    And the Stun Protection is also nice.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post

    It's also common for fear to come with a large -ToHit secondary effect, so that even when enemies do attack back, they do so at a reduced hit rate. Fear can slow down enemy attacks some even if they're constantly being attacked. But it only reduces so much. When combined with -ToHit though it can be a solid mitigation tool. So things like Fearsome Stare and Touch of Fear will still be useful even if enemies don't get feared or if the enemies are being constantly attacked.

    So between all those, even if fear is a weaker status effect compared to hold, it's far easier to keep an entire spawn feared indefinitely than it is to keep them held. You also get other benefits like fast recharge or -ToHit. While some powers don't have all these (Terrify has no -ToHit), they tend to have one or two of those perks.
    If I may cut and paste a bit...

    The To-Hit that is associated with fear is usually because the sets that have the most fear effects in them are of the Dark Element. Typically Dark Elemental Powers have To-Hit in *all* of their attacks, so using Touch of Fear, as an example, for the To-Hit debuff is pointless since you could have done *anything* and given a To-Hit debuff. The only reason you'd use a fear power is because of the fear effect, which is only marginally useful.

    Fear having a long duration isn't much of a benefit either. Assuming the fear'd enemies are getting hit they don't act like they have a fear effect at all. Much like sleeping enemies wake up, feared enemies fight back. Having a long duration on an effect that already isn't doing anything is like multiplying a million by zero. You still get zero.

    Besides that, most single target holds recharge fast enough and last long enough that you can keep an enemy held indefinitely, and the AOE versions last long enough to get the job done (most of the time.). Nevermind all the other obvious benefits to holding vs. everything else.

    Fear is best used like you would use Sleep; To stop something that nobody is going to be attacking from joining the battle. Except that Sleep holds the enemy still and has a duration that is "long enough". Since the enemies are nicely tucked away where you left them you don't have to worry that they might run into the frey regardless of you.

    Melee fear effects are useless in a team scenario most of the time because melee is where most of the AOE attacks are happening. Typical scenario is using ToF... and then watching as the enemy hits you in the face. Solo you probably don't need it as you have better forms of damage mitigation elsewhere.

    Ranged AOE fear effects are better, but Sleep still overshadows it. Stuns and Holds overshadow those. Confusion overshadows those.

    Immob is it's own funky self.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Worst power ever is Invoke Panic. Check the thread. It's so bad that people forgot to include it. It's so bad that people always forget to include it when this type of thread comes up. I'm sure someone will post saying they have and use the power and swear by it, but when was the last time you talked to someone who was considering the power? You know a friend who was playing Gravity and asked about Dimension Shift, or wanted to know if Temperature Protection was worth taking, but when's the last time someone asked you about Invoke Panic?

    Let's go over the attributes of the power:
    * Fear, meaning easy to break, hard to stack.
    * Duration is 13s on Controllers, and far less on all other ATs.
    * Recharge is 60s. 1/2 recharge and 2x duration = downtime!
    * PBAoE power, radius of 15ft. Most AoE mezzes are 25-30ft.
    * Secondary effects: None! No -ToHit, no damage, no anything.
    * Accuracy: -20%.
    * Endurance: 22.8. Over 1/5, almost 1/4 your end for this power!
    * Mag: 2. Meaning even if you did use it, you'd only mez minions.
    * Misc: Requires you to take two other equally useless powers from a pool.

    Worst. Power. EVER.
    I have a fairly love/hate relationship with fear. Solo it can be quite potent, like the Stalker who AS's a group, scares them witless, and then finishes off another 1-2 of them before the gits even think to react.

    In a group, however, with AOE's flying out of every orifice, it does about nothing. At least with sleep you can keep a group held and tucked away, or set up containment, or something. Fear on the other hand just makes the enemy animate funny every now and then.

    On that note, I hate Touch of Fear. Once upon a time it was fairly good damage mitigation, but with the buff to Siphon Life and dark's general -To-Hittery, I find it a superfluous waste of time. Solo you can just smash their faces, and on a team you run into the problem fear ALWAYS runs into when on a team. By the time you get to Sappers, where it MIGHT be useful, you typically have an Epic Hold that can deal with them... Or just smash their faces.

    OTHER powers I don't like:

    Cloak of Fear: Totally outclassed by Oppressive Gloom, which does more or less the same thing more reliably at a fraction of the endurance cost with far superior accuracy. You can stack it with Touch of Fear and get fear on the boss, but if you're Dark/Dark you can also just keep shoving DARKNESS into his face and floor his To-Hit anyway. Combined with Siphon Life, fearing the boss just seems pointless. I won't completely write it off, however, the penalty to To-Hit it provides can be moderately useful when building for defense.

    Smoke Flash: I can never find a use for this. You know what I do when a situation turns sour? Super Jump. I just friggin' leave. Besides that, Blinding Powder is RIGHT OVER THERE, which offers a myriad of better damage mitigation and doesn't sacrifice my team in the process. Perhaps if you were stuck with some horrible level of immobilization, and the enemy was in range, and you didn't have a break free, I could see a use for this. Such a situation remains to be seen.

    Jump Kick/Flurry: Seriously? Just take Combat Jumping/Hasten. What makes these worse than Boxing/Kick is that you *never* should take these powers, because the alternatives are so vastly superior. At least with Boxing/Kick you are *forced* to take them to get to the good stuff. Which isn't to say they're good either or anything, but at least you didn't have a choice. Taking these powers is an admittance to not knowing what you're doing in my book (don't worry, I will teach you. I'm cool like that.)

    Time Bomb: It has a NINE SECOND animation combined with a FIFTEEN SECOND COUNTDOWN. That's twenty-four seconds of scratching your *** before anything even *happens*. Not to mention Trip Mine is, again, RIGHT OVER THERE. Any time you are thinking "Hey, I could use a Time Bomb and..." just use Trip Mine instead. Put it somewhere you know they'll be. Time Bomb is absolute, utter garbage.

    World of Confusion: I hestitate including this, as I *can* find powerset (Kin/ Defender) where this *could* work after you've slotted it with IO's. But that relies on a super specialized build around this one power, and besides that I typically find Kin defenders have enough damage mitigation in the furious horde of FS junkies they have in front of them. Dead enemies can't hurt you. Radius is crap, duration is crap, the fact it's eating my endurance is just insulting.

    Group Fly: This requires so much slotting to even become *marginally* useful, nevermind that any situation where you'd want people flying can be solved with the umpteenth million Flying Packs everyone and their mother has access too. Even before then nobody took this power. The one time I encountered this power I thought I had some crazy status debuff, considering how much slower I was going and how crappy my ACC had become. Utterly useless.

    Group Teleport: Just use the Vet reward. The situations where you need this do not come up so often that it requires you actually have this ready. Besides that, you had the option of taking teleport friend to even GET this, why not just do that?

    Any Intangible Foe Powers: The sets that have these typically have other methods of dealing with enemies that don't force my team to stare stupidly at the enemy. Perhaps if there was some method of turning off the effect, via a toggle or something, this could be useful. However such a reality is not so.

    Vigilance: I've already built my character so that I don't run out of endurance regardless of whether or not you're there, thanks. My Corrupters look at this power and have a hearty, joyous laugh at what a crappy deal Defenders got.

    Acrobatics: A fallen Champion. Unlike Stealth, which I can still use to eek out that little bit of defense while simultaneously granting a global recharge bonus, Acrobatics doesn't really do anything useful anymore. A single knockback IO does, more or less, everything you'll need, and the Hold Protection is so low I didn't even know it was there until I looked this up one day. At best, Acrobatics is only good until you get the IO and eventually replace it.

    Focused Accuracy: Another fallen Champion. With IO's I can slot every power so that it rarely ever misses, and what more accuracy I could want I could easily get from Tactics, which has the benefit of also granting my entire team accuracy, and doesn't eat my endurance like a pig. Since they both also take the same exact IO sets as well, I simply see no reason to take this power beyond not being ABLE to take tactics, and it's limited even then. The resistance to To-Hit debuffs are about the only thing this power still has going for it.

    Weapon Mastery Epic Pool: This entire set is crap. Web Grenade does no damage, and offers immobilization, which is rarely needed on a scrapper who fights RIGHT NEXT TO enemies anyway. The ranged attacks deal lethal damage, meaning they'll often be resisted and thus you're far better off just taking any other epic power. Targeting Drone, for the scrapper, has all the same flaws as Focused Accuracy while simultaneously forcing you to pick some other crappy Weapon Mastery power. It's only good power is caltrops.

    Entangle: Again, Roots is RIGHT THERE.

    I think that'll do for now. I do want to mention that I don't think Stealth deserves to be here. It's still useful as another hole for Luck of the Gambler+Global Recharge, and still offers some defense, which is super-duper important for IO builds. Yes you *can* get the Stealth IO and get one of it's basic functions down, but until you can replicate all of them it still has a place somewhere. That said, after Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, the Set Bonuses travel powers give, and the usually required Fitness pool, the chances of it seeing the light of day grow dimmer.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
    Holds are better than stuns because 1) the mezzed enemy does not move, 2) holds are more prevalent and more easily stackable and 3) they provide the ability to slot hold IO sets. 1) is a minor benefit since a single-target mez will not cause AoE scatter. While I haven't tested it personally, the description on the enhancement screen implies that you can slot Hold IO sets in it regardless of whether you have Swap Ammo. If true, then 3) doesn't apply since you don't need to take Swap Ammo to get the benefit. That leaves 2). There's a benefit, no doubt, but is this what you'd call "incredibly" useful?
    I think you answered your own question? I found the things you don't seem to think useful 'incredibly' useful.

    Especially being able to stack holds. With another hold power, typically epic pools, you can quite easily hold a boss. As a blaster even. That leaves me pretty happy. Assuming your team had some idea of one another you could also quickly hold a boss with the controller on your team, or the other umpteenth billion DP user you encounter.
  10. Warkupo

    Dual Pistols

    Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
    yeah and some of you people who drove this game into the ground are worthy of it? I don't think so. Get your own jobs and stop pretending to know things about development and screwing with this game.

    Anyone who doesn't see these guns need to be a little stronger (their guns for christ's sake) is blind.
    The point was that if you do not enjoy thinking of ways to balance things, you don't have too. There's plenty of people to do that who *do* enjoy it and are quite good at it. Clearly discussing balance makes you upset, despite the fact that you apparently have opinions about it. Obvious solution is to just go do something else.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenGiant View Post
    Ok then. It's just that almost everytime I try to use Mid's to achieve goals using IO Bonuses, I run out of powers before I run out of slots.

    It must be because of caltrops that I didn't see must difference with ice while fire ticked like twice only (can't say much about toxic, I didn't check the damage taken with and without).

    You aren't looking at the whole picture. Swap Ammo is available at a fairly low level when most of your powers are still quite hungry for slots. Take it strategically so that you can focus on a power that could truly benefit from getting slotted up quickly.

    Keep in mind also that Swap Ammo turns Suppressive Fire into a hold, which can be incredibly useful.
  12. My feelings for dual pistols can be summarized thus:

    awesome < 1 hour < I'm going back to archery.

    All observations are with a DP/Kin corrupter.

    I pretty much mirror what everyone else has said. Animations are rather good, but the animation time takes too long and the damage simply isn't there. Executioners Shot and Hail of Bullets in particular, but I suppose every powerset has powers nobody in their right mind would take. I'm never horribly fond of nukes anyway, but I can't rationalize the thought process behind Hail of Bullets at all.

    Empty Clips seems like it needs a wider cone, better range, or something. Given enough recharge I would probably drop it from my build. Being a /kin I'm always fairly close to combat anyway, but I always feel like I'm just shy of getting the targets into the blast radius.

    I feel like the changing ammo could have been played with much more thoroughly. It mostly comes off feeling like a gimmick, rather than anything set defining, which is disappointing. I'd have liked the powerset to feel completely different with different ammo, but alas. Incendiary Ammo is the only one that seems useful, as more damage never hurts. The animations are too long to ever really take advantage of the other two; You could typically only stack the effect twice. Perhaps if your secondary also slow'd or lowered damage it might be useful, but as a /Kin fire seemed the best route, and I'd guess that it would still be regardless of your primary/secondary. Putting out fires by shooting at them was funny as hell, however.

    You can do some fairly useful things with suppressive fire and an epic/patron hold, while simultaneously still taking advantage of stacking stuns so that you aren't waiting until 40 to have something to fight back against bosses. Without this move I probably wouldn't even bother with Dual Pistols at all.

    Preferred fix would be to speed up the animations so that they can mesh better with corrupter/defender powersets while simultaneously increasing damage output so that it can compete with other 'blast' sets. As it stands it has a few nice gimmicks, but I'd probably just stick with archery.
  13. I will most likely remake one of my scrappers into a brute. They are numerically superior, at least when I play them (I know the whole fury issue, but I have little problem staying at 80%+, especially once the build comes into fruition.) The brute version of his build offers comparable damage, better survivability, and far better team utility, without making any sacrifices to solo ability.

    I will probably make my tanker into a brute as well for much of the same reasons. Also fits concept far better (Super Strength, Rage, Fury, you get the idea.)

    I don't like tanks. I never have. I feel they have little application beyond some very specific enemies. Everything else can be handled better by a controller and a competent team.
  14. Warkupo

    Dual Pistols

    Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
    suspicious... and what's with the facepalm fetish? I wish I could travel back in time, change Statesman's mind, he stays, numbers and make-believe numbers people make up, never are known and we play a game, instead of a massively multiplayer online math game.
    Nobody is stopping you from being ignorant if you wish to be. Simply go play the game if that's what you enjoy, and leave the balancing act up to those that enjoy doing that.
  15. It's probably okay to put one in everything until you get other procs, though. As I remember Achilles' Hell was pretty dirt cheap. Up to you.
  16. It really depends upon the frequency of the power you put it in. Broadsword, for example, benefits from having it into 2 powers, but I think 3 is too much (which is not to say that the effect stops being greater, but that the sacrifice is no longer worth it).
  17. I agree with Werner's sentiment. I looked at IO's to extend some 'purpose' to my character beyond just playing him to be awesome. I don't really *care* how long it takes, because I'm already playing a video game. Clearly I have time to waste.

    Besides that, playing the market isn't incredibly hard. Buy low, sell high, have patience.

    It's really as simple as it sounds.
  18. Free Form Archetypes would be a very bad thing because you either make it so everyone can be increadibly broken (the possibilities I could come up with would be mind shattering), or make it so that every power functions exactly the same but simply has different graphics (Champions Online). Either way the gameplay suffers, and when the gameplay suffers everything else becomes secondary in a hurry.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
    Villains are more self-reliant but less specialized. A dominator has superior killing power to a controller, but for someone like me who actually enjoys supporting a team it can't match a controller - I keep looking for buffs and debuffs that just aren't there. I just find the buff/debuff sets more interesting than the assault sets, generally speaking.

    Similarly, I have a kin corrupter and a kin defender; the corrupter's values for the buffs just seem halfhearted and his damage never feels like it's sufficiently better to make up for it. I might feel the difference if I was soloing them or playing with groups that never bother to work together (functionally soloing) but it always feels a little like I'm playing a half-baked blaster and a half-baked defender glued to each other instead of a solid AT.

    As for scrappers and brutes, it feels like asking whether you'd rather your enemies be trod on by a hippopotamus or a rhinoceros. They're both absolute beasts, and with GR I expect the key factor in which one I play to be set availability more than anything else.

    I guess what it comes down to with controllers and defenders is that I have different play moods. With heroes, the ATs play differently enough to suit my different moods. Corrupters and dominators are both "blaster with a side-order of (other AT)" and so don't satisfy my mood whether I'm in a blaster mood, a controller mood, or a defender mood.
    I min/max, so very small incrementally insignificant differences are super important to me.

    Oh, and rhinoceros, every time. It's got that friggin' sweet horn. Hippo has a doofy face and a bird affinity. Lame.
  20. I always found tankers in general to be incredibly boring. I essentially grab as much aggro as the game will allow me, stand around with no fear of death what so ever, and do very mediocre damage. Occasionally things will go badly for someone and I can hope that enough of the enemies that were focused on me have died so that my taunt can grab the things on whatever is in trouble. Or usually, it's better to just let the controller handle it, since he doesn't have some arbitrary hold count.

    The only tanker I have enjoyed was Willpower/Super Strength, and I think that was mostly because I could cut loose a bit more with my damage output. I probably should have gone Shield/SS in that regard, but it wasn't out and I'm sure as hell not going to start over.

    I don't really like defenders either. Perhaps I'm not really a team oriented person, but I find it easier to be the guy who is self sufficient, rather than hoping that my team has any ability to survive without me holding their hands. That said, I did like Kin, especially after I stopped giving Speed Boost to people. Seriously, it doesn't matter how quick your tier 9 recharges after I went ahead and made ALL your powers a tier 9 when I used Fulcrum Shift. You're WELCOME, by the way. Not that you ever thank ME, you're too busy praising the stupid empath every time green energy shoots out of it's orifices.

    That and Corrupters outclass them in every way. My sole Kin defender is very likely going to become a Corr just as soon as GR comes out.

    Same thing for any scrapper/brutes I had...

    And controller/dominators...

    I wonder if villians are balanced by having crappy epic pools, sometimes.
  21. Usually only hasten or mez protection. I get irritated when I have both because I constantly forget to use hasten.
  22. Warkupo


    Just because you mentioned using ninja run, and seem to be worried about stamina, I'll throw in that with Hurdle+Ninja Run will get you going as fast as a single slot of Super Jump, though you won't jump as high. In other words, it's perfectly viable as a travel power. I also feel like my leg is busted when I don't have swift, but your mileage may very.

    http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=198862 <--- Super mathematical proof.

    Willpower has quick recovery for it's endurance needs. Stamina on top of that is nice, but not necessary. I personally think you are sub-par without *any* sort of endurance recovering method, however. But with quick recovery and some intelligent IO slotting (buy cheap crap with endurance reduction) you'll be fine.
  23. AR/Dev is looking better every day with IO's. It's a fairly trivial process to get your ranged defense fairly high, take Ice Armor to stack on some sexy S/L defense, and then toss out a smoke grenade to cover the rest. We'll even let you keep cloaking device, cause every little bit counts (besides, you can shove some haste in it). Super ninja blaster ftw!

    Take Targeting Drone and shove a Build-Up IO in there. Ain't perfect, but at least you HAVE it now.

    Also, trip mine is not that freakishly difficult to use in combat. It's something you do before everyone else gets to the spawn (leave spawns early), or something you do after your tank has aggro (approach carefully) or something you just don't do because you don't need it (woah fulcrum shift).

    But yeah, if I had to recommend something easy and hassle free, it'd probably be AR/NRG. If only because NRRRG is fun to say.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    The author of the article seems unfamiliar with the way the devs work. No Posi has not left us, and no WW has not "taken over". They are still in their same jobs doing their same roles. Posi's the boss, and WW is making content for the game.

    Positron got too much aggro pulling AE, so WW is tanking now. Got it.

    It's a joke, calm down.
  25. Making a cold object become a hot object very fast would cause such an object to explode.

    Fire+Ice would have great synergy. I don't know how we go about explaining that the little chunks of body parts are 'arrested' but that's not really my concern either.

    I want Teleport to be capable of allowing me to pick a spot on the map, and then arriving there. I would have to have visited that part of the map before, of course. Rule 1 of Teleporting is not to pop in some place you don't know where everything is.

    Also, tele-frag.