Tell Me About Touch of Fear...




Hello! I have recently decided to make a consolidated analysis on the power Touch of Fear, and part of doing that includes started a discussion about the power. Please tell me your opinions of Touch of Fear as it pertains to the Brute Archetype. I will be posting a similiar thread in the Tanker, Scrapper, and Stalker forums as well, if you wish to express your opinions of the power within other archetypes.

The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.

Thank you in advance for any who partake in this discussion.



I have no data to contribute, bar that I literally have no data to contribute.

That I've yet to see any brute use this power is probably significant.



Well, the only real difference between ToF for brutes vs other ATs is that it's a defensive power that builds fury. Always nice to see.

Other than that, it adds a ton of survivability early game against bosses. Also you can use it to fear something annoying, like a special ops, while you Brute the rest of his friends into a fine red mist. I take it with every single dark melee character I make.. it's fine with just the default slot with an accuracy in it.

In a team it is a great team defending power, as the -acc helps no matter who the mob is attacking. That said you don't bring a Brute to handle control. You're better of in probably 99% of all cases just beating the living tar out of a boss than trying to nerf its accuracy in a group.

Overall I would rate it as one of the best damage mitigation, single target, powers in the game.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Very useful, both for stacking -tohit on an enemy, and for disabling most enemies with fear if necessary. The fact that it needs little slotting to be useful is also good.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



My current DM/ELA build can't fit Touch of Fear, but I used it for a great many issues.

Touch of Fear is best socketed for ToHit debuff, hitting roughly 16% in value and lasting for a full 20 seconds. Both the Fear and the ToHit debuff stack from the same caster. Two applications of this skill and a regular attack chain will basically soft-cap you against anything but AVs (they resist 80% of any debuff value, not including level difference). For this reason, I feel ToF is best used by resistance and regen/heal secondaries that don't soft-cap-- it allows you to neuter EBs and Bosses by flooring their hit chance.



I find ToF to be very useful in the pre-22 levels. After that I generally respec out of it and don't miss it. It is a good power, but on a brute I just find it better to take another attack and kill faster.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
The more details you can give the better. My overall goal is not only to examine how Touch of Fear works within the various Archetypes it can be found within, but also how it interacts in a teaming or solo situations.
I have a fair number of dark melee characters: WP/DM and Inv/DM tankers, DM/SR scrapper, DM/WP brute.

All have kept Touch of Fear and use it liberally, usually as a leading attack, or immediately after Taunt. All slot it the same way: five Siphon Insight.

To me, the most valuable thing about the power is not the fear; fear is partially broken after attacks, although none of the characters I'm using it on have damaging auras. The to hit debuff is what I am after, especially since it stacks with the other sorts of to hit debuff available in Dark Melee.

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On both my DM/SR and DM/DA, ToF was mandatory!

Although I don't have any date to contribute I do have experience. I usually sput 2 T'ht Bffs in it and went right for AV's. Back before DM's dmg boost, ToF was the biggest contribution I could give for my brute. It would 2-3 stack and Posi, nor an AV could geta good combo of attacks out with good accuracy. It doesn't need to be paired with any kind of armor for the -Acc to do its thing. Its awesome hands down.

That is all.



I love Touch of Fear. It's a good way to take out annoying enemies like Malta Sappers or Death Mages who hinder you from building fury or slow you down, plus removing enemies who deal such high damage that they're annoying to deal with. Also, it can be slotted cheaply with IO sets that have pretty nice bonuses. It has multiple uses, and can even Fear an EB if you put enough recharge into it.

I don't know that I'd like it very much in an AoE-heavy power set like Fiery Melee, but for a ST set it's a great help.

Too many alts to list.



To me, the most useful part is the fact that if you properly enhance it, you can pick out one pesky enemy (My favorite are Sappers or Longbow Nullfiers) and hit that enemy with it, and then pick off everything but that enemy, then go back and finish it.

You can also put a proc in it; therefore giving it occasional damage.