Tell Me About Touch of Fear...




Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Tanker Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Scrapper, Brute, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.



See other sections where you asked this question. Answers remain the same.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Tanker Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Scrapper, Brute, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.
Touch of Fear is one of the most important powers of dark !!! Its -tohit duration lasts 20 secs and the more you use it the more -tohit the foe has. It doesnt matter if you have great defence. with a lil defence you wont get hit easily . In brutes is very usefull and helps with fury too cause it recharges quick



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
See other sections where you asked this question. Answers remain the same.
I am specifically interested in a Tanker opinion of the power, but thank you none the less.



It's the same.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
It's the same.
I'd have figured the power would be held in different esteem once you factor in Tanks higher durability, access to taunt, touch of fear coming in at later levels, and having smaller (not by much though) to-hit debuff to the power.

Besides that, I would like personal anecdotes as a Tanker with the power. I have not received such information as of yet, thus I still feel it relevant to ask the Tanker community, specifically, their opinions on the power.



I took it on both of my DM tanks, WP/DM and DA/DM. Both are low-damage, high-survivability builds, but nothing extreme or soft-capped. Thus, I took it as a control/debuff power. Neither one took Shadow Maul, so that probably tells you where my priorities lie with these two.

I've probably got about four slots in it on the DA, figuring I can stack fear all around. Slotted with Siphon Insight. Don't know if I'll go to six slots or not, but it's a part of the complete Rule By Fear breakfast that one is going for.

Probably have two acc/fear/recharge on the WP tank, who took the Presence taunt as well, and is busy trying to maintain aggro, rather than aggressively fearing stuff. If she makes it to higher levels, probably won't pursue the fear powers in that pool though, as it just gets used to make one problematic target settle down a bit.

And, both of these tanks are specifically for teams that are light on support. If the team needs damage and tanking, I'll grab the DM/DA scrapper (light tank) or the inv/axe medium heavy tank. So they're pretty specialized builds that aren't very mainstream. Hope this helps.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Personally I love it. It is the best power in the set imo (other will argue that im sure). It has a low acc base, however, very conveniently the Nightmare io set has +Acc



My Invul/DM tank is now 39. Never took fear, do not plan too. It takes a lot of slotting to make it useful on bosses, and it is useless on AVs. I can already control up to agro cap without the power. If a minion of Lt stands and shakes or tried to wail on me doesnt matter, as long as their attention is on me. I will use the power slot that I might have used for fear to grab another epic power.

Synopsis: Taunt beats the crap outta fear for minion/lt/boss/AV control



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
My Invul/DM tank is now 39. Never took fear, do not plan too. It takes a lot of slotting to make it useful on bosses, and it is useless on AVs. I can already control up to agro cap without the power. If a minion of Lt stands and shakes or tried to wail on me doesnt matter, as long as their attention is on me. I will use the power slot that I might have used for fear to grab another epic power.

Synopsis: Taunt beats the crap outta fear for minion/lt/boss/AV control
My Inv/DM tank is like 28 and my opinon has been leaning similar. While i have not used the power on my tank, I am familure with it. It seems that it would only useful for's essentially a hold. Now holds are great and all, but I'm not certain that this toon needs a hold. In particular, I'm not sure he needs something to hold minons with. They usually are not a threat anyway.

I will proably take it to see how well it works since I've got room right now. But the power is going to have to justify itsself in order for me to keep it.



I slot TOF with to hit debuff since it's such a strong debuff %. The fear I could care less about. My question is, will this help at all against AV's if you keep stacking it along with spamming Tof and your other dark hits? My tank is dark/Invuln so my thinking was that the extra minus to hit would synergize well with my defence.



Very good question Rayne. Any lawyers out there know the rule?



From the scrapper forum:

Originally Posted by Werner

Archvillains are immune while the purple triangles are up, and if you can survive while the triangles are up, you might as well just keep doing damage while they're down instead of wasting DPS trying to lock them down.



Thats about the fear

The tohit debuff is resisted by 60% to 87% plus any purple patch scaling
Has the breakdown by level.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
From the scrapper forum:
Yea, I'm aware of the purple triangles of death, but these are not always up. 60-87% resistence however concerns me. Is this a 100% resistence of 60-87% of AV's or a less number? I can get Tof to 15% to hit debuff plus stack my other dark attacks along with it but combined with the assumed huge to hit and acc inherents of most if not all AV's I am realizing the waste of this power for a tank.

On a pvp scrapper I use it to great effectiveness to debuff but this will be a PVE tank. Looks like I'll be taking the rarely needed unstoppable afterall since I really have nothing else I need save perhaps SS to compliment my SJ.