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  1. It would appear that temp power recipes are dropping like candy. I don't know if this is working as intended or not, but if so, it will very drastically change the game.
  2. I have a Kin/Dark, planning to remake it into a Corr. I would say the set has pretty decent synergy in that you can lower the enemies To-Hit, allowing you to get close enough to benefit from your Kin Powers without really putting you at risk from overly aggressive melee attacks. Often I play with a sort of 'divide and conquer' approach, using Tentacles/Dark Pit to keep the minions occupied while I debuffed the stronger enemy into nothingness with constant To-Hit debuffs and my Kin abilities.

    With Siphon Speed you only really need four attacks; Dark Blast, Gloom, Tenebrous Tentacles, and Night Fall. Moonbeam is also nice, if you wanted to easily pull a single powerful target rather than mixing it up with all the minions. I wasn't really a fan of Life Drain, being that I had a very powerful heal already, or torrent as I didn't need or want KB attacks.

    BlackStar is also pretty sexy with Fulcrum Shift, and debuffs/kills the enemies so badly that you have little reason not to use it liberally, especially considering you can use Transference shortly after to get back to full power.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    He didn't say that he said that fire blast was a primary.
    Well played, sir.
  4. Warkupo

    Rebirth System

    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    Warkup, you wouldn't have to "kill" your character... kill and rebirth are just easy words. Batman didn't die, he simply got injured. Notice i said there'd be a selction as to what happens, you get injured or whatever...
    Regardless of the adjective, noun, or verb used to describe the event, I would still be irritated with the design. i don't like having to start over to gain more power, and such a system would ensure that I would have too, less my frail little ego is challenged by someone being better than me at what I'm doing without any consent to my actual skill.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    I'm not sure handwaving the greater values defs have on everything by simply stating "corrs can just pick scorp shield" is really addressing the matter.

    A corr can get Scorp Shield at the opportunity cost of 32% res. In the case of a defender it will be at 43% res (s/l).

    Scorp Shield is awesome for allowing "cheap" ways to achieve high mitigation, but if you are spending the inf and reach softcapped def anyway like a defender can with the higher values then the loss of that resistance is now pretty significant.

    Case in point my fire/traps has softcapped: s/l/e/ranged - 12.7% res s/l
    My traps/sonic (will have) softcapped: s/l/e/n/p/f/c/range/melee/aoe AND 65.3% res s/l.
    Also the def has much stronger -dam debuffs in seekers adding even more survivability.

    Basically the defender will eclipse the corr when it comes to mitigation, but the corr (being fire) does a lot more damage. However, if the corr had a matching blast set that damage advantage would be more or less gone... especially with soul drain recharging twice as fast for defenders.
    As I said (albeit very briefly), without going through every single Primary/Secondary for both AT's, I can't come to a conclusion either way. I would have to sit down and make a comparative build of everything to decide that "this has better survivability with scorpion shield" or "this is buffed by defender so much that it is better." I am going to assume that sets that start with fairly large numbers of defense gain favor on a defender because of the nature of buff values, but even that is just guessing until I make an actual comparison of every single combination for both AT's that I consider fairly balanced, which is not something I'm going to do unless I'm actually going to play as the set. Call me self-centered, but I like what little mental stability I have left.

    I've never found resistance on a squishy overly useful, which is primarily why I ran over to Corr's to see if they had a defense toggle, and sure enough they did. When I build for defense, my primary concern is evading mez effects, as these are usually the quickest method to my downfall. Resistance has no method of addressing this problem, and you will get hit with mez effects of every variant more often, resulting in a lot of cascade failure that can make your resistance seem paltry. Defense, on the other hand, has the ability to evade the mez effect entirely, while simultaneously reducing the amount of incoming damage. While I am in no way stating that defense is entirely safe from mez effects either, you are hit with them with far less frequency than if you had only gathered resistance. As such I consider defense the true method of mitigation building for a squishy, with resistance being nice to have until such a point that the squishy in question actually HAS mez protection, at which point I am prompted to take another look at which value is giving me the most benefit.

    Keep in mind too that, given the way defense and resistance are calculated, significantly lower values of defense are equal to comparatively higher levels of resistance. What I mean by this is that when calculating To-Hit "most" enemies only have a 50% chance to hit you to begin with, where as they will "always" do 100% damage to a resistance set. For defense, half of the work has already been done for you by the enemies own incompetence. We could infer that 2 defense = 1 resistance, and thus Scorpion Shields 12.8% defense vs, say, Charged Armour's 20.2% actually has a 2%-ish value advantage in Scorpion Shield's favor. We'd probably be wrong in several cases, but we could infer that.

    Scorpion Shield is a point in Corr's favor, but I in no way mean to imply that it is the leading factor that allows Corr to stomp all over Defender's lovely rose garden. It is definitely worth addressing, but until I've personally gone through and done a numerical analysis, I'm not going to say anything other than "it seems like it's easier to build defense for a Corr because of Scorpion Shield."
  6. Mine didn't resemble anything. I know it did a lot of damage, but it looked like a black amorphous blob with purple rings radiating out of it. Maybe Dark Armour?
  7. Warkupo

    Smoke Grenade

    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    I am not asking for an explanation of how the power works, I know how it works. I'm not worried about getting knocked out of my 'hidden' status because my Night Widow is completely hidden due to a +stealth IO stacked with MP. I understand the mechanics of the power and have plenty of experience playing with Stalkers, Night Widows, Energy/Devices, etc. Thank you for your input, but an explanation isn't needed.

    I just thought that Smoke Grenade at one point was changed, but obviously I was mistaken.
    Ah, my apologies then.

    Well, maybe it'll help someone else, at any rate.
  8. I would have to agree on Arctic Mastery. I was able to get away with it for my AR/Dev by explaining that his sister, a long established magic origin character of mine (the de-facto magician, if you will) taught him to utilize his natural arcane talents, which manifested in ice mastery.

    While wielding a gun, setting up tactical explosions, possessing at least four robotic prosthetic, and shooting magic, I still have the audacity to call this character 'Natural'.

    ... Like I said, it's a creative mental exercise.

    Arctic Mastery can nearly replace your entire secondary its' mitigation is so good. It puts /Ice to shame and is the primary reason I would never pick that secondary, it's damage mitigation be damned. The only power I don't really like in the set is Hibernation, and even then I could find a use for it.
  9. Warkupo

    Rebirth System

    The dirty, evil, vile min/maxer in me would hate you if this went live. I hate games that do this because I cannot stop myself from utilizing it, and hating it, and eventually quitting the game. I would rather my character at 50 BE at 50, and not have the option to go all Obi-Wan on me as I would not enjoy having to KILL every single one of my characters for more power.

    I don't like working backwards to move more forward.
  10. Ahh yes. Being the dirty min/maxer that I am, I often have to make 'alterations' to my concept to fit in what I need to make a power work. I consider it an interesting mental exercise, at any rate.

    A mace is hard to fit, however. Thankfully we can just take the Scorpion Shield and gtfo of the rest of the set.
  11. You might notice that the entire Story Arc is fairly non-run-of-the-mill incorporating many fancy tricks to force you to think outisde the realm of normal City of Whatever gameplay. This attacks is another one of those elements that attempts to punch you out of your established comfort zone, which is why, I imagine, they warned you to gtfo right before it happens.

    So yes, generally you should be resisting the thing. Let's just say Protean cheats and you're gonna have to be physically proactive this time, rather than just statistically.

    *edit* me and my step father managed to take down the EB version of him at +3 our level. Ninja Blade/Regen Stalker (me) and a Dual Pistol/Kin (him). He seemed fairly easy after Siphon Speed, Power, and Chemical Rounds mixed with my super crazy spikes damage. Naturally I tanked him with Divine Avalanche, as Placating would have likely resulted in a face planty death of my step father.
  12. Warkupo

    Smoke Grenade

    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    I always thought that Night Widow's got a chance for a crit when enemies couldn't see them which would be what the -perception part is for in Smoke Grenade?

    If I'm wrong, then my mistake, but I always thought that's how it worked. For example, hit group with Smoke Grenade, even out of hidden status by MP, any +Stealth power would combine with the -perception to grant the "hidden" effect.
    Mayhap I didn't explain it clearly or you missed my post but I'll try again;

    'Stealth' or 'Negative Perception' allows you to get closer to the enemy to attack. The more stealth you have, the closer you can get before the enemy attacks you. How close?

    * Minion, pet, Mastermind henchmen (all tiers): 45
    * Lieutenant: 50
    * Boss, Elite Boss, Archvillain/Hero: 54
    * Turret, Giant Monster: 100
    * Sniper: 149
    * Player: 500

    Mask Presence and being in the 'Hidden' Status is all you NEED to land a critical, but Mask Presence only has a stealth radius of 40 feet. This means that you do not have the luxury to stand in the middle of the group deciding which enemy to attack as a Stalker would; rather you must pick that target before you get in there, and hit them quickly and aggressively before their little computer brain has time to react.

    Smoke Grenade, however, alleviates this by lowering the enemies PERCEPTION by 90, thereby giving YOU 90 more stealth, putting your total stealth, with Mind Link, at 130 ft, which is more than enough for your run of the mill encounters.

    Smoke Grenade makes it easier to land the critical by ensuring that nothing is going to knock you out of your hidden status before you manage to attack, but it is not necessary that you have it in order to land the Critical, you only need Mask Presence.

    There are other methods of getting stealth that do not require Smoke Grenade, however. Super Speed gives another 35 ft (75 total), and the 'Stealth IO' which would grant 30 ft (70 total). Considering that either of those methods will allow you to have complete invisibility from Minions, Lt's, and Bosses, many would consider it enough stealth for general encounters. Yes, Giant Monsters will see you, but how often do you go about soloing those?

    Disclaimer: My own Widow is only at level 12, and as such, this is all analysis from previous game interaction (mostly from playing AR/Dev and Stalkers) and number databases such as RedTomax.Com and Paragonwiki.com
  13. Under the myriad of Def building strategies, I don't know that I would put it past the Dev team to release a primary that benefited primarily from a resistance secondary in that it builds more damage from getting smacked in the face. Perhaps to bring emphasis to resistance and see where they are lacking or where they perform in the form of a cleverly designed powerset.

    If it has a method of siphon speeding itself, I could see this becoming the de-facto set for Granite Tankers, assuming the previous paragraph is true (and probably even if it only had Siphon Speed).

    On the other hand, the FURY mechanic does not require that you get hit with attack to generate ANGER, so, at least from a mechanical standpoint, I don't see why they wouldn't just allow you to build your damage from either a hit or miss unless they were specifically attempting to discourage the use of defense based sets in combination with it.

    THEMATICALLY of course, I'm not sure it makes sense, though if it is like Tai-Chi, perhaps it does. After all, a big part of most martial arts *is* redirecting attacks *away* from you, rather than just getting punched in the face.

    On a personal note, it seems a bit too much like ballet and not enough like Dual Pistol's break dancing to hold my interest for too long, but we'll see how it looks when it's in a more ready stage. So long as it's not 8 feet fall, has five others of itself, is glowing like a flashlight, and is pushing me all over the ********* map, I probably won't hate it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Danheg View Post
    to further describe it, the months of FREE server transfers.
    I actually went TOO Freedom, but I can see how six years of Freedom's particular brand of "fun" might cause a mass exodus (atm machine, I know) away from the place.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post

    Because pets are too stupid to click 'yes'.
    I think my Lich would click 'No' because he's a little ****.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

    Defenders also have the better defense numbers. Making them more survivable.
    I might challenge this. While Defenders can buff their defense values a wee bit higher than Corr, I think only Force Fields has a big enough number to make a very noticeable effect. Meanwhile Corrupters have access to the Epic Power Pool power called Scorpion Shield, which grants a rather large defense bonus to S/L that I could not get defenders to emulate.

    Unless you meant debuffs as well, which isn't something I've fully calculated for.
  17. I'm pretty good with anything to unsuck Time Bomb at this point, so /signed.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
    But doesnt ALL toons benefit from FS? And if corrs put out more, then got FS also, then theyd still put out more. I dont understand why FS is mentioned??
    It was the quickest example that came to my head that was also the most dramatic damage enhancement I could think of.

    Listen to Frosticus though, he's smart.

    Point is that defenders biggest advantage is their buff multiplier, not their inherent.
  19. Server transfers, man. Those who knew got with the dilly and went to virtue.
  20. Warkupo

    Smoke Grenade

    As I understand it, Mask Presence lowers enemies perception, but not all of the way to the point where they can never spot you. Smoke Grenade let's you dance around within their spawn and then attack, as well as lowering their to-hit by a varied amount.

    Mind Presence and the Hidden Status is all that you NEED to land a critical, but the added perception from Smoke Grenade can allow you to do this much easier.

    Smoke Grenade, with a 57.52% enhancement will lower the enemies' To-Hit by about 6%, which is the equivalent of having 6% defense for you and your team against all enemies effected by it.

    For further team defense building I might recommend Maneuvers, Maneuvers again, Smoke Grenade, Darkest Night (Epic) and occasionally Mind Link. Minus Mind Link, the combo has the potential to give your team about 30% defense to everything. With Mind Link they will not get hit at all.
  21. Somewhat off topic, but long ago before all the jet packs and ninja run, I remember being in King's Row and jumping on the small window ledges so I could scale a building, hoping that there were CoT on top so that I could complete THAT MISSION.

    And anyone who has done what I have done knows what mission THAT MISSION is.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I wouldn't be shocked at all. If someone gives you a car without any gas in it, it won't be going anywhere until you get some gas... but the fact remains that they still gave you a free car.
    Except that in this case you aren't getting a free car until you pay for gas. Meaning that, while they may have SAID "Free car" they really meant "14.95 a month."

    I don't really beleive analogies made this any easier to relate...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Exactly as acceptable as it is for you to rip open that other cereal box without paying for it.

    EDIT: Also, updates happen before you log in, so you can technically get the free update without the subscription.
    You are so willfully ignoring the point that it hurts. We can pretend your paying for the box, the point remains, unless you pay for it, you aren't getting what is inside it.

    But I digress, go cancel your subscription and try logging in. You might be quite amazed to find that all your "free" content is suddenly barred from your use. More than this, you would then be quite shocked to discover that, upon reactivating your subscription, your free content is suddenly restored! It is almost as though the two are connected in some unfathomable way.
  24. Do keep in mind that in Dark Melee's case, you can skimp a bit of defense. 43% is probably entirely fine.

    You totally don't need Aid Self.

    Also, YES WE CAN.