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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    And yet another power that can't stand up to the name 'Worst'.

    Either people truly cannot fathom the possible uses of some of these powers or they simply equate 'useless to me' as just plane 'will never have a use ever'.

    Sleep powers can be very handy for dealing with problem mobs and downright broken for ATs like Blaster. Solo, my Sonic/Ice blaster is constantly sleeping things left and right. This gives him plenty of time to toss out Shiver and plant an Ice patch between him and the enemy. Then it's disotient>murder single targets until they're so thinned down they pose no threat to anyone.

    I am eagerly awaiting Ice melee and Ice Armor for Stalkers. Being able to sleep things in a 15ft radius and then picking them off 1 by one is...oy, that's just so broken...
    I agree. Siren's Song and it's ilk are fairly awesome for the squishy blaster. It's harder to utilize in a team scenario, but by myself it's wonderful to be able to just stop everyone outright and then thin the heard a bit. Hell, I primarily picked Sonic/ for my blaster because of how awesome Siren's Song was.

    It's still useful in a teaming situation. The AOE attacks which are common in teams make it more difficult to use, but it can be a good respite if a group of nasty enemies breaks away from the tank and charges you, or another similarly squishy team mate (Who, generally, is probably around you anyway. Usually when I use this I can't tell *who* they're coming to smush, as I usually don't let them close enough to figure out). It's also useful to momentarily stop an ambush or wandering group who you don't want combining forces with the chaos already in progress.

    I feel sorry for Blasters' who only got a crappy stun (which I ALSO got on Sonic, by the way~)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    The problem is that you are rooted in the middle of all the mobs for 4 seconds while the damage ticks away - so not only do they have a chance to alpha you, they generally get at least one follow up attack, since the damage is a DoT and not upfront like most nukes. Then, if you where unlucky and enough of the ticks did not go off (since each tick has only a 50% chance of happening) enough mobs around you will be alive that you will take serious follow up damage. For blasters this can be deadly and a defender/corruptor needs to have some serious defenses/debuffs to survive.

    It's definitely not a BAD attack, just not good enough to justify a 2 minute timer.

    EDIT: FYI - for those who lost track of the replies, this is in reference to Hail of Bullets, DP's nuke.
    That's what I'm saying though, you could just joust to avoid the being rooted problem.

    Perhaps it would help to explain what I mean by jousting; Essentially, you take either Super Jump or Super Speed, stand about where you would want to activate the power, gain momentum and jump backwards, forward, wherever, and as soon as you are in the air, activate the power. You do still have to activate it in the middle of the spawn, but the momentum of the jump should carry you far enough away that you are out of retaliatory range of your enemies' attacks.

    Unless there's some other mechanism I'm not seeing in play, I don't see why this couldn't work?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    It's the same.
    I'd have figured the power would be held in different esteem once you factor in Tanks higher durability, access to taunt, touch of fear coming in at later levels, and having smaller (not by much though) to-hit debuff to the power.

    Besides that, I would like personal anecdotes as a Tanker with the power. I have not received such information as of yet, thus I still feel it relevant to ask the Tanker community, specifically, their opinions on the power.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    I do think HoB needs a little buffing to get it more on par with Full Auto and Rain of Arrows, but yes, most of the people saying "HoB is useless!" are being way over the top. It's almost like some of them expect it be an "I win!" button, when none of the other nukes are. Any nuke can kill you if you don't use it right, and people just need to learn to use HoB right.

    Oh, and Temperature Protection isn't that bad anymore with the slow resist, though I wouldn't mind seeing more Cold Resists rather than the heavy fire ones.
    To be fair, I haven't actually tried it out, just saw it in action. It was pretty comical, to me.

    Couldn't you just Joust the power anyway? Seems like that would get rid of the whole "Ahh, they're shooting me I'LL SHOOT THEM" problem.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amir View Post
    Caltrops for a clone power; multiple illusionary copies of yourself that do no dmg but u can use like pets for a nice diversion.
    I could see the either being terribly overpowered, or very worthless, depending on whether or not your illusions are invincible, if they are not, how much HP they have if they are not, how long they can stay out, what their recharge is, or if they can be made permanent.

    It seems cool, mind you, but I think it would work better as a Tier 9 or something.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    See other sections where you asked this question. Answers remain the same.
    I am specifically interested in a Tanker opinion of the power, but thank you none the less.
  7. I'm in the Corruptor forum right? *ahem*

    My only Dual Pistols is a Kin, and it works out fairly well. I think the set will start coming together once I get Transference and Fulcrum shift, as I will not be reliant on my primary for damage mitigation, which typically requires I switch to a less damage Ammo.

    The main problem the set has is that you occasionally get stuck animating when you'd rather be doing something Kinetics-y. However, being that my first character was a Broadsword/Regen scrapper, I got over this pretty quickly.

    Chemical Ammo really benefits from Siphon Speed and will probably benefit greatly from Fulcrum Shift (again, I don't have it yet, but I rather doubt I'd be wrong). Chemical Ammo lowers the enemies damage (10%) with every attack fired at them. With liberal use of AOE's you can apply this to much of the spawn and lower all their damage at once, which can be very useful mitigation in a teaming or solo scenario. Siphon Speed allows very liberal use of AOE's. More AOE's means the spawn dies quicker. Fulcrum Shift provides a very powerful damage buff to yourself, as well as a -20% dambuff to the enemies. This should combine very nicely with Chemical Ammo to further obliterate their ability to do damage, while simultaneously increasing your own AOE power, which causes the spawn to die *faster* which also mitigates damage.

    You can then focus Transference on a key target to further obliterate any damage done, and keep your pew pew going.

    It's gonna be pretty damn sexy.

    Incendiary Ammo is also very good. Basically you should ask yourself "Do I need to mitigate damage", and if the answer is no, you should switch to Incendiary Ammo for more damage.

    Suppressive Fire is a pretty great power. It's a Stun with Lethal Ammo, and a Hold with Elemental Ammo. You can slot for either, but I prefer the hold. I don't have the numbers, but I was able to keep Lt's perma-held, but I couldn't get another application in quick enough to perma-hold a boss. Maybe once I have Hasten better slotted you could, but at this point I don't know.

    The DPA on Executioner's Shot is pretty low, the range is very short, and the KB only activates while using Lethal Ammo. As I prefer Chemical Ammo for damage mitigation, and believe that Chemical Ammo+AOE is the way to go for damage mitigation in DP/Kin, I can't recommend it.

    Hail of Bullets, DP's tier 9, is also pretty craptacular.

    Everything else is pretty solid. I do find myself wishing Empty Clips had a larger radius at times, but it's still not a bad power.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
    Indeed, I used it for both purposes while playing my DM/Invuln **. I find it's a lot more flexible than Parry is. Don't get me wrong, Parry is very strong where it helps, but useless where it doesn't. I used ToF a lot when dealing with psi mobs, for example.

    The most shining case I can think of was using ToF to perma-fear an Rularuu Overseer while I cleared out a mob or two (before the new difficulty slider) and went back to kill it.

    So while you can build in such a way that you'll rarely need it, it can still help out for corner cases like that.

    ** That character was the first one I ever IOed (so it's a terrible build!), and hasn't been respecced since I9/10, so he doesn't utilize any of the new sets / modified ones since then. I was planning a build for him, but it would've required dropping ToF, which I really didn't want to do. It made me hesitate long enough that I salvaged several of the IOs I was saving for him and used them on my Tank instead. :P
    Anecdotes like these are especially useful. A part of my analysis includes personal experiences with the power, in addition to various numerical analysis. The numerical parts I can largely supply on my own, but the more anecdotes that aren't my own personal experiences, the better.

    *Edit* Yes Werner, even you. Tell us about your crazy AV soloing ways and such.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Two things about this:

    1) Not having Eagle's Claw I think is more realistic, even though I'm sure we'd all love to do extra flips with our pistols. Take note that none of the other Blaster sets have an actual tier 9 melee power. TF doesn't count; if it had the strongest attack from EM, it would be ET. So if we really were to get this set, I doubt we'd get EC. Similarly, Dark Manip probably wouldn't have MG.

    2) The t1 doesn't fall in-line with existing tier 1s. It's just an attack. The t1 should be some sort of ranged immobilize, or at the very least a melee knockback power. Something the Blaster can use to keep enemies away from them, basically.

    That said, I'd like some more "natural" choices for Blaster secondaries. Including martial arts, katana, and dual blades.
    How about a flying shoe kick. You kick forward, and your shoe/boot goes flying off to hit the enemy in the face, knocking him down.
  10. Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Stalker Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Tanker, Brute, and Scrapper forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

    The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

    Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.
  11. Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Tanker Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Scrapper, Brute, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

    The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

    Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.
  12. Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Brute Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Tanker, Scrapper, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

    The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

    Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.
  13. Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Scrapper Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Tanker, Brute, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

    The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

    Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.
  14. Warkupo

    Redside Heroics

    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    So if Tyrant is really that evil, then very clearly it would make that much more sense to take him down.

    I'm only commenting that the theme these "heroic" redsiders keep chanting with "dark dogooders" challenging an "oppressive government" will be perfectly represented in Praetoria. Even more so that the Rogue Isles, as Recluse has this whole social Darwinism thing going on where those who are willing to backstab for power can get it and keep it. Tyrant, on the other hand, has the "My way or the highway" philosophy.
    I recall reading somewhere that Tyrant is perfectly fine with you 'replacing' your boss if you can preform his task better, but very much frowns on challenging himself. So there is some similarity to him and Recluse.

    I'm interested also in what Recluse is going to do with the Heroes going to Preatoria. I don't really expect he'll just stay put when there's potential chaos to manipulate. It would be slightly lame if he did.
  15. Warkupo

    Redside Heroics


    When you win, you are a rebel, a freedom-fighter, a champion of good.

    When you lose, you are a terrorist, an insurgent, a zealot.

    He who writes history an' all that.
  16. Keep in mind also that a power does not begin recharging until its animation has concluded. This is useful for when making an attack chain.
  17. Warkupo


    Did you want something specific or are you just showing off your build?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
    I will say this, there is nothing wrong with Touch of Fear.

    1. For a build not at the Defensive soft cap, it can make the difference of making a foe unable to hit you.
    2. In a set mostly of mostly single target attacks, the Fear can serve as a virtual hold on one target. Dominators alternate targets trying to do much the same thing. Even if it doesn't fully hold, the fear will act as a slow power.

    Touch of Fear is a control power. If you have no need of the added control because you have configured your build, good for you, you have openned up a Power Choice. Its not a required power. But not everyone has that many IO's. And Touch of Fear is a strong To Hit Debuff and Fear is a decent mitigation tool.

    On my Fire/Kin, I rarely use Char. I just don't need it. But that doesn't mean Char is a bad power. It would be just fine if I needed a single target hold.

    So, just because you don't use Touch of Fear doesn't mean its not good for someone else. And a lot of people have found uses for Touch of Fear.
    Do not assume I am making these analysis with a fully IO'd out toon. If such were the case, I wouldn't be promoting Siphon Life as much as I am because you wouldn't even need that much of the time. You certainly wouldn't need ToF.

    Please go read some of the other posts that pertain to this power, as many of your arguments were adressed within them. My argument certainly wasn't "I don't use it, so neither should you."

    I am in the process of consolidating an in depth analysis of ToF since I do not think people are going to retain any information if it is not all within one area. This way I can also simply point to a single document instead of sending people on a wild scavenger hunt when they wish to disagree with me.

    As an aside, I am baffled (No I'm not) about the general resentment I got towards taking Petrifying Gaze considering how important scrappers view control options. I would think, considering the popularity of Touch of Fear, that Petrifying Gaze would be of higher demand.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    It's nice to dream. I dream of one-shotting enemies before they can hit me because they're cowering in fear.

    Oh wait, no I just logged off my DM/WP stalker
    You know there's a fine line between having a debate on a powerset and trolling. Guess which category you're in. It's like you have some weird determination to drag this on as long as possible. **** off already.

    *Edit* On that note, how do I go about blocking someone? I've never found someone so mentally appalling that I've felt a need to do this before, but it's something I'd *really* like to learn right about now for... Totally unrelated reasons, of course.

    *Edit* Nevermind, I found it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Almost like you did last post?

    *nudge nudge*
    I have dreams where I break your lawn furniture, and your upset about it, and I laaaauuuugh.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
    Hail of Bullets is the worst power of 2010.

    A nuke that doesn't nuke.

    It's not a utility power, it's not a pool power, it's not some minor 1st or 2nd tier power.

    It's the final power of the set and for whatever reason it can't even kill minions. It's bad enough the animations lock you down forever, but to have a nuke that doesn't nuke? Gimme a break.
    Hail of Bullets reminds me of a cheesey anime where some overly flashy and dramatic character dances around a lot and then fails to do absolutely anything. That's the immediate impression I got from that power. Somebody considerably failing to look cool.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    And apparently *we* suck because we know how to use a situational power but he rocks because he doesn't.

    You suck because you're hellbent on picking a crappy situational power for situations that can easily be mitigated without it's use. As you cannot fathom how to live without it, you are an inferior player to me and anyone else who knows what they are doing.

    I know damn well how to use it. The fact remains that I don't need to use it. And since I'm not doing anything you cannot replicate, neither do you.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Lol, you just don't get it. The only situation where ToF is *not* useful is vs foes that resist fear (ghosts and veng nemesis off the top of my head) and foes that resist -ToHit (AVs...can't think of much else). Just because you don't want to use it doesn't make it 'not useful'.

    You keep saying 'invalidate' and 'useless' and 'superfluous' but by your definition, *EVERY* power is superfluous. And therefore, you're *WRONG*.

    You keep saying "I can survive" and "I can handle" and "I don't need it". Well, guess what. 'I' does not equal 'all'. Go make a Dark Melee Stalker. You'll always be better off with ToF than without it. Or hell, just make a character who's concept is all about fear. ToF will not disappoint. *EVER*
    Fine, for players that suck, ToF is wonderful. Happy?

    If your entire argument to reasons why I think it is bad is, essentially, "Nu-uh!" then I quit (I really super duper promise this time)
  24. Depends on just how 'cheap' cheap is. I already frankenslot at low levels when I feel I need more endurance, so this would be a fine alternative if they were cheaper still than 'junk' IO's.