Smoke Grenade




Up until a week ago I had been gone from the game for quite a while, but prior to me stopping I recall them mentioning something about making Smoke Grenade auto-hit or something to that effect. Has the power been changed at all or does it require a to-hit check like its Blaster equivalent?

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
Up until a week ago I had been gone from the game for quite a while, but prior to me stopping I recall them mentioning something about making Smoke Grenade auto-hit or something to that effect. Has the power been changed at all or does it require a to-hit check like its Blaster equivalent?
They work the same way. As I recall, the -perception is autohit. The -tohit has an accuracy check.

In other words, if you hit a group you know they are all blind. They might not all have a harder time to hit you though. Edit: (Like, once they do see you.)

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



The blindness (-perception) is what effects whether or not you land a critical hit though correct?

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
The blindness (-perception) is what effects whether or not you land a critical hit though correct?
Smoke grenade has no bearing on critical hits. Only mask presence and the hidden status from placate will grant a crit for a widow.



As I understand it, Mask Presence lowers enemies perception, but not all of the way to the point where they can never spot you. Smoke Grenade let's you dance around within their spawn and then attack, as well as lowering their to-hit by a varied amount.

Mind Presence and the Hidden Status is all that you NEED to land a critical, but the added perception from Smoke Grenade can allow you to do this much easier.

Smoke Grenade, with a 57.52% enhancement will lower the enemies' To-Hit by about 6%, which is the equivalent of having 6% defense for you and your team against all enemies effected by it.

For further team defense building I might recommend Maneuvers, Maneuvers again, Smoke Grenade, Darkest Night (Epic) and occasionally Mind Link. Minus Mind Link, the combo has the potential to give your team about 30% defense to everything. With Mind Link they will not get hit at all.



Originally Posted by Person34 View Post
Smoke grenade has no bearing on critical hits. Only mask presence and the hidden status from placate will grant a crit for a widow.
I always thought that Night Widow's got a chance for a crit when enemies couldn't see them which would be what the -perception part is for in Smoke Grenade?

If I'm wrong, then my mistake, but I always thought that's how it worked. For example, hit group with Smoke Grenade, even out of hidden status by MP, any +Stealth power would combine with the -perception to grant the "hidden" effect.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
I always thought that Night Widow's got a chance for a crit when enemies couldn't see them which would be what the -perception part is for in Smoke Grenade?

If I'm wrong, then my mistake, but I always thought that's how it worked. For example, hit group with Smoke Grenade, even out of hidden status by MP, any +Stealth power would combine with the -perception to grant the "hidden" effect.
Mayhap I didn't explain it clearly or you missed my post but I'll try again;

'Stealth' or 'Negative Perception' allows you to get closer to the enemy to attack. The more stealth you have, the closer you can get before the enemy attacks you. How close?

* Minion, pet, Mastermind henchmen (all tiers): 45
* Lieutenant: 50
* Boss, Elite Boss, Archvillain/Hero: 54
* Turret, Giant Monster: 100
* Sniper: 149
* Player: 500

Mask Presence and being in the 'Hidden' Status is all you NEED to land a critical, but Mask Presence only has a stealth radius of 40 feet. This means that you do not have the luxury to stand in the middle of the group deciding which enemy to attack as a Stalker would; rather you must pick that target before you get in there, and hit them quickly and aggressively before their little computer brain has time to react.

Smoke Grenade, however, alleviates this by lowering the enemies PERCEPTION by 90, thereby giving YOU 90 more stealth, putting your total stealth, with Mind Link, at 130 ft, which is more than enough for your run of the mill encounters.

Smoke Grenade makes it easier to land the critical by ensuring that nothing is going to knock you out of your hidden status before you manage to attack, but it is not necessary that you have it in order to land the Critical, you only need Mask Presence.

There are other methods of getting stealth that do not require Smoke Grenade, however. Super Speed gives another 35 ft (75 total), and the 'Stealth IO' which would grant 30 ft (70 total). Considering that either of those methods will allow you to have complete invisibility from Minions, Lt's, and Bosses, many would consider it enough stealth for general encounters. Yes, Giant Monsters will see you, but how often do you go about soloing those?

Disclaimer: My own Widow is only at level 12, and as such, this is all analysis from previous game interaction (mostly from playing AR/Dev and Stalkers) and number databases such as RedTomax.Com and



I am not asking for an explanation of how the power works, I know how it works. I'm not worried about getting knocked out of my 'hidden' status because my Night Widow is completely hidden due to a +stealth IO stacked with MP. I understand the mechanics of the power and have plenty of experience playing with Stalkers, Night Widows, Energy/Devices, etc. Thank you for your input, but an explanation isn't needed.

I just thought that Smoke Grenade at one point was changed, but obviously I was mistaken.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
I am not asking for an explanation of how the power works, I know how it works. I'm not worried about getting knocked out of my 'hidden' status because my Night Widow is completely hidden due to a +stealth IO stacked with MP. I understand the mechanics of the power and have plenty of experience playing with Stalkers, Night Widows, Energy/Devices, etc. Thank you for your input, but an explanation isn't needed.

I just thought that Smoke Grenade at one point was changed, but obviously I was mistaken.
Ah, my apologies then.

Well, maybe it'll help someone else, at any rate.



No need for an apology, you were just being helpful and that is always a good thing.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)