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  1. Quote:
    I still maintain the point however: if the devs were morons, slackers or idiots, the entire game would be terrible, not just one corner of it
    Doesn't follow. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
  2. Quote:
    Ok - apologies to all I may have offended then. But that section I've bolded there... is the AE really dying, being abused, ignored, etc.?
    Yes, and your post is nothing but a bad impersonation of Baghdad Bob. Wrong Number, Eva and PW have already spelled this out very clearly. If you don't get it at this point, it's because you don't want to get it.

    Edit: The "FTP cousin" is miles away from terrible.
  3. Which parallel universes would be interesting?

  4. That's Aragorn. If "Aragon" is on the list I'm not sure why.
  5. Quote:
    The didn't 'mess with it' for no reason.
    That just kicks the question up a level. The name filter wasn't broken so it didn't need to be "fixed". This game hasn't had a "clone character" problem in ages. Or really, ever. Even at its worst, back near launch, there weren't that many and they got dimed out by other players quickly.
  6. Quote:
    Bugs can be like that. They've told us this is a bug and they are working on it. Breathe.
    I don't give a damn.

    My oldest friend once told me a story about another mutual old friend, let's call him "Fred". Fred had a habit of tinkering with his car, screwing it up, and then getting my friend and another guy, "Barney", to fix it. One day, on the nth iteration, Barney asked Fred "what was wrong with the car in the first place?", to which Fred replied "nothing". Barney finally lost his patience and screamed "THEN WHAT DID YOU MESS WITH IT FOR?!?!?".

    He didn't say "mess".

    So, WHAT DID THEY MESS WITH IT FOR? I don't remember hearing anything about this on Test, to the best of my knowledge it never appeared in any patch note on Test or Live, we just logged in one day and found our stories mangled. Someone, somewhere, screwed the pooch and until it gets fixed the developers deserve nothing but derision. And "gets fixed" does not just mean repairing the damage but also correcting whatever flaw in their management process that allowed a disaster like this to sail through QA and Test without so much as documentation, never mind pre-emption.
  7. Quote:
    I don't think you can really get *away* from "Strength based on plot need" in a superhero universe, though.
    Yes, you can: you just do it. You set the rules and then you play by them.

    Of course, that requires that you be the one running the show. The best a fanfic author can do is decide for himself which characters are stronger than which and then keep that assessment consistent within his own works.
  8. Based on the books and comics, sadly I'd have to steal a bit from JMS and say the signature characters have the Strength of Plot. They're facing off against Recluse and his Dragons one issue and having their hands full with Hellions, Banished Pantheon or Circle of Thorns in others.
  9. A recent comment:

    Rivals offical arcs. 5 stars, easy. Soloed with an incomplete 49 Stalker w/Inspirations. Would be a great arc for teams!
    As it happens, this and "Psychophage" are the only of my arcs that aren't plagued by the recent name-filter stupidity.
  10. Quote:
    And to the person who asked why having all our old badges in this new game would matter? Because it mattered enough for me to spend the hours earning them.
    I suggest you get used to the idea now that everything you "earned" in this game is going to go away for good some day.
  11. Quote:
    You wouldn't want to get paid to do what you'd do for free?
    No, because the moment you have to do something whether or not you feel up to it the activity ceases to be fun and becomes work.
  12. Moderation should only be applied to correct genuine disruption. Aside from obvious cases (spammers, somone making personal attacks, etc.) this should only mean when people are actually complaining. Otherwise the best thing to do with an off-topic discussion is to let it peter out on its own, which it will soon enough.
  13. Quote:
    Account-wide badge good, trying to bring Freedom to it's knees on May 27th, bad.
    Yeah, I didn't have time to post about it, but when I read that I thought "Of course! What could possibly go wrong!"....
  14. For additional silliness, about the only one of my arcs that was not affected was "Psychophage"...which is loaded with Gargoyles references.

  15. Venture

    New zone?!

    If you just sit back and let two foes duke it out, hoping that the victor will be so beat up that you'll easily beat them, history is well stacked against you. Battles rarely go that way and the victor's forces are likely to now be seasoned veterans that are tougher to take down.
    I'd love to see a cite for that, since I can't think of a single one myself and it never works that way in games.
  16. Quote:
    They are different even if they share some physical aspects. Numina is an astral projection and GW is a ghost. Numina apparently gets to keep her old personality while GW is mostly stuck with the feelings she had at the time of her death.
    We only have Ghost Widow's word for that. She may be in extreme denial about her situation. Or maybe her writer just liked Kai on Lexx.
  17. I'm with TDH, I'm not even touching my arcs until there's some official word that the latest craniorectal inversion has been fixed. I'm just out of energy for this.
  18. Right, they were looking over the Champions IP for an idea for their next big update and just decided the goatee universe was the best prospect with no consideration as to what was happening in their own market.

    And the check is in the mail. (That's really a dead line, isn't it. I haven't mailed a check in years....)

    In Cryptic's defense, it is entirely possible and maybe even probable that The Suits handed down an order to jump on the bandwagon. That's about the only thing that could possibly exonerate them here.
  19. Venture

    New zone?!

    The biggest problem with many of the arguments about "the bad guys" is simply this: Nobody ever sets out to be evil.
    Entirely too many people do set out to be evil. There are sick, twisted, just plain evil psychos out there who will cut you just to watch you bleed.

    Even the most heinous dictators in history had an argument (however warped) that they had to take some damnably tough decisions for the greater good.
    ahahahaa no. To mangle a line from Galactica, it's entirely possible that Lenin might have believed in the dream of a perfect society, but Stalin only believed in the dream of Josef Stalin. He didn't seize power for anyone's "greater good" but his own. Right now, today, there are any number of petty tyrants in third-world countries only interested in themselves.

    As for Tyrant, his motivations aren't clear from the material. If Word of God says he started with good intentions then that's that, but I'd have to argue the material doesn't convincingly portray that. (The material actually suggests that Praetorian society was corrupt long before the Tyrant-Hamidon hoedown.)
  20. Quote:
    That's one of the worst positions possible. If I make a TV show that's a pretty blatant ripoff of, say, Mage: the Awakening, and later White Wolf makes a TV show based on WoD, including Mage, that doesn't mean they're ripping me off.
    It's also a pretty common one: Follow the Leader.

    In your example, the second TV show isn't ripping off the earlier one in the purely technical sense that they are not plagiarizing, but they are attempting to capitalize on the success of the earlier product.

    When the first Battlestar Galactica came out everyone and his dog immediately pegged it as ripping off Star Wars. This despite the fact that Star Wars was not exactly the most original thing to come down the pike, and the fact that Larson had actually pitched the idea back in 1968. The respective studios even sued each other over it (the cases were dismissed, AFAIK). Nevertheless the only reason Galactica was made was to capitalize on the success of Star Wars, so while there may not have been any actionable "ripping off" going on, ABC and Universal didn't exactly have clean hands either.

    City has been guilty of this too. Issue 9 gave us a villain who plotted to steal everyone's superpowers, who gave a badge entitled "Save the World" when thwarted, and parked a familiar-looking young lady outside the Steel Canyon university. Issue 12 gave us Cimerora, with a familiar-sounding name that certainly had nothing to do with a recently-launched competitor. Mission goals to defeat 300 ancient warriors and certain lines of dialog of course bore no resemblance to any movies released about that time, either. And then there's Going Rogue itself.

    As others have pointed out the whole goatee universe thing (and please, let's call it that, despite both companies and their respective kneepad brigades trying to claim otherwise) is trite in any case. To me that just makes the offense worse. Couldn't they have found something more valuable to steal?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    Well it sort of does.

    Kinda like saying Lord of the Rings, rips off World of Warcraft.

    Or that Warhammer rips off Warcraft.
    It matters in the same sense that "Microsoft and Apple ripped off Xerox PARC" matters, i.e., it is factually true but useless. I ran a game shop back in the 80s. I sold (and bought for myself) Warhammer products looooooong before they were cool. I knew Blizzard was biting off of Warhammer (and by extension LoTR) as soon as I saw Orcs and Humans. Blizzard got there first as far as this market is concerned.
  22. Yeah, I gave them an earful about that with predictable results. One of the devs claimed they didn't know about GR (right, and Elvis will posting right after me); the kneepad brigade was quick to mention that Multifaria (et al) was in the tabletop game before City, like that matters.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    I'm not a big fan of steampunk. But this:

    A close second! How can we push harder for this?
    Check out the video for the competition's "Rainbow Flight" powers.
  24. Quote:
    But that's kind of why idealist Loyalists leave for Primal Earth, I believe - they realise they're supporting Cole when they shouldn't, so they stop supporting him.
    As far as I can tell, Loyalists (particularly Power ones) leave for Primal because they've run out of script.
  25. Oh gods, the pains are coming back.

    You either haven't done Washington's and Kang's arcs or you are choosing to ignore the vast majority of the dialog with them.
    I have done their missions and I did read the dialog and both men are rotten to the core. So are almost all the other Contacts in Praetoria. The Warden ones are slightly better, but they're no heroes. At best they're deep in denial about their involvement with terrorists.

    Both men obviously care very much about the safety of the people of Praetoria.
    No, they don't. Washington is a thug with a badge. This is made clear repeatedly in his arc as he is always described as behaving like a vicious animal. Kang may say he is protecting the people of Praetoria and he might even believe it -- putting us back at that river in Egypt -- but he's just propping up a fascist state. The man throws his own daughter to the wolves.

    Kang's moral choice mission at the end of Praetoria is proof positive the man has a conscience and is not evil just because he's a Loyalist.
    That's supposed to be the point where he realizes the true nature of what he's doing and turns to the path of righteousness yadda yadda yadda. It's hollow and hamhanded. The only way anyone working in the law enforcement arm of a police state can be unaware of the atrocities such states commit on a daily basis is by being willfully blind to them.

    You seem hung up on the notion that Loyalist means "loyal to Cole" when if you would pay attention to the Responsibility Arc you would see that what it really means is "loyal to Praetoria and its people."
    There is no difference. Anyone working in the apparatus of the State is working to keep Tyrant in power, regardless of what they've snowed themselves into believing. Anyone who thinks they're "working within the system" to effect positive change in Praetoria is so deep in denial they can have tea and scones with Stanley and Livingstone.

    That makes things a little more complicated than you obviously would like to believe.
    No, not really. The only thing GG is wrong about is her blind insistence that the Wardens are "the good guys". Not everyone working for the Loyalists is a complete monster who deserves to be shoved against a wall when the revolution comes, but none of them are anywhere even close to being good people.