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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    And as their vision becomes more known to the people it impacts they leave. Usually they just leave, sometimes they do a fade out, very rarely they will come to the forums and express their displeasure. Usually it just isn't worth the effort.

    Will this patch trigger an exodus of farmers ? I doubt it. Will it cause would be Authors, game creators, level designers to seek elsewhere for a creative outlet ? Definitely maybe.

    As to the rest you really needed to have soloed some of those farms while your description may seem good from a theoretical level, from a practical level it misses much. The people that still want to farm those will just do so with tanks and scrappers or they may dual box in a kin that's about all the change that will be there.
    Er, no it doesn't. I'm staying because so far their mystical 'vision' is about where I want it to be. If it veers off course I'll leave. I know I'm not the only one.

    Fixing an exploit isn't going to end farming. I'm not implying it should.

    AE teams were only going to accept scrappers and blasters. I didn't imply soloing, so don't act like I did.

    Solo farming is worse than team farming, which is why I just jumped over to team farming, because that's the part we should give a crap about.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Actually the reason is much simpler. The people who play but have a very different vision of how they like to play than the developers are still paying their 15/month and still there to help others have fun. WHY OH WHY WOULD THEY OPEN THEIR MOUTHS AND ALIENATE THEM ? See positron ae letter for example of a dev being reigned in for doing just this.

    Actually it was just certain defenders that were unneeded before, now its blasters and certain types of controllers as well that are unneeded. Its not the improvement you think it is.

    As to the timing question, that is pretty obvious. This was something they were notified a long time ago about, if they are going to take this long to fix it, you would expect it to be fixed correctly not like this
    The Positron AE letter basically said "Stop using exploits or we'll ban you and change them." Lo and behold they've pretty much kept that business model by implementing this change and other changes. They don't like exploits. That should be obvious, direct statement or not.

    The Dev's don't accurately define an exploit because that opens up a window to hell where everyone can then FIND an exploit the devs didn't think of, and the devs either get called liars, or just don't do crap about it. They aren't going to define it because it would be pointless to do so.

    If there is someone out there that seriously didn't think the NPC armies weren't going to be nerfed then they are retarded and I have absolutely no sympathy for them.

    And as for "fun" offered by AE farms, there are plenty of games that don't require any thinking what so ever that you can go play instead. Hell, I'll design one for you. Go get a piece of paper, and write a 1 on it. Now pop in a movie of Diehard or similiar action movie and jiggle a controller enthusiastically. Every now and then scratch out the one and put a progressively bigger number in it's place, and make a "DING" noise. Congratulations, you now have your AE farm and you're out of my immediate eyesight. Everyone wins.

    And no, with the horde of NPC armies it was more effective to just get AOE blasters and scrappers. Fire/Kin was only a good farmer when Fulcrum Shift was *doing* something, and with all the NPC's putting you at your respective damage cap anyway, you might as well replace it with a blaster of some sort.
  3. They aren't going to accurately define an exploit because it would be pointless to do so. At best you'd have these cheeky long-winded definition which would then immediately be changed as soon as the players figure out some other way to bend the rules.

    I seriously doubt anyone thought that being able to effortlessly glide through a mission with absolutely no chance of death wasn't broken.

    Furthermore, it made AT's who would normally be buffing/controlling/tanking obsolete because a swarm of NPC's is already filling that role, turning the game into City of Blasters/Scrappers. That's exploitative *and* damaging to those who enjoyed a certain play style which is no longer necessary.

    I'll agree that they could have fine tuned the patch better, and I assume they probably will. But this needed to be done yesterday, or the day before. It's good that they've addressed it.

    Also, do we really need to go "WHY WASN'T THIS DONE SO LONG AGO" for every god damn change? The answer is probably "They were doing something else". I rather doubt they have a team of 50 people just sitting on their *** all day laughing at you.

    Not that I don't see the appeal in hiring 50 people to mock someone, but I don't run a business either. Mostly because the government keeps declaring my ventures as terrorist organizations, the jealous bastards.
  4. I usually just throw things I don't want onto someone nearby in the market and then run off before they can return it. Yay moral ambiguity!
  5. No. Not unless I'm going to have enemies that can actually stress that much power.
  6. It won't.

    I'm not in some hurry to get to level 50, and besides that I don't play AE for EXP, so it could be churning out 0 EXP and I'd be okay with it.

    As with most game changes, I think people are freaking the **** out prematurely.

    *EDIT* - As an aside, I was kind of enjoying all the... Players of questionable intelligence huddling up in the AE mission. I worry they'll eventually be turned away into the streets again where I'll have to interact with them.
  7. While I like Redside AT's more, I often feel they have no idea what they're doing when they get together, so I rather like blueside because I feel they have better synergy together and more defined roles.

    I imagine once you mix 'em all together it'll be gravy. Or the end of all days. Could go either way.
  8. Warkupo

    Ninja Run Blues

    Here's an analysis of Ninja Run next to other travel powers.

  9. Signed since the beginning of time.
  10. It's a little ambiguous. How many allies until you start getting affected? By how much?

    Regardless I like the change. Every time I try to do a farm mission I can feel my face falling off with boredom.
  11. I'm not opposed to the idea. While it's not something I would value personally, I can see why other people would want it. I honestly already think we have enough buff icons though, so I'd like it if were an optional display, which I'm sure it would be.

    I don't like tying it to perception, however, seeing as how controllers and the like are the ones who would WANT such things.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
    This is why we can't have nice thing :P. First people are against this because its tied to the tech origin then when people give ways for it not to be it's still bad. Should we really be tied down to the same powersets just because of this? It's a good powerset. I don't care if CO has something like it most of their stuff spawned because of this game.
    I don't think it's even really about CO and copying 'their' ideas. CO hardly invented robots spewing energy plasmid out of their arm cannon. It only happens to be in their game because they were inspired by something else and decided to put it in there. They've no legal right to it anymore than they do Ninjas or Bugs Bunny-Esque digging powers.

    More than that, I don't play CO, so what CO is doing really doesn't matter to me. I'm glad they have robots and everything, but I want them HERE.
  13. Fine, since we're all playing this game, let's play it the other way.

    First off, my using AR as an example was meant to show how forced an idea has to be to make AR work with a specific origin. Yes, you *can* do it, but most people are just going to throw in Natural or Tech, 'less they are also spewing fire from their secondary, in which case they might opt for nearly anything. There are sets *already* in the game that are very difficult to explain for every origin, so to argue against it now is missing the point. I doubt the vast majority of the game saw assault rifle and went "Hey, these aren't magical at all! Now I have to make up some reason why they are!"

    However, you can do it with power armor too. Again, most people are *probably* going to pick tech or natural, but here we go:

    Science: You have formed a symbiotic relationship with a suit of armor. Using the natural processes in your body you can power the suit to do a multitude of different functions. See Positron.

    Natural: Your kick *** physical condition combined with your advanced power suit makes you a power to truly reckon with.

    Technology: This is a power suit you invented or bought off of Ebay. You figure you can fight crime with it.

    Magic: Some magical dilly-doo powers up this ancient power armor that you stole from the Circle of Thorns or whatever.

    Mutant: Your enhanced mutagenic abilities have given you the necessary strength and dexterity to wield the infamous powersuit zeta 9000 xg max supreme thingy.

    "Lack of creativity" is a flimsy argument. Especially when that "lack of creativity" is at the mercy of a truly archaic game design such as "origin", which has done nothing but pigeon-hold my creativity, rather than enhance it.

    I understand concerns such as "balance", "time to make" or "not enough popularity", but "lack of creativity" just sounds like grasping at straws, and I don't understand why every Suggestion topic *need* an antagonist or counter-point. If we can think of a GOOD reason, sure, throw it in there, but this isn't it.
  14. I like how everyone but the guy I asked gave me reasonable and creative solutions to the question of origin.

    I wanted him to answer because I wanted him to see the fallacy in his argument, obviously one with such an incredibly powerful mental capacity as myself (ahem) can think of anything to work with anything.

    I sometimes feel like in the suggestion forum somebody *has* to think of something to go against the idea. Like every suggestion requires some antagonist. That said, I think it's a good testament to how much something needs done when the best we can come up with is "But what if we aren't creative enough?"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I would recommend the former over the latter, because here the sheep are packing heat.

    The resulting mental image just made my day.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    All of these involving Scrappers have been wrong.

    The correct answer is 21: 1 to screw in the light bulb solo, 12 to say how much better they could have done it, 6 to say how the original scrapper was using the entirely wrong powersets, and 2 more to crunch numbers to determine the optimal way to screw the light bulb in.
    And two threads and about 60 pages between them to ***** about the results =D
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
    Very poor powerset, not necessarily because of your descriptions or ideas, but because it only works with one concept.

    For example, Fire Blast could come from a variety of sources. Magical fire spells. Mutant incindiary powers. The ability to channel fire from the heart of the sun. Some kinda flame thrower.

    A new powerset should work with most of, if not all, of the origins.
    Please explain to me how my Assault Rifle is magical. Or a mutant, for that matter.

    I would love the OP's idea, fancy origin be damned.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    Post Deleted
    I guess knowing is half the battle?

    You don't get to start a thread obviously looking for an argument and then get all upset when you are supplied with one.

    Grow up.
  19. About your EB's in general; It should be noted that I have a particular niche against them, in that parry gives me absurd defense to their attacks. As an Arch-Villain, in a sea of custom enemies, I can see how they could be threatening, but alone against a character who does well against such things, they aren't going to do much against me. Nevermind that my particular character is IO'd out to the gills.

    I might advise against buffing up the minions. They should be reliable for that one trick they do, and then fairly unmemorable. Making them too powerful might result in not having any applicable strategy against the spawns, which is the quickest way to ensure nobody is playing your missions. Honestly I don't think anything needs changed about the way your enemies worked.

    I'll play through it again if I find time to do such, but I really only think your story needs focus now.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    Ok, I have to ask the same question iv asked before, but ill ask it in a diffrent way.Maybe ill get more then flamming this time around.*crosses fingers*
    Don't count on that.

    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded
    Now, what I want to know is why people stick to Mids, and why they only stick to Flavor builds that 1 Min/Max suggjests to another?
    People use Mids for the same reason they use a calculator; It's easier than writing everything down by hand. At the same time, one should be aware that Mids is *just* a calculator. There are many things it doesn't do that you should be aware of. You can't just trust the program blindly without knowing how anything is calculated.

    People who stick to builds some other guy has proclaimed as 'the best for dps' are, ironically, not min/maxers. They are just people who would like to be using the most powerful set. They don't have the ability to calculate what that is, so they just take the word of another and roll with it. That's not a bad thing. Some people like to be the most powerful being in the universe. Other people like to play Ikaruga.

    The problems start arising when they begin forming opinions around their adopted set as the 'best', because they were told it was the best. They have no real idea why it is, or what makes it that way, but hell if they don't defend it to hell and back.

    Part of *that* problem is that the people who typically want to be the 'best' are usually insecure. They don't want to defeat the game so much as they want the admiration and respect that comes with their perceived accomplishment, so they can feel like they did something useful with their lives. They do this by declaring everyone else as inferior, as there can only be *one* best in their mind, and anything else must be put down, less it threaten their brittle little misconception of reality where they actually have a significant meaning. It's an interesting psychological defect, at any rate. For more cases of it, look up the word 'Patriotism' and enjoy the descending ride into the abyss.

    With that out of the way, I had one last thing I wanted to address concerning why you receive so much scorn.

    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded

    I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.
    I think you'll find that whenever you attempt to overgeneralize a group of people as something negative, and then pretend to be politely asking them what is wrong with them, that you will receive a rather negative response. This is possibly why most people dislike you.

    I do like how you seem to characterize us all as evil, explain we aren't the lovely snowflakes we all think we are, but then proclaim that you are. It's like you kicked in a door to a party, told everyone inside they suck, and that you are the best **** in the world. It's kind of like you have a curious mental illness where you have some desire to be better than people, but instead of trying to actually do that, through whatever arbitrary way that someone might determine what makes them the best; such as playing a video game with the most powerful class, we have to just take your word for it.

    Yes, some people are pricks, and I'm sorry they hurt your feelings by not letting you in their clubhouse of borrowed opinions, but that doesn't mean everyone is, and for you to claim such is insulting, to say the least. Furthermore, did you *really* want to play with people who have such an ignorant opinion of the game? I consider "r u heeler" a good indication of how to ruin my evening, not a missed opportunity.

    In short, stop being a hypocrite and people will start being nicer to you. And stop making posts as thinly veiled attempts to win whatever argument you failed at wherever else you came from.

    *EDIT* - And less it's used in some snappy comeback; Yes I'm a *****. I'm well aware of that. I haven't, however, dropped anyone from my party because I found their set up unfavorable. I don't even usually drop people who aren't very *good* at what they're doing. I drop people who have managed to annoy me by opening their mouth, or who spend most of the missions sitting at the entrance leeching experience. Basically, in order to get dropped by me, which is not something I hope everyone is striving for, you either have to be doing nothing, or less than nothing.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Unlikely. The 3 attacks that we have now for MM's took up far too much time in terms of development and, while we could likely reduce that somewhat now that we know what we are doing, it would also require 3-4 more animations to be made.

    So, while I'm not saying "Never" the odds are against it.
    While we're at the subject, would it be possible to give me super-dancerific gun-fu on my mastermind as well? As alternate animations of course.

    After all the time diligently sticking with my pistols I feel a little less endowed with all these yahoo corrs showing off what was MY set to begin with. Posers.

    *mumbles* I could be a pretty dancer too if I wasn't busy commanding an entire army...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
    There was nothing mentioned or confirmed about this one way or the other at PAX from the official panel discussion. Though their were countless rumors floating arround, this being one of the many.
    Personally I hope it's false and we just keep our patron powers as they are. Having to choose between good or evil to make my build viable would be severely irritating to me, though at the same time I wouldn't shun more options.

    Assuming Scrappers got the Stalker Patron Powers I'm not entirely sure what I would pick.

    Water Spout seems like it could be useful against EB's and the like with some good recharge, but would probably be annoying for general gameplay. I don't really like Hibernate on a scrapper, though I can think of uses.

    Shadow Meld seems like it would be very useful if it's recharge stays the same, or at least I was always madly in love with it on my /regen stalker, and often contemplate ditching MoG so me and Shadow Meld can run off and get married somewhere. On Soft Capped characters it's probably not very useful, however.

    Nothing else really stands out. You got your single target attacks, your snipes, and then an AOE attack here or there. That and the pet, which I imagine will be about as popular as it is redside. I'd probably rather have brute, if anything. I'd really rather just keep my scrapper epics, however.
  23. Can you imagine how irritating it would be to have 50 levels of Rikti speech from one of your contacts?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

    According to Castle the amount of time it took to just animate one whip attack, one single attack, was equivelent to the amount of time it would take to animate another 18 to 27 different separate powers (2-3 entire Tier-9 power sets). Synapse later verified that the task of animating whips as used by demon summoners was best described as monumental.

    This isn't saying that the devs won't do another 5 or 6 powers to round out a full Tier-9 set, or that the existing animations will not appear in a Patron / Epic power set from Desmonda herself. This is saying that it won't be happening anytime soon, and probably isn't high on the developers list of priorities.
    I'm perfectly fine with Castle, BaB's, and the rest of them to strike out eating, sleeping, and freedom to work on a scrapper whip set AND a scrapper SS set.
  25. The Clockwork are just begging to be an EAT. It hurts me every time I see them in a video.