19 -
Went to change my aura and, sadly, there's no preview of it while in Icon. Not only the aura I have but I don't get to see how the aura I want looks either...
I'm still in love with my troller Invisible Lad - so simple but really effective.
Others I was chuffed with include
B-Bop, and
Pesky Insect
and of course Velvet Glove -
Pity they don't have a way of warning you while you're in the architect working on your mish (crosses fingers and hopes for autosave).
Ah - just tried the link from the CoH site to the PlayNC site and there's a message that it is down for maintenance.
Ah well - I'll have no doubt gone off the idea of the magic booster by the time it gets back up - sigh -
Same here - the link "https://secure.plaync.com/cgi-bin/Store.pl?language=en-gb" just isn't working for me at all.
This link hasn't been changed when they did their maintenance the other day has it? -
What on earth is going on tonight - I'm not falling off and crashing (as I have been recently - yes I've bugged it) - logging into missions tonight is ridiculously slow and its not just me - the whole team tends to arrive in mish up to five mins after clicking the door.
Anyone know if there's anything I can do about this? -
I'd be up for this idea - a sense of team identity might help keep PuGs together for a bit longer than the 'two mishes then dissolve' that seems to happen a lot.
Thanks for the advice - will memory-stick it and let you know -(unbelieveably she's still downloading it so I think there must be something wrong somewhere in spite of the patch-fest)
Thanks for the response (she's tearing her hair out 'cos I got her hooked and she can't wait the 58hrs the updater is telling her)
I'm sure the answer is one of those 'piece of string' answers but my friend played the game at mine at the weekend and went home to try the two week free trial.
She's been downloading since last night at 7 p.m. - is this right? She has good broadband and isn't using any other web based programmes.
Cheers -
I've been doing this move too (especially if my positioning means that my camera view suddenly gives me nothing but the groin of the foe in front of me). However today I was in a PuG and when someone died and accused me of not taunting I explained that I'd been frantically doing so via them.
They thought this was really funny and informed me that this is not as effective as 'proper' taunting. Is this true guys? -
Cool - thanks guys. Up until now I've only really felt the lack of it when someone's getting aggro that I can't get to easily (squids versus cabal springs to mind) but, as you pointed out, I AM a tank and it is my role to get them (to at least try) to hit me. Taunt it is then.
Thanks again for the prompt replies - have a good one. -
I'm sure this question has been asked elsewhere but this post seemed to be a good place to bring it up. I have just hit 18 with my ice/ice and so far haven't taken taunt. CE (max taunted), Icicles (same) and the consumption power (1 taunt in it) seem to do the trick but i wondered - will I be pushing my luck if I don't get it soon? Do I even need it? The aggro tends to stick to me like glue and if it doesn't i simply crowd-hop to get it back.
Ideas/suggestions please guys -
Thanks for the info guys - I'll be on tonight as Invis from about 7 GMT if you wanna team for it
I did one the other night but I didn't know what I was doing really - do you get something for doing more than one? (PvP newb)
I have no idea if this is relevant or not but my main is an empath and played pvp for the first time the other night in Warburg with a mate who is a grav empath troller (his first time at pvp too). We didn't know what to expect so there was a certain amount of nervous over-buffing but the first villain we met was a real sweetie and offered us a one on one match out in the sea (I died immediately) so we could see how it worked.
Mid battle a corrupter decided to flame us (literally - lots of fire effects) and attacked, calling us noobs and taking the mickey. So we killed him.
Five times.
He kept coming back and attacking us and each time of course he was facing two overbuffed/nervous empaths (the adrenalin rush in pvp by the way is amazing!). He didn't want to admit (I suspect) that he'd been mashed by us and his shouts of noob (each of the 5 times) were like a red rag to a bull with a big green aura.
Best fun and most grief I've had playing the game. -
"I don't like a man with *too* many toggles"
Brilliant -
Thanks for the invite last night Wyr - it was good fun although I couldn't find many people who needed healing (yes I know it was wrong to try and push that guy off Julius' bridge).
See you next week -
Loads - it's reached the point where I got into the bank mish the other night seconds after everyone else had left it. I've been told it's a RAM thing (I've only got 512mb and a page file) but it does seem to be getting worse and quite selectively - up to five mins to get into Talos or Fault on a regular basis but 30secs to Kings.