More Hairstyles with Hats




I've always wondered about this one. Currently, my level 32 Dual/Elec Blaster has a "Cowboy" type theme to them. Thus, she is wearing a cowboy hat to fit her gunslinger mentality. With that cowboy hat, I think you only get the one style for women, the ponytail type hairdo.

It would seem that certain hats are linked/tied to only certain hairdos. Now, I do know that some hairdos can be too outrageous to fit a hat on right, but because hats and hair are considered "stationary" objects, which means they cannot move, why not have the ability to have more styles with hats? Is it because no other hairdos will work with certain hats and thus the dev's wanted to make it simpler on the coding and decided to only go with one style of hairdo for each hat?

I need some help on this one for anyone who can tell me why this might be the case? If no one can give me a logical reason for this, then I would say lets make this a future option down the road.



I want to wear a fedora with the long hair style with it.

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Oh so /Signed. I hate the limits on hats and hair. And having a hat with NO hair would be great. My stalker is meant to wear a full gas mask and an officers cap, but he has to have the damn hair on atm, which looks silly...*Sigh*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Yes yes yes, god yes. Please more options for this!



Signed since the beginning of time.



Hats are flush on the head, both in terms of realism an in terms of how they're built in-game. In the real world, people who don't have Johnny Bravo hair tend to press their hats against their heads, compressing the actual hair, hence the hat's shape (or at least its inside rim) conform to the shape of the skull. In-game hair is NOT compressible, hence putting hat on a head with ANY hair will simply have hair clipping through the sides of your hat. The "hairstyles" that hats come with don't actually HAVE hair. The hat IS the hair, with nothing underneath it other than a bare head.

All of that is to say, you can't have "hats with hair." The most you can hope for is the creation of a few unique hair options designed specifically for each hat. I'd put that at "highly unlikely," but I fully agree it would be a major step forward for the costume creator.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It's not really that impossible. There would just have to be new hair models to go under them, that had all the hair that would go under the hat actually be flush with the scalp. I have little doubt that a good number of hairstyles could be made to fit under the hats we have.

Of course, that means a whole slew of new hairstyles, but it is doable, and since there's only so much variation to be had when the hair itself can't have any volume on top...



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
It's not really that impossible. There would just have to be new hair models to go under them, that had all the hair that would go under the hat actually be flush with the scalp. I have little doubt that a good number of hairstyles could be made to fit under the hats we have.

Of course, that means a whole slew of new hairstyles, but it is doable, and since there's only so much variation to be had when the hair itself can't have any volume on top...
Sam's pretty much right when he points out that the hat is the hair but you're also correct in that there isn't a lot of room for variation when a hat is covering up the top of your head. I think 2-3 variations per hat is workable even though it might clutter up an already cluttered costume creator. In a pinch, a bald option, a short option, and a long option would be cool. Not perfect but better than what we have now.

Of course, the coolest option would be if the connection points for the hat and hair were separate and once you pick a hat, you could cycle through the various hairstyles we have now specially designed for use with the hats. But I keep hearing that the current character models we have only have x number of connection points to add these extras so I think various hat versions are about the only way this will work barring some massive model upgrades.

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Originally Posted by Attache View Post
Sam's pretty much right when he points out that the hat is the hair but you're also correct in that there isn't a lot of room for variation when a hat is covering up the top of your head. I think 2-3 variations per hat is workable even though it might clutter up an already cluttered costume creator. In a pinch, a bald option, a short option, and a long option would be cool. Not perfect but better than what we have now.
That's pretty much how I always thought it should be. And seperate the hair colour from the hat's.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



[QUOTE=flashrains;2763855]It's not really that impossible. There would just have to be new hair models to go under them, that had all the hair that would go under the hat actually be flush with the scalp. I have little doubt that a good number of hairstyles could be made to fit under the hats we have.

There's a serious problem, with that, and it's the hatline. It's easy to assume that all hats "end" on the same ring around the head from where hair could start, but they don't. Sure, a lot of them DO, but a fair number don't. Examples? Well...

The female Fedor is tilted to the side, skewing the hatline and making it incompatible with hairs designed for, say, the female duster. The Egyptian headgear covers the whole back of the neck, making hair options incompatible with it as a whole, unless you mean FACIAL hair. Or maybe chest hair. The Cyborg and Enforcer "hats" cover the back of the head, meaning hair has no place to attach. There's a pirate bandanna... I think it's called the "swabbie" or some such. That one has the bandana long down behind the head. And let's not even talk about the Tin Crown.

Plenty of hats are designed such that they don't support hair. As such, you can't make hair independent of hat, or else you open the door to massive, ugly clipping. This doesn't mean that every hat has to have its own, unique hairstyle specifically crafted for it. As you already mentioned, many hats do have a similar hatline, so hairstyles can be recycled between them, saving on actual modelling work, but the options would have to be settings OF THE HAT, not settings in general.

Here's how I see this:

Currently, when you pick a hat, you have one UI option, which is basically the hat model. That's that. I suggest adding a second option unique to each hat similar to how textures are for something like gloves. You pick a hat that can have hair with it and the second menu enables, giving you access between a few choices, say bald, short, long, ponytail. These could be the same for all hats that COULD have hair with them and the option could simply be disabled for hats that can't have hair like how Cyborg gloves have their texture and pattern fields disabled.

I honestly heartily believe that this needs to happen.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.