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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

    All the data in the world, skewed or not, isn't going to change the fact that I've never heard of them before today
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Look at it this way:

    City of Heroes is being featured on page one of one of the biggest gaming media sites in existence on the day of their major relaunch. The amount of hits and visibility we get out of being on Gametrailers is *huge*.

    In other words, Marketing/PR did good.

    P.S. We'll have it on YouTube in a week or so to give Gametrailers exclusivity for awhile.
    ........never heard of it before

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Maybe it's just time to pack it in...

    That's the least subtle way you've suggested I quit the game for good
  4. Doubt I'll be joining you; the summer thing starts today and the badger needs to get it in while he can.

    As for starting a new run, I don't have anything new I want to start/make. I made a dark/something blaster when it first came out but never did anything with it. Also sitting on 30 scrapper that I haven't done much with. Just nothing drawing me in to new stuff for awhile now. There is some new stuff on Beta that I'm interested in, but I doubt those will show up Live until near the end of July?

    TL;DR -> Don't count me in for now (you're welcome?)
  5. VoodooCompany

    Taken 2 trailer

    Horrible title. I think they should have rebooted the "franchise" and made this one a buddy cop type comedy.

    Probably with Rob Schneider.

    "Taken Too"

    Rob's character swindles Neeson's character on a property deal. Neeson then has to go around killing everyone he meets.


    This is the beginning of a lot sequels were Neeson goes around killing everyone he meets. The reasons don't really matter, as long as all the action is cool, right?

    Taken to : Miami
    Taken to : Russia
    Taken to : Moon Base Bravo (this is where the franchise jumps the shark, of course)
  6. Thanks for insights. Still doesn't sound like it's worth actually buying them.

    My main problem with them is it feels like you have to +5 every....single.....slot to make it worthwhile. Granted I can see a benefit in that in many regards, but how many slots at 50? Then x5 boosters. Then xCharacters. Just the idea puts me off the idea; yes I know that certainly isn't necessary, but it's in the back of my mind I'm sure that was the intent to intice people to buy them, but it just puts me off the idea of them as a whole.

    I might play with the ones I have with a respec that's needed on a Troller of mine just to use them or a Scrapper that's in need of a respec anyway to make the 30s more tolerable.
  7. Overall thoughts on boosters, people? I have a few but haven't used any yet.

    More bang for the buck to +5 lower lvl IOs? +1 or 2 high level IOs? Worth getting lots and lots and lots?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    More the merrier. Just remember to put Voodoo on ignore.
    If he hasn't by now, he can't really call Victory home
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
    Any chance the Isolators would take one more for the next run?

    Oh, yeah... I mean me.
    They could use more.

    Only prerequisite is being able to put up with Shamster. Lately, most only seem to be able to do that for an hour with a few more going 2. Even he gives up on himself between 2 - 2.5 hours.

    Its grueling :S
  10. Also, may or may not be on this Wednesday myself. Dude needs a serious respec and I cannot wrap my head around anything decent and get what I want out of it.

    Oh and Shamster pulled a major Flux and grinded the last few levels off his on his own.....ya know, instead of teaming with his beloved creation. Now Mental will be compelled to do the same. And the entire fragile foundation comes tumbling down.

    Until the next time.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Good thing I searched instead of posting Just saw this this past weekend; didn't realize it'd been out that long.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Blame Voodoo. We had six for the run last night, and we finished off Voo's GW arc.
    Not so sure about this. You took it upon yourself to start the team, inviting people, and then purposefully choosing a mission that was -4 to everyone and wound up being buggy on top of that.

    I cleanse my hands of your doing.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Patient V, come and explain what you told me!
    *drinks heavily so his stammering makes more sense*

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    I highly recommend being inebriated when watching it. I saw it when I was a kid and even thought it was dumb then.
    Not a problem!

    Though I question your parents' lax attitude regarding underage drinking
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I'd rate the first movie about as memorable as

    I must remember to look for this on Netflix......
  16. Toss me in the maybe / fill out role if you like as I can't really commit; I'm not always around for the Hami raids as it is.

    But I can bring a rad troller, Cold defender, Traps Corr, or a Bane (he's got some decent debuffs too!) but none have Hybrid unlocked and none have any really useful Lore pets. I can't see having enough play time to unlock/slot Hybrid as it is, so I'm pretty sure the Lore pet situation wouldn't change either.

    If you'd *rather* have the super powered awesomeness of my Scrapper I badge with, I could very well do that too since he has the necessary accesseries.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    First run: someone used quills.
    Second run, GL disconnected and couldn't get back in. Successful run.
    Third run: someone once again used quills.
    Not entirely sure someone used quills on the 3rd run; someone made a gaspy comment but it was right after MP got murderized at the start of the fight. The Wells remained at 6 during that time. I don't know. And after someone mentioned that a Quill had been used, GL quit? Or got DC'd again. Trust me when I say I know a thing or two about sheer frustration with setting up badge runs and things going haywire.

    That 3rd run wasn't going to go off successfully without some quills IMO and was surprised we got away with the regular Hard Way badge. We had a lot of switching and lost a lot "useful" Lore pets IMO; I know I came back with a debuffer but she only had Seers and I saw a few other sets of Seers out there as well. Maybe it could have been done, but it didn't seem like it.

    As for the first run, I can't imagine someone intentionally did it, but who knows. If I was trying to set this up, I can certainly see it being intentional and more than one person doing it right off the bat But that's my paranoia......
  18. VoodooCompany

    Forum Cleanup?

    I didn't make any of them. Delete em all!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
    Retro Sci Fi is here, and costume slots are still on sale (although at 25% off instead of last week's 35% off).

    The Beam Rifle power set is also on sale, how's everyone's experience with it? I may just pick it up.
    Really enjoyed beam paired with traps on my Corruptor. With another beamer, it's just silly. But even solo, I still have a blast and don't feel "weak" or feel like I'm slogging through stuff.

    Personally didn't like the other options for pairing with beam with the various AT flavors; devices was the closest other concept I thought of rolling, but I get more usefulness with the debuff options. That, and I saw Shamster remind me why I don't like Devices that much anyway and his numerous deaths didn't help it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    I dunno, Robocop sure is kickass enough, but isn't he a bit monotone and.. stiff? Whereas Jackson is usually super expressive and animated. Not sure if Robocop would be a great match for him..
    Ok....how about Deathlok then?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Ageless was REALLY helpful on the run we did. I know that all the rads were using EM Pulse and Ageless really rocked at that point. Also got the debuffs up faster
    Which is why I enjoy it on this particular scrapper....but every time I mention it for League stuff, the peanut gallery chimes in and would prefer their precious healz.

    I'd rather spend salvage on different Lore pets that are more useful than my Vicky who seems to get murdered in this thing anyway than on an another Destiny IMO.
  22. grats and stuff.

    I guess

  23. I'd like in with my Scrapper (only one with Hybrid slotted). Has Assault.

    Inspirations won't be a problem. I should be able to get either Longbow or Cimmies but not sure if I would have enough left for Rebirth (Currently have ageless and Clarion).

    (Man really wish I could breakdown crafted powers....I don't really care for 2 of the 3 Judgements I have )

  24. VoodooCompany


    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Flux: crushing dreams since January 2005.

    Oh, I'm sure if you ask his/her parents, it has been much longer than that.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    For the 6/9 Hami Raid there will be no theme. People do not seem to be dressing up in them anymore

    As for the strategy, I personally liked the faster raids, but not everyone does. For those who were there... who prefers a fast raid (or 2) versus 1 traditional raid?
    That's racist

    Or something.

    I wasn't there