Tell Me About Touch of Fear...




Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Scrapper Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Tanker, Brute, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.



If you are not playing a character that's quite hard to hit already, Touch of Fear is an excellent single-target debuff and control. You can easily use it to neuter a boss by terrorizing it and debuffing its toHit.

It can be considered a rough equivalent to Parry, with the following important limitations.

  • Unlike Parry, which helps you against all foes attacking with Melee or Lethal attacks, ToF's debuff only affect only foes you hit with ToF.
  • Because it's a debuff, the foe resists it for being over your level. There's no equivalent limitation on Parry. Edit: Meant to add what Werner mentions, AVs generally ignore the fear and heavily resist the -toHit, making it non-useful against them.
As it is both a debuff and a control, it can be very useful as a way to limit the effectiveness of single, obnoxious opponents, like Sappers. They will still attack, but less often, and will be more likely to miss when they do attack.

On a Scrapper, IOs tend to make this power less important. It can still remain useful for its control effect. However, +Defense set and power bonuses can be more useful than the -toHit (because it counts against all attackers), and epic pools such as Pyre Mastery and Dark Mastery both have holds which are more effective at least against non-bosses for lock down.

It like the power, and recommend it highly on any Scrapper who soloes a lot, leveling up and/or not sporting a lot of defense (in-powerset, IO, or both). You can always figure out if you no longer think the power is worthwhile and respec out of it later.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



While some people love it, and I'll admit that I've never used it (so you can discount my opinion if you wish), I consider it a waste of a power pick. It only works on a single target, so what you're trying to do is lock down a single target that would otherwise be too dangerous to survive. On a well-built Scrapper, the only single targets dangerous enough to need them feared are probably archvillains. Even elite bosses should only take a few inspirations. Archvillains are immune while the purple triangles are up, and if you can survive while the triangles are up, you might as well just keep doing damage while they're down instead of wasting DPS trying to lock them down.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Something to remember, Werner, is that you're long past most of the conditions I describe. Your Scrappers all have very high +Def by design, and you mostly know your target build early on, barring tweaks and adjustments. You skip straight past all the conditions I mentioned where Scrappers might find the power useful.

That's fine, I think we should remembver that not everyone is going to be as advanced as some of the regulars here; in particular they may not play on very high virtual team size settings or plan on soloing AVs. At least not at first. IMO ToF is a strong power for people in those settings.

Hell, I sometimes miss the control aspects even on my IO'd out Scrappers. My DM/Regen would like to be able to terrorize +3 Cim bosses - it'd actually make the fights faster. It's just not worth what I'd have to lose to put it back in the build, which I think is where you're at, based on your comments.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Something to remember, Werner, is that you're long past most of the conditions I describe. Your Scrappers all have very high +Def by design, and you mostly know your target build early on, barring tweaks and adjustments. You skip straight past all the conditions I mentioned where Scrappers might find the power useful.

That's fine, I think we should remembver that not everyone is going to be as advanced as some of the regulars here; in particular they may not play on very high virtual team size settings or plan on soloing AVs. At least not at first. IMO ToF is a strong power for people in those settings.

Hell, I sometimes miss the control aspects even on my IO'd out Scrappers. My DM/Regen would like to be able to terrorize +3 Cim bosses - it'd actually make the fights faster. It's just not worth what I'd have to lose to put it back in the build, which I think is where you're at, based on your comments.
I am still on o dem common folk. I can see the power being useful in the lower lvls where a boss can actually hurt you. it helped on my brute that I deleted. But I could very well see respecing out once you have the power behind your scrapper.

I tryed it, I thought it was cool, but it is a waste when you have to stack it to lock a boss. the time spent trying to lock something, you would already have it killed. I stand by werner on this one. Maybe if it was a small cone, even the size of beheader, it would be good. but it just looses it's luster.

protector-knight: lvl 50 invun/axe tank
Lillian Brick: lvl 50 stone/stone/pyre tank
Hybrid-knight: lvl 50 db/regen scrap
Vengful-Nature: lvl 50 spines/sr/bod scrap
Element-Wizard: lvl 50 fire/storm/stone troll



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Something to remember, Werner, is that you're long past most of the conditions I describe. Your Scrappers all have very high +Def by design, and you mostly know your target build early on, barring tweaks and adjustments. You skip straight past all the conditions I mentioned where Scrappers might find the power useful.

That's fine, I think we should remembver that not everyone is going to be as advanced as some of the regulars here; in particular they may not play on very high virtual team size settings or plan on soloing AVs. At least not at first. IMO ToF is a strong power for people in those settings.

Hell, I sometimes miss the control aspects even on my IO'd out Scrappers. My DM/Regen would like to be able to terrorize +3 Cim bosses - it'd actually make the fights faster. It's just not worth what I'd have to lose to put it back in the build, which I think is where you're at, based on your comments.
Fair enough. I can see that it would be an easy solution to problems (like how to survive that nasty boss) that I simply solve in other ways (careful layering of damage mitigation and recovery from my secondary and power pools, monitoring my defense for debuffs, experienced anticipation of what any given fight will require, proper inspiration use, etc.).

So in my builds, I can put that power pick to better use. But my solution to the survivability problem is also more complicated and allows for less build flexibility. I MUST devote large portions of my build to survivability almost BECAUSE I didn't take Touch of Fear. Adding Touch of Fear is a simple solution, only takes one power pick, and probably allows you to get away with devoting less of your build to survivability. That makes it a good power for a lot of people in a lot of situations.

Makes sense, I guess.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



I use ToF in 2 ways. I don't have a DM at 50 (yet) so these are both during the leveling process.

1) Ghetto hold. Use it on one critter, whilst finishing another. As you are not attacking that critter, its nearly as good as a hold and available for a scrapper much much earlier.

2) Debuff. 11.25% -tohit, 20s duration so it is stackable without slotting. When leveling that makes a tough critter (such as an EB) miss significantly more often.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
I use ToF in 2 ways. I don't have a DM at 50 (yet) so these are both during the leveling process.

1) Ghetto hold. Use it on one critter, whilst finishing another. As you are not attacking that critter, its nearly as good as a hold and available for a scrapper much much earlier.

2) Debuff. 11.25% -tohit, 20s duration so it is stackable without slotting. When leveling that makes a tough critter (such as an EB) miss significantly more often.
Indeed, I used it for both purposes while playing my DM/Invuln **. I find it's a lot more flexible than Parry is. Don't get me wrong, Parry is very strong where it helps, but useless where it doesn't. I used ToF a lot when dealing with psi mobs, for example.

The most shining case I can think of was using ToF to perma-fear an Rularuu Overseer while I cleared out a mob or two (before the new difficulty slider) and went back to kill it.

So while you can build in such a way that you'll rarely need it, it can still help out for corner cases like that.

** That character was the first one I ever IOed (so it's a terrible build!), and hasn't been respecced since I9/10, so he doesn't utilize any of the new sets / modified ones since then. I was planning a build for him, but it would've required dropping ToF, which I really didn't want to do. It made me hesitate long enough that I salvaged several of the IOs I was saving for him and used them on my Tank instead. :P



Don't forget, when *not* solo, Parry only helps you. But ToF can help others >_>



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Indeed, I used it for both purposes while playing my DM/Invuln **. I find it's a lot more flexible than Parry is. Don't get me wrong, Parry is very strong where it helps, but useless where it doesn't. I used ToF a lot when dealing with psi mobs, for example.

The most shining case I can think of was using ToF to perma-fear an Rularuu Overseer while I cleared out a mob or two (before the new difficulty slider) and went back to kill it.

So while you can build in such a way that you'll rarely need it, it can still help out for corner cases like that.

** That character was the first one I ever IOed (so it's a terrible build!), and hasn't been respecced since I9/10, so he doesn't utilize any of the new sets / modified ones since then. I was planning a build for him, but it would've required dropping ToF, which I really didn't want to do. It made me hesitate long enough that I salvaged several of the IOs I was saving for him and used them on my Tank instead. :P
Anecdotes like these are especially useful. A part of my analysis includes personal experiences with the power, in addition to various numerical analysis. The numerical parts I can largely supply on my own, but the more anecdotes that aren't my own personal experiences, the better.

*Edit* Yes Werner, even you. Tell us about your crazy AV soloing ways and such.



It also will accept Siphon Insight sets. Gives you a significant boost to the -to hit aspect of the power, and a nice bonus to Smashing/Lethal defense if you happen to have one of the secondaries that typed defense would be useful for (Invuln or WP, basically)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I used to find Touch of Fear reasonably useful on builds back when the debuff was insanely huge but ever since it's been reigned in, it's kinda been on the back shelf. I used to have it in a build back before the Siphon Life change was made but after the quick punch animation change was put in, mainly because it was a nice power to fill in the attack string if I was fighting something that would have eaten my face rather quickly (i.e. some AVs). I actually tanked AVs on a few TFs with it.

As a mez effect, I've never found it to be particularly useful. Fear just isn't a particularly powerful status effect as far as I'm concerned. The tohit debuff, on the other hand, is a beast when you slot it up. Drop it into your attack string in the place of Siphon Life and, though you'll be dealing a good deal less damage, you can still stack up some nice -tohit even against AVs.

For most IO builds, however, because it's single target and takes so much time to animate, it doesn't really have much use except as an IO set mule. I used to take it for PvP reasons, but I'm not in the least bit sure about how it would perform nowadays, especially with melee range and standard tohit debuff resistance. It might be able to take a single enemy out of the picture but that's not really useful when the only targets that are actually worth it, in a vast number of my experiences, are targets that Touch of Fear isn't going to have much effect on. You'd be much better served just hitting your target to get half of the debuff while still dealing damage.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
...because it's single target and takes so much time to animate...
You consider 1.17 / 1.32 seconds is a long time to animate, or are you saying it's a long time to animate considering the benefits?



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
As a mez effect, I've never found it to be particularly useful. Fear just isn't a particularly powerful status effect as far as I'm concerned.
Compared to effects that completely lock a foe down, it's clearly not as powerful. Or course, if you use it on a foe you're not actually attacking, it's (usually) effectively a complete lockdown. (Usually the only time it's not is if the foe likes to run off, like CoT Thorn Casters, or if it has ally buffs/heals, which it will still use.) My usual M.O. for a power like ToF is to fear some foe you I want to deal with, defeat everything else, then come back to that foe. (With good recharge slotting you can keep two foes out of the action like this, even without global IO bonuses.) Given what removing a foe from a fight does to total damage taken in that fight, it's a pretty good deal, assuming you couldn't just kill the foe in question outright.

Even on a foe you're beating on, terror slashes their DPS. Foes still cower, even while you smack them around. It'd say they attack something like 1/2.5 as often as they do otherwise. That's a pretty big reduction, but the key question is whether a Scrapper needs that sort of reduction for anything ToF actually works on often enough to justify the power pick. For me the answer was eventually no, but it used to be a definite yes.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I'm of the opinion that Scrappers do damage? While this power may have it's uses and some may like it in their tray for the versatility it adds to their play I hardly see the point. Being that DM is excellent enough on it's own, why not just ya know kill the boss instead of giving him some terror/-acc. I hate that this power takes up a place in the power set. Leave it to the supporty/debuffy/buffy types.

If you really need to put a fear or -acc on something to help you, a Scrapper, stay alive.. . . well. Then we've all got problems.

Taking it for the RP aspect or a concept player, just fine imo. Other than that? Nope.

Dmg dealers do damage, we were born with awesome health debuffs call high damage output. I say stick to that.

It had it's benefits a long time ago, it no longer does.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
I'm of the opinion that Scrappers do damage? While this power may have it's uses and some may like it in their tray for the versatility it adds to their play I hardly see the point. Being that DM is excellent enough on it's own, why not just ya know kill the boss instead of giving him some terror/-acc.
I think you haven't read some of the discussion.

A Scrapper that's dead isn't doing any damage. Believe it or not, there are people who can die to a foe before they defeat it when playing a Scrapper. Sometimes that's a matter of player experience, be that with in-combat tactics or build, but sometimes it's a matter of how the foe interacts with your secondary. Try taking a SR Scrapper up against a Rularuu Overseer, especially when it has friends, and you might wish you had a way to set the Overseer aside.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
You consider 1.17 / 1.32 seconds is a long time to animate, or are you saying it's a long time to animate considering the benefits?
I consider 1.32 seconds long considering (1) it doesn't deal any damage and (2) if I want to get any decent benefit from it against a hard target that would actually necessitate the use of it against (i.e. an AV), I have to spam the crap out of it, which means using up more animation time. It's for the same reason that I think any mez/debuff that needs substantial reapplication but takes longer than half a second to animate takes too long to animate.



Concept builds not withstanding (heck, I'll take presence pool if it fits my concept), I have found that ToF has been margenalized by IO sets, specifically an over abundance of +def. For toons that couldnt achieve such levels of defense, ToF provided this ability along with the so called "soft hold." Even with air superiority on can achieve similar mitigation and with damage. With the advent of IO sets, by and large, when I choose to play dm, part of the reason I do is because 3 powers (ToF, SP, taunt) wont be picked so that I can diversify to/concentrate on other powers.

The spectrum of all melee in your assessment is quite large. Each would have different expectations. Stalkers in particular would find the fear and -to hit useful to make time to use their tricks, brutes to help build fury, tanks to help tone down a tough boss for the team. Not to mention PVP benifits of spamming fear.

While I find the entire discussion interesting and appropriate in its approach, it doesnt sway me into selecting it very often in my builds. The instances in which I find myself in really tough content, I'd sooner pop a purple, orange or green rather than think: I wish I had ToF.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



I have a DM/SR Scrap now at 31, my second SR Scrap after my FM/SR, which I took to 50, and these are my comparative experiences:

My FM was a beast once I softcapped him, but leveling was a very up and down process. He could dish out impressive damage, but couldn’t take it without outside help, and I faceplanted a lot. I admit it was my first try at SR, so maybe I didn't level him up "correctly" in terms of power selection, which could have contributed to his squishiness. I just plugged away because I was looking towards the end build, but overall, he just seemed very fragile for quite a while.

My DM has been more durable in the early going. I'm sure the The ToHit Deb helps a lot, but I also rely heavily on ToF and Air Superiority. I typically like to ToF the Lt's, and use AS on the Bosses, while whittling down the group. I find the combined mitigation is pretty effective.

When I hit softcap, I plan on dropping both powers, as I really don't see much use other than as IO mules. But for the present, ToF is a very good leveling up tool.



ToF is useful to a low level scrapper to help mitigate bosses and thereby face them earlier in your career. It also is more useful in the lower level ranges where your defense has probably not built up to near cap levels.

It is useful to a higher level scrapper who wants to raise difficulty and face larger numbers of mobs (for the same reason - mitigate the boss/AV while you clear out the minions, or simply reduce boss/AV's to hit value).

Overall it's useful because it is a little-resisted effect across the game, both PvE and PvP.

It also has nice bang for the buck - fast recharge, and requires little slotting to still be useful. IT has quick activation and a relative long effect.

Overall - all nice power that I recommend.



Prior to the introduction of IOs, I found ToF invaluable damage mitigation. On a DM/DA I could lock down bosses and LTs while focusing my attack chain on the greatest threat in the spawn. I could even occasionally fear AVs.

After a few goes at IO builds, I quickly found ToF contribution to my damage mitigation became smaller and smaller. With an IO build, you can raise defense far above the To Hit Debuff values of ToF. That's before factoring in mobs resistances to To Hit Debuffs. ToF only affects a single target where those defense values provide mitigation from every mob.

There would be obvious benefits to stacking ToF debuffs with IO set defense values. Ultimately it becomes a question of opportunity costs. Selecting ToF means not selecting some other power that could have increased your defense values or increased your damage output.

If you can confidently state selecting ToF does not compromise defense values or damage output, then taking it would be a good idea. On my builds, I found keeping ToF required that compromise and as such is no long part of my builds.

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Scrapper Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Tanker, Brute, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.
I took it early on on my dark/shield character and it helped but once I got passed 32 I respeced out of it.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



General feelings regarding ToF from the discussion thus far: It's great until you've got capped defense.

And to that I ask: How many players either create builds without a focus on capped defense, are in the process of getting capped defense but the build is far off from complete or simply do not take advantage of IOs at all?

My conclusion: The common situation to skip or drop ToF is in the minority. If you take ToF, it can greatly improve survivability.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
General feelings regarding ToF from the discussion thus far: It's great until you've got capped defense.

And to that I ask: How many players either create builds without a focus on capped defense, are in the process of getting capped defense but the build is far off from complete or simply do not take advantage of IOs at all?

My conclusion: The common situation to skip or drop ToF is in the minority. If you take ToF, it can greatly improve survivability.
I don't soft cap defense on my DM/DA. I don't feel it's necessary. I did notice that at 25% defense (fairly easy to obtain), the utility of ToF dwindled to near useless. Further more, by dropping ToF, I could add another 2-6% defense. My current DM/DA build sits at 30% defense M/R/AoE. I do have a planned build I may implement that would grant me 35-36% M/R/AoE. In either case, ToF has no place in my builds.

I have several DM characters that are not Dark Armor, but all of those achieve significantly higher values of defense, so ToF is absent from all of them. The one exception is my DM/Regen scrapper. That build still has ToF and since I refuse to invest an IOs into that build (not a regen fan), will likely retain ToF permanently.

In short, Soft Capping is not required to diminish the value of ToF. I would agree that any non-IO build would substantially benefit from ToF. So would any IO build that does not increase your defense.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



I guess I should have said 'significant defense' instead of 'capped defense'. That considered, I still think such circumstances that might diminish ToF's contributions are the minority. And even including those circumstances, ToF can still be useful, it's just the desire of the player to specialize the build that encroaches on ToF's utility.