Paragon Paramedics Service
I have an Empath I rarely use these days. She is at about level 17 or 18 if I recall.
She is already in an SG so would not be looking to join another but I would probably be up for helping out in some of the earlier zones like Hollows, Skyway, Perez etc. I would probably be ok in Talos or IP as well if I am cautious.
I was never in the "taxis" but I have been known to hang around Hollows gates with my D3 offering TP back for those on far side of the Gulch. I also offer a res if they had a really bad trip down the rabbit hole.
It's amazing how much of a good feeling this sort of thing can give ya.
That would be great anyway! And that's the sort of thing I'm trying to do - since although I've not exactly got a hugely high level character, I do remember how tough it was a lower levels sometimes - and the times when someone did step in to give me a hand I was SO grateful.
I'm hoping to maybe get a wee patrol going tonight? Maybe in and around the Hollows? Just to get a feel for things, and see how wrong my idea can go?
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Dude, rather than make the thread a one to one here I have just sent you a private message to clarify details.
If anyone is interested in the Paragon Paramedic Service, I'm going to attempt a bit of a trial run tonight in the Hollows.
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Sorry - should have said what time too! Looking at around 8pm in the Hollows.
Send me a tell @Wyrlock if you fancy joining us
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
That's the first patrol of the PPS done!
Many thanks to Harlequin Healer for guiding me on my first 'helpful' patrol through the Hollows, I think we helped quite a few people!
And thanks to everyone who joined the SG after I spent ages running round zones and broadcasting at random!
Our next patrol is set for Thursday 5th April (2007), starting at 8pm and ending around 9pmish - I'm thinking we'll do the Hollows again, but if anyone wants to suggest elsewhere, then please do!
Thanks again!
Oh! And anyone still interested in joining, feel free to give me a tell @Wyrlock - we're after anyone with healing and/or teleporting powers to go round the low(ish) level zones!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
No problems mate. It was good getting Harelequin Healer out of mothballs so to speak as I have been focusing on my main toon lately. (Trying to cure my altitis )
Who knows, maybe I will try and level her a bit further before 5th April so she has a few more buffs available.
If I don't run into you in game before then, I will see you (and everyone else who joined the SG) on 5th April.
Ok..I'm hoping I can con a few more people into joining us before Thursday but so far we're not doing badly. At the moment, I'm just trying to get some empaths and teleporters together - but we're willing to invite heroes with even just the medicine pool powers as well - as long as you can help someone then you can help us!!
As I said earlier, next patrol is on Thursday - what zone do people think we should do? I was thinking either the Hollows or Steel Canyon (gotta love that Tsoo Death road up to Icon... ).
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Hey all - just to say I spent a constructive twenty minutes this morning starting a blog about the Paramedic Service! I thought I'd try and chronicle our exploits a teensy bit.
You can find it at: Paragon Paramedic Service Blog
I'll apologise now for the awful grammar and spelling - neither are my strong points!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
empaths are not the only defenders able to do this. my kin regulary spins round the hollows offering help but very few people take me up on the offer
Well we're always looking for more people to help us out!
Gimme a tell on @Wyrlock and we can invite you to the SG, or you can just help us out on one of our patrols?
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Just a wee reminder to everyone - The Service is patrolling the Hollows tonight from 8pm, it should only last an hour or so once the initial novelty wears off for everyone else!
I'll be there with Wyrlock, at the Atlas Gate at 8pm.
Hope to see you there!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
It's been a rough week for me and me heads in the shed a bit. So much so that I logged on LAST NIGHT as Harlequin Healer for this patrol by mistake. Don't worry tho I will still be there tonight in Hollows.
Incidentally, I dunno if its a knock on effect from our patrol last week, from Wyrlock's recruiting efforts, or if folks are just full of the joys of spring but....
there were around a half dozen or so folks in the Hollows last night all giving random buffs and heals to those in trouble. It was really good to see.
(If your reading this Atmospheric Fusion, great work!)
Word must be getting around?
Hope your week perks up Lady! See you tonight!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
A big thankyou to Shadow Scout and Velvet Glove for their help on the patrol - without which it wouldn't have happened!
Just in case you guys didn't get my in-game email - I don't have any screenies! I was pressing the wrong key each time!! I'm so ashamed....take some screenies of your toons for me? Please?
Anyway - the Service will be patrolling next Thursday (that's the 12th April I believe) at around 7.30pm this time.
As ever, anyone curious about us just send a tell to @Wyrlock, and I'll be happy to answer your queries!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Thanks for the invite last night Wyr - it was good fun although I couldn't find many people who needed healing (yes I know it was wrong to try and push that guy off Julius' bridge).
See you next week
Just thought I'd say thanks to those who joined the SG last night - hope we see you on the patrol on Thursday!
It starts at 7.30pm in the Hollows, and we'll just see how things are from there.
Anyone any thoughts on patrolling through Siren's Call? What do we think? Worth a try? Suicidal?
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Ok, so our patrol was bit quiet last night - I would have stayed on for longer had I had the time but it's just one of those things.
I'm noticing that we don't get as big a response as we did when we started this a few weeks ago - any ideas on what we could do? Apart from purposely pushing heroes into mobs and/or off high buildings, we may be struggling for work! Any ideas?
I'd like to keep up the regular patrols, but I'm thinking we might need to get some more going - any volunteers?
And seriously guys, what about Siren's Call? I really think it might work - it's an untapped market or resource or whatever the saying is.
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Just a quick update - we actually have a semi-quasi-almost functioning base! Happy Days! We even have a rescusitation unit, only one mind but we still have it.
Catch you all around soon - pop into the base and take a look, I'm not the best interior decorator in the world so I'd appreciate any input!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Sorry I missed last Thursday but I have started a 2nd MMO and was giving time to getting started on that. I am now giving time to getting stopped on it as its not a patch (or even an update?) on CoH.
I should be around later this week if you h=guys are going on patrol.
Re the patrol in Sirens call. I don't have a Defender hight enough to got in there so I can't help out in that one. Regarding poor response last week I can suggest a few factrs that may have caused that.
Firstly its easter and lots of folks were maybe doing family type things in the nice weather insted of playing.
Secondly and most lkely is that I9 is o server and lts folks may be playing there making the main city a bit quiet.
Depending on numbers you might consider having duo patrols in a number of zones at each time (2 in Hollows, 2 in Perez. or whatever). This means that those in each zone are kept busier and also means that the SG as whole gets more coverage and also more exposure.
Just some thoughts
Hey hey! Sorry I missed last night's patrol! How did it go?
I was going to come up with something like, 'oh I had so much uni work on' but truth be told I've just bought a copy of Guild Wars and was giving that a go this week - the shame of it!
I'll be there next week however!
I like the idea of duo patrols, if we have enough numbers - definitely trying to get a few going on different days of the week would be cool.
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Hey all!
I've just been on trying to bump up our numbers a little bit!
Anymore thoughts on doing patrols on other nights of the week too? How is everyone set for tonight by the way?? Just meeting up at 7.30-8pm in the Hollows as usual?
Let me know if you want to lead another patrol!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Hi all!
I know I haven't been on for quite a while - my computer just did not like Issue 9 and I was getting fed arguing with my antivirus software...anyway, it seems to be working now so I shall try and get on a bit more! Hope ya'll still interested and have been getting on with the Paramedic-ing!
Hope to see some of you again soon!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
Ok! The PPS have just gone global! ish ...a 'parallel branch' of the Service has been set up on Defiant for those who prefer that server but want to carry out the good work of the Paramedic's!
Anyone already in our Union SG is free to join the Defiant-side, should they so choose.
I'm thinking of trying to get a wee patrol going tomorrow night, if people are about?
See you all soon!
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator
I came across the Paragon Taxi Service and I wondered if a similar sort of thing could be done with healers?

I'm looking to put together an SG based around heroes with healing powers to lend a hand to 'those in need'.
Perhaps organising higher level empaths to patrol zones, such as the Hollows, which can be a tad dangerous for lower level characters?
What are people's thoughts on this? Think its daft? Unworkable? Or does it sound like fun?
I'd be looking at organising some regular-ish patrols through zones, and then letting people know we're out there to heal/rez/whatever and see how it goes.
I haven't really tried anything like this before, so I may not have a clue what I'm talking about- hence this post and plea for people's views
Wyrlock Gravity/Empath Controller
Hecate's Handmaiden Forcefield/Sonic Defender
Plant Doctor Plant/Plant Dominator
Matris Excellens Psionic/Energy Dominator